

单词 金昌市

See also:


Jinchang prefecture level city in Gansu

surname Chang



External sources (not reviewed)

厂,从仓库中运走的货物 记录没有使用序列编号,制成品账目必须更加精确。
Atthe ChangyiCity Chemical plant, the [...]
goods removed from the warehouse records did not use sequential numbering and the
finished goods account needed to be more precise.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本
[...] [...] 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 [...][...]
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such
stock exchange, and,
[...] in the case of any other share capital, such sum insuch currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable [...]
in the territory
in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
Principal Market Tunas and Billfishes [...]
are considered in this Atlas.
18 为了帮助采用这种全面发展方式,论坛呼吁亚太经社会同其他伙伴一 道发挥区域知识平台的作用,收集、分析和传播相关的知识和良好做 法、促进就城市问题进行更多研究、联系部长级对话或会议召开更多 的多方利益攸关者和多部门城市论坛、就诸如城市治理、城市土地管 理、市金运输、改造贫民窟和社会基础结构等具体城 市问题组织专题政策对话,并为地方政府和其他利益攸关方提供更多 的培训和能力建设机会。
Outcomes of the Forum included a call for a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient urban development path to be shaped through increased cooperation between different government levels, departments and agencies and in partnership with other key urban stakeholders.18 To assist in implementing this holistic approach, the Forum called on ESCAP, jointly with partners, to function as a regional knowledge platform to collect, analyse and disseminate relevant knowledge and good practices, to
promote more research
[...] on urban issues, to convene multi-stakeholder and multisectoral urban forums linked to ministerial dialogues or conferences, to organize thematic policy dialogue on specific urbanissues, such [...]
as urban governance,
urban land management, urban finance, urban transport, slum upgrading, and social fabric, and to provide increased training and capacity development opportunities for national governments and other stakeholders.
在随后对武威金昌勤的实地考察中,通过与石管局开会座谈;参观用水户协会;并与相关水利工作人员交谈, [...]
Evidence was seen in the following field
[...] trips toWuwei, Jinchangand Minqin through [...]
meeting the Shiyang River Management
Bureau, visiting the water user associations and talking to relevant staff from water departments.
项目公司位於江西省昌市江市之间的昌九工业走廊及环鄱阳湖 生态经济圈的核心地区,覆盖永修县、共青城、德安县和星子县。
The project company is located at the heart ofChangjiu Industrial Corridor and Poyang Lake Ecological and Economic Area.
海航•位于滩中心区红谷大道,南面依商业的红谷八路,西面以南昌五中,是 CBD [...]
HNA ·Platinum sinks in the RedValley Beach [...]
red Valley Road in the central areaof Nanchang, red Valley to the South according
to the commercial road, West to Nam Cheong v, is the central business district CBD core area, occupies a land area of 28,560 square meters, total construction area of about 75,000 square meters, a private hotel and residential planning, volume rate of 3.29, afforestation rate at 44.3%.
[...] 持表面的合法性。通过避免出口特许权使用费,出口商还能在 金市 高价收 购黄金,在价格上战胜竞争对手。
By doing that, an appearance of legitimacy is maintained and,
by avoiding export royalties, exporters are able
[...] to bidfor gold in themarket at a premium, thus [...]
outpricing competition.
本公司的间接非全资附属公司南昌鼎迅实业有限公司(「南昌鼎迅」)从中国 银行昌市昌行获得人民币8,500万元(折合约港币1.06亿元)银行贷款 [...]
额度(「贷款额度A」)以用於发展本集团南昌汉港林岛项目(前称南昌鼎迅项 目)。
Limited (“Nanchang Dingxun”, 南昌鼎迅实业有限公 司), an indirect non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, has obtained a bank loan facility (“Facility A”) of RMB85.0 million
(equivalent to approximately HK$106.0 million) from
[...] Bank of China –Nanchang City Changbei Sub-branch [...]
(中国银行南昌市昌北支行) for the purpose
of development of the Group’s Nanchang Sino Harbour Island Villa Project (南昌汉港林岛项目) (formerly known as Nanchang Dingxun Project (南昌鼎迅项目)).
减少的数额被下 列经费部分抵消:㈠ 获理事会授权举行并列为优先事项的特设专家组会议需要新经 费,会议的主题分别是“对水和卫生采取基于权利的做法”和“获取能源,促进可再 生能源技术”;㈡ 工作人员的差旅费增加,用于支付工作人员出席由联合国各组织/
机构、政府当局、政府间组织、科学机构、非政府组织和《人居议程》在人类住区方 面的其他伙伴组织的会议的费用,以及在费用分摊基础上的出差费,以便就各种人类
[...] 住区问题提供培训,并就社会、环境和经济上可持续的城市交通和能源政策提供咨询 服务,促进利用可持续的城市交通工具和 市金
The decrease is partly offset by (i) the new requirements for ad hoc expert group meetings on the themes “The right-based approach to water and sanitation” and “Energy access, promoting renewable energy technologies”, as mandated and prioritized by the Governing Council; and (ii) an increase in requirement for travel of staff to attend meetings organized by United Nations organizations/agencies, governmental authorities, intergovernmental organizations, and scientific institutions, non-governmental organizations and other Habitat Agenda partners in human settlements, as well as to undertake missions on a cost-shared basis to provide training on various human settlements issues and to provide advisory services on socially, environmentally and
economically sustainable urban transport and energy policies, promoting access to sustainable urban
[...] transport and municipal finance
该估 值可能反映的情况之一包括甲方对作为保证金提供资产的可获得性程度的看法或甲方认为反映保 金市险的保值的贴现率。
This valuation may reflect, 11 amongst other things, our view as to the level of availability of the assets
provided as margin or the discount to
[...] the current market value of the margin that we consider reflects its marketrisk.
昌市实业有限公司 成立于2008年4月,厂区位于昌市昌济技术开发区庐山南大道,是一家专业生产、销售混凝土外加剂的公司,公司主要产品有LONS-P聚羧酸系高效减水剂、Lons-500/600型高效泵送剂、复合防水剂、防冻剂等,公司年产规模可达5万吨,产品已在 昌市 土搅拌站及周边地市广泛使用,并已获得用户认可。
Ltd. specializes in the production and sales of concrete additives.
Major products of the
[...] company include Lons-P poly carboxylic acidserieshigh efficiency superplasticizer, Lons-500/600 retarded high efficiency superplasticizer, compound waterpro of agent, antifreezing agent, etc. Annual production scale of the company has reached 50,000 tons, and its products have been widely used in concrete batching plants ofNanchang as wellas surrounding areas and cities.
至诚感受 • 完美共享” — 2011
[...] LEXUS雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅于12月17-18日在成 市金际赛车场拉开帷幕。
The 2011 Taste Of Lexus Event, focused on the theme "Perfect Experience, Perfect Sharing", brought
the dignified Lexus experience to Chengdu on December 17th for two
[...] consecutivedays at Goldenport International [...]
有了SmartVue,客户就拥有了为生产准备就绪的摄像机设计基础,可以根据客户需要的规格量身订做,并通过我们的ODM合作伙伴 金昌科技公司(Zorg Industries)批量生产。
With SmartVue, customers have the basis for a production-ready camera design that can be tailored to their specifications and manufactured in volume with our ODM partner, Zorg Industries.
(c) 已就刊发本通函发出同意书,表示同意按现有形式及涵义转载其函件及 [...]
(c)CIMB-GK has given and [...]
has not withdrawn its written consent to the issue of this circular with the inclusion of its
letter and references to its name in the form and context in which they appear.
我借此机 会以最真诚的方式表达非洲和刚果人的好客传统,欢
[...] 迎所有前来参加这次首脑会议的代表来到世界第一 大陆的中心市金,无论你们讲的是 Lomongo 语、 林加拉语、基孔果语、契卢巴语还是斯瓦希里语。
In the purest expression of the African and Congolese tradition of hospitality, I would like to take this opportunity to say to all those who will come to the Summit — whether they speak
Lomongo, Lingala, Kikongo, Chiluba or Swahili — that they are
[...] welcomein Kinshasa, a city in theheart of [...]
the first continent.
市金 区管委会副主任路刚先生和代表挪威驻华大使馆以及挪威创新署能源管理项目(EMP)的柯思梵(Sven [...]
Opening remarks were given by Deputy Director General Mr. Lu
[...] Gang from Jinzhou New District [...]
in Dalian and Mr. Sven Karlsen from The Norwegian
Embassy and IN’s Energy Management Program (EMP), before IN’s Dr. Gao Peng followed up with a thorough presentation of EMP.
伦 敦 黄 金 定 盘 价 指 伦 敦金 市价 有 限 公 司 (The London Gold Market Fixing Limited) 以 美 元 报 价 的 每 金 衡 盎 司 黄 金 早 盘 定 盘 价 , 通 常 由 伦会 ( 「 LBMA 」 ) 於 上 午 十 一 时 ( 伦 敦 时 间 ) 前 公 布 。
The London Gold Fixing Price is the morning fixing priceof gold pertroy ounce quoted in USD by The LondonGold Market Fixing Limited (published by the London BullionMarket Association ("LBMA") usually before [...]
11:00 a.m. (London time)).
Being adjacent to Ring Six, and linked with Jingchang and Jingcheng expressway, the hotel enjoys convenient transportation----it is 25 minutes drive from the Asian Games Village and only 40 minutes drive from Beijing International Airport.
(b) 於最後可行日期,并无直接或间接拥有本集团任何股权,亦无享有任何认 [...]
购或委派他人认购本集团证券之权利(不论是否可依法强制行使),亦无於本集团 自二零零六年十二月三十一日(即本集团最近期刊发之经审核财务报表之结算日) 以来所买卖或租赁之资产,或本集团拟买卖或租赁之任何资产中拥有任何直接或 间接权益。
(b) As at the Latest
[...] Practicable Date, CIMB-GKdid not have [...]
any shareholding, direct or indirect, in the Group or any right
(whether legally enforceable or not) to subscribe for or to nominate persons to subscribe for securities in the Group, nor did it have any interest, direct or indirect, in any assets which had, since 31 December 2006, being the date up to which the latest published audited financial statements of the Group were made up, been acquired or disposed of by or leased to the Group, or were proposed to be acquired or disposed of by or leased to the Group.




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