

单词 釜底游鱼

External sources (not reviewed)

评价水体 的生态状况往往需要对该水域及底泥的生物学开展细致研究—— 游 生 物 、 底 栖 植 物/ 大型植物底栖无脊椎动物鱼类。
The assessment of the ecological status of a water body will usually involve detailed study
of the biology of the water and
[...] bed sediment – phytoplankton, phytobenthos / macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish.
图书馆还收到许多请求,大多为电子形式,要求提供以 下方面的信息:海洋法会议;捐赠基金;大陆架立法和对专属经济区提出的权利 主张;目前的海洋矿产资源研究和勘探发展情况;高度 游鱼 类 种群(《公约》 附件一);探矿、勘探和开采的基本条件(《公约》附件三);近海开采和深海勘 探许可证的国家立法;牙买加和加勒比地区在第三次会议上参与谈判的情况;中 国目前在海洋法方面的问题和发展情况;《公约》在加勒比国家的适用情况,特 别是关于该区域的边界问题;墨西哥太平洋地区的地质结构; 底 环 境 的保护。
The Library has also received requests, many in electronic form, for information concerning the law of the sea conferences; the Endowment Fund; continental shelf legislation and exclusive economic zone claims; current
developments in marine mineral resources research and
[...] exploration; highly migratory species (annex I of the Convention); basic conditions of prospecting, exploration and exploitation (annex III of the Convention); national legislation on offshore mining and deep sea exploration licences; the participation of Jamaica and the Caribbean in the negotiations at the Third Conference; current issues and developments on law of the sea in China; the application of the Convention to the Caribbean States, especially regarding boundary issues in the region; the geological structure of the Mexico-Pacific Area; and protection of the seabed environment.
论坛认为,《亚洲及太平洋发展交通运 釜 山 宣言》和《亚洲及 太平洋发展交通运输区域行动方案》(第一阶段,2007-2011 年)正在成为指 导本区域的交通运输发展的一项重要的长期战略,起到了支持国际贸易、游业、 以及推动区域经济合作的作用。
The Forum
[...] considered that the Busan Declaration on Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific and the Regional Action Programme for Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific, phase I (2007-2011), were serving as an important long-term regional transport development strategy that supported international trade, tourism and regional [...]
economic cooperation.
厄里斯给了他们所有的最糟糕的噩梦:Calissa不 游 泳 , 沉入海 底 部 的Kattrin在一切变得缓慢;雷纳塔成为害怕和胆怯;李诗韵成了一个丑陋 鱼 ; 米 拉贝拉被封闭在一个狭小的空间。
Eris gave them all their worst nightmares:
[...] Calissa was unable to swim and sunk to the bottom of the ocean; Kattrin became slow at everything; Renata became scared and timid; Selena became an ugly fish; and Mirabella [...]
became enclosed in a tight space.
经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)和几个联合国实体参与就 2011 年底在大 韩民釜山举 行的第四次援助实效问题高级别论坛采取后续行动,包括经合组织 针对论坛上所作承诺开发指标。
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and several United Nations entities are involved in the follow-up to the Fourth Highlevel Forum on Aid Effectiveness, including OECD work on indicators relating to the commitments made at the Forum, which was held in Busan, Republic of Korea, at the end of 2011.
因此,要解決問題,便必釜底抽薪,重點放在 控制醫療開支增長方面,而不是設法從病㆟身㆖取回成本。
In order to solve these problems, we must therefore strike at the root causes, concentrating our efforts on the control of the growth in medical expenditures instead of trying to recover the costs from patients.
开发署具体报告说,开发署-全环基金在中西太平 洋温暖水域的大型海洋生态系统的太平洋岛屿海洋渔业管理项目,正在加强养护
[...] 和管理跨界海洋渔业资源的能力和小岛屿发展中国家履行《中西太平洋养护和管 理高度游鱼类种 群公约》所规定的义务的能力的国家安排。
In particular, UNDP reported that the UNDP-GEF Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries Management project in the Western and Central Pacific Warm Pool large marine ecosystem was strengthening national arrangements for the conservation and management of transboundary oceanic fishery resources and the capacity of small island developing States to meet their obligations under the
Convention for the Conservation and
[...] Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western [...]
and Central Pacific Ocean.
政府現在便釜底抽薪,想出新的方法,提出一個 新的調整租金機制,根據住戶的收入來釐定。
It has got a radical approach and thought up a new method, a new rent adjustment mechanism based on the household income of PRH tenants.
所以,要除去港鐵公司“保障小股東利益”的 “擋箭牌”,以促使港
[...] 鐵公司推行惠及市民的票價優惠或折扣 釜底 抽 薪的方法似乎是政府 回購小股東所持有達23%的股份,此舉便能除去“要為股東利益把關” [...]
Therefore, in order to remove the MTRCL's "shield" of "safeguarding the interests
of shareholders", thereby making it provide
[...] fare discounts or concessions for [...]
the benefit of the public, it seems that a
radical solution for the Government is to buy back the remaining 23% shares from the small shareholders.
主席,在今天的7分鐘發言中,我想特別解釋為何郭家麒議員會 代表公民黨提出一種底的釜底抽薪方法,便是促請政府向小股東回 購他們所持有約23%的股份。
President, in today's seven-minute speech, I wish to explain in particular why Dr KWOK Ka-ki would propose, on behalf of the Civic Party, this radical measure of urging the Government to buy back about 23% of the shares from the minority shareholders.
今年, 我會在稍後的全體委員會審議階段提出修正案,要求取消警察投訴科所用的 這 6,000 萬元,這是一釜底抽薪 、迫不得已的做法。
I shall propose an amendment at the Committee stage in a bid to cancel the funding of $60 million for CAPO.
应政府的请求,《建设和 平支助计划》围绕着 2011 年底在釜山商 定的五个“建设和平与建设国家目标” 开展联合国的参与活动,以此作为“参与脆弱国家事务新办法”的一部分,南苏 丹已报名作为试点国家。
Also at the request of the Government, the Peacebuilding Support Plan organizes United Nations engagement around the five “Peacebuilding and State-building Goals” agreed in Busan late in 2011 as part of the New Deal for International Engagement in Fragile States, for which South Sudan is a selfnominated pilot country.
[...] 框架,对于所选定的区域利用环境指标帮助对 游鱼 类 的数量及分布的变化进行事后评估、 实时监测和预报。
Advances were made in the production of a comprehensive IOC/GLOBEC review and scientific framework for the use of environmental
indices to help hindcast/nowcast and forecast changes in the abundance and
[...] distribution of pelagic fish in selected areas.
[...] 再加上海水上涌,使 其 成 了 印度洋最具生产能力的地区之一和许多 游鱼 类 的重 要繁殖地。
The presence of a narrow continental shelf in this region along the western Indian Ocean coupled with an upwelling, makes
this area one of the most productive in the Indian Ocean and an important breeding
[...] ground for many migratory fish species.
中西太平洋渔业 委员会与全环基金和其他合作伙伴在一个三年初步项目上合作,建设东亚和西太
[...] 平洋区域的能力,以改善可供金枪鱼渔业使用的信息并养护和管理高度 游鱼类 种群。
The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission has cooperated with GEF and other partners on an initial three-year project to build capacity in East Asia and the Western
Pacific to improve regional information available for tuna fisheries and to conserve and
[...] manage highly migratory fish stocks.
但也有很多采用精养池塘、网箱或水箱系统生产淡水 鱼、海淡水游鱼、海洋肉食性鱼和甲壳类出口或供应国内高端市场。
However, they also range up to the use of moreintensive pond-, cage- or tank-based systems for the
production of freshwater, diadromous and
[...] marine carnivorous fishes and crustaceans [...]
for export or high-end domestic markets.
(e) 要求重申《海洋法公约》中的基本原则与《协定》第 7
[...] 条的基本原则互 不抵触,特别是关于公海和不得在公海适用措施损害沿海国对跨界鱼类种群和高 度游鱼类种群采取的措施的效力方面的基本原则。
(e) The Review Conference reaffirm the fundamental principle of compatibility contained in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and set out in article 7 of the Agreement, with specific reference to the high seas and the necessity of not applying measures in the high seas that might
undermine the efficacy of the measures applied to
[...] straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks by the coastal State.
一些休闲渔业以一个以上的国家的休闲渔业和商业渔业开发的跨境或 游鱼 类物种种群个体为目标。
Some recreational fisheries target
individuals belonging to stocks of
[...] transboundary or migratory fish species that are [...]
exploited by recreational and commercial
fisheries of more than one country.
人一生中的各种仪式(出生、成长、结婚、离婚和殯葬等仪式) 游 戏 和体 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、 鱼 和 收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 画)。
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage;
wedding, divorce and
[...] funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic [...]
and patronymic
nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting).
作为“参与脆弱国家事务新办法”的试点国家,政府还请联合国围绕 2011 年底在大韩民釜山举 行的第四次援助实效问题高级别论坛商定的五个“建设和 平与建设国家目标”开展活动。
As a pilot country for the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States, the Government also asked the United Nations to orient its engagement around the five peacebuilding and statebuilding goals agreed at the Fourth High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness held in Busan, Republic of Korea, late in 2011.
底层延绳钓可能接触和损害海底 层 动 物, 使 底 层 物 体位置 不规范,延绳钓渔业的确有潜力在 鱼 时 不 对生境造成严重损害,并按照相对节 省能源的方式进行。
While bottom-set longlines may snag and damage benthic epifauna and irregular objects on the bottom, longline fisheries do offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe [...]
habitat damage and
to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner.
[...] 域渔管组织)确保禁止在已知和可能的海洋生态系统 脆弱地区从底鱼捕捞活动,并且只有在按照第 61/105 号决议为防止重大不利影响而制定管理措施 [...]
Australia encourages all States and regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) to ensure that areas where vulnerable marine
ecosystems are known to occur or likely to
[...] occur are closed to bottom fishing activities, and [...]
that activities are authorized to proceed
only if management measures are in place to prevent significant adverse impacts in accordance with resolution 61/105.
(f) 感兴趣的着重在执行防范标准方面取得的进展,以长期养护跨界鱼类种 群和高度游鱼类种 群以及海洋生态系统,并强调必须明确生态系统分析概念和 [...]
(f) Note with interest and appreciate the progress achieved in the application of the precautionary approach in order to
ensure long-term conservation of
[...] straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks and [...]
marine ecosystems and stress the
need to specify the concept and the implementation of the ecosystem approach.
[...] 系统或与该生态系统有关,是脆弱海洋生态系统群落的成员,但是与该系统的关 系的性质可能不尽相同,许多底鱼 种 还 常常出现在目前未被界定为脆弱海洋生 态系统的结构完整的生境。
While many fish species occur on, or are associated with, VMEs and are members of VME
communities, the nature of the relationship may
[...] vary, and many benthic fish species also frequent [...]
other structured habitats not currently defined as VMEs.
人们重点谈到需要进一步研究的问题,包括为何有些群体在全球海洋生境中 称霸,为何游生境和海底生境 中各群体的结构有不同,分类最多的群类在数量 [...]
上是否也是最多的,哪些类别的分类群类与动植物有关,在何种程度上它们对每 一个物种具有独特性(另见上文第 19 段)。
A number of questions for further research were highlighted, including why some groups dominate marine habitats globally, why there is a
division between the community
[...] structure of pelagic and benthic habitats, whether the [...]
most diverse taxa are also the most
numerically abundant, what kinds of taxa are associated with plants and animals and to what extent they are unique to each species (see also para. 19 above).
年前推出老年退休金方案,不過是以退為進 釜底 抽薪 之策,㆒ 移形換影,化解㆗央公積金壓力於無形。
The Old Age Pension Scheme (OPS) proposed the year before was only a decoy with which the Administration inched its way forward under the guise of recoiling so as to free itself once and for all from the pressure of establishing a central provident fund.
其實,我要指出我並非反對將案件「外發」,而減少案件「外發」只 是釜底抽薪 」的消極做法,由於近年案件數量大增,私㆟律師又擁有各方面的專長 和經驗,我明白律政署是有必要將部分案件交由私㆟律師處理。
In view of the rapid increase of cases in recent years and the fact that private lawyers possess the expertise and experience in various fields, I understand that it is necessary for the Legal Department to engage private lawyers to handle some of the cases.
[...] 多方利益攸关方会议(大韩民国釜山 , 2010 年 6 月 7 至 11 日)是由联合国环境 [...]
规划署理事会要求召开的,会议上许多国家政府商定建立一个生物多样性和生态 系统服务政府间科学政策平台,并且请大会为此目的采取适当行动,作为会议东
道国同时在会议上担任主席的大韩民国政府强调指出这一事项在可持续发展和 环境领域对国际社会的重要性。
As the host country of the third ad hoc intergovernmental and multistakeholder meeting on an intergovernmental
science-policy platform on biodiversity and
[...] ecosystem services (Busan, Republic of Korea, [...]
7-11 June 2010), convened at the request
of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme, where a large number of Governments agreed to establish an intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services and invited the General Assembly to take appropriate action for that purpose, the Government of the Republic of Korea, which also served as the Chair of that meeting, emphasizes the particular importance of this matter to the international community in the field of sustainable development and the environment.
在得出這個結果後,有人問我:梁耀忠,這結果是否由於曾特首施 行苦肉計,他曾說把“生果金”提高至1,000元,但要進行入息審查,在知 悉市民對這個信息十分反感,亦很反對這做法後,特首於是 便 釜底抽 薪,最後撤銷資產審查所致呢?
Someone asked me when this voting result appeared, "LEUNG Yiu-chung, is this result caused by a move made by Chief Executive Donald TSANG to inflict injury on himself?




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