

单词 金融风暴

See also:

金融 adj

financial adj
monetary adj

金融 n

finance n
banking n


fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc)
violent commotion

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 更适合国情的宏观经济政策、包容各方和有利于穷人的政策以及政府更大程度的 参与,可能更能够帮助保护各国免 金融风暴 之 害
It is now suggested that more accommodating macroeconomic policies, inclusive and pro-poor
policies and greater government involvement might do a better job of helping to
[...] protect countries from financial turmoil.
去年西方国家引金融风暴之后 ,亚洲国家引领全球经济复苏,世界经济重心正加速向东方转移。
In the wake of the financial crisis sparked [...]
off by the Western nations last year, Asian countries have led the world in
economic recovery, and the centre of gravity of the world economy is shifting towards the East.
最近,国际社会的注意力主要集中从政策上应对目前全金融风暴暴露的金融体 系薄弱环节的挑战。
Recently, the international community attention had been focused largely on the challenge of crafting policy responses to the weaknesses in the financial system, exposed by the ongoing global financial turmoil.
2008年9月中旬开始金融风暴席卷 美国,历史悠久的金融机构雷曼兄弟宣告倒闭,美国国际集团陷入困境,不得不接受联邦储备局850亿美元的紧急救援。
Since mid-September 2008, a
[...] full-blown financial crisis has erupted in the United States, with well-established financial institutions [...]
like Lehman Brothers
filing for bankruptcy and AIG (American International Group) requiring a massive US$85 billion bailout from the US Federal Reserve.
始于美国的次贷危机引发了全球性 金融风暴 , 继而引起人们对于金融产品公允价值计价的思考。
The US sub-prime mortgage loan crisis
[...] triggered the global financial crisis and drew [...]
people's attention to the fair value pricing of financial products.
雄厚的资金储备和有力的 资本账户监管措施,帮助各国在 2011 年下半年金融风暴中几 乎没有受到太大 冲击:银行抗住金融风暴,而 资本流入的急剧逆转似乎没有太大影响到经济活 动。
Strong reserve positions and capital account regulatory measures helped countries
to come relatively
[...] unscathed out of the financial turmoil of the second half of 2011: banks survived the storm, while the sharp [...]
reversal in capital
inflows did not seem to have affected economic activity too much.
金融风暴已经 波及欧洲和亚洲,对全球经济的影响日渐显著,新加坡也不能幸免。
The contagion has now spread [...]
to Europe and Asia, and the effects of the global financial turmoil have already filtered through to the Singapore economy.
于2011 /
[...] 2012年度,玛泽预测预算案约有540亿港圆的综合盈余,并提出了几项能协助香港公司平稳过 金融风暴 的 税收措施,减轻公众对通货膨胀和物价上胀的影响。
For 2011 / 2012, Mazars anticipates a consolidated surplus of approximately HK$54 billion and proposes to take several tax measures to
help Hong Kong businesses to tide over the
[...] upcoming economic storm and to relieve the [...]
public from the impact of inflation and rising prices.
一些专家坚持认为,一些新兴市场国家非常出色地经受最近的这 金融风 暴,这 最终证明其中一些国家具有不断演变进化的性质。
Experts argued that the ability of
some emerging market countries to
[...] weather the latest financial storm remarkably well [...]
was the final proof of the evolving
nature of some of those countries.
[...] 年全球经济危机暴露了金融市场运作的体制性失效以及经济决策 核心的严重缺陷;美利坚合众国 金融风暴 迅 速 蔓延,几乎席卷整个世界,影响 就业和生计,凸显了全球经济的相互关联性。
The global economic crisis of 2008-2009 exposed systemic failures in the workings of financial markets and major deficiencies at the core
of economic policymaking; and the
[...] rapid spread of the financial fallout in the United [...]
States of America throughout nearly
the entire world, affecting jobs and livelihoods, underscored the interconnectedness of the global economy.
中国 - 世界第二大经济体,也是新加坡第二大贸易伙伴国, 从全金融风暴中强 劲回弹,借助这股动力,预计今年能够取得9%的增长。
China - the world’s second largest economy and Singapore’s second largest trading partner - is expected to grow 9%  this year, riding on the momentum of its strong rebound from the global financial crisis.
我们目睹国际和平与安全面临的重大威 胁、政治动荡温床、经济金融风暴 以 及 前所未有的 自然灾害。
We are witnessing significant threats to international
peace and security, hotbeds of political
[...] instability, economic and financial turmoil and unprecedented [...]
natural disasters.
拥有丰富的观光产业、全球第二多的人口以及急速发展的经济等优势的印度娱乐市场,由于民众前往游乐场的消费行为剧增,也连带增加了业者的投资意愿,因此,造成市场呈现跳跃成长的景况,后势发展非常值得期待! 受到金融风暴的影响,造成全球持续的不景气,导致展前报名参与IAAPI展的国外参展商减少,也让想要参展的厂商以及前往的买家十分担忧。
With abundant and plentiful tourism resources, the second biggest population in the world, a huge domestic market, the alteration of the public's consumption behavior, and the fast growing economy, India's amusement game industry has great potential and promise so it appeals to a lot of investors, which results in a prosperous and
thriving market However, because of the
[...] impact of the global financial crisis and continuous [...]
economic depression, the number of
foreign exhibitors registering for this year's Show decreased, which worried the local exhibitors and buyers a lot.
实际上 2001 至 2008 年间,政府债务与国内生产总值之间的比例已从 53%降 至 34%(见以下图示
[...] 5),而且尽管在 2008-2009 年金融风暴过程中 采取了财政刺激措施,但 [...]
2009-2011 年时期内这一比率也仍然只有 38%。
Indeed, between 2001 and 2008, government debt-to-GDP ratios fell from 53 per cent to 34 per
cent (see figure 5), and despite fiscal
[...] stimulus during the turmoil of 2008-09, the [...]
ratio over the period 2009 to 2011 was still only 38 per cent.
您认为这次的危机比1997年亚 金融风暴 更 严 重吗?
Do you believe this crisis
[...] is worse than the Asian financial crisis?
1998年日本经济形势最艰难的一年,第一季经济成长率下降到-5.3%,第二季为-3.3%,银行坏帐严重,同时期东南 金融风暴 对 日 本海外出口市场和投资市场冲击巨大,而日本政府对经济衰退束手无策,频繁出炉的经济政策毫无作用,民众的不满引发桥本内阁的下台;8月底开始,日圆大幅回升,原因在于美国经济成长放缓,美日贸易进一步扩大,导致日圆在短短2个月内反弹到114.33(期货在8月底贬值到1日圆:0.6807美分)的价位。
In 1998 the economic situation in Japan the most difficult year in the first quarter economic growth rate dropped to -5.3% -3.3% for the second quarter,
the banks severe bad debt, in the
[...] same period of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia [...]
to Japan from overseas export markets
and the tremendous impact of the investment market, The Japanese government on the economic recession at a loss, often out of economic policy at all, the people's discontent caused the Hashimoto cabinet to step down; start by the end of August, the yen rebounded sharply, due to slowdown in U.S. economic growth, the United States and Japan to further expand trade, leading to Yen in just 2 months to 114.33 rebound (in futures by the end of August to 1 yen depreciation: 0.6807 cents) price.
Despite the global economic crisis we could see increased visitor numbers of 30% compared to 2007.
80%的人认为这次的危机比1997年的亚 金融风暴 更 严 重。
Up to 80% of respondents have expressed the opinion that this crisis is more
[...] severe than the Asian financial crisis.
这种大力放松银根的措 施和其他措施旨在保护本国银行业不 金融风暴 的 破 坏。
This strong easing in the monetary stance is in line with other measures aimed at protecting the national
[...] banking sector from the financial turmoil.
此外,在最近的全金融风暴中出 现一个共识,即有必要加 强监测流动性和信贷风险的监管工作。
Also, the consensus that emerged from the
[...] recent global financial turmoil is that there [...]
is a need to step up supervisory efforts
in monitoring liquidity and credit risks.
金融风暴以及 经济不景气影响,导致全球电玩产业发展脚步减缓,而被认为是小型展会的印度IAAPI展,其展商、买家数量以及订单情形,也被外界预估将遭受到不小的影响。
Due to the global financial crisis and economic [...]
depression, the development of the global amusement machine industry has
slowed down, and therefore, it was estimated that the IAAPI Trade Show would be influenced a lot in its numbers of exhibitors, visitors, purchasers, and orders.
虽然金融危机的源头不在发展中国家,但它们的经济,特别是融入国际金融 市场程度较大的发展中国家的经济,不能幸免 金融风暴 之 外
Although the financial crisis did not originate in developing countries, their
economies, especially those more integrated into international financial markets, were
[...] not immune to the financial turmoil.
在此背景下,罗兰贝格凭借其深厚的战略管理专业功底和出色的顾问团队,为在华的中外企业提供许多应 金融风暴 和 经 济危机的解决之道,并协助他们重树信心、安稳渡过危机。
Companies in China are no exception. Against this challenging macroeconomic backdrop, Roland Berger, with profound management expertise and an exceptional team of
professionals, provides companies in China with solutions that allow
[...] them to weather the storm with confidence [...]
and clarity.
1999年,时值亚金融风暴后期 ,市场资金仍然紧绌。香港回归后的天时,首要的战略目标就是抢占市场和技术最有价值的制高点,也就是争取成为香港创业板首家上市公司。
Year 1999, the later
[...] days of the Asia Financial Crisis and post Hong Kong returning sovereignty, funds in the capital [...]
market remained tight;
as for Timeless, the utmost strategic goal is to take the commanding alleviation height, that is, to strive to become the first listed company of the Hong Kong GEM Board.
同样地,中国当代艺术家的作品价格 虽曾爬 上顶峰,但在这一金融风暴也首 当其冲遇上瓶颈:王广义的作品价值下 跌了75 %,周春芽下跌了57 %。
Likewise, the revenue totals of Chinese contemporary artists who shot to the top of the market in record times, were also substantially impacted by the crisis: Wang Guangyi’s total shrank by 75% and Zhou Chunya’s by 57%.
[...] 势,以负责和理智的方式从事国民经济的发展,就有可能打下一个坚实的基础, 不仅可以减轻全球金融危机对发展中国家经济的冲击,而且可以在全 金融 动荡 的风暴海洋 中建立相对稳定和繁荣的避风港。
The Uzbek model of sustainable economic growth shows that if we approach national economic development responsibly, wisely and with a grasp of underlying trends in international economic development, it is possible to lay a solid foundation not only for cushioning
the impact of the international financial crisis on developing countries’ economies, but also for creating havens of relative stability and
[...] prosperity in the stormy seas of global financial instability.
民间社会组织和贸发会议一直在进行为此制定指南的工作,制定指南 的依据包括从南方国家积累的不公正、不可持续的债务中吸取的教训、最近一金融危机中暴露的银行金融机构 的掠夺和轻率行为以及私人融资的“道风 险”
Civil society groups and UNCTAD have been working on developing guidelines along these lines, based on lessons from the accumulation of unjust and unsustainable debt in the South, the predatory
and reckless behaviour
[...] of banks and financial institutions exposed in the recent financial crisis, and the “moral hazard” feature of private finance.
至於民 建聯反對的 增加稅 項 , 其中政 府建議 增加的 駕駛執照、車 輛 登 記 及 牌 照費用, 對 職 業司機 影響最大, 加上其他的
有 車 階 級 多為居 於較為偏 遠 地 區 的 居 民 和 中 產 人士,他 們
[...] 不 少正飽 受 過去三 年 多金融風 暴 的 困擾, 而 且 又 未能在 經 [...]
濟 復 甦 中 受惠, 大幅增加牌 費和駕駛執照的 費用, 只 會令他 們 百 上加斤 。
As regards the increase items opposed by the DAB, the proposed increases in vehicle and driving licence fees and vehicle registration fees will have the greatest impact on professional drivers. Coupled with the fact that other car owners are mostly people living in more remote areas and
the middle class, many of whom are still
[...] cornered by the financial turmoil that started [...]
more than three years ago and have
failed to benefit from the economic recovery, a substantial increase in vehicle licence fee and driving licence fee will only further aggravate their burden.




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