单词 | 野牛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 野牛 —bisonSee also:野 n—field n • boundary n 野—feral • rude • open space 牛 n—cattle n • beef n • ox n • cow n • bull n 牛—(slang) awesome • surname Niu
局長的答覆提到要尊重 動物的生命,請問政府對待這些野牛 與 對 待其他寵物有何分別,以及可 採用甚麼措施呢? legco.gov.hk | The Secretary said in his reply that we need to respect the life of animals, so may I ask the Government what [...] are the differences between the way of [...] handling these stray cattle and that of handling [...]pets, and what measures can be taken? legco.gov.hk |
这种于波兰东部辽阔平原生长的小草,除了耐受力显著外,实际上 与 野牛 并 没 甚么关连。 clarinsusa.com | There's nothing bison like more than this little grass known for its hardiness, which is found on the vast plains of eastern Poland. clarinsusa.com |
例如野牛,只 有在Białowieża、Podlaskie的古代林地才会 出现。 paiz.gov.pl | This includes wisent, which appears only in the ancient woodland of Białowieża, Podlaskie voivodship. paiz.gov.pl |
波兰人喜欢将“野牛草”放入伏特加酒以增添香味。 clarinsusa.com | The Polish use « bison grass » in their [...] vodka to give it a delicious flavour. clarinsusa.com |
野牛草有助促进血液循环,并可增强身体的抵抗力。 clarinsusa.com | Bison grass stimulates the [...] blood circulation and has a powerful fortifying effect on the body. clarinsusa.com |
我今天想問 的是野牛,究竟這方面如何處理呢? legco.gov.hk | What I want [...] to ask today is about stray cattle. legco.gov.hk |
以活肤的野牛草与 中国高良姜调理肌肤, 并以原维他命B5滋润头发。 clarinsusa.com | Tones skin [...] with energizing Bison Grass and Chinese [...]Galanga. clarinsusa.com |
野牛草萃取精华:为肌肤注入能量。 clarinsusa.com | Bison grass extract: energizes skin. clarinsusa.com |
此前的研究已经证明了现代牛源自对现在已经灭绝了的欧 洲 野牛 的 两次驯化:来自欧洲和中东地区的普通牛(taurine)系和来自印度次大陆的瘤牛(indicine)系。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Previous studies have shown [...] that modern cattle descended from two domestications of the now-extinct wild aurochsen: the [...]taurine line from Europe [...]and the Middle East and the indicine line from the Indian subcontinent. chinese.eurekalert.org |
實在令㆟感到詫異的是,有那麼多㆟自視為 「 野牛 」 , 他們永遠沒有想到自己很 可能是另㆒隻「母鵝」。 legco.gov.hk | It is indeed astonishing to find so many people see themselves as “Maverick” and have never thought that they could well be another “Goose”. legco.gov.hk |
還有,我們最近很關心牛隻,不論是 野牛 、 水 牛 或 黃 牛,如果牠們能跟 人類自然和諧相處,也是一個很難得的美景,可惜政府對這方面不夠重視, [...] 令牛和人發生不必要的衝突。 legco.gov.hk | Be they wild or not, buffaloes or cows, if [...] they can live in harmony with humans, that would be a wonderful thing to see. legco.gov.hk |
一款以野牛格子 的羊毛衬里为特征的室内外两用的拖鞋。 minnetonkamoccasin.cn | An indoor/outdoor rugged Sierra [...] slipper featuring buffalo check fleece lining. minnetonkamoccasin.com |
多个湖泊以及两个国家公园——其 中,沃林国家公园栖息着大量著名的波 兰 野牛。 paiz.gov.pl | Zachodniopomorskie has over 3,000 lakes, as well as two national parks, with the Wolin National Park being home to many of [...] the country’s famous bison. paiz.gov.pl |
种:虽然牛的照片显示国内,有13 anoa种,野生山牛包括扫落,Auroch,野 牦 牛 , 野牛 , 半 躺,Kouprey,美 洲 野牛 , 欧 洲 野牛 , 野 水 牛 , Ta maraw,低地Anoa和美国布法罗。 zh.northrup.org | Species: Though the pictures shown are of [...] domestic cattle, there are 13 species of wild cattle including the Saola, Auroch, Wild Yak, Gaur, Bantang, Kouprey, AMerican Bison, European Bison, Wild Water Buffalo, [...]Tamaraw, Lowland [...]Anoa, Mountain anoa, and American Buffalo. northrup.org |
仿旧的材质,配以金属野牛标志饰带。 minnetonkamoccasin.cn | Ruff distressed leather with Buffalo Nickel metal accents [...] on band. minnetonkamoccasin.com |
大家都欣賞「野牛」 在駕駛 F-14 雄貓噴射戰鬥機時令㆟嘆為觀止的技術;但在㆒次訓練行動㆗,因㆒項 致命的錯誤,以致「野牛」的 拍檔「母鵝」喪生,大家都為此感到遺憾。 legco.gov.hk | We also feel sorry when one fatal mistake during a training session cost Maverick the life of his partner, “Goose”. legco.gov.hk |
研究人员说,长着鸭嘴的鸭嘴龙恐龙的牙齿要比其它爬行动物的牙齿复杂得多,它们牙齿对磨碎坚韧、沙砾般的植物性材料的能力可与马 或 野牛 的 牙 齿相媲美。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The teeth of the duck-billed hadrosaurid dinosaurs were far [...] more complex than those of other reptiles, [...] rivaling horse or bison teeth in their [...]capacity for grinding tough, gritty plant material, researchers say. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在巴基斯坦,同样发现家畜牛和野牛 存 在着从中 等程度到严重的锌缺乏,这将妨碍牛的生长、繁殖和(或)哺乳。 fertilizer.org | In Pakistan, mild to acute Zn deficiency has also been [...] observed in cattle and buffaloes, which is [...]hampering growth, reproduction and/or lactation. fertilizer.org |
香港的野牛大體上有黃牛與水牛之分,基於香港由農 村的環境轉為工業及商業的環境,導致很多牛隻被棄置,特別是棄置在 鄉郊地方,現時香港有接近2 000隻野牛生活在不同的地方,包括西貢 及大嶼山等地。 legco.gov.hk | As Hong Kong has turned from a rural village into an industrial and commercial base, many cattle were dumped, particularly in the rural areas. legco.gov.hk |
美洲平原印第安人 最终败于饥荒:因为 99.99%的野牛被消灭,而他们对 野牛具有 无法逃避的依赖性,终于一蹶不振。 daccess-ods.un.org | Famine was what finally defeated the American Plains [...] Indians: when 99.99 per [...] cent of the bison had been exterminated, they were inescapably dependent on the buffalo and met their [...]downfall. daccess-ods.un.org |
影片还再现了当地的民族舞蹈:一个上了年纪的男子准备要跳绿玉米舞、一群人围着篝火跳起了鲶鱼舞,还有太阳舞、龟舞 和 野牛 舞 表 演。 wdl.org | An elderly man prepares for the Green Corn Dance and there is the Catfish Dance around a fire. wdl.org |
食物及衞生局局長:主席,至於野牛 問 題 ,我記得兩年前在立法會也答 覆過同樣的問題。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR FOOD AND HEALTH (in Cantonese): President, as regards [...] the issue of stray cattle, I remember I had [...]answered similar questions in the Legislative Council two years ago. legco.gov.hk |
局長,不知道你是否知悉現時在新 界地區,甚至不偏僻的地區,也有 野牛 橫 行 ,造成很多交通意外,例如 牛隻被車輛撞死、撞傷的交通意外也經常發生。 legco.gov.hk | How are they handled? I wonder if the Secretary [...] knows currently stray cattle roam about in the New [...]Territories, and even in some not [...]very remote areas, causing many traffic accidents, for example, frequent instances of cow found dead or injured after being hit by cars. legco.gov.hk |
陆 地动物有野 母牛 、 野水牛、 野公 牛、 老 虎和 苍鹭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ground animals consist of wild cows, wild buffalo, wild ox, tiger and heron. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们选择最崇高的原料,牛肉高山牧场、尔、chianina、安格斯牛肉、美国牛肉、神 户 牛 肉 、 野牛 、 绵羊从利穆赞,从西斯特龙,从比利牛斯山脉的苏格兰或波亚克。 vipservices.ch | We select the noblest raw materials, Beef from High mountain pastures, Simmental, Chianina, Angus beef, US beef , Kobe Beef, bison, lambs from Limousin, from Sisteron, from Pyrenees of the Scotland or Pauillac. vipservices.ch |
野牛复仇记》(Burrito Bison Revenge)是一款风靡有趣的射击类游戏,玩家在游戏中的任务极为简单,就是要让游戏的主人公————一头名为“卷 饼 野牛 ” 的 野牛 砸 向 糖果小熊,获取分数。 burrito-bison-r...cn.uptodown.com | Burrito Bison Revenge is a catapult game in which our goal is simple: Launch the main character (a bull) as far as possible counting with the help of gummy bears. burrito-bison-r...en.uptodown.com |
中学生 不过 对于那些德国以外的致力 于农业生物多样性 扶贫 国际关系 可 持续发展 人类福祉相关的人员同样具有 价值 作为思考题 在相应章节中用带有 [...] [...] 颜色的方框标出 和信息框 每一个灰色 框 都是根据德国的背景制定 所以不是 所有的都有英语版本和中文版本 几个世纪前的德国 已知的野生动物 种类一度远远超过现在 其中有大型哺乳动 物 例如 原始牛 Bos primigenius 棕熊 Ursus arctos 欧洲野牛 Bison bonasus 和野马 Equus ferus 如今 这些动物都 已灭绝 您可能会想 那又如何 现在我们 有自己的奔驰豪华轿车 掌上游戏机和微波 炉 这些产品在欧洲野牛生活的时代都未出 现 但是 如果人类进步的步伐与大自然和 物种多样性更加协调 那么情况或许会大为 改善 那样 我们的世界将会有更加美好的 东西 图2-1 netzhammerbreiholz.de | As the suggestions for further work (each marked with a frame in the corresponding chapter colours) and the infoboxes (each framed in grey colour) are developed for the German context, not all of them appear in the English version, and none in the Chinese version as requested by our Chinese partners. netzhammerbreiholz.de |