

单词 野调无腔

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External sources (not reviewed)

一个广阔的湖泊,一无际的 原始森林和牧场;还有清新的空气,当地居民的友善和亲切 腔调 , 给与此地区一种独特诱人的魅力。
A lovely lake, vast stretches of unspoiled forest and pastures greet the eye; and the clean air, the friendliness and the warm accents of the local inhabitants give the region a unique charm.
更难以理解的是, 这位领导人深受本国人民尊重,并对他的国家和区域 表现出了腔热情和无比挚爱。
More difficult to comprehend is a situation where that leader was revered by his people and displayed great passion and love for his country and region.
亚美尼亚共和国总统谢尔日·萨尔基相在联合国大会第六十六届会议一 般性辩论中以咄咄逼人腔调发言,令人难以接受。
Statement of the delegation of Azerbaijan in exercise of the right of reply to the statement made by the President of Armenia in the general debate on 23 September 2011
私营军事和安保公司人员并不总是穿戴特定的制服和标志徽章,并常常 驾驶配备有色玻璃、不悬挂车牌无 标 志 越 野 车 , 因而更 无 法 辨 别。
Private military and security company personnel are not always wearing distinctive uniforms and identification badges and often drive unmarked sport utility vehicles with tinted glasses and no plates, which add to the confusion.
在铝制腔式外壳上无法进行事后补装,安装方式应在 订购时定下来。
With the aluminium double chamber housing, retroactive [...]
mounting in this way is not possible - the mounting type must be specified with the order.
以色列应抓住这一机会,在国家和国际两级表 明它对巴勒斯坦人民遭受的伤害的关切,并改变其 调 , 不 再是优越的军事占领 国伤害受其控制无法自卫的老百姓 腔调 , 而是流露为就其对人的关切、道义 和正义。
Israel should have seized this opportunity to express its concern, at both the national and international levels, for the harm inflicted on the Palestinian people, and to change the discourse from that of a superior military occupying Power inflicting harm on a captive civilian population that is unable to defend itself to one of human concern, morality and justice.
马其顿共和国深为关切地注意到该信的语 腔调 以 及 不确实的陈述和指控。
The Republic of Macedonia notes with
[...] great concern the tone of the letter [...]
and inaccurate statements and allegations it contains.
津巴布韦在 1980
[...] 年代通过一个名为“对本地资 源实行社区管理”、着重调森林 资源 野 生 动 植 物的国内倡议,启动了社区自然资源管理方案,该 [...]
方案已经传播到全国各地以及南部非洲发展共同体 (南共体)地区。
In the 1980s Zimbabwe had embarked on community-based natural resources management programmes through a home-grown initiative
called Community Area Management for
[...] Indigenous Resources, stressing forest resources and [...]
wildlife, which had spread throughout
the country and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region.
在灵长类动物中间,第一磨牙在腔 中 出 现的 调 被 认为跟踪了生长和繁殖的进度,但是仍然不清楚牙齿发育如何与养育行为、固体食物的摄取以及母亲生殖状态相关。
Among primates, the pace of first molar emergence in the mouth is believed to track the schedule of growth and reproduction, but how dental development relates to nursing behavior, solid food consumption, and maternal reproductive state remains unclear.
[...] 伴关系,助理国务卿卡森还提醒非洲官员:“中国是一 个非常具野心并且毫无道德 的恶性经济竞争者。
In addition to lamenting Beijing’s partnerships with authoritarian strongmen on the continent, Assistant Secretary
Carson cautioned his African counterparts: “China is a very aggressive and
[...] pernicious economic competitor with no morals.
在pantheistic所有之神梵天,对神灵,神灵崇拜的其他对象包含整个世界,因此,印度教本身适应各种形式的宗教从耕地婆罗门崇高的神,对退化的自然崇 无 知 的, 半 野 蛮 的 农民。
In the pantheistic all-god Brahma, the whole world of deities, spirits, and other objects of worship is contained, so that Hinduism adapts itself to every form of religion,
from the lofty monotheism of the cultivated Brahmin to the degraded
[...] nature-worship of the ignorant, half savage peasant.
我们还 必须拓宽野,充分调动主要国际行为体参与在非洲 大陆上的全面合作。
We must also broaden our perspective and fully involve the main international actors in cooperating in a comprehensive way on the African continent.
(a) 时间把握:由于外部行为体调速战 速决, 野 短 浅 ,又时时不忘退出 战略——即使它们知道需要多长时间才能达成目标,如根本改变信仰和价值观念 乃至实现政治改革,而这即便无冲 突 、 无 灾 害 的情况下也往往需要十年以上的时 间——因此存在着急于求成的结构性偏差。
Given the emphasis placed by external actors on speedy responses and results and their short-term horizon and concern with exit strategies — even where they understand how much time is required to attain their goals, such as essential changes in beliefs and values, or even political transitions, which tend to require a decade or more, even in non-conflict, non-disaster situations [...]
— there is a structural bias towards impatience.
The trio escape into the wilderness after accidentally [...]
revealing the location of No. 12 Grimmauld Place to Yaxley, a Death
Eater who grabs onto Ron as the trio apparates away from the Ministry.
我们欢迎今天举行会议审议人权理事会的报告 (见 A/65/53),包括其第十五届会议的报告(A/65/53/ Add.l),该报告中载有许多重要决议,其中提到了关 于以色列政权袭击船队以及在加野 蛮 袭 击 无 辜巴 勒斯坦人民的报告。
We welcome today’s meeting to consider the reports of the Human Rights Council (see A/65/53), including that of its fifteenth session (A/65/53/Add.1), which contain a number of important resolutions, including the reference to the reports concerning the Israeli regime’s attacks on the flotilla of ships, as well as its brutal assault on the innocent Palestinian people in Gaza.
即便只是轻度不适的疝气,也可能变得更大,从而造成严重的后果,特别是当人体组织被嵌在疝囊中 无 法 回入 腹 腔 时。
Even if a hernia is only mildly discomforting, it may grow larger
and lead to serious problems, especially if tissue becomes trapped
[...] in the hernia and cannot slide back into [...]
the abdomen.
腔调、观念和行动的转变是今后实现和平及共处的不可或缺的必要 条件。
Such a change in discourse, perception and actions is an indispensable requisite for peace and coexistence in the future.
[...] 息的信函,包括推卸其本应对在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫以及阿塞拜疆不同地区犯下 的不计其数的暴行、有系统的集体迫害以 野 蛮 杀害 手 无 寸 铁的亚美尼亚无辜儿 童、妇女和老人所负的责任。
Through circulating letters containing false information at the United Nations on a regular basis, Azerbaijan strives to falsify the root causes of the conflict, including by shifting its own responsibility
for countless atrocities,
[...] systematic pogroms and barbaric killings of defenceless and innocent [...]
Armenian children, women and
elderly in Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as in different parts of Azerbaijan.
无疤痕腔镜甲 状腺切除术就是这样的一种手术。
Scarless Endoscopic Thyroidectomy [...]
is one such technique.
塞尔维亚是一个民主国家,除努力确保自己的 主权和领土完整及其公民的福祉之外,我们 无其 它野心,只想推进人类的共同利益。
Serbia is a democracy that, beyond working to ensure its own sovereignty and territorial integrity and the well-being of its citizens, has no ambition other than to advance the common interest of humankind.
挤入疝囊中的脏器通常可被推回至 腔 内 或 是“缩小” 无 论 如 何,手术是永久修复疝气的唯一治疗方法。
Typically the contents of the hernia can be carefully pushed back into the abdomen, or “reduced”; however surgery is the only treatment to permanently fix a hernia.
(f) 在制定总部以外办事处基本建设战略计划时具备全局 野 , 密切 协 调海 外 建设和大修项目的规划和实施,从而改善对海外财产的管理
(f) Improving the management of overseas properties by incorporating an Organization-wide perspective in the development of strategic
capital plans at offices away from
[...] Headquarters and closely coordinating the planning and [...]
implementation of overseas construction
and major maintenance projects
大赦国际呼吁迅速、公正和有效调 查 所有对侵害妇女的暴力的举报,政府 应确保将负有责任者绳之以法,受害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与实践 无 保 留地 享有与男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for
prompt, impartial and
[...] effective investigation of all reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to justice and the victims granted reparations and that women be granted unqualified equality [...]
with men in law and in practice.
我必须说,日本不能 接受朝鲜民主主义人民共和国就所谓的日本军国主野心进行的无根据指控。
I have to say that Japan cannot accept
[...] the baseless allegations presented by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea about the militaristic ambitions of Japan.
内部监督事务部指出,该部考察的五个外地办事处存在以下不足之处:未 能及时审查和更新各类指示和程序;没有证据表明社会工作者按照指示在分发物 品的现场;仓库缺乏适当的卫生和安全工作措施;在向受益者发放口粮和补贴之
[...] 少接受口粮者的签名或指纹,作为受益者的收据证据;有关部门之间缺乏 调, 无法确 保有足够的财政资源来征聘更多的人员,以尽量争取为最高限数的有资格 [...]
The Department of Internal Oversight Services noted the following weaknesses in the five field offices visited: lack of timely review and update of instructions and procedures, lack of evidence that social workers were present during the distribution as required by instructions, inappropriateness of health and safety working measures at the warehouses, lack of procedures of reviewing ration cards and referral forms before releasing rations and subsidies to beneficiaries and proper documented control measures, lack of signatures or fingerprints for receiving the food rations on the distribution lists
as proof for the beneficiaries’
[...] receipts, and lack of coordination between the concerned [...]
departments to ensure that sufficient
financial resources were available to enable the recruitment of additional personnel to accommodate the ceilings for eligible beneficiaries/families and deliver quality services.
这番话完全是以玩弄历史弄虚作假为依据的,而且演讲者 腔调 完全 是亚美尼亚优于其他民族,包括阿塞拜疆。按亚美尼亚国家首脑的话来说,阿塞 拜疆的特点是“突厥穆斯林游牧民族部落”。
Apart from being based on evident historic falsifications, these words were uttered in the direct context of the speaker’s vision of the superiority of the Armenians over other nations, including the Azerbaijanis, who were characterized by the head of the Armenian State as a “Turkic Muslim nomadic tribe”.
为此,野生动物保护协会与智力 国家公园服务局(CONAF)签署了正式协议
[...] 以保护公园,为智力国家公园服务局巡逻队员 提供远程培训,帮助他们监控当地鹿群,支持 保护区内野生动物调查活动。
To that end, WCS signed a formal cooperation agreement with the Chilean National Parks Service (CONAF) to protect the park, provided conservation training remote assistance to CONAF
rangers in relation to their monitoring activities of the huemul deer and
[...] supported wildlife surveys conducted in the park.
负责经济增长、能源和环境事务的次部长罗伯特·荷马茨会见了国家林业局副局长张永利,两位领导人讨论了进一步双边合作和多边 调 打 击 野 生 物非法交易的机会。
Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Robert Hormats met with State Forestry Administration Deputy Director Zhang Yongli, where both
leaders discussed opportunities for further bilateral cooperation and
[...] multilateral coordination to fight wildlife trafficking.




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