

单词 野田佳彦

See also:


open land

External sources (not reviewed)

曾以《木質女裝》野田秀樹所著的《紅鞋》入圍劇場管理協會的劇場管理獎(TMA Award) 最佳巡演製作。
He produced “The Wooden Frock” by Tom Morris and Emma Rice as well as “Red Demon” by Hideki Noda.
Linatex是市面上销售的用于全球动物园 野 生 公 园的 佳 橡 胶,可保护动物免受因接触坚硬表面导致的物理伤害和相关应力。
Used in zoos and
[...] wildlife parks around the world, Linatex is the best rubber on the market [...]
for protecting your animal from
the physical damage and stress associated with contact from hard surfaces.
由於野欠 佳及水流湍急,極難進行拯救行動。
Owing to poor visibility and strong currents, rescue operations had been very difficult.
此外,在今年大会一般性辩论期间 野田 首 相宣 布日本将于 2013 年主办第五次非洲发展问题东京国 [...]
Furthermore, during the general
debate in the General Assembly this year,
[...] Prime Minister Noda declared that [...]
Japan would host the fifth Tokyo International
Conference on African Development (TICAD-V), in 2013.
证人解释说,一个 很大的原因是以色列定居点和军营向西岸 田野 和 溪 流排泄污水和危险的工业 废水。
Witnesses explained that a major cause is the raw sewage and hazardous industrial waste discharged by Israeli settlements and military camps into the fields and streams of the West Bank.
由于政府已经开始摇野田,有声音,从2015年10月开始的税收抵免福利的问题,在一次例行新闻发布会上,副部长,部财务 彦 五 十岚反正“民主,自由民主党在国会。你认为我们必须有包装在帐单上我的电话号码的地方,有一个限制倒数第一,无论在时间上永远做到这一点(的准备和设计)的计划,公明我拒绝说为“有是需要建立在早期阶段,所以我也并不认为那里是一个很大的差异这么多的双方,和(3)考虑在该领域的法律应走起来很快。
Since the government
[...] has begun to wobble Noda, for that there are voices that question with the start of the tax credit benefits from October 2015, the occasion of regular press conference, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance Fumihiko Igarashi anyway ” [...]
Democratic, Liberal
Democratic Party, in the Diet. you think that we must have packed the place on the bill my number, there is a limit last first, is whether in time forever do it (the preparation and design) plans, Komei I decline to say as “There is a need to establish at an early stage, so I do not think there is a big difference so much to both parties, and (3) considering a law in the field should go up quickly. preparation period when the time comes.
根據各方分析 TPP 一旦成立 將成為全 球最大的自由貿易區 並可能超越歐盟 而美 國則希望藉由此舉在不過度倚賴中國大陸的情 況下有效提振經濟 日本首野田佳彥的 加入 決定不僅讓美國士氣大振 也讓各界更不敢看 輕 TPP 之後續效應 現階段越來越多自由貿易 區的相繼成立對中小企業來說 除了代表更多 的競爭 亦顯示出更多商機的發掘機會 建議 中小企業業者可預先做好準備迎接新的貿易挑 戰 隨著經濟的混亂情況持續蔓延至全世界 大家開始問著 接下來究竟會發生什麼 世 界的未來會變成怎樣 在此期 我們將介紹 一本試圖勾勒出未來世界經濟的著作 下一 步 對於未來世界經濟的超凡思維 What s Next: Unconventional [...] [...]
Wisdom on the Future of the World Economy
Based on various analyses, the establishment of TPP will create the largest free-trade zone in the world, which may even be larger than EU. Through building up this organization, the US hopes to boost the economy effectively without relying on China too much at this time of European and US economic downturn.
田 明彦先生荣获了许多奖项,最近获得的奖项包括日本土地、基础设施和交通部颁发的可持续建筑奖和JIA建筑奖。
Mr Hamada has earned a number of awards, most recently the JIA Architecture Award and the Award for Sustainable Architecture from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation.
而最难得的是,席上竟有四位ADA造景比赛冠军,当中包括2002 - 朴木彦,2003 - 奥田英将,2007 - 邹维新和2008 - 郑少伟,可以说是水族造景界中的巨星级的饭局。
This is a very unusual envent because the participators
have four champions of IAPLC include:  Takehiko
[...] Honoki, 2003 - Hidemasa Okuda, 2007 - Dave Chow  and [...]
2008 - Cheng Siu Wai.
大型驾驶室有色车窗可提供工作区域的 佳 视 野。
Excellent visibility of the work [...]
area is provided through large tinted cab windows.
东北大学大学院药学研究科的青木淳贤教授、井上飞鸟助手、卷出久美子助教、东京大学大学字药学系研究科的新井洋由教授、大 田 智 彦 教 授、爱媛大学健体医学研究中心的东山繁树教授等人,共同开发了可检测GPCR活性的新手法。
Professor Junken Aoki, Research Associate Asuka Inoue, and Assistant Professor Kumiko Makide of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku
University, along with Professor Hiroyuki Arai and
[...] Professor Tomohiko Ohwada of the Graduate [...]
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
The University of Tokyo, and Professor Shigeki Higashiyama of the Proteo-Medicine Research Center, Ehime University, cooperated and developed a novel method to detect the activation of G Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
亚洲开发银行行长田东彦在讲 话时赞扬了乌兹别克斯坦社会发展和人类 发展方面所取得的成就。
In his address, Haruhiko Kuroda, President of [...]
the Asian Development Bank, praised the success of Uzbekistan’s social and human development.
一位专业的编曲人,参与编曲制作的歌手包括乐伟 佳 旺 / 子荧、 彦 、 W. H.Y、谢婉婷、阿牛、Kay郭晓微、何志健、Wincci苏盈之、Ariel Chang、卓如燕、安琪儿、Elisa Ray等。
A professional Music Arranger, he arranged for singers included Le Wei, Jia Wang/Zi Ying, Xin Yan, W.H.Y, Candy Xie, Ah- Niu, Kay Guo, Aric He, Wincci Soo, Ariel Chang, Zhuo Ruyan,An Qier, Elisa Ray etc. He has been invited to be the Music Arranger and Musician for《Chinese Education Festival Lin Lianyu Concert》in 2008.
由于专业和个人的承诺未定,有三名专家,维克托·科姆拉 斯(美利坚合众国,金融专家)、田 正 彦 ( 日 本 ,核问题专家)和戴维·伯奇(联 合王国,大规模毁灭性武器的扩散问题)分别于 2010 年 10 月 1 日、10 月 12 日和 12 月 20 日正式退出了专家小组。
Owing to pending professional and personal commitments, three of the experts, Victor D. Comras (United States of America, expert on finance), Masahiko Asada (Japan, expert on nuclear issues) and David J. Birch (United Kingdom, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction) withdrew from the Panel effective 1 October, 12 October and 20 December 2010, respectively.
美联储主席伯南克也这么做了——他承诺美国短期利率将维持极低水平;日本银行新行长 田 东 彦 最 近 也如法炮制了一次——他宣布会将货币供应量扩大一倍,让通胀达到2%。
US Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke provided his own by pledging that US short-term interest rates would
remain very low, and the Bank of Japan’s
[...] new chairman, Haruhiko Kuroda, has just provided [...]
another by saying that he will double
the money supply so that inflation reaches 2%.
諾頓(Robert J. Norton)表示,『支票四代與智慧野 是 絕 佳 的 合 作伙伴,運作起來不僅快速、機靈也相當耐用,我們期待與JCM全球的合作能在夏天賭場正式開幕營運時獲得廣大回應。
We are absolutely delighted to be expanding our relationship with the Cordish Companies and Maryland Live!
兜帽支持头盔同时使用,而无论是将兜帽戴于头盔外、头盔内、亦或是不与头盔同时佩戴,它的单手可调抽绳系统都能够为使用者带来大 野 与 最 佳 保 护 性能。
Whether over, under, or without a helmet, the
easy single hood adjustment system is distinguished by its large
[...] field of vision and optimal protection from [...]
the elements.
黎氏为跨界的艺术创作者,以批判理论、女性主义视野、电影理论、叙事实验和民 田野 法 的多元结合进行学术及创作活动。
She is a trans-disciplinary artist, proceeding with her academic and creative activities through the integrated multiple means of critic theory, feministic vision, film theory, narrative experimentation and folklore field.
氨基甲酸乙酯過去 曾作工業、醫藥和獸藥用途,但其後因為含有毒性,而且療效 佳 ,故 己被禁止作人類醫藥用途。
Its use in human medicine was later banned due to toxicological concerns and lack of efficacy.
在山谷的草地,在道路田野附近; 100-2900米安徽, 福建, 甘肃, 广东, 广西, [柬埔寨,日本包括琉球群岛,朝鲜,老挝,缅甸,泰国,越南。
Grasslands in valleys, near roads and fields; 100-2900 m. Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Cambodia, Japan including Ryukyu Islands, Korea, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam.
(c) 有關計劃促 進 兩
[...] 地 合 作進行 重 要 的發掘 工 作,並為內地 和 香港的專業 人員提供有田 野 考 古 的 交 流 機會,而內地專家提供的 意見也 對 辦事 處 的 考 古 工 作大有 [...]
裨 益 。
The AMO also benefits from the advice of the Mainland experts in archaeological work.
在本报告所述期间,安全理事会第 1874(2009)号决议所设委员会七名专家中
[...] 有三名,即大韩民国的宋永完(区域问题)、美利坚合众国的乔治·洛佩斯(金融) 和日本的山本彦(核问 题)通知委员会各因其他专业和个人事务的原因而提出 [...]
During the reporting period, three of the seven experts of the Panel of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1874 (2009), namely, Youngwan Song, Republic of Korea (regional issues), George A. Lopez,
United States of America (finance) and
[...] Takehiko Yamamoto, Japan (nuclear issues), [...]
informed the Committee of their resignation
owing to other pending professional and personal commitments.
日本外务省国际合作局全球问题合作处副处长北村美奈子女士代表日本外 务省国际合作局局长越川彦先生 致开幕词。
Ms. Minako Kitamura, Deputy Director of the Global Issues Cooperation Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, delivered opening remarks on behalf of Mr. Kazuhiko Koshikawa, Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
作为e-flux的创始人,他执行了许多项目,比如《下一届文献展应该由一位艺术家来策展》( 彦 斯 ·霍 夫曼策划),《做吧》(由小汉斯策划),《乌托邦站》海报计划,还组织了《日常革命生活的图像银行》项目(由大卫·阿尔法罗·西凯罗斯的图像文献发展而来)和《玛莎·罗斯勒图书馆》。
As founder of e-flux, he has produced projects such as Next Documenta Should Be Curated By An Artist (curated by Jens Hoffmann), Do it (curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist), Utopia Station poster project, and organized An Image Bank for Everyday Revolutionary Life (based on the image archive of David Alfaro Siqueiros) and Martha Rosler Library.
山坡,路旁田野,农 业土地,河岸,牧场,废弃地区; 近海平面到海拔1600米辽宁,山东,新疆 [...]
[哈萨克斯坦,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯,土库曼,乌兹别克; 亚洲西南部,欧洲; 在非洲南部,澳大利亚和北美和南美洲的归化 ].
[...] slopes, roadsides, fields, agricultural [...]
lands, river banks, pastures, waste areas; near sea level to 1600 m. Liaoning,
Shandong, Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; SW Asia, Europe; naturalized in S Africa, Australia, and North and South America].
鑒 於 第 I期工程的承 建 商 問題,事務委員會若 干 委員促請政府 當局改善標 書/合 約 文件的草 擬 方 式 ,並對污水排放計劃以後各 期工 程 採用更有 效
[...] 的工程管 理 制 度,使 公 眾 利 益 可獲佳 保 障
In view of the problems with the contractors in Stage I, some Panel members urged the Administration to improve the drafting of its tender/contract documents and to adopt a
more effective project management system for subsequent stages of SSDS
[...] in order to better safeguard the [...]
public interests.
在浸會大學大學會堂舉行之『傷健同心』慈善音樂會,表演非常多元化,表演嘉賓包括知名作家及填詞家林慕德先生、香港演藝學院音樂系導師譚懷理小姐、聖士提反書院附屬小學、展能藝術會之展能天使兒童合唱團、耀中國際學校 佳 寶 幼 稚園、 田 兒 童 合唱團、康傑中英文幼稚園、芳芳樂趣英文小學等。
They were Ms. Amy Tam of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Angels Children's Choir of Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, Kai Po Kindergarten, Shatin Children's Choir, V Band of Lutheran Yung Shing Integrated Services Team, St. Stephen's College Preparatory School, Amuse a Cappella, Good Health Angol-Chinese Kindergarten & Child Care Centre, Funful English Primary School and Yew Chung International School.




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