单词 | 錇 | ||||
释义 | 锫—berkelium (chemistry)
朱錇建筑事务所认为,隐私是合院其中一项最重要的元素,该公司近期在北京的建案(如上图)中,改造已有200年历史的合院,适应现代中国家庭的生活模式,同时也尊重建筑本身的历史。 thisbigcity.net | Their recent project in Beijing (pictured above) involved converting a 200 year old courtyard house into a contemporary home suitable for the lifestyle of a modern Chinese family. thisbigcity.net |
历届「亚洲最具影响力设计大奖」评审委员皆是国际知名的设计界翘楚,当中包括专注於传讯设计的Bo Linnemann先生及石汉瑞先生;对产品及工业设计有丰富经验的Qeelin创办人及创作总监陈瑞麟先生、村田智明先生及中国福特汽车公司首席设计师刘家宝女士;於建筑界举足轻重的严迅奇先生、阮庆岳先生及朱錇先生;积极推动创意产业发展,专门研究文化,教育及商业设计项目的邱丽玫女士、菲利普·多德先生、罗启妍女士及新加坡The Press Room Publishing & Design Consultancy总编辑兼创作总监锺瑞玲女士,令此设计大奖更具权威与认受性。 dfaaward.com | The Award‟s prestigious international judging panel consists of world-renowned design professionals, including communication design specialists Bo Linnemann and Henry Steiner; product and industrial design experts Dennis Chan (Founder and Creative Director of Qeelin), Murata Chiaki and Chelsia Lau (Chief Designer of Ford Motor Company"s China/ASEAN Programmes); heavy weighted architects Rocco Yim, Roan Ching-yue and Zhu Pei; Julia Chiu, Philip Dodd, Kai-yin Lo and Kelley Cheng (Editorial and Creative Director of The Press Room Publishing Consultancy from Singapore). dfaaward.com |