

单词 量度

度量 ()



度量衡 n

metrology n



度量器 n

gauge n

External sources (not reviewed)

有關措施必須是有 約束力、量度、可 報告及可核實的,俾使整體社會易於監督。
All measures
[...] must be binding, measureable, reportable and [...]
verifiable, so that the community can easily monitor progress.
這綱領 列述各實體可用量度和報 告其在經濟、環境和社會方面表 現的原則和指標。
This framework sets out the principles and indicators that entities can use to measure and report their economic, environmental and social performance.
民研計劃認為此乃比較完善測試民意的做法:先測試巿民的即時反應,然後再重 量度 巿 民 的後期反應。
We believe this is a better way to study public opinion on these issues:
measuring people's instant reaction first, and
[...] then repeat these measurements later to find out people's more matured reaction.
(1) 國民生產總值(GNP):港㆟有鉅額財富藏於海外和珠江㆔角洲,以「本㆞生 產總值」量度港㆟ 的財富實質增長及付稅能力,有可能會有持續低估的傾 [...]
向,而政府亦在㆒九九㆔年同意研究制訂國民生產總值(GNP)作為另外參考 的指標,預計應在㆒九九五年底有初步結果。
(1) Gross National Product (GNP): Owing to the immense offshore wealth of the Hong Kong people, in foreign
countries and in the Pearl River Delta, using
[...] the GDP as a yardstick to measure the [...]
real growth in the wealth of the Hong Kong
people and their ability to pay tax may result in a trend of persistent underestimation.
制导装置”量度计算飞行器位置及速度的程序(即导航)与计算和下 达指令至飞行器的飞行控制系统的程序二者加以整合,以修正飞行轨 道。
A ´guidance set´ integrates the
process of measuring and computing a
[...] vehicle's position and velocity (i.e. navigation) [...]
with that of computing and sending
commands to the vehicle's flight control systems to correct the trajectory.
所 有 文 件
[...] 僅 作 參 考 用 途 而 所 有 尺 寸量 度 及 面 積 均 為 約 數 。
All documents have been used for reference only and
[...] all dimensions, measurements and areas are approximate.
(b) 有否就㆖述巴士總站的空氣質素進 量度 及 評 估;若有 量度 及 評估的結果為 何,有否發現㆒些巴士總站的空氣混濁程度對㆟體造成不良影響;若然,將採 取什麼有效措施改善情況?
(b) whether measurements and assessments have been made of the air quality in [...]
these bus terminals; if so, what the findings
are; whether the extent of air pollution in some of these bus terminals has been found to be adversely affecting the human body; if so, what effective measures will be taken to improve the situation?
大部分數據集只集量度較新 及規模較小的企業,GEM 則有所不同,研究重點在於個人行為在開設及管理企業方面的 角色。
Unlike most entrepreneurship data sets that measure newer and smaller firms, GEM studies the behavior of individuals with respect to starting and managing a business.
今年,Glencore公司業務守則擴展至包括一套完 整的可持續發展目標計劃,將用於未來幾 量度 本 公 司的進展,突顯Glencore對可持續發展的承諾。
This year Glencore’s commitment to sustainability was underscored when Glencore Corporate Practice was extended to include a full programme of sustainability targets which will measure the Company’s progress over the coming years.
我们不能 直接测量某个国家的革新能力(例如:我们通常将某个国家的研发或与革新有关的支出情 况用做代量度标准 ),也不能直接测量某个国家的专利保护力度(尽管已经通过混合各 种代量度确定某些指标)。
We cannot measure directly a country’s capacity for innovation (for example, we might commonly use R&D expenditures or innovations-related expenditures as a proxy).
针对每一个数据集文件,用户都可以设计任意数量的异常报告,也可自行设置宽 量度 的 关 于SPC,规格指标和与模式标准冲突的信息报告。
You can design any number of exception [...]
reports for each Data Set and provide a wide range of reports on SPC, specification, and pattern-rule violations.
答:民研計劃的慣例是用0至100份量度 某 某 機構、團體和人物的形象,而用0至 10 份 量度 一 些 比較抽像的概念,並非對與錯的問題。
A: It's a matter of choice, but our general practice is to measure the image of organization, groups and figures using a 0-100 scale, and to measure intangible concepts using 0-10.
(a) 該 人 的 照 片 、 指 紋 、 掌 紋 及 體 重 和 身 高量 度 紀 錄 ; 及 (b) 該 人 的 腳 板 紋 及 腳 趾 紋,但 有 關 警 務 人 員 須 有 理 由 相 信 該 等 印 紋 有 助 於 調 查 任 何 罪 行 。
(b) sole-prints and toe-prints of that person if the officer has reason to believe that such prints would help the investigation of any offence.
例如,培训项目的定性指标能量度 所 提 供的培训的质 量,以及培训对象随后利用所学技能的程度。
For instance, qualitative indicators for training projects could measure the quality of the training provided and to what extent the targets of training are subsequently using the skills provided.
總樓面面積"指在每層樓面水平( 包括地面水平以下的任 何樓面) 量度所得 的建築物外牆以內面積,但不包括有以下情 況的任何樓面空間:建築事務監督如信納該樓面空間是純粹 為下述用途而建或擬純粹用於下述用途的,即停泊汽車、汽 [...]
Gross floor area” means the area contained within the external walls of the building measured at each floor [...]
level, including any
floor below the level of the ground, excludes any floor space that the Building Authority is satisfied is constructed or intended to be used solely for parking motor vehicles, loading or unloading of motor vehicles or occupied solely by machinery or equipment for any lift, air-conditioning or heating system or any similar service.
另外,还有一些定性指标量度执行 机构的规划适当性 (如每年核准的方案/项目和规划的方案/项目数)、执行的有效性和效率(如所完成的项 目和规划的项目;项目的成本效益以及在各国的分布情况;第一笔实付款的速度)和管理 效益(如财务完成的速度;进度报告和项目完成报告的及时提交)。
In addition, there are quantitative indicators measuring the IAs’ adequacy of planning (i.e. number of annual programs/projects [...]
approved vs those planned),
effectiveness and efficiency of implementation (i.e. projects completed vs those planned; cost-effectiveness of projects, distribution among countries; speed of first disbursement) and administrative efficiency (i.e. speed of financial completion; timely submission of progress and project completion reports).
我們將選定發展的方向量度進度的 機 制,將可持續發展工作納入中遠太平 洋日常管理工作的實務中,同時加強公司與持份者之間的溝通。
We will set the direction for development, establish a
[...] system for the measurement of progress, and [...]
integrate sustainable development into
the daily management of COSCO Pacific, while enhancing the communication with stakeholders.
计算得出的氧气百分饱和度, 是区别自养生产力剩余(有机质/营养盐从真光层输出)、自养和异养过程的平衡(将有机碳 营养盐保存在真光层)状况的一量度 标 准
Such rapid analyses of marine biogeochemical processes are valuable in forecasting harmful algal blooms (HAB), management of fish-farms and shell-fish-farms, public health regarding bathing waters, and the management of estuarine pollution.
除 另 有 說 明 外 ,
[...] 吾 等 未 能 進 行 詳 細 之 實量 度 以 核 實 該 等 物 業 之 地 盤 及 [...]
樓 面面積 , 吾 等 假 定 提 供 予 吾 等 之 文 件 所 載 之 面 積 均 為 正 確 。
Unless otherwise stated, we have not been able to carry out
[...] detailed on-site measurements to verify the site [...]
and floor areas of the Properties
and we have assumed that the areas shown on the documents handed to us are correct.
(6) 在 本 條 中,有 關 個 別 人 士 的 ‘ 鑑 證 資 料 ’ 是 指 該 人 的 照 片 、
[...] 指 紋 、 掌 紋 、 腳 板 紋 、 腳 趾 紋 及 體 重 和 身 高量 度 紀 錄
(6) In this section, “identifying particulars” in relation to a person means
photographs, finger-prints, palm-prints, sole-prints, toe-prints and
[...] the weight and height measurements of that person.
在 2004-05 年度,研究、發展及宣傳與建築物有關及與建築物無關的再生 能源科技的開支,將達 163 萬元,由一個非經常項目及經常開支項下撥取,
[...] 用於出版宣傳刊物、灣仔政府大樓附設於建築物的光伏系統其餘的顧問工 作及全港風量度計劃
Expenditure in 2004-05 for the research, development and promotion of both building-related and non building-related RE technologies will amount to $1.63M funded by a non-recurrent project and our recurrent expenses for the publication of promotional
materials, remaining consultancy work for the BIPV project at Wan Chai Tower and
[...] territory-wide wind measurement programme.
与 CIGR 合作使 EAAAE 定期获得了科学与实践
的最新成就;与世界主要国家的著名科学家发展互利 关系;组织关于农业工程发展关键问题的“圆桌会议”、
[...] 协商会和研讨会;改善研究所、设计机构、机械测试 中心和认证中心的量、度量和测 试基础;支持投资 方案的实现;吸引外国制造商和公司,组织国家非常 [...]
Cooperation with CIGR allows EAAAE to get regularly new technical information about modern achievements of science and practice, to develop mutually beneficial contacts with famous scientists of the leading countries of the world, to organize “Round Tables”, Conferences and Symposia on the key problems of
agricultural engineering development, to
[...] improve the methodical, metrological and testing base of [...]
institutes, design organizations,
machinetesting stations and certification centers, to support the realization of investment projects, to attract foreign manufacturers and firms for organizing the joint production of the most efficient machines and food processing equipment which are in very high demand in our countries.
特定輻射吸收率是一種用來測量使用手機時人體吸收輻射 量 的 度量單 位 ,按照國際標準規定人體可吸收輻射最高限度為 2.0W/kg (在 +(10) 克組織上求得的平均值)。
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is the accepted unit of the measure for exposure standards on mobile phones, and the limit stated in the international guideline is 2.0W/kg averaged over 10g of tissue.
3) 转动 1 周的增量位置(G91.1) 从当前位置出发的度量移动
3) Full revolution incremental dimension (G91.1) Travel from the current position by an angle.
只能在主管民事法院进行审判,并 且应当按照罪行严重度量刑。
Trials should only be carried out in competent civilian courts and punishments should be commensurate with the gravity of the crime.
国际法度量衡组织的观察员介绍了 CAC/31 INF/12 号文件中提供的信息并向食 典委通报了有关情况:其组织架构和宗旨、出版物及该组织其他工作并重点说明了国际 法度量衡组 织与食典的共同工作领域,即有关预包装的产品数量、标识及理 度量手 段的工作。
The Observer of the OIML introduced the information
[...] [...] provided in CAC/31 INF/12 and informed the Commission of the organizational structure and purpose of the OIML; its publications; other work of the organization and highlighted the common areas of work of the OIML and Codex, namely, work relating to quantity of product in pre-packages, labelling and instruments for physico-chemical measurements.
按电气和电子工程师学会(IEEE)标准 528-2001,“重复性”定义如下: “每度量时条 件或非操作期发生变化,在相同操作条件下对同一 变数多度量结果的相近程度”。
Repeatability' is defined according to IEEE Standard 528-2001 as follows: 'The
closeness of agreement
[...] among repeated measurements of the same variable under the same operating conditions when changes in conditions or non-operating periods occur between measurements'.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和量的分 类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
大会核准全球外勤支助战略后, 该小组自 2010 年 7 月 1 日以来已制订和落实了若干机制:一个确保高级别持续 指导和参与的治理模式;一种使高级领导人和会员国都可通过设立基准参数追踪 执行情况度量模式 ;一项涉及外勤部所有级别工作人员的组织改革管理计划。
Since the Assembly approved the strategy from 1 July 2010, the Team has developed and implemented various mechanisms: a governance model to ensure continued senior-level guidance and involvement; a measurement model that allows the tracking of implementation both by senior leadership and by Member States through benchmarking; and an organizational change management plan to involve all levels of DFS staff.
有效的经验分享可以基于以下标准:如何最好地 利用现有的知识库,从业人员网络以及体制能力建设
工具,特别是从事民主建设工作各机构之间有效伙伴 关系已取得成果的那些工具;为新的民主政体或恢复 民主政体会议进程的高级别部分确定重点议程,并确
[...] 保由此形成的行动计划具有明确和可 度量 的 框架, 把筹措资金、执行和采取后续行动的责任分配给联合 [...]
Effective experience-sharing could be based on the following criteria: how to make best use of and capitalize on existing knowledge bases, practitioner networks and institutional capacity-building tools, in particular those that are already the result of effective partnerships among institutions engaged in the democracy-building arena; and to define focused agendas for the high-level segment of the process, and make sure that
action plans originated by them are shaped
[...] in clear and measurable frameworks, [...]
with responsibilities assigned to relevant
actors, both within and outside the United Nations, for funding, implementation and follow-up.




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