

单词 量子

量子 noun ()

quanta pl



atomic mass
atomic weight


quantization (physics)

分子量 n

molecular weight n

External sources (not reviewed)

量子点” 还具有独特的 光物理特性,目前正作进一步研究以用于生物 [...]
Quantum dots also have unique [...]
photophysical properties and are being investigated for use in biomedical imaging.
Discovery XR650以人為本,融合當代最先進的第三代數碼化平板技術,可達致極高 量子 捕 獲 效率(77%DQE)及極佳的信噪比,大大提升放射造影的效率。
Discovery XR650 combines the latest flat panel digital detector with dynamic acquisition capabilities to enable high Detector Quantum Efficiency¡]77%DQE¡^and Signal to Noise ratio.
量子力学 是反直觉的,我们做了一些牺牲,比如在仿真模拟中利用牛顿力学,在实际时间尺度上来处理,”Kuiper [...]
Quantum mechanics is counterintuitive [...]
and we make compromises, such as using Newtonian mechanics in our simulations to deal
with them on a practical time scale,” Kuiper explains.
[...] FITC和Alexa染料),蛋白染料(藻红蛋白、别藻蓝蛋白、绿色荧光蛋白),串联染料,其中蛋白染料收集荧光,将它传输至小分子染料,然后串联染料发出同小分子染料(如APC-C y7 ) 量子 点 和 多聚染料( 亮紫)相同波长的光波。
There are five basic types of fluorochromes: small dyes (e.g. Fluoroscein isothiocyanate /FITC and Alexa dyes) protein dyes (PhycoerythrinAllophycocyaninGFP) Tandem dyes, where a protein dye collects laser light, transfers it to a small dye, and
the tandem emits at the wavelength of the smaller dye
[...] (e.g. APC-Cy7) quantum dots, and polymer [...]
dyes ( Brilliant Violet).
据意法半导体公司光学特性和仿真专家Axel Crocherie博士称:“FDTD Solutions
[...] 7.0中可用的优化设计功能,有利于快速找到微透镜曲率半径或抗反射层的最佳工作点,以优化CMOS图像传感器 量子 效 率
According to Dr. Axel Crocherie, Optical Characterization and Simulations Expert at STMicroelectronics, "the optimization function available in FDTD Solutions 7.0 is useful to quickly find the best operating point
for microlens radius of curvature or the antireflective layers
[...] to optimize the quantum efficiency of [...]
CMOS images sensors.
對於半導體行業,石墨烯令人稱奇的事是,電子可隧穿過它暢通無礙,而且這些電子的行為是根 量子 電 動力學原理而來。
For the semiconductor industry, the
exciting thing about
[...] graphene is that electrons travel through it unimpeded, and these electrons behave according to quantum electrodynamic [...]
作为JST课题解决型基础研究的一环,东京大学研究生院工学系研究科附 量子 相 电 子产品研究中心的川崎雅司教授(兼 东北大学原子分子材料高等研究机构合作教授)以及同校研究生院综合文化研究科的上野和纪副教授等使用应用通过电压控制材料通过电流的难易度的场效应的独创的材料开发手法,发现了新的超导体材料。
As part of the JST program, a research group led
by Professor Masashi
[...] Kawasaki at Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo (and WPI Advanced Institute [...]
for Materials Research,
Tohoku University), and Associate Professor Kazunori Ueno at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo has discovered a new superconductor through an ingenious development method using field effect, by which voltage controls the flow of electricity.
该结果是把单层量子纳米 结构阵列磁盘与Sic薄膜的三明治结构层压为约5层的吸收层串列起来,证明了将理论上能量变换效率为40%的超高效率 量子 点 型太阳能电池成为可能,是对于仅使用硅的超高效 量子 点 型太阳电池的实现的突破性成果。
The results of this experiment proved that through the tandem placing
of the absorber
[...] layer through laminating with 5 band layers of silicon quantum nano-disk array structure and a sandwich structure of SiC interlayers, a high efficiency silicon quantum dot solar cell with an energy conversion efficiency of over 40% could theoretically be created and was a major step forward in creating a high efficiency quantum dot solar cell [...]
made purely of silicon.
例如这可能是隐藏或者是表面半导 量子 点 和 量子 岛 、 多孔材料、浓缩粉末及植入聚合物中的纳米颗粒等。
These can be, for example, buried or surface semiconductor quantum dots and islands, porous materials, condensed powder, embedded in polymers nanoparticles, etc. The licence for module G includes also R module for X-ray Reflectivity.
与共形网格配合使用,将能够非常精确地模拟CMOS图像传感器 量子 效 率 ,特别是由多个薄光学层组成的后端传输,无论入射波长和入射角度如何。
Together with the conformal mesh, we will be able to simulate very
[...] accurately the quantum efficiency of [...]
our CMOS image sensors, particularly the transmission
of the back-end composed of several thin optical layers, whatever the wavelength and the source angle of incidence.
延续“迈向光辉的十年”牧函中提出的精神,强调我们的三个身分:香港人、中国人和天主教徒,加深认识中华民族、中华文化、中国人和中国教会的关系,并进一步探讨世界和宇宙更广阔的幅度和意义,将廿一世纪新科学和发现(包括新宇宙论、进化论、生物学 量子 物 理学、天文学、生态学等),配合对信仰的探讨、与知识分子进行交谈和互相启发。
It emphasized our three identities: citizens of Hong Kong, Chinese citizens and Catholics, and encouraged us to know more about Chinese people, Chinese culture and the relationship between Chinese citizens and the Church in China. It also emphasized the need to explore the wider dimension and meaning of the world and universe, to make use of new sciences and discoveries of the twenty first century (new theories of cosmology, evolution, biology, quantum physics, astronomy, ecology etc.) to further explore on faith, and to develop dialogue with the learned so as to achieve mutual enrichment.
迄今为止,量子点” 可能是人 们研制的最小设备,它用来约束单个电荷,这 [...]
Perhaps the smallest such device that has been developed
[...] so far is the ‘quantum dot’ which is [...]
designed to confine a single electric charge
that might be used as the basis for a computer.
鼠标成像穿梭设备是使用顺序的形象IVIS Spectrum和量子FX小鼠 实现准确的动物在生物发光和CT图像定位。
A mouse imaging shuttle device was used to
sequentially image the mice with both IVIS
[...] Spectrum and Quantum FX achieving [...]
accurate animal positioning in both the bioluminescence and CT images.
此类系统采用动态光散射法测量粒度及微流变;采用电泳光散射法测量ZETA电位及电泳迁移率;采用静态光散射法 量 分 子量。
The systems measure size and microrheology using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential
and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light
[...] scattering, and molecular weight using static [...]
light scattering.
本中心用戶張烈錚博士及科學研究組崔古鼎博士與國際研究團隊共同合作,發表了在 量子 自 旋 冰」(quantum spin ice)的材料Yb2Ti2O7中,觀察到的第一個實驗證據,描述從不穩定磁單極在其中移動的磁性庫侖液體態,到磁單極凝聚而成的鐵磁體的希格斯相變(Higgs [...]
NSRRC user Dr. Lieh-Jeng Chang and staff Dr. Tsuei and an international
research team published the first experimental
[...] evidence of a Higgs transition of [...]
the emergent magnetic monopoles from a magnetic
Coulomb liquid to a ferromagnet in a material Yb2Ti2O7 known as the "quantum spin ice".
當 物 質小至
[...] 1nm 至 100nm 時 , 由量子效應、物 質 的局限 、同 [...]
性 及區域性 , 以 及 巨 大 的 表 面 及 介 面 效應, 使 物 質 發生了 很 多質變 , 呈現出 許 多 不同於 宏 觀 物 體 , 也 不同於
單 個 孤 立 原 子 的 性質的 現 象 。
When a matter becomes as small as in [...]
the range of 1 nm to 100 nm, it will undergo many changes as a result of quantum reaction,
the limitation of the matter, assimilation, regionalism, enormous surface and interface effects, many qualitative changes that present themselves into many phenomena that are different from the macroscopic substance and the quality of the single, isolated atom.
他说,到目前为止,我们通常所生成的分子模拟就好像原子就是许多由弹簧连接的小球一样,即使我们 量子 力 学 中得知我 们处理的更像是一团移动的质量与能量。
Until now, he says, we have typically generated molecular simulations as if atoms were balls bonded by springs, even though we know from quantum mechanics that what we are dealing with is more like a fuzz of moving mass and energy.
数据输入工作站可直接连接至测量设备—从电子秤和 子量 程 到自动测试设备。
Data entry workstations connect
[...] directly to measurement devices from [...]
scales and gages to automated test equipment.
添加或删除的信息量还会随所应用比例 子量 值 的 不同而 有所不同。
The amount of information added or [...]
removed will also vary with the magnitude of the scale factor applied.
伽马辐照,辐照剂量为20KG 环氧乙烷灭菌 由于高温灭菌可能会影响膜的孔隙和截留 子量 , 因 此不建 议使用该法。
Autoclaving is not recommended since it will likely have adverse affects on the membrane porosity and MWCO.
马尔文Zetasizer系列分为高性能级与标准级两类系统,包含粒度分析仪、ZETA电位分析仪、 子量 分 析 仪、蛋白质迁移率及微观流变学测量组合。
The Malvern Zetasizer range provides both exceptionally high performance and entry level systems that incorporate combinations of a
particle size analyzer, zeta potential
[...] analyzer, molecular weight analyzer, protein mobility and microrheology measurements.
核查报告,包括导言和执行摘要,报告了四家氟氯化碳生产企业中每一家 的情况,并包含一个附件,定义了氟氯化碳和氟氯烃的 子量 和 化 学式。
The verification report, which included an introduction and an Executive Summary, reported on
each of the four CFC producers, and included an annex
[...] that defined the molecular weights and formulas for [...]
CFCs and HCFCs.
这一数值被视为人为压低,因为煤粉浆加料和生料进料所 使用的水被污染,带有低子量氯化 化合物。
This value was considered to be
artificially low because the water used to slurry the raw feed was
[...] contaminated with low molecular weight chlorinated compounds.
所包含的 1 ml 注 射器方便样品加载和回收,不同颜色螺口盖不仅对应不同截留子量而且 可确保安全的过程内样品测试及密封。
The included 1 ml syringe provides easy loading and total sample recovery while the color-coded (MWCO) Luer-Lok® cap assures a tight seal and permits access for in-process testing.
我们的多元醇和热塑性己内酯通过开环聚合技 术制成,子量分布窄,粘度低,并且副产物很少。
Our polyols and thermoplastics are made through
ring opening polymerization technology
[...] giving a narrow molecular weight distribution, [...]
low viscosity and very low levels of bi-products.
选择:跨骏可提供大量经过认证的工程塑料产品供客户选择,如PEEK 、PAI、PEI、PPSU、POM,以及在医疗与生命科学行业已久经验证的植入级超高 子量 聚 乙 烯产品。
Choice: Choose from a broad range of Quadrant’s proven Engineering Plastics such as PEEK, PAI, PEI, PPSU, POM and implantable grade UHMW-PE having long-term and proven records in the Medical and Life Science Industry.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家 量 和 会 议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用子手 段 传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际 子 计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts
and the duration of
[...] meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
通常用的胶水在使用时会遇到诸多不便,只有固体浆糊常温下为固体,可直接擦拭使用,克服了液体胶水或粘稠状浆糊使用上的不便之处,固体浆糊通常由三种功能不同的物质组成,即赋形剂、溶剂和黏接剂树脂,黏接剂最常见的时聚乙烯吡咯烷酮( PVP ),使用子量为 40 000-90 000 ( K30 )和 10 000,000-13 [...]
000 000 ( K90 )之间的不同 PVP ,调节赋形剂、 PVP 与溶剂之间的比例,可以制成不同硬度的棒状固体浆糊。
Usually glue in using will encountered many inconvenience, only solid paste at room temperature for solid, can directly wipe using, overcome has liquid glue or stick heavy shaped paste using of inconvenience of Department, solid paste usually by three species function different of material composition, is assigned shaped agent, and solvent and sticky received agent resin, sticky received agent
most common is 
[...] polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), using molecular weight from 40 000-90 [...]
000 (K30) to 10 000,000-13 000 000 (K90),
adjust the excipient, the ratio between PVP and solvents, can be made into different hardness of Rod-like solid paste.




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