单词 | 金黄色 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 金黄色 —gold colorSee also:金黄—golden yellow 黄色—yellow (color) • pornographic 黄金 adj—prime adj 黄金 n—platinum n
科研人员发现了金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)是如何向其他细菌传播多种药物耐药性的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Researchers have uncovered how Staphylococcus aureus spreads multi-drug resistance to other bacteria. chinese.eurekalert.org |
金黄色葡萄球菌的感染已经变得越来越难以治疗,因为出现的菌株能耐受诸如甲氧西林和万古霉素等强有力的抗生素。 chinese.eurekalert.org | S. aureus infections have become increasingly difficult to treat as strains emerge that are resistant to powerful antibiotics such as methicillin and vancomycin. chinese.eurekalert.org |
他穿了一件自称“真棒帽子”,涵盖了他很长的流动 的 金黄色 的 头 发。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He wears a self-proclaimed ‘awesome hat’ that covers his [...] extremely long flowing golden hair. seekcartoon.com |
漫无边际的波浪形沙丘呈现金黄色调 , 您可以领略到美得令人窒息的沙海全景。 shangri-la.com | The vast stretches of wavy sand dunes produce an uninterrupted breathtaking panorama of a sea of [...] sand draping in golden sandy brown tones. shangri-la.com |
大胆冲动 的色彩——红色、黑色、金黄色,蓝 色——也在这个动感十足的表面上盛开炫舞。 swatch.com | The bold, impulsive colours—red, black, goldenrod yellow, blue—are [...] featured on the intensely kinetic, action-packed dial as well. swatch.com |
该材料应用的是其自然的表面,因此就有了 从 金黄色 到 深 褐色不等的温暖色调。 iontime.ch | The material is applied in its natural state to surfaces that thus [...] take on warm shades ranging from golden yellow to deep brown. iontime.ch |
体外扩散琼脂分析表明,AMC THROMBOSHIELD 涂层对下列微生物具有抗菌活性: 葡萄球菌、金黄色葡萄 球菌、乳酸粪链球菌、白色念珠菌、大肠杆菌、粘质沙雷氏菌和醋酸钙不动杆菌。 edwards.com | Antimicrobial activity associated with AMC THROMBOSHIELD coating has been demonstrated using in vitro diffusion agar assays against the following organisms: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. edwards.com |
墙上的帷幔是一种蓝白色的“经济锦缎”,边饰 为 金黄色 ; 雅各布-德马特(Jacob-Desmalter)的椅子上也使用了这种布料。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The wall covering is a white and blue “economical damask” with an aurora border; the chairs by Jacob-Desmalter are upholstered with the same fabric. en.chateauversailles.fr |
垂直接触式烤炉能够使面包产生一致 的 金黄色 的 表 面,避免其吸收配料的肉汁,因而使汉堡保持紧实和美味。 antunescontrols.com | The Vertical Contact Toaster gives [...] buns a consistent, golden brown finish so [...]they won't soak up the juices of the ingredients [...]and the burger will stay firm and delicious. antunescontrols.com |
我们在节日期间习惯性地挑选金色服饰, 这次让我们遵循传统吧, 本季节金黄色不仅是传统色, 而且流行。 citij.com | It has become almost customary to pick a golden color for a Holiday Season. Let's not violate the [...] tradition this time and simply go with it because [...] this season, a golden color is not only traditional, [...]but also super trendy... citij.com |
烧烤得呈金黄色的饺 子,内外热呼呼!里头的肉馅蔬菜也都极为细腻,其份量调配更是恰到好处!一下子就将10个饺子搞定。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | Golden brown sheet and piping hot stuffing [...] of finely chopped meat and vegetables have just the right combination and it [...]won’t take a minute to finish 10 pieces. en.tohokukanko.jp |
核果带绿色白色,有时,很少金黄色 具 带红色色彩,扁球状,很少近球形, 3.5-6 * [...] 4.4-7 厘米,短柔毛,很少无毛,偶有有点有白霜; 中果皮多汁,酸甜,芳香,从内果皮分开,成熟时不劈开; 内果皮使球状,很少近球形的到宽椭圆形变平,压缩两面, [...] 1.7-3.5 * 1.3-3 厘米,具洼点的表面纵沟和疏生的,基部近截形,先端长渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Drupe greenish white, rarely golden yellow, sometimes [...] with a reddish tinge, compressed globose, rarely subglobose, 3.5–6 [...]× 4.4–7 cm, pubescent, very rarely glabrous, occasionally slightly glaucous; mesocarp succulent, sour-sweet, fragrant, separating from endocarp, not splitting when ripe; endocarp flattened globose, rarely subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, compressed on both sides, 1.7–3.5 × 1.3–3 cm, surface longitudinally furrowed and very sparsely pitted, base subtruncate, apex long acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
在祭坛的座位上甚至有一个金黄色的 罩 垫,这是为有名声的活佛准备的,如果他一旦能够来到这个世外寺庙的话。 cers.org.hk | There was even a golden yellow canopy over the [...] altar seat, reserved for some dignified Living Buddha, if one should happen [...]to drop by this out-of-the-way place, in the worst possible location. cers.org.hk |
研究人员发现,它抑制致病肠道菌群的梭状芽胞杆菌 和 金黄色 葡 萄 球菌在人体的生长。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | Researchers found it inhibited the growth of pathogenic gut flora clostridia and Staphylococcus aureus in human subjects. aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
体外试验表明,Oligon 材料对以下试验菌具有广谱效果(在48小时内从初浓度开始下降 ≥3 log): 金黄色葡萄球菌、葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、粪肠球菌、白色念珠菌、大肠杆菌、粘质沙雷氏菌、醋酸钙不动杆菌、白喉杆菌、产气肠杆菌、GMRSa和绿脓杆菌。 edwards.com | In vitro testing demonstrated that the Oligon material provided broad-spectrum effectivenss (≥ 3 log reduction from initial concentration within 48 hours) against the organisms tested: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Enterobacter aerogenes, GMRSa, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. edwards.com |
花冠金黄色,对3厘米; 筒部2-3 X倍于花萼,疏生毛; 喉具2长圆形红色具点褶皱; [...] 下唇宽于宽,对2.5厘米,侧面裂片长圆形,中部裂片小于其他裂片,圆形,和微缺; 上唇短和圆形,微缺。 flora.ac.cn | Corolla golden yellow, to 3 cm; tube [...] 2-3 X as long as calyx, sparsely hairy; throat with 2 oblong red-punctate plaits; lower [...]lip broader than wide, to 2.5 cm, lateral lobes oblong, middle lobe smaller than other lobes, orbicular, and emarginate; upper lip short and orbicular, emarginate. flora.ac.cn |
一款获得美容大奖殊荣的多功能身体乳液。它能逐渐抚平肤质,带来自然 的 金黄色 调 , 呈现完整、健康的美黑效果。 clarinsusa.com | This beauty-award winning multi-purpose body lotion moisturizes as it [...] provides your skin with a gradual, streak-free and [...] natural-looking golden tone and an overall [...]healthy, tanned appearance. clarinsusa.com |
海巴戟果含有的acubin、L-车叶草苷和茜草素(alizarian),以及根中的一些蒽醌化合物可抑制一些治病菌株,如:绿脓桿菌 、 金黄色 葡 萄 球菌、枯草桿菌、大肠桿菌、沙门氏菌、誌贺氏菌,以及摩式变形菌Proteus morgaii等真菌,这也是海巴戟可以治疗皮肤感染及其他感染性疾病的物质基础。 int-tm.com | Morinda citrifolia fruit contains acubin, L- Woodruff Gan and alizarin ( alizarian ), as well as the root of some anthraquinone compounds can inhibit some disease strains, such as: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, bacillus coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and friction type deformation strain Proteus morgaii fungi, this is Hai Baji can treat skin infection and other infectious diseases of the material basis. en.int-tm.com |
丰富多样的款式都能与金黄色、白 金色 调 和 玫瑰金色等各种金色调相搭配,绝对令您应接不暇。 hk.ashford.com | With a variety of gold shades from yellow, white and rose [...] there is a style to please every palette. ashford.com |
这时,大芒宋的葡萄变成了非常理想的 金黄色 , 散 发 出一系列柔和清爽的芳香,融合了清脆的柑橘香,热带水果香及异国情调的果香,口感细腻,圆润. plaimont.com | The perfectly golden Gros Manseng grape offers a palette of sweet and [...] fresh flavours, a crisp marriage of citrus notes and [...]exotic fruit, softened by the finesse of white fruit. plaimont.com |
入烤箱烤15-18分钟,至杏仁片边角呈 金黄色 就 可 以出炉了。 maomaomom.com | Cover the entire surface and make sure that the almond slices don’t stack on top of each other (Picture 6). maomaomom.com |
起油锅开大中火,油热后分批炸成表 面 金黄色 即 可。 maomaomom.com | When oil is hot, fry a 4 rice patties at a time on medium-high heat [...] until surface turns golden brown. maomaomom.com |
本品广泛应用于医药制药、生物发酵、动物饲料、植物组织培养、化妆品、烟草工业(增香)、食品卫生检验等专业与各类培养基的配置,特别是配置各类半综合培养基时,本产品是主要的基础成分,如:半综合百日咳培养基、半综合流脑培养基、多糖体流脑半综合液体培养基 、 金黄色 葡 萄 球菌A蛋白培养基,还有硫乙醇酸盐无菌试验培养基,及厌氧菌培养基和活性炭琼脂培养基等等,均以酸水解酪蛋白为基础。 yak-casein.com | The product widely applies in the field of pharmaceutical drugs, microbial fermentation, animal feed, plant tissue culture, cosmetics, tobacco industry( smells pleasant), food sanitation test and the configuration of various types of media, in particularly, it’s the most important basis components when disposes each kind of semi-integrated culture medium, like semi-integrated pertussis culture, semi-integrated ECM culture, semi-integrated ECM polysaccharide liquid medium, staphylococcus aureus protein A medium and thioglycollate sterility test medium, anaerobic medium, activated charcoal agar etc., these are the basis of acid hydrolyzed casein. yak-casein.com |
另外一种类胡萝卜素角黄素却不一样,鸡仅能将 30 %的角黄素转换为维生素 A [...] ,其他的角黄素就被储存在蛋黄中,成为一种保护性成分,使蛋黄呈 现 金黄色。 yellow-egg.com | Canthaxanthin, another carotenoid, is different: Birds only convert about 30 per cent of it into [...] vitamin A. The rest is stored in the egg yolk as a protective substance, causing the [...] yolk to take on a golden-yellow hue. yellow-egg.com |
屋檐下 挂着金黄色的玉米棒 院子 里摆放着一个晾晒花生的大木钵 夏末正 值农户夏收的季节 [...] 对于现年76岁的刘师 凌和小他一岁的妻子王志青来说时下也是 一年中最重要的日子 他们的房子有一百 年历史了 对我们俩来说 这座房子又 大又舒适 刘师凌说道 [...]不过 再过几 年刘师凌和王志青告老时 这座房子将会 被拆掉 许多邻居都搬到镇上去了, 刘师凌说, 我们的房子现在所处的地方 以后会用作耕地 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Beneath the roof, golden yellow corn cobs [...] are hanging up to dry, and in the courtyard there is a large wooden bowl full of peanuts for drying. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
叶黄体素(lutein)及玉米黄质(zeaxanthin)是存在人类视网膜上的色素斑点,主要是吸收紫外线及含较多自由基的辐射光源以保护细胞不受伤害,叶黄体素和玉米黄质是结构极为类似的异购物,叶黄体素(又被直接翻译成-路丁)广泛的存在天然的深绿色蔬菜、水果,如菠菜、绿花椰菜等,玉米黄质则多存在一 些 金黄色 的 蔬果食物,如玉米、枸杞子、蛋黄中,而存在生物体内的叶黄体素与玉米黄质主要的角色也是在吸收光害自由基,担任保护细胞正常化的角色,防止白内瘴形成。 goodlifenutritionhouse.com | Lutein and zeaxanthin, found in fruits [...] and vegetables, protects macular cells from radiation and free radicals, possibly [...]delaying formation of cataracts. goodlifenutritionhouse.com |
现有的化验技术常常不能区分不同的耐甲氧西 林 金黄色 葡 萄球菌(MRSA)分离物,但全基因组测序能在短时间内提供精确信息,并能以以前无法想象的方式清除地区分MRSA分离物。 china.labmedica.com | Current laboratory techniques often cannot distinguish between methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates, but whole genome sequencing can provide precise information in a fast turnaround time, and could make a clear distinction between MRSA isolates in a way that was not previously possible. labmedica.com |
黄金的光吸收特性(此特性使它在 白天显现黄色)随 其厚度不同而变化,这样它 只能吸收某些特定波长的光而反射其他波长 的光。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The optical absorption of gold (the property that causes it to look yellow in daylight) [...] can be varied with the thickness [...]of this shell, so that only certain wavelengths of light are absorbed and certain wavelengths reflected. unesdoc.unesco.org |
照明效果必须与教堂的精神氛围相一致,同时也能为牧师阅读诗经提供照明,并照亮巴伐利亚巴洛克祭坛(用来祭祀圣母玛利亚),突显其白金 和 黄金色 叶 木 雕刻细节,让黑夜下的教堂更显光辉灿烂。 tridonic.cn | The lighting had to be in keeping with the spiritual atmosphere of the chapel, provide reading light for the priest and illuminate the baroque Bavarian altar dedicated to the Virgin Mary. tridonic.com |
赛诺龙公司首席执行官Louis P. [...] Scafuri表示:“这是第一篇由业内专家评审的关于elure的论文,论文证实了使用该产品的患者达到了良好的早期临床和商用效果,并进一步凸显了该产品成为皮肤美白和减 轻 色 素 沉着 的 黄金 标 准 的潜力。 tipschina.gov.cn | Louis P. Scafuri, Chief Executive Officer of Syneron Medical, said, "This first peer reviewed publication on elure confirms the strong early clinical and commercial results that patients have achieved with the [...] product and further highlights its [...] potential to become the gold standard for skin lightening and pigmentation treatments. tipschina.gov.cn |