

单词 金枝玉叶

See also:


gold and jade


branch and leaf

External sources (not reviewed)

即使國 際 形 象 再 好 , 也 只金 玉其外 , 敗 絮 其 中而已。
Even if it has a good international image, it is only fair without and foul within.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16
[...] 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、叶 苣 、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏、甘蓝、 花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒 玉 米 中 的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in
cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
即使是作为国际金科玉律的 平等权利和人民自决原则也不允许未经同意 肢解国家的行为。
Not even the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples as precepts of international law allow for the dismemberment of an existing State without its consent.
乔木给50米高; 树干直径达2米;树皮淡灰棕色,裂化不规则的盘子; 不规则的树金字塔; 长枝浅黄 或光淡灰黄色,在2或3 年改变灰色的或微黑,最初无毛; 短小枝圆筒状的或近球形,承担鳞片剩余的戒指叶垫密被黄色短柔毛。
Trees to 50 m tall; trunk to 2 m d.b.h.; bark grayish brown, cracking into irregular
plates; crown irregularly
[...] pyramidal; long branchlets light yellow or light grayish yellow, turning gray or blackish in 2nd or 3rd year, initially glabrous; short branchlets cylindric or subglobose, bearing rings of scale remnants; leaf cushions densely [...]
yellow pubescent.
这个结果证明我们齐心协力时可以取得的成果是惊人的:在中国农村出生缺陷比例的降幅达85%,而学到的经验教训已成为全世界产前保健 金 科 玉 律。
The results were as stunning as they were indicative of what we can accomplish when we work together: in rural China birth
defects fell up to 85 percent, and the lessons
[...] learned have become the gold standard for prenatal [...]
care around the world.
开展社会救助的常见形式是划转金、 食 品券、降低主食价格(如赞比亚和肯尼亚 玉 米 面)、公共部门职工的住房补贴 (肯尼亚自殖民时代以来一直采取这种做法)和保健凭证(通常发给孕妇,但近来 采用这种做法的许多国家,如肯尼亚,仍在试行这一做法,由德国捐助机构德国 [...]
Social assistance is often implemented
[...] in the form of cash transfers, food stamps, lower prices for staple foods (for example, for maize flour in Zambia [...]
and Kenya), housing subsidies
for public sector workers (a practice in Kenya since colonial times) and health-care vouchers (usually provided to expectant mothers, although this practice is still experimental in many of the countries where it has been recently introduced, such as in Kenya, where such vouchers are provided by the German donor agency GTZ).
这 就是人事管理政策的特点金玉其外 ,败絮其中。
That is characteristic of the staff management policy: a fine and attractively ordered show masking a certain disarray.
每末级的枝叶4-6; 鞘无毛; 叶耳弱; 口头的刚毛很少,落叶,直立; 叶舌短; 叶片线状披针形, [...]
11-22 * 2-4.5 厘米,无毛,有白霜,5-8配对的次脉,一边缘有细锯齿,其他边缘全缘。
Leaves 4–6 per ultimate branch; sheath glabrous; [...]
auricles weak; oral setae few, deciduous, erect; ligule short; blade linear-lanceolate,
11–22 × 2–4.5 cm, glabrous, glaucous, secondary veins 5–8-paired, one margin serrulate, other margin entire.
另外一个景点是妩媚迷人的金香园 ,亭 玉 立 的 郁 金 香 遍 地开花,紫红色、浅黄色和粉红色的花朵让人眼花缭乱、陶醉不已。
Another attraction is the stretches of alluring tulip gardens filled with bright crimson, yellow and pink tulips in full bloom.
每末级的枝叶1(或2); 叶片正 面深绿色,卵形的或狭卵形, 2.5-18 * 0.6-3.5 厘米,背面有白霜和短柔毛,正面无毛,6-9配对的次脉,矩形的棋盘花纹,基部宽楔形到圆形,先端渐尖。
Leaves 1(or 2) per ultimate branch; blade adaxially [...]
deep green, ovate or narrowly ovate, 2.5–18 × 0.6–3.5 cm, abaxially
glaucous and pubescent, adaxially glabrous, secondary veins 6–9-paired, tessellations rectangular, base broadly cuneate to rounded, apex acuminate.
不過,如果商界人士一意孤行,只是從利潤角度出發,常常以影響香港 的競爭力為理由,將員工的工資大肆剝削的話,香港的競爭力即使再好,也 只金玉其外,敗絮其中而已。
However, if, under the pretext of the competitive edge of Hong Kong, the business sector obstinately exploits employees by reducing wages for the sake of profit-making, no matter how competitive Hong Kong is, it would be fair without, foul within.
茎直立,枝,无毛;叶互生 托叶线形或钻形, 1.8-2.8 * 0.2-0.3 毫米; 叶柄0-1毫米; 叶片纸质,斜长圆形或者斜椭圆形, 2.4-8 * 1-2 厘米,小的不等长,退化枝叶,羽状脉,主要的侧脉不明显, 0.6-1.5 * 0.3-0.7 厘米,先端具细尖或钝;钟乳体明显,浓; 超微形叶无。
Leaves alternate; stipules linear or subulate, 1.8-2.8 × 0.2-0.3 mm; petiole 0-1 mm; leaf blade papery, obliquely oblong or obliquely elliptic, 2.4-8 × 1-2 cm, unequal, reduced shoot leaves small, venation pinnate, major lateral [...]
veins ill-defined, base
obliquely cuneate, margin denticulate, apex caudate-acuminate, or rhombic to rhombic-obovate, 0.6-1.5 × 0.3-0.7 cm, apex apiculate or obtuse; cystoliths conspicuous, dense; nanophyll absent.
天光和开窗的设置让泳池和周围的自然相通,使得夏日青葱 枝叶 和 冬 日皑皑积雪都会在游泳者视野之内,增强游者的体验。
Through these openings one can look upon the summer
[...] trees’ lush foliage and winter snows, [...]
further enriching one’s swimming experience.
每末级的枝叶3-5; 鞘无毛,最初白色粉状; 叶耳无的或不明显; 口头刚毛5-8,直立,-1毫米; [...]
叶舌截断或者凸,约0.5毫米,无毛; 叶片线状披针形, 6-14 * 0.7-1.2 厘米,无毛或背面有毛在基部,4配对的次脉,不明显的横向脉稍,一边缘有细锯齿,平滑的其他边缘。
Leaves 3–5 per ultimate branch; sheath glabrous, [...]
initially white powdery; auricles absent or obscure; oral setae 5–8, erect,
0.5–1 mm; ligule truncate or convex, ca. 0.5 mm, glabrous; blade linear-lanceolate, 6–14 × 0.7–1.2 cm, glabrous or abaxially hairy at base, secondary veins 4-paired, transverse veins slightly obscure, one margin serrulate, other margin smooth.
本种经常被放在扁柏属Chamaecyparis,主要依据是扁平 叶枝 和 较 小的球果内具有相对较少的种子;不过,在这里因为它的发展特征在Cupressus [...]
Often classified in Chamaecyparis on account of
[...] its flattened foliage sprays and relatively [...]
few seeds in small cones; however,
it is here placed in Cupressus because of its developmental characters (cones maturing in 2nd year) and chemical composition of biflavones.
優質的天氣丹重生眼霜有助減少黑眼圈和最深層次的皮膚,鹿茸藥材配 金玉 粉 以 幫助及恢復嬌嫩的眼部皮膚,讓眼睛更明亮煥發的跡像。
Allow the gold and jade powders to
help brighten the skin around the delicate
[...] eye area, while the powdered deer antlers [...]
and medicinal herbs to rejuvenate the
skin and erase the signs of time.
每末级的枝叶2-4; 在上面边缘附近的鞘棕色糙伏毛,边缘淡褐色具缘毛; 叶耳和口头的刚毛无; [...]
叶舌削去,约0.5毫米,棕色流苏状; 假梗1-4毫米; 叶片披针形, 6.5-15 * 0.9-1.7 厘米,最初被微柔毛的无毛或背面,4-6配对的次脉,矩形的棋盘花纹,基部宽楔形,先端渐尖。
Leaves 2–4 per ultimate branch; sheath brown strigose [...]
near upper margins, margins pale brown ciliate; auricles and oral
setae absent; ligule truncate, ca. 0.5 mm, brown fimbriate; pseudopetiole 1–4 mm; blade lanceolate, 6.5–15 × 0.9–1.7 cm, glabrous or abaxially initially puberulent, secondary veins 4–6-paired, tessellations rectangular, base broadly cuneate, apex acuminate.
订购32台泵是扩建项目的一部分,包括五台配备标准高 金 属 叶 轮 的 沃曼® 20/18 AH®水平重型橡胶内衬渣浆泵。
The order for 32 pumps is part of the expansion project and includes five Warman® 20/18 AH® horizontal
heavy duty rubber lined slurry pumps with standard
[...] high-chrome metal impellers,” JP Joseph [...]
of Weir Minerals Africa, says.
每末级的枝叶1-3; 鞘绿色,有时紫色,无毛; 落叶,绿色的叶耳,椭圆形,边缘具缘毛; 叶舌淡绿,削去,约1毫米,无毛; [...]
叶柄3-4毫米,无毛; 叶片披针形, 22-32 * 2.4-3.8 厘米,无毛,次脉6-8配对,基部楔形,边缘有细锯齿,先端渐尖。
Leaves 1–3 per ultimate branch; sheath green, sometimes [...]
purple, glabrous; auricles deciduous, green, elliptic, margin ciliate;
ligule light green, truncate, ca. 1 mm, glabrous; petiole 3–4 mm, glabrous; blade lanceolate, 22–32 × 2.4–3.8 cm, glabrous, secondary veins 6–8-paired, base cuneate, margin serrulate, apex acuminate.
每末级的枝叶3-5; 鞘无毛的或稀疏刚毛,边缘具短缘毛; 在小枝基地,弱的或无先端脆,镰刀形的叶耳; [...]
口头的刚毛直立,浅黄; 叶舌非常短,薄,无毛,有时纤毛; 叶片披针形或长圆形披针形, 8-15 * 1.5-2.3 厘米,次脉4配对,边缘有细锯齿,锐尖。
Leaves 3–5 per ultimate branch; sheath glabrous [...]
or sparsely setose, margins ciliolate; auricles fragile, falcate at branchlet
base, weak or absent apex; oral setae erect, light yellow; ligule very short, thin, glabrous, sometimes ciliate; blade lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 8–15 × 1.5–2.3 cm, secondary veins 4-paired, margins serrulate, sharply pointed.
其中有不規則形的一大塊晶體,周圍則有 玉 瑪 瑙、單純色和含 枝 狀 斑 紋的碧、外加習見的含 枝 狀 斑紋 的 玉 髓。
It has one fairly large, irregular area of crystal, surrounded by
jasper-agate, areas of solid and
[...] dendritic jasper, and, just for good measure, seams of more conventional dendritic chalcedony, or moss agate.
海地热雷米(JEREMIE),2013年4月24日——透 枝叶 茂 盛的豆茎,德瑞鲁斯.费尔德蒙特(Derilus [...]
JEREMIE, Haiti, 24 April 2013
[...] – Through the leafy beanstalks, Derilus [...]
Firdemont watches her 4-year-old daughter Sendy play with friends in the garden.
叶黄体素(lutein)及玉米黄质(zeaxanthin)是存在人类视网膜上的色素斑点,主要是吸收紫外线及含较多自由基的辐射光源以保护细胞不受伤害,叶黄体素和玉米黄质是结构极为类似的异购物,叶黄体素(又被直接翻译成-路丁)广泛的存在天然的深绿色蔬菜、水果,如菠菜、绿花椰菜等,玉米黄质则多存在一 金 黄 色的蔬果食物, 玉 米 、 枸杞子、蛋黄中,而存在生物体内 叶 黄 体素 与 玉 米 黄 质主要的角色也是在吸收光害自由基,担任保护细胞正常化的角色,防止白内瘴形成。
Lutein and zeaxanthin, found in fruits and vegetables, protects macular cells from radiation and free radicals, possibly delaying formation [...]
of cataracts.
出席该会议包括:FNC的全部领导者、各分配中心的经理、胡志明市科学自然大学教授兼干细胞专家的 金玉 硕 士、NK Nutrition行政总裁张式秒红医生硕士、胡志明市工商厅代表、合伙医院代表、忠诚客户及来自各省市之逾3000位分配商代表。
Attending the event, there are presences of the whole FNC Leaders, Directors of Distribution Centers, Master Phan Kim Ngoc – Expert in Stem Cell Technology, Lecturer of Natural Science University of Ho Chi Minh City, Master Truong Thi Dieu Hong – CEO of NK Nutrition, representative of Industry and Trade Department of Ho Chi Minh City, Directors of partner hospitals, royal customers, and nearly 3000 dynamic distributors representing the provinces and cities.
活动的选择是经各国机构、国际基因工程和生物技术中心、第三世界 科学院以及教科文组织磋商后确定的,活动内容包括抑制 Bm86 抗原免疫和发育迟缓免疫导 致的病原体传播:确定带菌者、病原体基因组织、利用生物信息手段在早期确定新出现的植 物病毒、木薯中菜金色花叶病毒 与卫星细胞的互动和影响、非洲、中东和南亚的联体病毒 的多样性。
The activities were selected through consultations between national institutions, ICGEB, TWAS and UNESCO and deal with the inhibition of pathogen transmission by vaccination with Bm86 antigen, Napier grass stunting disease: vector identification and pathogen genotypes, a bioinformatic protocol for the early identification of emerging plant viruses, interaction and impact of cassava begomoviruses and satellites, and diversity of mastreviruses across Africa, the Middle East and Southern Asia.
曾演出無獨有偶工作室劇團《間》、再現劇團《洛芙的15首》(200 9) , 金枝 演 社 《大國民進行曲》(2010),差事劇團《臺北歌手》、黑眼睛跨劇團2011新點子劇展作品《Taiwan365─永遠的一天》及由臺灣身體氣象館、上海聆舞劇團與法國馬賽埃梅劇團聯合製作之《沃伊采克》(2011)。
He was in Taipei Singer by Assignment Theatre Group and Taiwan 365 - Eternity In a Day by Dark Eyes Performance Lab.
[...] 树干直径达2米;树皮暗棕色,厚的剥落; 狭的树冠圆筒状的金字塔枝下垂,淡黄灰色或黄色穿1 和2年,最后深灰色,无毛或被短柔毛; [...]
Trees to 60 m tall; trunk to 2 m d.b.h.; bark dull brown,
thickly flaking; crown cylindric or
[...] narrowly pyramidal; branchlets pendulous, yellowish [...]
gray or yellow in 1st and 2nd years,
finally dark gray, glabrous or pubescent; winter buds brownish yellow, conical-ovoid, slightly resinous, scales slightly opening at base of branchlets.
每末级的枝叶5-9; 反曲白色具刚毛的鞘,白色具缘毛的边缘密; 叶耳紫色,镰刀形; 口头的刚毛很多,辐射状,黄褐色,4-15毫米; [...]
叶舌削去,边缘具缘毛; 叶片披针形, 7-18.5 * 0.7-1.8 厘米,背面最初灰色具刚毛,4-6配对的次脉,离生的横向脉,基部楔形,一边缘有细锯齿,其他边缘不明显如此。
Leaves 5–9 per ultimate branch; sheath retrorsely [...]
white setose, margins densely white ciliate; auricles purple, falcate;
oral setae many, radiating, yellow-brown, 4–15 mm; ligule truncate, margins ciliate; blade lanceolate, 7–18.5 × 0.7–1.8 cm, abaxially initially gray setose, secondary veins 4–6-paired, transverse veins distinct, base cuneate, one margin serrulate, other margin obscurely so.
優質長篇劇集」方面,過去五年共有五套,按照平均欣賞指數排列分別是「戇夫成龍」、 金枝 慾 孽 」、「衝上雲霄」、「妙手仁心II」和「亞旺新傳」,全部屬於無線製作,而「亞旺新傳」更是2005年的製作。
According to their respective average AIs in descending order, they are "Square Pegs", "War and Beauty", "Triumph In The Skies", "Healing Hands II" and "Life Made Simple".
每末级的枝叶2-4; 鞘绿色紫色,无毛,边缘平滑; 叶耳无; 口头的刚毛1或2,2-5毫米; [...]
叶舌紫色,削去,约0.5毫米,无毛; 假梗紫色,0.8-1.5毫米,无毛; 叶片线状披针形, ( 2.2-) 3.3-6.7 * 0.4-0.8
Leaves 2–4 per ultimate branch; sheath green-purple, [...]
glabrous, margins smooth; auricles absent; oral setae 1 or 2, 2–5 mm;
ligule purple, truncate, ca. 0.5 mm, glabrous; pseudopetiole purple, 0.8–1.5 mm, glabrous; blade linear-lanceolate, (2.2–) 3.3–6.7 × 0.4–0.8 cm, glabrous, secondary veins 2- or 3-paired, base broadly cuneate, one margin serrulate, other margin remotely serrulate or nearly entire, apex acuminate.




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