





needle rollern





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用微行抽脂手术,有效改善身段,减 少手术引致的创伤。
Syringe Liposuction System achieves body-reshaping results with minimal trauma.
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予最後生存的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继承人),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
若英语学习生的残疾对其在这方面的参与和进度没有影响,而其个别教育计划又 没有包括英语发展目标,学校仍然必须确保学生参与至少连续 30 分钟的英语发 展课程(专英语程度教授的课程),直至学生获编为英语流利生止。
If ELD goals are not included in an EL student’s IEP because the student’s disability does not affect the student’s involvement and progress in this area, then the school still must ensure that the student participates in at least 30 consecutive minutes of ELD targeted specifically to their English proficiency level until reclassified.
这反映出国际的立法趋势,已指定产品”的方式,转为以食物 类别为主导有食物类别。
This reflects an international trend of removing away from so-called ‘product-specific’ legislation to horizontal provisions aimed at all food types.
最後,他向与会者简介在会上 提交的两份指引,内容分别物业界及零售点和消费者的有关预防甲型及戊型肝 炎的食物衞生守则。
Finally, he briefed the meeting aboutthe content of the two tabled guides on practising food hygiene to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis E for food service and retail outlets and for consumers respectively.
(b) 在 HKIRC 或 HKDNR 向申请人发出电子邮件,通三方就分配的中文域名提出的反对 已作出有利於申请人的裁决之日後七(7)个公历日内。
(b) within seven (7) calendar days of the date on which HKIRC or HKDNR notifies theApplicant by email that any objection raised by a third party in respect of the allocation of the Chinese Domain Name has been determined in the Applicant's favour.
彼 等 按 照 董 事 会 所 订本 集 团 之 管 理 队 伍,并 负 责 确 保设有 适当 之内部 监控制 度及 本集 团 业务 符合 相 关法 律 及规 例。
They lead the Group’s management team in accordance with the directions set by the Board and are responsible for ensuring that proper internal control system is in place and the Group’s business conforms to applicable laws and regulations.
法语全球综合节目电视网络TV5 MONDE已超过十年与各国语言机关成为合作夥伴 如法语国家大学代办处(蒙特利尔,加拿大),法国视听媒体语言中心(维希,法国)及比利时鲁汶大学(比利时),共同发展和构思各种各样免费的法语外语学习工具,致球法语学生和老师们的需要。
French-language global television network TV5MONDE has been partnering for over 10 years with various language institutions around the world such as the Francophonie University Agency (based in Montreal, Canada), the CAVILAM (Vichy, France) and the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), to develop and make accessible free-of-charge a wide variety of tools to learn French as a Foreign Language, aimed at students and teachers of French around the world.
在推行綠化总纲图时,署方一直和发展局辖下的綠化、园境及树木管理组紧 密合作,推动全面的綠化括上游的綠化工作例如给新种植物足够的生长空 间、适当选择种植的品种、优质园境设计和种植方法等,以及下游的妥善植物管理 工作。
We have been working closely with the Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section under the Development Bureau on the implementation of the GMPs, to achieve a holistic greening approach through embracing adequate space allocation for new planting, proper selection of planting species as well as quality landscape design and planting practices in the upstream and proper vegetation management in the downstream.
凡董事作出书面法定声明,声明某股份已根据本章程细则正式被没收,并注明没收时间称对该股份拥有与没收相悖的权益的人士,该声明为其所述事实的确切凭证,而该项声明连同经 加盖印章的股份拥有权证明交付给股份买家或承配人後,即构成有效的股份所有权,股份的新持 有人须获解除对有关购买或配发之前所作出的一切催缴的责任,也没有义务确定购买款项的去 向,他对股份的所有权也不会因为与股份没收、出售,重新配发或处置程序相关或有关的任何作 为、不作为或违规情况而受到影响。
A statutory declaration in writing by a Director that a share has been duly forfeited in pursuance of these Articles and stating the time when it was forfeited shall, as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share adversely to the forfeiture thereof, be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated and such declaration together with a certificate of proprietorship of the share under the Seal delivered to a purchaser or allottee thereof shall constitute a good title to the share and the new holder thereof shall be discharged from all calls made prior to such purchase or allotment and shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money nor shall his title to the share be affected by any act, omission or irregularity relating to or connected with the proceedings in reference to the forfeiture, sale, re-allotment or disposal of the share.
(D) 吾等在本本客户协议下的抵销权可何一位或多位联名帐户持有人行使,吾等可以将应支 付予联名帐户持有人的金额、财产或收益用於抵销任何一位或多位联名帐户持有人所欠的任何负 值。
(D) Our setoff right hereunder may be exercised against any one or more of the joint Account holders such that money, property or proceeds otherwise payable to the joint Account holders may be applied by us in or towards the satisfaction of any obligations or liabilities owing to us by any one or more of the joint Account holders.
It would only be necessary for the complete Mark on the product, or the when not on the product then the smallest packaging means to come from an authorized label supplier or printed at the OEM factory location.
如果未发现符合项目,将会执行过滤 MIMe 或档案类型内容的第二条规 则求之网页上的所有内容个别检查要求的物件,并根据第二个 MIMe 内容类型规则过滤允许或拦 截物件。
If no match is found on the first rule, the second rule that filters MIME or File type content will be executed where the requested objects would be then checked individually for all content on the requested web page and would be either be allowed or blocked based on the second MIME content type rule filters.
若贵用户选择同时使用本软体及先前的产品,则用於存取本软体及先前产品的授权总數不 得超过贵用前产品所取得之授权总數,「具名使用者」得继续使用先前的产品的除外,但不得转让 或允许任何其他人员使用该先前产品。
If you choose to use the Software and the previous product simultaneously, the aggregate number of licenses used to access the Software and the previous product may not exceed the aggregate number of licenses you acquired for the previous product, except that a Named User may continue to use the previous product, but may not transfer or permit any other person to use the previous product.
本报告期18项应用指引,公司内控项目管理办公室召集各业务部门共同 [...]
确定了每项指引涉及的具体业务流程,对存在的困难和需要协调的事项进行了 深入了解。
During the
[...] reporting period, the project management [...]
office organised all business departments to jointly determine specific
businessprocessesinrelationtoeachofthe 18 Application Guidelines and developed in-depth understanding of existing difficulties and matters requiring coordination.
(b) 两 项 或 以 上 罪 行 , 而 最 少 其 中 一 项 是 受 此 项 禁 制 的 , (3) 加 诸 任 何 不 是 简 易 程 序 治 罪 罪 行 起 诉 程 序 的 任 何 法 例 禁 制,( 除 非 起 诉 是 由 刑 事 检 察 长 或 任 何 其 他 人 士 提 出 , 或 代 他 提 出 或 经 他 同 意 提 出 的 , ) 亦 适 用 於 根 据 上 文 第 1谋 触 犯 该 罪 行 的 起 诉 程 序 。
(3) Any prohibition by or under any enactment on the institution of proceedings for any offence which is not a summary offence otherwise than by, or on behalf or with the consent of, the Director of Public Prosecutions or any other person shall apply also in relation to proceedings under section 1 above for conspiracy to commit that offence.
语中级及高级人士, “看电视.学法语” (www.apprendre.tv) 贯彻电视互动节目影片模式,提供各色各样主题的影片及练习以作选择, 由国际新闻,音乐节目, 趣味烹饪以及法语能力测验基准试Test de Connaissance du Français各单元之准备练习, (TCF) 为一项专门提供非法语系国家人士的基本法语能力测验,法国大学入学申请必备之法语能力证明。
TV" (www.apprendre.tv) follows the same model with a large choice of exercises and themes, from international news to music videos to cooking recipes, as well as a module to prepare the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF), an official, internationally-recognized test of French for non-native speakers used for entry into French universities.
成员普遍支持策略草拟本所列发展香港为科技合作及贸易枢 紐的
Members generally supported the directions in developing Hong Kong as a hub for technological cooperation and trade as outlined in the draft Strategy.
目前无线充电联盟WPC是全球唯一推动无线充电技术标准化的组织,联盟成员包括不同产业如飞利浦(Philips)、三洋(Sanyo)、诺基亚(Nokia)、德州仪器等, 终极目标是希望在表面平整的介面上提供消费应用的无线充电功能,目前则主要5W以下低功率的电子设备供电,并以Qi 标志作为识别标志。
Currently, the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) is the world¡¦s only organization pushing for wireless charging technology standardization; alliance members include enterprises from a variety of industries, including Philips, Sanyo, Nokia, Texas Instruments, etc. The ultimate goal is to provide consumer applications for wireless charging functions on a smooth-surface interface, with the current target the provision of power for low-power electronic devices under 5W and using the Qi mark as the identification mark.
(d) 应 小 心 避 免 令 人 以 为 有 关 的 人 所 作 出 的 回 答,只 会 作人 的 证 供 之 用,因 为 这 样 有 可 能 会 阻 止 无 辜 者 作 出 可 能 有 助 其 洗 脱 罪 名 的 陈 述 。
(d) Care should be taken to avoid any suggestion that the person's answers can only be used in evidence against him, as this may prevent an innocent person making a statement which might help to clear him of the charge.
几个隸属发展局的政策议题被分割处理,以致一些更高层次的政策除 在市民公众审视范围以外,更影响新政策框架的整全性,及寻求优化政策可供 考虑的选项。
These  policy  agendas  lie  mostly  under  the  portfolio  of  the  Development  Bureau  but  the  segregation  arrangement  wards  some  of  the  higher  level  policy  agendas  off  from  public scrutiny on regular basis. It would also w eaken the comprehensiveness of the  new policy framework and the availability of poli cy options for consideration of the  optimization of policies.
公 司 财 务 部 门 依 据《会 计 法 》、《企 业 会 计 准 则 》、《内 部 会 计 控 制 规 范 》、《企 业 财 务 通 则 》和《会 计 基 础 工 作 规 范 》 等 法 律 法 规,制 定 了 公 司 的 会 计 制 度、财 务 管 理 制 度、会 计 工 作 操 作 流 程 和 会 计 岗 位 手 册,风 险 控 制 点 建 立 了 严 密 的 会 计 控 制 系 统,在 岗 位 分 工 基 础 上 明 确 了 各 会 计 岗 位 职 责,在 需 要 相 互 监 督 的 岗 位 没 有 由 一 人 兼 任 的 情 况 出 现。
The accounting system, financial management system, operating procedures of accounting work and accounting staff manual of the Company has been formulated by its finance department in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Accounting Law, Enterprise Accounting Standards, Internal Accounting Control Regulations, General Rules for Financial Operations of Enterprises and Regulations for Foundational Accounting Work.
采用华丽的设计与温暖丰富的色调,DOM Lounge 的特色在於簇绒垫墙面和 LED 照明吧台,宾客可在华丽的麂皮沙发和典雅的皮革沙发上或舒适的休息区内自在放松望拥有私人空间的贵宾,还提供了高墙隔间,内有 19 世纪初俄国文艺复兴风格的空灵壁画。
Opulently designed and hued in warm, rich colours, DOM Lounge features tufted cushion walls and LED lit bars where guests may retreat comfortably on glamorous suede and classy leather sofas, cozy seating areas or for VIPs seeking privacy - high-walled booths with ethereal wall murals borrowing influences from early 19th century Russian Renaissance.
在单一工作阶段,可先选择一个磁碟并设定其参数,接复原的每个磁碟分割或磁碟重 复这些作业,如此可逐个复原数个磁碟分割或磁碟。
During a single session, you can recover several partitions or discs, one by one, by selecting one disc and setting its parameters first and then repeating these actions for every partition or disc to be recovered.
2 本议定书及相关活动应遵守所有适用法律 要求,包括竞争法和法规,无论和信息交 换相关,还是和其他竞争法要求、指导践相关。
2 This protocol and related activities shall be compliant with all applicable legal requirements, including competition laws and regulations, whether related to information exchange or to other competition law requirements, guidelines, or practices.
According to research agreement reached between POP and the pan-democrats, every survey in this tracking series of political reform surveys would include two questions on people's support of the political reform proposals by the pan-democrats, one on their proposal for introducing universal suffrage to the CE election in 2012, and the other on introducing universal suffrage to Legco election in 2012.
APA(高 端 自 动 化)产 品 的 行 业 应 用 特 徵 更 加 明 显 的 发 展 趋 势,本 集 团 研 发 体 系 根 据 营 销 体 系 的 市 场 反同 行 业 的 特 点 开 发 相 应 的 解 决 方 案,以 全 面 满 足 不 同 行 业 的 应 用 特 点 对APA(高 端 自 动 化)产 品 提 出 的 差 异 性 设 计 要 求。
Heeding the more obvious development trend of APA product application industry, the Group’s R&D department developed customized solutions for different industries taking into account of the market feedbacks from the marketing department so as to satisfy different design requirements for APA products based on application features of different industries.




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