


External sources (not reviewed)

I am not sure what position Simon Ip will take”, clearly supported such an observation more strongly than Professor Li’s explanation otherwise.
原产地﹕斯里兰卡 肉桂又称玉桂,或桂皮,产地以斯里兰卡桂为着名,气味优雅细致,甜度较高。
Sri Lanka produces the finest Ceylon cinnamon in the world, and known for its refined aroma and sweet taste.
我不清楚采取甚麽立场”,李教授回应说,他不可能向莫礼时教授提出将教 [...]
院与中大合并後,让莫礼时教授执掌合并後香港的师资培训中心这样 的建议。
I am not sure what
[...] position Simon Ip will take”, Professor [...]
Li said he could not have made an offer to Professor Morris as
the leader of the centre of teacher education in Hong Kong by merging HKIEd with CUHK.
员问(译文):副主席先生,监於目前监狱已有大量非法入境者,而他们对原 本已是非常挤迫的监狱亦构成额外负担,因此除把他们监禁外,政府是否有考虑其他 具阻吓或惩罚作用的方法?
MR SIMON IP: Mr Deputy President, given the large number of illegal immigrants in prison and the added strain they are putting on our already crowded prisons, has the Government considered other means of deterrence or punishment apart from imprisonment in Hong Kong; if so, what are those means, if not, why not ?
为推动本地电影及媒体创作菁英持续发展,ifva除了以丰富的奖金鼓励得奖者外,金奖得主更可获全数资助远赴海外,观摩世界性艺术节及电影节,实现放眼海外交流,游历创作大世界!以往获ifva赞助的得奖者曾远赴法国(Annecy)国际动画节、德国奥柏荷辛(Oberhausen)国际短片节、法国克莱蒙费朗(Clermont-Ferrand)短片节、奥地利ARS [...][...]
To encourage the local creative talents to continue their creative work, Gold Award winners of our competition would receive additional sponsorship of air fare and accommodation which enables them to visit overseas film festival or art festival.
ifva has sponsored award winners to
[...] overseas festival, includingAnnecy International [...]
Animation Festival in France, International
Short Film Festival Oberhausen in Oberhausen, Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in France, ARS Electronica in Austria, etc.
德 勤 华 南 地 区 主 管 合 夥 人生 称 ︰ 「 德 勤 於 香 港 的 业 务 扩 展 迅 速 , 早 前 承 租 太 古 广 场 一 座 的 办 公 室 将 未 能 应 付 业 务 增 长 的 需 求 , 因 此 我 们 决 定 於 与 太 古 广 场 一 座 总 部 接 连 的 太 古 广 场 三 座 , 承 租 额 外 商 业 楼 面 , 用 作 内 部 服 务 部 [...][...]
门 的 办 公 室 及 设 备 完 善 的 培 训 中 心 。
We decided to acquire additional office space at Three Pacific Place due to its direct access to our main office, where a well-equipped Learning Centre and internal service departments will be located.




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