

单词 金龟子



dung beetle

See also:

金子 n




turtles pl

External sources (not reviewed)

造型:产品为精湛工艺技术雕刻的造型逼真的狮舞球 , 孺 子 牛 , 龙 龟 铜 象. 狮 子 正 在 玩弄爪下的球,孺子牛一股干劲,寓意着勤勤恳恳,不达目的不罢休。
Style: Products to the superb technology sculpture modeling
[...] realistic lion dance ball, ox, Tortoise Bronze elephant lion claws.
渔 发中心推广负责任的捕捞技术和做法,特别侧重于减少延绳捕捞 龟 副 渔 获物金枪鱼围网捕捞使用多重器械的副鱼获物以及拖网捕捞的副渔获物。
SEAFDEC has promoted responsible fishing technologies and practices specifically focusing on
several issues, such
[...] as mitigating sea turtle by-catch from longline fisheries, by-catch from the use of fishing aggregating devices in tuna purse seine fisheries [...]
and by-catch from trawl fisheries.
全环金/环境 署/粮农组织的“拖网捕虾替代方法”项目,使各示范国家 意外捕获幼鱼、龟和其 他副渔获物的数量减少达 30%至 70%。
The GEF/UNEP/FAO project on alternatives to shrimp trawling has significantly cut the unwanted catch of young fish, turtles and other by-catch [...]
by as much as
30 to 70 per cent in demonstration States.
他把龟的壳与兔子的头 组合在logo中,在另一个设计中,则简单设计了兔子越过VCXC logo。
He combined the head
[...] and shell of the tortoise and the hare for [...]
one logo and in another, simply had the hare jumping over the VCXC logo.
2000年, 他因为子金属富集簇及其化合键性质而获得Otto Klung奖。
Prof. Drieß won the Otto Klung Award in 2000 for his work on metal-rich clusters [...]
and their bonding characteristics.
南 部金枪鱼养护委通过了一项内容广泛的建议,以减轻捕捞南部蓝鳍金枪鱼对生态 相关物种的影响,包括建议实施保护海鸟和鲨鱼的国际行动计划和《粮农组织关 于在捕鱼作业中减少龟死亡 率的准则》,收集和报告数据,并遵守印度 金枪 鱼 委和中西太平洋渔委具有约束力的和建议的保护措施。
CCSBT had adopted a wide-ranging recommendation to mitigate the impact of fishing for southern bluefin tuna on ecologically related species, including recommendations to implement the international plans of
action for seabirds
[...] and sharks and the FAO Guidelines to Reduce Sea Turtle Mortality in Fishing Operations, collect and report [...]
data, and comply
with the IOTC and WCPFC binding and recommended conservation measures.
卢森堡大力支持发展财富管 理策略、集团级别的企业银行服务功能 以及子金融服务。
Luxembourg offers a highly supportive
environment for developing a wealth management strategy, corporate banking functions at group
[...] levels and e-financial services.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖 子 入 境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际 金 会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the
international airport in order to prevent
[...] terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to [...]
operate in the country.
该《公约》所列海洋物种包括某些 龟、 大 鲸鱼、姥鲨和鲸鲨、各种海马和海豚。
Marine species are listed under that Convention, including some
[...] species of sea turtles, great whales, [...]
the basking and whale sharks, the entire
genus of seahorses and dolphins.
从一 望无垠的乡镇到那海洋交汇和云积山巅的城市,到那 些为了掠夺国家金子而开采的深矿,以及到那魂牵 梦绕的草原,民主的理想统统受到压制。
And from the sprawling townships to the city where the oceans meet and the clouds nestle on a
mountain top, to the mines dug deep to
[...] plunder the nation’s gold and to the haunting [...]
veldt of the beloved country, the dream of democracy was denied.
[...] GEITC、TCL 和 5H, 用于配制供子、金属、 家居和其他清洗使用的溶剂配料。
TCA is mainly used by three enterprises, namely
GEITC, TCL, and 5H, for formulation of
[...] solvent blends for electrical, metal, household [...]
and other cleaning applications.
因此,为加强对子金融体 系和正规金融体系两者的监管并提高其透明度 而采取的措施必须包括限制非法资金流动,并确保将非法资金退回其正当来源国 的措施。
Measures to enhance the regulation of and transparency in both the shadow and regular financial systems must therefore include steps to curb illicit financial flows and ensure the return of illicit funds to the legitimate country of origin.
产品为精湛工艺技术雕刻的造型逼真的狮舞球 , 孺 子 牛 , 龙 龟 铜 象. 狮 子 正 在 玩弄爪下的球;孺子牛一股干劲,寓意着勤勤恳恳,不达目的不罢休;龙龟昂首咆哮,顶上还爬着一只龟,造型都雕刻的非常逼真。
Is playing with the ball; many a drive, meaning the work
diligently and conscientiously, no
[...] purpose is not to give up; tortoise head roar, the top is [...]
also climb a turtle, modeling sculpture very realistic.
金子矢量 庫卡系統“眼鏡蛇”,blitzzschnell按加載和卸載。
The gold went to Vector Kuka [...]
Systems for the "Cobra", which blitzzschnell pressing loads and unloads.
同时,工作人员子女的看护条件非常有限,且极其昂贵,由于缺乏预 算金,子女的 受养条件大大低于东道国法律规定的限度。
At the same time, the options open to staff members for childcare are not only
limited and very expensive, but owing
[...] to insufficient funding the children are cared for [...]
in conditions that fall far short
of host country legal standards.
(b) 与土著妇女协商并考虑到她们的传统知识,支持她们的经济活动,以改
[...] 善她们的处境和发展状况,特别是帮助她们平等获得生产资源和农业投入,例如 土地、子、金融服 务、技术、运输工具和信息
(b) Support the economic activities of indigenous women, in consultation with them and taking into account their traditional knowledge, so as to improve their situation and development, in particular by enhancing their equal access to
productive resources and agricultural
[...] inputs, such as land, seeds, financial services, technology, [...]
transportation and information
迪奥的名字“Dior”在法语中是“上帝”和 金子 ” 的 组合。
The name "Dior" in French is a
[...] combination of "God" (Dieu) and "Gold" (Or).
大众喜欢喜欢纠缠于他作为一个拯救鱼的毁灭性洪水马努头像,作为一个 龟 恢 复 从神和人的海洋深处的珍贵遗物作为野猪,提高以上的地球表面淹没水域,但作为神人拉玛和Krishna,从每个人提供了一个暴君枷锁人民最。
Popular fancy loved to dwell on his avatar
as a fish to save Manu from the
[...] devastating flood, as a tortoise to recover from the [...]
depths of the sea precious possessions
for gods and men, as a boar to raise the submerged earth above the surface of the waters, but most of all as the god-men Rama and Krishna, each of whom delivered the people from the yoke of a tyrant.
公司董事會成員的信譽,名稱與影響力如葉克強企業家, 歌手潭永興 先生(副懂事長),  世界亞軍夫人阮秋香女士, 歌手李海先生(懂事會成員),  功勳藝術金子隆先生(懂事會成員) ...已創造了FNC品牌的巨大吸引力。
The prestige, trademark and effect of Board members such as Entrepreneur Diep Khac Cuong, singer Dam Vinh Hung (Vice Chairman of the Board), Mrs World Nguyen Thu Huong, Singer Ly Hai (Member of the Board), meritorious artist Kim Tu Long (Member of the Board) and etc have created a great attractiveness fir FNC trademark.
新客户中有很多是在航空、消费子 、 金 融 、工业控制、技术、消费产品、医疗保健、生物技术、医疗以及多元化制造等行业领先的跨国公司。
New customers included leading
multi-national corporations in the
[...] airline, consumer electronics, financial, industrial [...]
controls, technology, consumer products,
healthcare, biotechnology, medical, and diversified manufacturing industries.
總督除作出這項宣布外,還承諾撥給新成立的藝術發展局㆒筆為數達 1 億元的子金,我很高興看到這項宣布獲得廣泛代表藝術界的㆟士熱烈歡迎,並表示關注和支 持。
I am happy to see that this announcement, together
with the Governor's pledge of
[...] a generous financial grant of $100 million as seed money to the new [...]
Council, has been greeted
by a wide cross-section of the arts community with enthusiasm, interest and support.
此外,还与阿拉伯教文科组织签订了一项将光盘“兰色 金子 ” 译 成阿拉伯文的协 议,并授予根据《教科文组织代表性著作集》中出版的作品《与水螈之战》拍摄一部电影的 选择权:签订了编写关于世界遗产、生物圈和人权三个专题的手稿的三项作者合同,这些手 稿将于 2002 年在青年选集《请告诉我……》中发表。
Three authors’ contracts were signed for the preparation of manuscripts on the themes of the world heritage, the biosphere, and human rights, to be published in 2002 in the collection for young people Tell me about … .
同时,另一个美国公司环球支付公司(WorldPay)已经签署协议,允许中国消费者通过由中国银联运营的电子支付网络在美国和大多数欧洲国家购买商品,银联是一家中国主要的 子金 融 交 易公司。
Meantime, another US company named WorldPay has signed a deal that will allow Chinese buyers to purchase goods in the US and most
of Europe over the
[...] electronic payments network operated by UnionPay, China’s dominant player in electronic financial transactions.
马萨罗是设计者这一结论是由历史学家通过一张财务报表推断出的,报表中有一笔 112 里弗(法磅)15 苏斯的支出,其中有 10 里弗 5 苏斯用于“购买铸造一枚要压接边角的头像硬币所需 金子 ”。
Nassaro’s authorship is known to historians through an account statement that shows he was paid 112 livres Tournois (Tours pounds), 15 sous, of
which ten livres, five sous were “for the gold he gave
[...] and used in a medal that he struck on the corner of these testons.
出席新闻发布会人士有FNC领导组,FNC董事会委员李海歌手,FNC董事会委 金子 龙 功勋艺术家,胡志明市工商局代表,南方竞争管理局代表,司法出版社代表,Nutrition进口公司代表, 5星团队俱乐部会员以及100位嘉宾和20多家媒体组织代表。
Participants in the press conference include the Board of Directors of FNC, Singer Ly Hai – a member of the FNC Board, meritorious artist Kim Tu Long – a member of FNC Board, representative of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade, representative of Southern Competition Management Department, representative of Judicial Publishing House, representative of NK Nutrition Company, entrepreneurs being members of 5-Star Team and over 100 guests and distributors and over 20 media and press organizations.
本期間 的 增 長 主 要 來 自 南子 金 礦 及 駱 駝 場 金 礦 兩 座 選 礦 設 施於二 零零八 年 下 半 年 開 始 投 產 帶 動 銷 量 上 升 , 該 等 金 礦 目 前 的 日 選 礦 能 力分別為 990 噸 及 800 噸 。
The increase in current period was primarily attributable to the increase of sale volumes as a result of the commencement of production of the two ore processing facilities in the second half of 2008 that are located at the Nantaizi Gold Mine and the Luotuochang Gold Mine, which currently have ore processing capacities of 990 tonnes per day and 800 tonnes per day, respectively.
同时也领先同业建制完成 ACH (Automated Clearing House) 作业平台,并是国内银行子金流与 企业资讯流整合服务- C计画的8家先导银行之一,为企业提供迅速、便利又安全的金融服务。
It also leads the industry in completing the Automated Clearing House (ACH) work station and is among the 8 leading banks to be included in the nation¡¦s Plan C for converging local bank¡¦s electronic-money flow and enterprise information flow to provide quick, convenient and safe financial services.
我們建議在關始時撥給藝術發展局㆒筆為數達㆒億元的 子金 , 使 該局能立 即大展拳腳,並使該局能具有獨立的㆟手編制及可自行管理,以支持新的藝術形式和活 動。
They will enable the establishment of an independently staffed and managed Council, supporting new art forms and activities.
法庭以柏拉图 的这一格言为指引:“正义比无数 金子 更 贵 重”。
The Tribunal takes as its polar star Plato’s maxim that justice is “a thing more precious than many pieces of gold”.2 In order to build upon and reap the benefits of the successful efforts made thus far, it is essential that the support of the United Nations and Lebanon be continued and strengthened.




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