

单词 鉴於

External sources (not reviewed)

鉴於团现有业务(尤其 是保安及监控系统分部)的市场竞争激烈,本公司一直寻求扩充本集团业务 [...]
In viewofthe intense market competition [...]
for the Group’s existing business particularly for the security and surveillance
division, the Company has been exploring business opportunities to expand the Groups’ operations and enhance its earnings.
鉴於附属公司之过往财务表现,董事认为对投资成本及应收若干附属公司之款项全数计提减值乃属合 适。
Inview of the poor financial performance [...]
of certain subsidiaries, the directors considered that it was appropriate to made
full impairment for the investment costs and amounts due from certain subsidiaries.
鉴於Glencore石油分部对 本集团收益的贡献相对较高,收益增长主要是由於所生产石油量增加及期间相比平均石油价格微升(如布兰特增长3%),部分由上文所述 [...]
Given therelatively high contribution ofGlencore’s oil [...]
division to Group revenue, the increase in revenue was primarily
due to higher oil volumes handled and a slightly higher period-on-period average oil price (e.g. Brent up 3%), partially offset by lower period-on-period metals prices as noted above.
鉴於新就本公司层面(而并非就本公司的附属公司层面 [...]
) 而 言,属 於 本 公 司 的 关 连 人 士,亦 是 立 德 的 主 要 股 东,因 此,立 德 本 身 构 成 香 港 联 交 所 上 市 规 则 项 下 本 公 司 的 关 连 人 士。
Given that Zhongxingxin is [...]
a connected person of the Group at the level of the Company (and not at the level of the Company’s
subsidiaries) and is a substantial shareholder of Lead, Lead itself constitutes a connected person of the Company under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules.
即便该等款项在合约上已超过其应付日期, 鉴於 交易 对手的信贷质素并无显着变更,该等款项并不会被视为减损款项,且由於考虑到通常支付方式以及在诸多情况下存在的抵销应收账款 余额的因素,其仍被认作可收回款项。
Such receivables, although contractually past their due dates, are not considered impaired as there has not been a significant change in credit quality of the relevant counterparty, and the amounts are still considered recoverable taking into account customary payment patterns and in many cases, offsetting accounts payable balances.
鉴 於重 要 原 材 料 的 供 应 有 限, 贵 集 团 正 积 极 寻 求 机 会,透 过 贵 集 团 现 有 的 供 应 商 网 络 及 其 高 级 管 理 层 的 业 务 联 系,与 一 向 提 供 优 质 且 价 格 相 宜 的 原 材 料 之可靠供应商建立长期合作关系。
Subject to the limited availability of those two major raw material components, the Group is proactively seeking opportunities to establish long-term relationship with reliable suppliers of consistently high quality and cost competitive raw materials through the Group’s existing supplier network and its top management’s business connection.
倘 贵公司已物色潜在买家以变现其於联营公司的投资, 鉴於权 益为私人公司权益,与其上市对手方相比缺乏市场流动性,故此於最初权益 [...]
In the event that a potential buyer has been identified by
the Company for realizing its investment in
[...] the Associate,given that theInitial [...]
Interest represents interest in a private
company, a discount may be applied in the valuation of the Initial Interest as compare with its listed counterparts due to lack of marketability.
(B) 当一位或多位联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能力、或发生无力偿债事件, 所 有在联名帐户中的指示及交易或服务(视情况而定)均受有关部门的任何索赔或质疑所限制,且 不应影响吾等因任何留置权、抵押权、质押权、抵销、索赔、反申索或其他原因享有的任何权利, 亦不得影响吾鉴於存者、遗嘱执行者、遗产管理者的任何申索,而是根据吾等绝对酌情权 认为可适当采取的任何措施或法律程序。
(B) All instructions and Transactions relating to any joint Account or (as the case may be) any Service, in the event of the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any one or more of the joint Account holder shall be subject to any claim or objection of relevant authority and shall be without prejudice to any right which we may have arising out of any lien, charge, pledge, set-off, claim, counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever or any step or legal proceedings which we may in our absolute discretion deem desirable to take in view of any claim by any person other than the survivors, executors, administrators of the deceased.
鉴於团架构以及我们用以管理风险的 方法合理,英国年金业务信贷准备金庞大,英国分红及业务遗产雄厚,资产管理及亚洲业务风险较低,而 IGD 盈余水平 相当高,因此我们拥有优势可应对未來监管发展及业务压力。
The structure of the Group and the approach we have taken to managing our risks, with a sizeable credit reserve in the UK annuity book, a strong inherited estate in UK with-profits and the relatively low risk nature of our asset management and Asian operations, together with a high level of IGD surplus means we have positioned ourselves well for future regulatory developments and stresses to our business.
鉴於追讨赔 偿的金额庞大或不确定,亦可能有其他适用惩处方式,以及诉讼与纠纷本身固有无法预测的性质,任何不利结果可能 [...]
Giventhe large orindeterminate [...]
amounts of damages sometimes sought, other sanctions that might be applicable and the inherent
unpredictability of litigation and disputes, it is possible that an adverse outcome could, from time to time, have an adverse effect on Prudential’s reputation, results of operations or cash flows.
鉴於向银行提供上述担保及 承诺,Winprop 及 Kosheen 已分别向永泰承诺,在永泰须根据其所作出之担保及承诺书之条款向 Winhome 提供现金时,以永 泰向 Winhome 提供现金责任总额之 20﹪为限弥偿永泰。
In consideration of Wing Tai so doing, each of Kosheen and Winprop has undertaken, should it become necessary for Wing Tai to provide cash to Winhome under the said guarantees and undertakings, to indemnify Wing Tai to the extent of 20% of Wing Tai’s obligations thereunder.
鉴 於仲 裁 程 序 没 有 限 制 申 请 人 的 索 赔 金 额,本 案 的 最 终 索 赔 金 额 需 待 [...]
仲 裁 庭 开 庭 後 确 定。
As the arbitration procedures of the United States donot provide [...]
for any limit on the amount compensation demanded by an
applicant, the final amount of compensation demanded in this case will not be confirmed until the arbitration tribunal opens.
鉴 於虽 然 我 们 没 有 作 出 实 质 建 议,但 认 为 应 指 出 问 题 , 并 建 议 交 由 一 个 合 适 机 构 进 一 步 研 究 。
We consider it is justifiable to highlight the issues involved, although no firm recommendation on the topic has been made, apart from suggesting that the matter should be considered further by an appropriate body.
鉴於来 GEM 都采用同一研究方法,GEM 研究已建构起一套跨年的纵向数据系统。
And because GEM keeps the methodologies consistent from year to year, GEM builds up a time series panel data set.
鉴於 的主题特殊,而部份传媒亦已广泛报导类似的意见和口号,我们在过滤被访者的意见是否带有粗言秽语或人身攻击、或是否与游行主题有关时,已经尽量宽松,以求辑录更多意见。
However, inview of thespecial nature of thisrally, [...]
and already fairly extensive media coverage of similar slogans and
opinions, we have decided to take a more lenient approach in screening out expressions with foul languages, personal attack, or being irrelevant to the topic, in order to document more opinions.
鉴於控股有限公司向银行提供上述担保及承诺,本集团承诺 [...]
向永泰控股有限公司作出弥偿,并限为其向 Winhome Investment Pte Ltd 提供现金责任总额之 20﹪。
In considerationof Wing TaiHoldings [...]
Limited so doing, the Group has undertaken to indemnify Wing Tai Holdings Limited
to the extent of 20% of its obligations to provide cash to Winhome Investment Pte Ltd thereunder.
鉴 於(i) 贵 集 团 於 截 至 二 零 一 [...]
零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年度及 截 至 二 零 一一年 六 月 三 十 日 止 六 个 月 出 现 亏 蚀 ; (ii) 股 份 收 购 价 高 於 二 零 一 零 年 十
二 月 三 十 一 日 最 近 期 之 经 审 核 每 股 资 产 净 值 ; (iii) 以 股 份 收 购 价 代 表 之 隐 含 市 账 率 及 隐 含 企 值 ╱ 销 售 比 率 高 於 可 比 较 公 司 之 平 均 数 ; 及 (iv) 股 份 收 购 建 议 为 独 立 股 东 实 现 股 份 投 资 之 另 一 出 路 , 故 吾 等 认 为 , 股 份 收 购 价 为 公 平 合 理 。
In view of (i) the Group [...]
was loss-making for the year ended 31 December 2010 and for the six months ended 30 June 2011;
(ii) the Share Offer Price represents a premium over the latest audited NAV per Share as at 31 December 2010; (iii) the implied PB Ratio and the implied EV/Sales Ratio as represented by the Share Offer Price is higher than the averages of the Comparable Companies; and (iv) the Share Offer provides an alternative exit for the Independent Shareholders to realize their investment in Shares, we consider that the Share Offer Price is fair and reasonable.
鉴於家庭资源中心)的宗旨在帮助儿童取得资源、爱、希 望、尊重、健康、教育和其他他们所需的服务,从加强他们的 家庭和投入的专业者服务,帮助他们充份发挥他们的潜能。
WHEREAS, (FRC Name) mission is helping children receive the resources, love, hope, respect, health, education and other services they need to achieve their full potential by providing them with strong families and dedicated professionals to serve them.
鉴 於司 股 份 於 二 零 一二年 七 [...]
月 六 日 在 创 业 板 上 市 , 故於二 零 一二年 六 月 三 十 日 , 概 无 董 事 於 本 公 司及其 相 关 法 团( 定 义 见 证 券 及 期 货 条 例(「 证 券
及 期 货 条 例 」)第 XV 部 )股 份 、 相 关 股 份 或 债 券 中 拥 有 权 益 及 淡 仓 , 须 (a) 根 据 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 第 XV 部 第 7 及 8 分 部 知 会本 公 司及联 交 所( 包 括 根 据 该 项 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 之 条 文 而 被 视 为 或 当 作 拥 有 之 权 益 及 淡 仓 ); 或 (b) 根 据 证 券 及 期 货 条 例 第 352 条 记 录 於 该 条 例 所 指 登 记 册内; 或 (c) 根 据 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 第 5.46 条 所 依 据 董 事 证 券 买卖守 则 最 低 标 准 须 知 会本公 司及联 交 所 。
As the shares of the Company [...]
were listed on GEM on 6 July 2012, as at 30 June 2012, none of the Directors who had an interest
and short position in shares, underlying shares or debenture of the Company and its associated corporation (with the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (‘‘ SFO’’)) was required (a) to notify to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO); or (b) to be recorded in the register required to be kept under section 352 of the SFO; or (c) to notify the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the minimum standards of dealings by directors referred to in Rule 5.46 of the GEM Listing Rules.
鉴於大型基建项目的回归,加上供应增长率的下 降,本集团预期定价能力於二零一三年将得以维持,并随 [...]
With thereturnof somemajorinfrastructure [...]
projects to the demand side of the equation, and a reduction in the rate of
supply growth, the Group expects pricing power to be maintained, and potentially improve with increased demand, into 2013.
鉴於UL志的重要性,制造商必须将 UL 标志在产品上的摆放设计交由 UL 标签中心进行审核,以确认所有必要的资讯都根据可接受的格式显示在产品上。
Because the ULMark is so important, manufacturers must submit a design layout of the UL Mark [...]
to a UL label center for review
to verify that all required information is in an acceptable format.
1.0.7 有关是否向高能源效益的建筑物提供认可,回应者建议利用奖勵及标签计划,例如由
[...] 香港綠色建筑议会认可的 BEAM Plus 认证系统鉴於统已经存在,并对现有奖勵 计划进行过较多的宣传和教育。
1.0.7 Regarding whether to provide recognition for high energy-efficient buildings, respondents suggested utilising an award and labelling scheme such as the Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM) Plus certification system
accredited by the Hong Kong Green
[...] Building Council since it already existed along with implementing [...]
more promotion and education on the existing award scheme.
有论点指鉴於界定糖尿病的指标和筛查的普及,相信人寿保险商将会经 历整体及剩余人口的糖尿病死亡率的改善。
An argument could be made that life insurers will experience improved mortality for diabetics as a whole and the residual population by the redrawing of the line indicative of diabetes and by increased screening.
(i) 要约人不得於支持协议日期後,在任何经由或代表Anvil向加拿大任何省份或地区或其他地方的
[...] 任何证券委员会或类似证券监管机构存档的任何文件中,发现任何重大事实的失实陈述、或遗 漏陈述须陈述的重大事实、鉴於出的情况及日期(於二零一一年九月二十一日或之前所 [...]
效後)而须作出不会产生误导的陈述,包括任何招股章程、年度资料表格、财务报表、重大变 动报告、管理委任代表通函、可行性研究或其行政人员概要、新闻稿或由Anvil存档的任何其他 文件,当中对Anvil构成重大不利影响
(i) the Offeror shall not have, after the date of the Support Agreement, become aware of any untrue statement of a material fact, or an omission to state a material fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances
in which it was made and at the date it
[...] was made(after givingeffect toall subsequent [...]
filings made on or before 21 September
2011 and available on SEDAR on such date in relation to all matters covered in earlier filings), in any document filed by or on behalf of Anvil with any securities commission or similar securities regulatory authority in any of the provinces or territories of Canada or elsewhere, including any prospectus, annual information form, financial statement, material change report, management proxy circular, feasibility study or executive summary thereof, news release or any other document so filed by Anvil which constitutes a Material Adverse Effect with respect to Anvil
我 们 确 实 改 变 了一 切 可 能鉴 於 我 们 向 全 世界 庄 严 承 诺 :负 责 任 地 利 用 资 源 ; 睿智而适当地扩展我们的能力;帮助个人、 企 业 和 社 会不 断 走 向 繁 荣 。
We have truly changed what’s possible and because of that, we have a commitment to people around the globe: to use resources responsibly; to expand our capabilities wisely and well; and to help people, businesses, and communities thrive.
3.3.10鉴於道西面出入口位置已确定,以及主干道以最大许 [...]
可坡度下降横过地铁隧道下的纵向走线,附件 G 所示的纵 向走线说明了地铁沉管隧道与主干道钻挖隧道之间的距 离。
3.3.10 With thewestern portal [...]
of the Trunk Road being fixed, and the Trunk Road vertical alignment dropping at the maximum
permissible gradient to pass under the MTR tunnel, the vertical profile shown in Annex G illustrates the consequences in respect of clearance between the MTR immersed tube tunnel and the Trunk Road bored tunnel.
鉴於集团作为少數股权投资者,对港口权益的业务及股息政策并无实际控制权,加上由於该 [...]
等公司为在转让及提供资料方面受到限制之私人公司,故难以把该等投资出售予第三方,本公司 董事认为把更多资源投放於发展华创集团所控制的主要消费方面之业务更符合华创集团的利益。
Given CRE Group asaminority [...]
investor does not have effective control over the operation and dividend policy of the Port
Interests and there are difficulties in disposing of these investments to third parties as they are private companies with restrictions on transfer and provision of information, the directors of the Company consider its interests are better served by directing greater resources to developing CRE Group’s major consumer-oriented businesses under its control.




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