

单词 金刚狼

See also:


King Kong
pupa of certain insects
Vajrapani, Buddha's warrior attendant
hard metal



wolf n
wolves pl

External sources (not reviewed)

新的动作游戏让玩家控制Marvel中其中一个最受欢迎的角色Wolveri ne ( 金刚狼 ) , 并直接提供了漫画书中的所有技能及攻击。
The new action game puts players in
control of one of Marvel’s most popular
[...] characters, Wolverine, and offers a full array [...]
of abilities and attacks ripped straight from the comic books.
玩家操作微小但力量强大的Wolverine( 金刚狼 ) 在 三路战斗中对抗这个怪物,首先战斗在地面上,然后发展到空中对战。
Players will pit the tiny, but
[...] powerful, Wolverine against this monster in [...]
a three-pronged battle that will start on the
ground and then take to the air.
尽管最终的动画由动画师完成,但是虚幻技术辅助他们确保一切正确 - 比如Wolverine(金刚狼)在 半空中完美地落在一个台直升飞机上。
While the final animations were done by animators,
Unreal aided them in getting everything just right –
[...] like Wolverine’s perfect landing atop a [...]
whirring helicopter in mid-air.
这也是我们为什么可以使用三层的再生成处理来制作Wolve ri n e ( 金刚狼 ) 模 型 的原因。
That’s why we were able to
[...] create a Wolverine model with three layers [...]
of regeneration.
这表明行政当局预测的 10%的准金刚刚够,特别是鉴于在计算这笔准备金时,还打算用其涵盖预估费用上涨。
This indicates that the provision of 10 per cent projected by the Administration was just enough, especially since, as it was calculated, it is intended to also absorb forward price escalation.
有 证据表明在地中海的一些区域明显低报 狼 鲈 和 金 头 鲷 产量。
There is evidence that
[...] production of European seabass and gilthead seabream has [...]
been significantly under-reported in some areas in the Mediterranean.
偷猎、家养驯鹿变野、天敌(狼)的数 目增加、大规模砍伐森林、驯鹿吃的藓类植物数量减少、北方驯鹿牧地 金 高 (每 公顷林地金 5.35 卢布)和其他许多原因,也导致萨哈林的驯鹿牧养出现灾难性 的局面。
[...] the feralization of the domestic reindeer, the increasing number of predators (wolves), massive deforestation, a decrease in the number of reindeer moss, high rent [...]
for northern reindeer herding, at 5.35 rubles per hectare
on forest area units and many other reasons have also led to the catastrophic situation of reindeer herding in Sakhalin.
在Songwe山地表下最大深度为350米的钻孔已经探查到被评估的矿产资源,以上工作是在Mkango于2011年和2012年分两个阶段完成的总共约6850米 金刚 石 钻探基础上完成的。
The estimated mineral resource has been traced in drill holes to a maximum depth of 350 m below the surface of Songwe Hill and is based on the two phases of diamond drilling completed by Mkango in 2011 and 2012 totalling approximately 6,850 m. The vast majority of the Indicated mineral resource blocks (at a 1% TREO cut-off, 9.1 mt of carbonatite, 0.67 mt of mixed and 1.04 mt of fenite) are at depths of less than 200 m below the surface of the hill.
该泄压阀 减少了严重伤害的危险,包括液体溅泼到眼 睛中或皮肤上。
The drain valve reduces the risk of serious injury, including splashing in the eyes or on the skin.
安全可靠,含有专门的对枪管表金 属 不 活泼的成份, 有选择性地去除铜(黄铜)附着物
Acts safely; contains special components inert to the metals of the barrel (breech-block) surfaces; selectively dissolves copper (brass) residues.
[...] 需花費在有關基建上,所以我認為政府儲備了大 金 錢 , 卻每天像狼 來了”般嚇我們,一方面向基層市民的代表說這些話,另一方面則恐 [...]
嚇工商界,說如果我們夠膽支持,便要加稅,我覺得政府根本無需要 在這情況下加稅,也可以照顧我們未來一代的教育,以及照顧這一代
As such, though the Government has an enormous reserve, it is still
threatening us every day, as in the
[...] story of "The Boy Crying Wolf", by saying such things to [...]
the representatives of the grassroots
on the one hand, and threatening the business community on the other, that if we dare to support the plan, then it will increase taxes. I think that the Government can actually afford to take care of the education of the next generation and the existing elderly generation who have contributed a lot to Hong Kong, without imposing tax increases.
尽管人们广泛承认需要立即进行彻底改革,如同 名狼藉的国际金融机 构不可避免地要进行深入改 革一样,这些机构设计出完全依赖市场的野生理论, [...]
发达国家正想方设法回避在联合国内部,特别是在其 最民主的机构——大会——中解决这些基本问题。
Although the need for immediate, radical change was widely acknowledged, as was the inevitability
of the in-depth reform of the
[...] discredited international financial institutions, which [...]
had devised wild theories of sole reliance
on the market, the developed countries were trying by every means to avoid addressing those fundamental issues within the United Nations, particularly within its most democratic organ, the General Assembly.
为鼓励正规出口金,刚果民主共和国矿业部 2011 年 11 月 14 日发布 了一个部长令,其中将黄金的出口税从出口额的 3.25%降至 1%,使其与邻国一 致。
To encourage
[...] formal exports of gold, the national Ministry of Mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 14 November [...]
2011 issued a ministerial
order, inter alia, lowering the export tax for gold from 3.25 per cent to 1 per cent of the value of exports, bringing it in line with its neighbouring countries.34 The order also obliges gold export houses to export a minimum of 30 kg of gold per trimester and local traders to sell a minimum of 3 kg of gold to export houses per trimester.
这嘉宾勒泰尔姆路易米歇尔党就会怠慢MR和假定的 金刚 , 未 来比利时政府政策的合法性下列6月13日 [...]
That gentlemen Leterme, Louis Michel and
[...] the party would snub MR and presume [...]
the legitimacy of the policy from the Kongo,
the Future Belgian government following the elections on June 13, 2010, you gentlemen Dewever Bart (NVA) and DI RUPO (PS), are been big winners, they would not otherwise take.
再次处理的“立方氮化硼”金刚砂” 原料,提高了原料机械把持力,使它附着力更强,表面硬度更高。
Once again the" processing of cubic boron nitride"" Emery" raw materials, improving the material mechanical control force, make it stronger adhesion, higher surface hardness.
儿子和女孩金刚,包 括我在内,都发誓要捕捉Kanambe伊波利特before 2010年2月,庆祝最后完沉降变相注意到,比利时已选择排除在自己的合作伙伴名单喜欢在酝酿新金 刚。
The son and the girls from the Kongo, me included, have sworn to capture Kanambe Hyppolite before February 2010 to mark the final END SETTLEMENT disguised take NOTE that Belgium has chosen to exclude itself from the list of [...]
preferred the new Kongo in gestation.
[...] 和巴布亚新几内亚/婆罗洲),开展综合性项目和方案,例如全球环境 金刚 果盆 地可持续森林管理战略方案(5 000 [...]
万美元的全球环境基金资金,并利用其他来源 的 1.6 亿美元资金)。
This initiative focused on the three regions of large and mainly intact tropical forests (Amazonia, the Congo Basin and Papua New Guinea/Borneo) and gave rise to comprehensive projects and programmes, such as the GEF
strategic programme for sustainable forest
[...] management in the Congo Basin ($50 million [...]
GEF funding, leveraging $160 million from other sources).
当地人称这座闻名遐迩的古老寺庙为 金刚 座 宝 塔”。
Among locals, this famous ancient Buddhist Temple is called Jingangzuo Dagoba.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变 狼 被 打 开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets
[pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and
[...] sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; [...]
lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail,
causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
金龙勇猛有力,伴金龙的 小狮活泼好动,寓意澳门鲤跃龙门,发展更上一层楼。
The golden dragon demonstrated vigorous move [...]
accompanied by lively young lions.
为了加强家庭教育和社区动员(世界卫生组织预计,通过家庭教育和社会动 员可确保并发症发病率、产妇死亡率和新生儿死亡率下降 30%),2006 年在“为 了一个健康活泼的孩子”的主题下,开展了对未来母亲和子女的“全国宣传活 动”。
In order to strengthen the education of the family and mobilisation of the community, which according to the WHO estimates may reduce the ratio of complications and maternal and neonatal deaths with 30%, in 2006 the National Communication Campaign was launched on the future mothers and children under the title of “for a Handsome and Healthy Child”.
坐落在巴西的里约热内卢和茂密的热带雨林,这部喜剧冒险中心的蓝光,一种罕见 金刚 鹦 鹉 谁认为他是最后一个,他的那种宏伟的城市。
Set in the magnificent city of Rio de Janeiro and
the lush rain forest of Brazil, this comedy-adventure centers
[...] on Blu, a rare macaw who thinks he [...]
is the last of his kind.
钻探、地表钻机取样、对沟渠和历史坑道进行刻槽取样均有助于确定各种矿化带,但只有IAMGOLD在计算推测矿产资源时使用 金刚 石 钻 机数据。
Drilling, surface auger sampling, channel sampling of trenches and historical adits helped identify the various mineralised zones, yet only diamond drill data was used in the calculation of the inferred mineral resource by IAMGOLD.
从最常见家庭装修中墙面油漆打磨的手工砂纸和切割门窗、瓷砖的树脂切割片,到桥梁建设中直径超过1米的超大 金刚 石 激 光焊接锯片,以及切割钢筋混凝土和各种石材(大理石和花岗石)专用的组合圆盘锯,我们的产品覆盖了整个建筑工业的每个应用市场。
Our products, from sanding paper (for wall paint sanding) and resin bond cut-off wheels (for cutting door and window) used in interior decoration to large diameter laser
welded diamond blades (diameter >1m) used
[...] for building bridges and circular [...]
saw used for cutting reinforced concrete and
stones (marble and granite), cover almost every market in the building and construction industries.
汉威-中国工具行业著名品牌 世界工具专家——hanwei,汉威,抹泥刀,砌砖刀,刮刀,油灰刀,五金工具,电动工具,气动工具,防爆工具 金刚 石 工 具,园林工具,切断工具,工具钢,手工具hanwei,汉威,抹泥刀,砌砖刀,刮刀,油灰刀,五金工具,电动工具,气动工具,防爆工具,机床 金刚 石 工具,园林工具,切断工具,工具钢,手工具,厨房工具,家具五金,建筑五金,五金手册,五金配件,五金厂,五金加工,五金件,钳子,扳手,锯,铆钉,螺丝刀,丝锥、板牙,锉,剪,刀,刷,匠作工具,农用工具,斧子,锤子,撬棍、起钉器,凿,组
Han Way - Chinese famous brand tool industry World experts tools- hanwei, Han Wei, mud knife hand, bricklayer, knives, scrapers, putties knives, metal tools, power tools, pneumatic tools, explosion-proof tools, diamond tools,
garden tools, cutting
[...] tools, tool steel, hand Tools hanwei, Han Wei, mud knife hand, bricklayer, knives, scrapers, putties knives, metal tools, power tools, pneumatic tools, explosion-proof tools, machine tools, diamond tools, garden tools, cutting tools, tool steel, hand tools, [...]
Kitchen tools, furniture
hardware, architectural hardware, hardware manuals, hardware accessories, hardware factories, metal processing, hardware, pliers, wrenches, saws, rivets, screwdriver, tap, Banya, filing, scissors, knives, brushes, tools for Carpenter, Farm tools, axes, hammers, Qiaogun, from nails, cutting
静压旋转 B 轴设计为安装在 Z 轴压盘上,围绕垂直轴中心旋转,使 金刚 石 刀 具在加工过程中可出现在 360 度旋转角度内的任何方向上。
The Hydrostatic Rotary B-axis designed to sit on the Z-axis platen with the center of rotation around a vertical axis allowing the diamond tool to be presented in any orientation within 360 degrees of rotation for the machining process.
比较欧洲养殖虹鳟的总产量(25.72万 吨),金头鲷和狼鲈组合的世界产量(26.51万吨),假设了鳜鱼产量要依靠 [...]
Box 2 (cont.) Comparable in quantity with the total production of farmed rainbow trout in Europe (257 200
tonnes), or the combined world production of
[...] gilthead seabream and European seabass (265 [...]
100 tonnes), Mandarin fish production
has been assumed to be dependent on fishmeal and fish oil for feed, and this now needs reconsideration.
教科文组织支持非洲国家更新教育课程,增设创业教育、指导和咨询(马拉维和 科特迪瓦),开发非正规职业培训课程(莫桑比克),调动 金 ( 刚 果 民主共和 国),并且提供其他政策咨询(吉布提、马达加斯加和马拉维)。
Ÿ In Africa, UNESCO has supported the renewal of curriculum to cover entrepreneurship education, guidance and counselling (Malawi and Côte d’Ivoire), the development of nonformal
vocational training curricula
[...] (Mozambique) and fund mobilization (Democratic Republic of the Congo), and the Organization [...]
has also provided
other policy advice (Djibouti, Madagascar and Malawi).




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