单词 | 钛白粉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 钛白粉 noun —titanium dioxide ntalc nSee also:钛 n—titanium n 钛—titanium (chemistry) 白粉—chalk powder • heroin • face powder 粉 n—powder n • powders pl
最初的钛白粉是使 用硫酸法生产的锐钛型产品。 eckart.com.cn | The original process pioneered by these operations was the sulfate process, utilizing sulfuric acid, and producing anatase pigments. eckart.net |
公司当时拥有两个钛铁矿,提供硫酸法生 产 钛白粉 的 主 要原料。 eckart.com.cn | The company also provided ilmenite ore, an important feedstock for certain of the company's sulfate plants, from its two mines. eckart.net |
1939年,公司推出首款金红石型钛白粉 。 随 着时间的推移,金红石 型 钛白粉 完 全取代了原本应用于油漆、涂料与塑料中的锐钛 型 钛白粉。 eckart.com.cn | In 1939, the company began marketing the first rutile pigment and, over time, rutile pigments have completely replaced anatase in paints, coatings and plastics. eckart.net |
AS 同时开始生产钛白粉这种 当时新型的白色颜料,主要应用于油漆。 eckart.com.cn | AS, of Norway simultaneously began commercial [...] production of this new white pigment that was [...]principally used in paints. eckart.net |
时至今日,公司将近70%的钛白粉产能 都是通过氯化法生产。 eckart.com.cn | Today close to 70% of the company's TiO2 capacity is produced through the chloride process. eckart.net |
随着整个欧洲对钛白粉需求的增加,公司在德国建立了生产设备,并在法国与比利时成立了销售机构。 eckart.com.cn | As demand for TiO2 spread throughout [...] Europe, the company built manufacturing facilities in Germany and established sales [...]organizations in France and Belgium. eckart.net |
2010 年最后一个季度,Vitral [...] 涂料公司不得不让三家工厂停产,这三家工厂 的乳胶油漆和乳胶瓷漆产能为 893 800 升,价值达 2 285 800 美元,停产的原因是 墨西哥供应商 Petroplastic [...] 公司取消了 2011 年 1 月至 2 月这两个月供应涂料生产 所需的 120 吨钛白粉的供货计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the last three months of 2010, the company Pinturas Vitral had to stop production in three factories, which prevented the production of 893,800 litres of emulsion, oil and enamel paints, worth US$ 2,285,800, because of [...] the cancellation of the supply of [...] 120 tons of rutile titanium dioxide for paint production [...]for the twomonth period January-February [...]2011, by the supplier, Petroplastic of Mexico. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天,钛白粉已成 为世界上提供白色、亮度及遮盖力的主要颜料。 eckart.com.cn | Today, TiO2 is the world's primary pigment [...] for providing whiteness, brightness and [...]opacity. eckart.net |
1989年,NL把所有钛白粉业务 都整合到了其控股的子公司康诺斯国际有限公司(KRONOS Worldwide, Inc.) ,并启用了KRONOS这个专用品牌。 eckart.com.cn | In 1989, NL organized its TiO2 operations under its majority-owned subsidiary, Kronos Worldwide, Inc. and adopted the Kronos brand name exclusively. eckart.net |
1)在溶剂型涂料、塑料、色浆中,是 钛白粉 、 重 钙粉、石英粉等无机颜料的最佳润湿稳定分散剂,如ALTFONA3188等。与国际上通用的该类分散剂相比,在聚酯、聚氨酯等涂料体系中不仅具有更好的分散稳定性,且对涂膜的耐化学性、附着力等机械性能均有很好的贡献。 shglchem.com | 1£©In solvent coating,plastic,paset, [...] the best wetting stable [...] dispersing agent of titanium dioxide, heavy calcium,quartz powder inorganic pigments,such [...]as ALTFONA3188 [...]etc.Comparing with the same dispersing agent international,More dispersing srable in coating of polyester,PU and better mechanical property of chemical resistance,adhesion. shglchem.com |
专业的科研技术及管理人员,凭借雄厚的技术实力及高质量的管理方法,经过长时间的积累建设和发展,取得了行业内的优势和市场领先地位.公司以优良的品质和服务而赢得了客户的信赖, 建立质量,环境,健康安全三合一管理体系,并通过了ISO9001:2000质量体系认证 , 钛白粉 质 量 已达到全国同行先进水平,产品粒度分布均匀,具有高白度,高遮盖力,高分散等特点,广泛用于涂料,鞋材,塑料,造纸,油漆,油墨,石材,化妆品等行业,目前多个产品已出口巴西,西班牙,埃及,日本等世界各地,公司内部实行GMP管理,拥有先进的检测设备,对产品质量进行从原料到生产工艺至产品出厂及用户服务的全过程控制,使产品质量得到良好的保证。 shyuantai.cn | With professional research and technical, management personnel, strong technical strength and quality management methods, we achieved the advantage in the industry and market leading position after a long period of accumulation ,construction and development. Excellent quality and service has won the trust of customers, build quality, environmental, health and safety of three-in-one management system, and passed the ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification, titanium dioxide quality has reached the advanced level of the national counterparts, product particle size uniform distribution, high whiteness, high hiding power, high dispersion characteristics, widely used in paint, shoe materials, plastic, paper, paint, ink, stone, cosmetics and other industries. shyuantai.cn |
公司正在世界各地继续发展壮大。通过 对 钛白粉 行 业 的不断投资,目前公司在两个洲、五个国家共拥有六家生产厂和一个矿场,年生产能力已达到约450,000吨。 eckart.com.cn | The company has continued to grow and invest in its worldwide TiO2 business and currently operates six production plants and one mine at locations in five countries on two continents. eckart.net |
闵行执行团队 [...] 项长期的可持续发展计划正在帮助位于法国加来的亨 斯迈颜料工厂扭转命运,使其转变为一个世界上最强 大、最可持续的硫酸法钛白粉(TiO huntsman.com | long-term sustainability plan is helping to reverse the fortunes of the Huntsman Pigments plant in Calais, [...] France, transforming it into one of the strongest and most [...] sustainable sulfate titanium dioxide (TiO ) plants in [...]the world. huntsman.com |
以往調查顯 示,本港製造商已致力減低醬油及雞 粉 中 的氯丙醇水平,並研發新的醬油配 方,以其他配料替代加酸水解植物蛋 白。 cfs.gov.hk | Previous surveys indicated that the local manufacturers had made much effort in reducing the levels of chloropropanols [...] in sauces and [...] condiments and had reformulated their sauces by replacing acid-hydrolysed vegetable protein with other alternative ingredients. cfs.gov.hk |
使用实质量的植物蛋白粉和油 的其他物种和物种组包括遮目鱼、 鲻鱼、淡水虾、大盖巨脂鲤和淡水鳌虾。 fao.org | Other species and species groups that use substantial [...] amounts of plant protein meals and oils [...]include milkfish, mullets, freshwater prawns, [...]cachama and freshwater crayfishes. fao.org |
将以编号限量版形式发售:钛金属与 粉 红 金 材质各50枚。这一卡地亚新表款另外还有镶嵌长阶梯型切工钻石的版本。 hautehorlogerie.org | Proposed in a numbered limited [...] edition of 50 models in titanium and 50 models in pink gold, this new [...]Cartier creation also exists [...]in a version set with baguette-cut diamonds. hautehorlogerie.org |
无论您生产脱脂奶粉、全脂奶粉、乳清粉、乳清浓缩蛋白或酪 蛋 白粉 , FO SS提供的分析解决方案能让您得到恰到好处的组分。 foss.cn | Whether you are producing skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, whey powder, WPC or caseinate powder, FOSS provides analytical solutions that allow you to get the composition just right. foss.us |
此款腕表亦配备专有的橡胶表带(钛合金和玫瑰金款式采用灰色,铂金款式采用蓝色),由微型精抛光和缎面磨砂钛合金螺柱连接,在设计上模仿赛车的冷冻进气口,而微型精抛光表冠( 以 钛 合 金 、玫瑰金 或 白 金 打 造)则以机械方式制作成近似齿轮的形状,并饰上刻有爱彼标识的红色阳极氧化铝夹板。 audemarspiguet.com | The specially - designed rubber strap - grey on titanium and pink gold editions, blue on the platinum edition - is attached by microblasted, satin-brushed titanium studs which emulate a racing car’s cooling scoops, [...] while the microblasted crown [...] (made from either titanium, pink gold or white gold) is machined [...]to resemble a gear wheel and [...]adorned with a red anodised, aluminium plate carrying the Audemars Piguet logo. audemarspiguet.com |
随着鱼粉价格继续上涨,浓缩的植物蛋 白(大豆蛋白浓缩、加拿大油菜蛋白浓缩、豌豆蛋白浓缩和玉米/小麦麸皮)将在 [...] 高营养层养殖物种和甲壳类水产饲料中得到比一般植物 蛋 白粉 更 显 著的地位。 fao.org | With the continued rise in the fishmeal price, plant protein concentrates (soybean protein concentrate, canola protein concentrate, pea protein concentrate and corn/wheat gluten [...] meals) will gain increasing prominence over [...] regular plant protein meals within [...]aquafeeds for high-trophic-level cultured species and crustaceans. fao.org |
政府當局表示,荃灣屠房的管理層已根據環境保護署(下稱"環 [...] 保署")及食物環境 生署(下稱"食環署")的意見,採取額外改善措施, [...] 進一步減少發出臭味、噪音及水污染物,包括在豬欄面向海濱花園一 邊的選定空間安裝窗戶、使用漂白粉 清 洗 屠房以消減臭味,以及安裝 以腳踏操控的沖水系統清洗豬隻屠體,以減少污水量。 legco.gov.hk | 9. According to the Administration, following the advice of the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), TWSH management had taken additional improvement measures to further reduce the generation of odour, noise and water pollutants including installation of windows at selected [...] openings of lairages facing the Riviera [...] Gardens, use of bleaching powder during cleansing operation [...]at the slaughterhouse to reduce [...]odour and installation of pedal-controlled hosing system in cleaning slaughtered pig carcasses to reduce the generation of waste water. legco.gov.hk |
膨化食品是本公司的主打产品之一,采用优质的大米, 淀 粉 , 白 糖 和 进口奶粉等材料,口感香脆,味道多样。 st3d.com | Biscuit is the one of the our main products with good quality [...] rice,starch,sugar and milk powder,variety flavor [...]and crispy tasty. st3d.com |
第一是所謂“時 髦”,全世界很多地方的青少年均不知道吸食精神科藥物會造成嚴重遺害, 以為其害處沒有吸食“白粉”那 麼大;第二,現時社會的物質可能較以前豐 富。 legco.gov.hk | Young people in many places of the world do not know that abusing psychotropic drugs will cause serious harms, thinking that the harms are not as great as taking heroin. legco.gov.hk |
这一领域的典型原料包括二氧化钛、 碳 酸钙、碳黑、金属屑和云母颜料以及无机的和有机的颜料。 malvern.com.cn | Typical materials in [...] this area include titanium dioxide, calcium [...]carbonate, carbon black, metal flakes and micaceous pigments [...]as well as the inorganic and organic colored pigments. malvern.de |
上海上筛丝网制造有限公司给全球客户提供丝网一系列解决方案,从印刷网系列(涤纶单丝平织印刷网-DPP,不锈钢印刷网,尼龙单丝平织印刷网-JPP及特殊规格)、 面 粉 网 系 列(GG系列、XXX系列、蚕丝系列及特殊规格)和过滤网系列(尼龙单丝过滤筛网(JPP),尼龙双丝过滤筛网(JFP),涤纶过滤网-PET(聚酯),不锈钢过滤网,过滤袋及特殊规格)以及金属网系列(不锈钢丝网,铜网 ,钛网, 镍网,装饰网,输送带,矿筛网,电焊网,护栏网,镀锌方眼网,黑丝布,窗纱,勾花网,六角网 ,钢板网 ,冲孔网)。 shangshai.com | Ltd. provides our global customers a wide range of wire mesh solutions, ranging from Screen Printing Mesh Series(Polyester Mono PW DPP Series, Stainless Steel Printing Series, Nylon Mono PW JPP [...] Series, Special Series) [...] to Flour Milling Mesh Series (GG Series, XXX Series, Silk Series, Special Series) and Filter Mesh Series (Nylon monofilament filtration mesh (JPP), Nylon double filament mesh (JFP), Polyester Filter PET Series, Stainless Steel Filter Series, Filter Bags, Special Series) and Metal Mesh Series (Stainless Steel Wire Mesh, Brass Wire Mesh, Titanium Wire Mesh, Nickel [...]Wire Mesh, Decoration [...]Mesh, Conveyor Belt, Wedge Wire, Welded Wire Mesh, Wire Mesh Fence, Galvanized Square Wire Mesh, Black Wire Cloth, Window Screen, Chain Link Fence, Hexagonal Wire Netting, Expanded Metal, Perforated Metal). shangshai.com |
只需改变粒度大小,即可使二氧化钛 具 有真实的不透明性(最佳的粒度约 [...] 250-350纳米)或真实的透明性(30-50纳米)。 malvern.com.cn | Titanium dioxide can be made either [...] virtually opaque (optimum particle size around 250 - 350 nm) or virtually transparent [...](30 - 50 nm) dependent simply on particle size. malvern.de |
压电陶瓷粉料: [...] 压电陶瓷主要由锆钛酸铅(PZT)所组成, 在氧化锆(ZrO2)、氧化铅 (PbO)及氧化钛(TiO2)等的粉末原 料中,按一定比例适当添加微量的添加物后,由多道加工程序完成陶瓷粉料制作,再利用油压机使之压缩成各种规格形状,成型后在1350 [...]℃ 左右温度下进行烧结,所得的成品,再以电镀的方法或者不锈钢贴片法完成电极极化工作后,就是压电陶瓷晶片成品。 great-dry.com | Piezoelectric ceramic powder: piezoelectric ceramic is [...] mainly composed of lead zirconate titanate ( PZT ) comprising, in zirconia ( ZrO2 ), lead [...] oxide ( PbO ) and titanium oxide ( TiO2 ) and other powder raw materials, [...]according to a certain [...]proportion of adding trace additives, by multiple processing procedures complete ceramic powder production, recycle oil press which is compressed into a variety of shapes, after forming in 1350 degrees Celsius temperature sintering, the finished product, and then to the electroplating method or stainless steel coating method complete electrode polarization after the work is finished, the piezoelectric ceramic wafer. great-dry.com |
此外,分钟刻度缀以朴实的黑色和白 色 图 案,令人想起赛道格子旗织的设计,而经电镀处理的定时器 ( 钛 合 金 款和玫瑰金款采用黑色设计,铂金款采用蓝色设计)则搭配立体外框,创作灵感源于高性能赛车的仪表盘。 audemarspiguet.com | The minute track, meanwhile, is [...] depicted with a [...] discreet, black and white pattern evoking the design of a chequered flag and the galvanic chronograph counters (black on the titanium and pink gold editions, [...]blue on the platinum [...]edition) feature raised frames based on the dashboard instruments of a high-performance car. audemarspiguet.com |
12.15 大豆蛋白粉及混 合物(供再造用(例如用作調製大豆飲料及自家製 軟豆腐)) 大豆蛋白粉(供再 造用)可以原狀,或混合物(含凝固劑,供自家製軟豆腐)出 售。 cfs.gov.hk | Soy protein powder can be sold as is or as a mix (containing a coagulant that can be reconstituted by the consumer for preparing home-made [...] soft tofu). cfs.gov.hk |
中国奥运会安全组织者选择FirstDefender用于偶然事件的应急响应准备,在偶然事件发生时,他们所面临的情形需要对麻醉毒品、爆炸物 、 白粉 、 有 毒工业化学品(TIC)或化学战剂做出快速的鉴定。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Chinese Olympic security organizers chose FirstDefender for emergency response preparations in the rare event they faced a situation that [...] required the rapid identification of [...] narcotics, explosives, white powders, toxic industrial [...]chemicals (TICs) or chemical warfare agents. tipschina.gov.cn |
香料、佐料、湯、醬料、沙律、酵母及類似製品、豉油、發酵大 豆,以及大豆蛋白粉及其 混合物 本分類包括加入食物以增加香味及味道的物質(分類12.1—香草及香料、分 類12.2—佐料、分類12.3—醋及分類12.4—芥末)、某些預製食品(分類12.5及 12.6—湯、分類12.7至12.10及12.13—醬料及分類12.11—沙律)、酵母及其類 似品(分類12.12),以及發酵大豆(分類12.14)。 cfs.gov.hk | This is a broad category that includes substances added to food to enhance its aroma and taste (food category 12.1 – herbs and spices; food category 12.2 – condiments; food category 12.3 – vinegars; and food category 12.4 – mustards), certain prepared foods (food categories 12.5 and 12.6 – soups; food categories 12.7-12.10 and 12.13 – sauces; and food category 12.11 – salads), yeast and like products (food category 12.12) and fermented soybean products (food category 12.14 – fermented soybeans). cfs.gov.hk |