

单词 金融杠杆

See also:

金融 adj

financial adj
monetary adj

金融 n

finance n
banking n

杠杆 n

levers pl
lever n

External sources (not reviewed)

养恤基金从 2007 年开始金融杠杆和信 贷风险进行跟踪, 对基金的业绩作出了贡献。
The tracking of leverage and credit risk, initiated in 2007, has contributed to the Fund’s outperformance.
当前危机表明,必须紧急制定国际协调的金融监管和监督准则和标准, 使金 融杠杆和监 管套利不致危及全球体系的稳定。
The current crisis demonstrates the urgent need for introducing internationally
harmonized norms and
[...] standards for financial regulation and supervision, so that financial leverage and regulatory [...]
arbitrage does not endanger
the stability of the global system.
一些发展中国家的政府提议采取果断行动,抑制不断升高的初级商品价 格,并减金融杠杆、增 加市场透明度,以缓解系统性风险。
Governments in several of the developed countries have proposed bold actions to curb
rising commodity prices and to mitigate systemic
[...] risks by reducing financial leverage and increasing [...]
market transparency.
金融杠杆信贷功能使管理财务 更简易,不过,也代表着更大的责任。
Leveraging on credit facilities makes managing your money easier, but [...]
it’s also a big responsibility.
这场危机表明,亟需大力改进金融监管和监督,以确 金融杠杆 水 平 不会危 及整个系统的稳定。
The crisis has demonstrated the urgent
need to
[...] significantly improve financial regulation and supervision in order to ensure that financial leverage levels do not [...]
endanger the stability of the system as a whole.
幸运的是,2007 年以来,投资管理司强调金融杠杆和管 理保护力度最大的市场进行投资。
Fortunately, since 2007 the Investment Management Division has emphasized investments in
[...] markets in which leverage and governance [...]
are the most protective.
在经济良好的时期金融杠杆能够 增加资本收益,但在萧条时期,债务负担却会成为制约因素。
While leverage can increase the return on [...]
capital when times are good, the burden of debt becomes a constraint during recessionary times.
金融去杠杆化是 加强银行的长期财务状 况所必须的,但就短期而言,却会导致信贷供应紧张,使实体经济进一步受到削 弱。
Financial deleveraging is necessary to strengthen the financial position of [...]
banks in the long run, but, in the short run,
it will lead to tighter credit supplies, which will further weaken the real economy.
尽管向金融系统注入大量流动资金,主要发达经 济体的信贷增长依然软弱无力金融 非 杠杆 化 进程还在进行中。
Despite the large amounts of liquidity injected into the financial
system, credit growth remains feeble in major developed economies and
[...] the process of financial de-leveraging is still ongoing.
无疑,次区域各国虽然存在高金 融杠杆化, 它们避免了主要银行的崩溃,而且能够维持正规或非正规的货币紧盯 [...]
Indeed, while the countries of the subregion avoided
collapses of major banks despite their
[...] high degree of financial leverage, they were also [...]
able to sustain formal or informal
currency pegs and did not resort to massive nationalization of enterprises.
促进并加强与其他议员、捐助者、非政府组织 和私营部门的伙伴关系,利用人力 金融 资 源 杠杆 实 现 千年发展目标 5。
Promote and strengthen partnerships
with other parliamentarians, donors, NGOs and the private sector to
[...] leverage human and financial resources to achieve MDG5.
管制方式应较 少地注重于金融机构种类之间的差别,而较多地注重 金融 机 构 涉及 杠杆规 模
A regulatory approach should focus less on the
differentiation between
[...] types of financial institutions and more on the scale of leverage that institutions [...]
engaged in.
然而,经济形势依然不明朗,本区域一些国 金融 部 门 去 杠杆 化 的 过程 仍在继续。
However, the economic situation remains
[...] uncertain, with de-leveraging of the financial sector of several [...]
countries in the region still ongoing.
2005 年加盟 GSO Capital 前,Fan 先生是 Credit
[...] Suisse First Boston 法律及合规部主管,监管企业与投资银行分部 金 融 投 资者处以 杠杆融 资 处
Before joining GSO Capital in 2005, Mr. Fan was a Director in the legal and compliance department of Credit
Suisse First Boston, overseeing the Financial Sponsors Group of the Corporate and Investment
[...] Banking Division, as well as the Leveraged Finance Group.
The main financial services we provide include Leverage trading in Forex, [...]
precious metals, Index, Crude Oil CFDs.
在 2008 年加入 Blackstone
[...] 之前,Paydar 先生在惠誉评级公司担杠杆金融分 析师,涵盖各工业领域的信用分析。
Before joining Blackstone in 2008, Mr. Paydar
[...] worked as a leveraged finance analyst at [...]
Fitch Ratings covering credits in the diversified industrials sector.
他们提出的建议包括在分配官方发展援助时优先考虑最不发达国 家;落实新颖和创新的资金来源;探讨并酌情试验新 金融 协 作 以及特别是金 融协作 ;通过补贴最不发达国家优先领域的国际私营部门参与,特别是外国直接 投资,发挥资源杠杆作用;通过提高协议透明度和推动政府特别是议会审查, 加强最不发达国家的商业订约能力;让最不发达国家更多地参与援助架构的治 理。
Recommendations proposed included prioritizing least developed countries in allocations of official
development assistance;
[...] implementing new and innovative sources of financing; exploring and, where possible, experimenting with new types of financial and, especially, non-financial collaboration; leveraging resources through [...]
subsidies for international
private sector engagement, especially foreign direct investment, in areas of least developed country priority; strengthening least developed country capacities for commercial contracting through greater transparency in agreements and by fostering governmental, especially parliamentary, review; increasing the participation of least developed countries in governance of the aid architecture.
在 DLJ 被收购之前,他是 DLJ 杠杆融资部成员,专门负金融投 资者交易。
Prior to the acquisition of DLJ, Mr. Petrini was a
[...] member of DLJ’s Leveraged Finance Group, specializing in financial sponsor transactions.
对 话包括四个互动讨论:(a)
[...] 国际货币和金融制度改革及其对发展的影响;(b) 当前 金融和经济危机对外国直接投资和其他私人资本流动、外债和国际贸易的影响; (c) 金融和技术发展合作,包括发展资金的新型来源在调集国内和国际 金 促进 发展方面杠杆作用 ;(d) 发展筹资与实现千年发展目标之间的联系:通往 2010 年高级别活动的道路。
The Dialogue included four interactive discussions on: (a) the reform of the international monetary and financial system and its implications for development; (b) the impact of the current financial and economic crisis on foreign direct investment and other private flows, external debt and
[...] trade; (c) the role of financial and technical development cooperation, including innovative sources of development finance, in leveraging the mobilization [...]
of domestic and international financial resources for development; and
(d) the link between financing for development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals: the road to the 2010 high-level event.
在1999年加入Whitney之前,Carrabino先生在瑞士信贷第一波士顿工作过12年,涉足多个领域,包 杠杆融 资 和 金 融 投 资者研究、高收益证券融资及企业重组。
Prior to joining Whitney in 1999, Mr. Carrabino spent twelve years at Credit
Suisse First Boston in a number of
[...] areas including leveraged finance and financial sponsor [...]
coverage, high yield finance and
corporate restructurings and reorganizations.
金融危机期间,以下方面的监管失灵变得很明显:复杂和高风险 融 产品 的产品安全控制;风险杠杆的管 理;对非传 金融 机 构和“影子银行系统”的 不对称监管;信用评级机构;相对于单个公司风险评估的系统风险评估;资本充 足监管的顺周期性;道德风险和薪酬制度的奖励结构等。
Regulatory failure became apparent during the crisis with regard to the control of
product safety for complex
[...] and high risk financial products, management of risks and leverage, asymmetric regulation of non-traditional financial institutions [...]
and the “shadow banking
system”, credit rating agencies, assessment of systemic risk as opposed to individual firms’ risk, the pro-cyclical nature of capital adequacy regulation, moral hazard and the incentive structure for compensation systems.
在加盟AEA之前,Garcia曾在瑞士信贷第一波士顿担任过多项职务,包括化工组全球负责人、欧洲投资银行部门的管理委员会成员、欧洲收购 杠杆融 资 及 金 融 投 资人组的负责人、欧洲自然资源组的负责人。
Before joining AEA, Mr. Garcia held various positions at Credit Suisse First Boston, including global head of the chemicals group, member of the European investment banking department's management
committee, head of the European
[...] acquisitions and leveraged finance and financial sponsors [...]
group, and head of the European natural resources group.
这可以包括在发挥额外收入杠杆效 应 进而实现多 种环境目标过程中将初始金用作 “种子”金,这 些环境目标包括通过(冷却器项目中出现的) 提高能源利用率实现基金项目的最大气候惠益,或为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划(HPMP)提供尽可能多 的可用资源,并鼓励尽早淘汰氟氯烃。
This might
[...] involve employing the initial funds as “seed” money in an effort to leverage additional funds to achieve multiple environmental [...]
objectives including
maximizing the climate change benefits of Fund projects through energy efficiency (as occurred in the chiller projects), or maximizing the resources available for HCFC phase-out management plans (HPMPs) and encouraging the early phase-out of HCFCs.
这一项目的成功之处显然在于发挥预算外资金(即挪威政府和安道尔政府分别以一个 两年期高额奖项和一个低额奖项形式提供的预算外 金 ) 的 杠杆 作 用,其部分工作致力于与 外部合作伙伴协同开展活动,以及有针对性地调动预算外资源。
This project has been notably successful in leveraging extrabudgetary funds in the form of a major two-year award from the Norwegian Government and a smaller award from the Government of Andorra, part of the project’s commitment to establishing synergies with outside partners and a targeted approach to mobilizing extrabudgetary resources.
为此,必须提供出口信贷、联合供资、 风险资本和其他贷款手段、风险担保、运用援助资源 杠杆 手 段 、关于投资机会 的信息、商业发展服务、促进商业接触的论坛、发达国家和发展中国家企业的合 作,以及可行性研究的金。
To this end, it is important to provide export credits, co-financing, venture capital and other lending
instruments, risk
[...] guarantees, leveraging aid resources, information on investment opportunities, business development services, forums to facilitate business contacts and cooperation between enterprises of developed and developing countries, as well as funding for feasibility [...]
这一领域的活动以战略伙伴关系/资源调动战 略为指导,该战略涉及到筹集、利 杠杆 作 用 调动 金 并 使资金多样化,使妇女 署能够满足其提供技术和方案支助及在世界各国开展活动的需求。
Activities for this area are guided by a strategic partnership/resource
mobilization strategy that involves
[...] raising, leveraging and diversifying the funds that enable UN-Women [...]
to meet demands for its
technical and programmatic support and presence in countries worldwide.
全球经济面临的挑战是如何发挥信贷 杠杆 作 用 ,加快复苏,尤其是在许多 发达国家的公共部门更加需要筹集 金 来 填 补财政刺激措施造成的巨额赤字时, 为消费和中小企业提供资金。
The challenge facing the
[...] global economy is how to leverage credit to speed up the recovery, particularly with regard to financing consumption and SMEs, at [...]
a time when the public
sectors of many developed countries will have greater need for financing to cover the massive deficits built up by their fiscal stimulus measures.
在加入 GSOCapital 之前,Peer 女士曾任职于 Barclays Capital 和雷曼兄弟公司杠杆融资部 门,主要从事高收益、夹层 杠杆 贷 款 融资的发起、安排和执行事宜,为收购和并购提供支持。
Before joining GSO Capital, Ms. Peer
[...] worked in the Leveraged Finance Group at Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers, where she focused on originating, structuring and executing high yield, mezzanine and leveraged loan financings [...]
to support acquisitions and buyouts.
只要将这项提议限制在仅 用“闲置”特别提款权作杠杆则风 险是有限的,这与相当多国家现行的做法相 似:把多余的外汇储金移入主权 金 , 而 主权 金 内 具 体资产的流动性和风险 将决定这些资产是否仍然归类为储备金。
The risks may
[...] be limited as long as the proposal is restricted to leveraging “idle” SDRs, which is similar to the existing practice of a fair number of countries of moving excess foreign currency reserves into sovereign wealth funds, where the liquidity [...]
and risk characteristics
of specific assets in the fund determine whether or not those assets still qualify as reserve holdings.
一位成员强调,消耗臭氧层物质处理项目的用意是作为示范项目,所以要表明多边 基金所提供的金如何发挥杠杆作用 ,吸引共同出资来确保将来的销毁活动无需多边基金 [...]
One Member emphasized that ODS disposal projects were intended to be demonstration projects and, as
such, were expected to show how
[...] Multilateral Fund funding could leverage co-financing to ensure [...]
that future destruction activities
would continue in the long term without further financing from the Multilateral Fund.




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