

单词 金箍

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External sources (not reviewed)

可是,現在有不少房委會成員指當年立法 局倉促行事,又指有關條文是“惡法”、是 金 剛 箍 ” ,對於這種說法,我 絕不認同。
Unfortunately, a number of current HA members are complaining that the former Legislative Council had acted rashly.
特別是政府現時連串的表現,特 別在回歸後政金剛箍不斷 縮窄,很多政治團體被打壓,很多遊行示 威活動被打壓,甚至胡椒噴霧也用超級大瓶的。
This is particularly demonstrated by the acts of the
Government, especially the continuous
[...] tightening of the political golden hoop after the reunification [...]
and the suppression of many
political groups, marches and demonstrations, as well as the use of extra-large cylinders of pepper spray.
我 覺 得 政 府 在 很 多 問 題 上 真 的要放 權,因為加 在我們頭 上的金 剛 箍 ” 實 在 太 緊 了。
(Laugher) I think that the Government must give up certain of its powers over many issues, because the restrictions on us are too much.
政府自行戴上金剛箍,認 為公共開支是不能增長的。
The Government puts on its own straightjacket, claiming that there can be no increase in public expenditure.
光緒時期金屬箍圈鼻 煙壺時或出現,但它們多半是銀絲作的,跟本壺與解放後的產品都沒關系,也不足以形成新的趨勢。
[...] the occasional filigree bottle may date [...]
from the Guangxu period, these were mostly done in silver, not gilt metal
and did not represent a new trend in any specific way.
這些法例就像是備而 不用的「尚方寶劍」,在現時政府比較容忍和礙於公眾壓力之㆘便不加應用,但我們難 保將來,這些潛在箝制新聞的法例不會為成新聞自由的 金 剛 箍 」。
So the statutes are not invoked. But we cannot be sure that the statutes, which potentially restrict the propagation of information, will not become constraints on the freedom of the press.
在過去十數年間,金剛箍”其 實是不斷收窄的。
In fact, the "golden hoop" has been tightened [...]
constantly in the past 10 years or so.
主席,自1997年回歸後的十數年以來,政治 金 剛 箍 ” 的 操控一直 不斷收窄:臨立會、人大釋法、重新引入區議會委任制度、第二十三 [...]
條嘗試立法、強行通過截聽條例、選擇性檢控所謂的非法廣播、曾德 成局長干預志願機構,使一名社工被解聘、警方沒收民主女神像,打
壓言論自由,以及在最近一連串遊行活動中,警方的操控越來越嚴苛 等。
President, for more than 10 years since the reunification in
[...] 1997, the political "golden hoop" has been tightened [...]
constantly: the Provisional Legislative
Council; the interpretation of the Basic Law by the National People's Congress; the re-introduction of the District Council appointment system; the proposed enactment of legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law; forcing through the Interception Bill; selective prosecution of the so-called illegal broadcasting; Secretary TSANG Tak-sing's intervention in voluntary agencies, resulting in the dismissal of a social worker; confiscation of the Goddess of Democracy statutes by the police; clamping down on the freedom of expression; as well as stricter police control in recent processions.
我又發覺,當議 員似乎沒有甚麼滿足感,踢足球贏了政府卻有滿足感,於是,我在最後一段 中說,“我覺得政府在很多問題上真的要放權,因為加在我們頭上的 金剛 箍’實 在太緊了”,以致我們做不到甚麼。
I also found that it seemed there was little satisfaction in being a Member but it was gratifying to have defeated the government team in a football match, so I said in the last paragraph that on many issues, the Government really had to devolve its powers because the fetters binding us were really too tight, so much so that we could achieve little.
在1989年六四鎮壓之後,中 央政府就公布了所謂《港澳記者來內地採訪的注意事項》的七條規定, 簡稱“ 採訪七條”,這七條採訪要求成為往內地採訪的香港記者 金剛 箍。
Following the 4 June crackdown, the Central Government promulgated the "seven points to note for Hong Kong and Macao journalists wishing to cover news in Mainland China", "the seven points to note" in brief.
本壺箍圈是黃金作的,不是金的 ; 箍 圈 也 不是在舊的煙壺上追套的(沒有箍圈,本壺就會散架了);而且,它的式樣與二十世紀的那批迥異。
For a start the metalwork is solid gold whereas the metal of the later group was gilt-metal; secondly [...]
it was conceived in
its present form and is not a plain bottle re-decorated (indeed, could not be, since it would not hold together without the metalwork), and thirdly, it is nothing like the style of the mid-twentieth-century Beijing products.
這個18%的比率,不單是令資助學額無法增加的 金 剛 箍 ” , 更是大 學路上一隻兇猛的攔路虎。
The ratio of 18% is not only a "magical headband" preventing the
[...] number of publicly-funded places from expanding, [...]
it has also acted like a ferocious
tiger standing in the way to universities.
半透明琥珀色與雄黃色的琥珀,金;由三塊琥珀作成,肩部、底 金 絲 箍 圈 箍 斂 , 上有 金 頸 , 底有塞洞的黃金塞子;凸形唇、平面略斂底,底緣箍圈當作突出凸形圈足;琥珀無飾紋,頸上部有繩紋一周,下有細繩紋環;底中心金塞子刻“珍”一字楷款
Translucent orange and yellow-ochre amber, and gold; made of three segments of amber
joined at the shoulders
[...] and base with gold, with a gold neck and a gold plug in a hole in the foot; with a convex lip and slightly recessed flat [...]
foot, the lower join doubling
as a protruding convex footrim; the amber undecorated, the gold with formalized floral filigree work, the upper-neck rim with a simulated-rope band, repeated on a smaller scale at the edge of the shoulder and base joints, the slightly raised circular gold plug on the foot engraved in regular script with the single character zhen (precious)
所以,真真正正要考慮讓院校有更多資源重新定位,除了要檢討教 資會的角色外,教育局14 500個大學生資助學額金剛箍,必 須與時並 進,重新檢討。
Hence, if we are seriously considering the allocation of more resources to institutions for their re-positioning, apart from reviewing the role of the UGC, we also have to go along with the times and re-examine the restrictive provision of 14 500 subsidized undergraduate places as imposed by the Education Bureau.
湯家驊議員的提案,其實間接回應了 人 大 去 年 四二 六 對 香 港 政制判 死 刑 的 這 一 招 ,明知四二六 的 解 釋 是 說 明 將 來不但沒有普 選 ,
[...] [...] 並 說 明 將 來任何 改動或 增 加直選 議員的議席時,必 須 增 加 功 能 界 別 議 席,可能便 是 這個金鋼 箍 ”令湯家驊議員無 法 不 提 出這個要求, 寧 願 甚麼 也 不 要 ,一拍 兩 散 , 寧 願 不 增 加 功 能 界 [...] [...]
別 議席,也希望維持 香 港 走 向民主發 展的道 路 。
He would rather have no increase in the number of FC seats so that Hong Kong will continue its progress towards democracy.
不少人都認為大學應該增加更多與金融和貿易有關的學位,但今天 的大學教育政策便好像金剛箍”一 樣,限制了學額的總數,當一個學系 增加了學位,另一個學系便有機會要減少。
However, the existing policy on university education is like a tightening grip which restricts the total number of university places, and adding places in one department will mean reducing places in another department.
這 3 個金 剛 箍 ” , 使 立法會變 成 受 制 於 唐 三 藏 的 孫 悟 空 , 失去 制 衡 的力量 , 使 行 政主導 膨脹成 為 行 政 霸 道 。
This three supreme restrictions together turned the Legislative Council into a Monkey King subject to the constraints of his master, Monk TANG San-zang, thereby losing its power to exercise checks and balances, resulting in the executive-led government turning into executive hegemonist.
其實,說到底仍是“適齡人口18%可以入讀大學” 金 剛 箍 , 李慧 琼議員剛才提到14 500個資助學額,這亦是另一金剛箍 , 這 些 金 剛箍 限制了我們的大學教育。
Actually, the
[...] restrictive cap of "18% of the relevant age cohort may enrol in publicly-funded undergraduate programmes" is still there, and "14 500 first-year [...]
undergraduate places"
as just mentioned by Ms Starry LEE is another restrictive cap.
我剛才一直沒有提及你的名字,只是在談到政府的回應 時才提到你的名字,原因並不是希望把你作為話題,而只是說你亦因《基本 法》這金剛箍,不 幸地作出了這樣的裁決。
I only said that you had unfortunately given such a ruling limited by the Basic Law strait-jacket.
不論是由誰來做,也會被《基本法》金 剛圈箍得很緊的。
Disregarding who is going to take up this office, his hands are set to be tied by the Basic Law.
最怕是這個快將卸任的「波士」對席位戀戀不捨,對 員工使用金剛圈」緊箍不放,那就不免會令員工「左右做㆟難」,日夕戰戰競競,忐 [...]
However, if this outgoing government clings to its power and
[...] applies the legendary "golden hoop" and restrains [...]
their movement, the employees find it
hand to please both their present and future bosses.
具有铰链-箍作用 的后卡套设计不仅 进一步增强了传统卡套设计所具有的坚固性能、而且还提 供了
The hinging-colleting back ferrule design expands on the already robust performance of the traditional ferrule design and provides
For example, brake lever of bicycle, breaker, yoke, hand tools housing, etc.
将活塞箍 (1q)安装到 活塞 (1r)上。
Install piston guide band (1q) onto piston (1r).
我们有超过15000种不同部件并且这一数目还在不断增加,迪耐斯能够供应完整排气系统的全部零件,包括消音器,排气管, 箍 , 接头 , 金 属 软管,选择性催化还原系统(SCR)和柴油颗粒捕捉器(DPF)----全面满足客户的需求。
With more than 15.000 part numbers and continuously increasing, Dinex strives to supply all parts of an exhaust system – silencers, pipes, clamps, fittings, flexible hoses as well as future emission replacement parts such as silencer, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and diesel particulate filter (DPF) - in order to meet the needs of our customers.
如 果今天的議案獲得通過的話,我個人認為在程序上是不公義的,我認 為這是行政機關在運用議會內的大多數支持,以一個 箍 咒 、 金 剛圈壓下去,這完全破壞了我們一向以來的《議事規則》和議事程序,這 亦破壞了其他人將來對立法會的看法,更會開立先例,一個壞的先例。
But it is also necessary for us to talk about the rule of law, procedures and justice.
后 卡套的几何形状有助于产生先进的工程铰链 - 夹 箍 作 用 、这 种作用可把轴向运动转化为卡套管上的径向挤压作用、操作 时只需要很小的装配扭矩。
The back ferrule geometry allows for an improved engineering hinging-colleting™ action that translates axial motion into radial swaging action on the tube, yet operates with a low assembly torque requirement.
但是,香港政府礙於“大政府、小巿場”的“ 箍 咒 ” ,礙 於既得利益者的反對,不肯為這些“家庭友善”政策進行立法,以及制訂適 切的措施。
Restrained by the principle of "big market, small government" and owing to the opposition from people with vested interests, the Government is reluctant to enact legislation on family-friendly policies and formulate timely and appropriate measures.
到了 2017 年,所謂的特首普選也只是一個假選舉,因為必然 會有一個極為嚴苛的箍選”機制,令香港市民選擇投票等於不投票。
The so-called Chief Executive Election in 2017 will just be a bogus election because there will certainly be a very stringent "screening" mechanism that renders the choices and votes of Hong Kong entirely meaningless.
零备件包应包含 — 但不限于 — 必要的维修工具以及气相色谱仪零备件(如滤管、垫片、 箍 等 ) 和质 谱仪备件(如灯丝、保险丝等)。
The kit shall include, but not be limited to, the tools needed for repairs and spare parts for the GC (such as liners, septa, ferrules, and so on) and spare parts for the MS (such as, filaments, fuses, and so on).




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