

单词 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生

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External sources (not reviewed)

此外,我們亦經常說,對於外圍賭波的數字及投注的波欖一直都是很多 的,正所野火燒不盡,春風吹又生。
In addition, we often say that the figures relating to illegal football betting
and bookmaking have always
[...] been very high and no sooner had they been dealt a blow than they sprang back to life again.
多數㆟民主的希望,就像大㆞㆖的青年, 野火 燒 不 盡 , 春風 吹又生」。
The majority’s aspirations for
democracy are like the grass on earth which “cannot be
[...] burned out by a prairie fire but grows again with the spring breeze”.
由此可 以證明,H5N1 病 毒 猶野 草 燒 不 盡 , 春 風 吹 又 生,我們絕 對 不能冒 險 。
It is evident that the H5N1 virus, like the grass
[...] which will grow again when the spring breeze blows, can never be wiped out.
任何反抗,如果用這種不文明的方式處理,便好 野火 燒不盡,春風吹又生一樣,你現在只不過是在人民的憤懣面前、年輕人的憤 懣面前火上加油,你是火燒政府自己的“後欄”。
Any form of resistance, if dealt with in such an uncivilized manner, will be like the grass on earth which "cannot be burned out by a prairie fire but grows again with the spring breeze".
尽管非常接近赤道,但有凉爽风吹 拂 , 湿度较低。
Despite a close proximity to the equator, humidity is low due to cooling sea breezes.
(b) 当贫化铀烧时,黑色粉尘形式的氧化铀颗粒会在车子内和车子周围出 现,如风向稳定的话,通常可吹 至 离 着 火 点约 50 米处。
(b) When
[...] depleted uranium combusts, particles of uranium oxide in the form of a heavy black dust arise within and around the vehicle and usually travel, with steady winds, to a distance of some 50 metres from the point of ignition.
海浪轻拍海岸,风拂面 ,宾客能在轻松的氛围 尽 情 享 用美 烧 烤 , 并进行沟通和交流。
With the waves
[...] gently crashing onto the shore, balmy winds and the aroma of freshly barbequed cuisine, guests [...]
will be in a relaxed
atmosphere to bond and network.
候船厅面对的是低一点的小庭院和两棵大杨树,厅内有供休息喝茶的条桌条凳和冬 烧火 取 暖 的石头炉子 尽 端 是 两个 生 间。
All the walls and roofs are made of rocks collected from nearby.
由此,也可以看出,LED照明行业发展至今,无论是“指点江山”的专家学者还是整合传播的行业媒体机构,抑或是追求绿色GDP的各级官员们都应该清醒意识到,盲目上马 LED产品,市场需要什么或不需要 什么都 尽 全 力 盲目 风生 产 , 只会导致企业自身生产管理混乱,找不到市场发展定位,由此,正如刘俊所言,LED照明企业只有清晰自身发展定位,瞄准某个细分领域市场,才能更靠近成功。
As a result, you can see, LED lighting industry today, whether it is "pointing country" or integrated media experts and scholars in the industry media organizations, or the pursuit of green GDP, officials at all levels should be clearly
aware of the blind
[...] launched LED product, market and what do not need anything or make every effort [...]
to blindly follow the trend
of production, will only lead to confusion in their own production management, market development can not find the position, which, as Liu said, LED lighting company has only a clear positioning of their own development, targeting a particular market segments, can be more close to success.
这些措施包括特派团营地服务商店小 卖部和自助餐不再使 用塑料袋;将空调设在摄氏 26 度的经济温度和下班后强 制关闭空调;双面打印节约纸张;一个非政府组织为回收瓶子和马口铁罐,并收 集切碎的纸张做烧火做饭 的煤球;采购 生 纸 用于打印,发放少于要求 15%的 供应物,将其作为“绿动溢价”;特派团还参加了海滩清理和世界环境日活动。
The measures included the withdrawal of plastic bags from the Mission’s Post-Exchange commissary facility and cafeteria; the use of air conditioners at the economical temperature level of 26 degrees Celsius and their compulsory shut-down after working hours; paper saving, resulting from double-sided printing; the collection, by a non-governmental organization, of bottles and tin cans for recycling, and shredded paper for the fabrication of cooking briquettes; the procurement of recycled paper for printing and the issuance of 15 per cent less than requested stock as a “greening premium”; as well as the Mission’s participation in beach cleaning and World Environment Day activities.
如果发烧很高(摄氏39至40度尽管服 了药, 烧 一 点儿 也 不 退 , 而孩又感觉 难受或者还有其它的不适,造成你们不安,那就赶紧向儿科大夫 咨询了解。
If however, the fever is very high (39°-40°C) and even with the administration of medicine the fever does not go down, even a little and the baby seems to be suffering, or if there are any other disturbances which worry you CONSULT THE PAEDIATRICIAN AT ONCE.
2009 年,原籍古巴的美国国民可以前往古巴旅行,这给旅游 吹 来 了 春风。
In 2009, United States citizens of Cuban origin started to be allowed travel to Cuba and this has had a positive impact on tourism.
的确,这个建筑是为Philippe Parreno的一部科幻短片火星来 的男孩》准备的,他以此为主角拍摄了这部影片:神秘的夜空,缓慢移动的星光,水牛在水田里踩下的脚印,它用力拉动和没入池塘水面的身影,炯炯有神的牛眼睛,慢慢变亮的灯泡,白天 野 上 空的太阳,塑料棚与周围的树木 风吹 动 的 诗意画面,以及片尾黑幕时一个苍老男人的吟哦,渲染出一种令人过 不 忘 的 迷幻氛围。
Indeed, the building was originally constructed for Philippe Parreno’s
architectural sci-fi
[...] film The Boy from Mars; he made the film with the building as the lead actor: the mysterious night sky, the slowly moving starlight, the footprints left in the rice field by the buffalo, its silhouette pulling hard and submerging into the pond, the buffalo’s bright and piercing eyes, the slowly illuminating light bulbs, the sun above the field during the daytime, the poetic tableau of the plastic canopy and the surrounding trees blown by the wind, and the chanting of an aged man at the end of the film, all contributed to a hallucinatory atmosphere that was hard to forget after viewing.
三叶片推进式搅拌桨应尽可能的接 烧 杯 底部,叶片转动 不 要 擦 碰 烧 杯 壁
The three-blade marine impeller should be as near the bottom of the beaker as possible, without touching as the blade turns.
如果管不善, 这种变化可能给多方面造成负面影响,包 生 计 、 生 物 多 样性 野火风 险 、集水区或荒漠化。
If unmanaged, such changes could lead to negative impacts on livelihoods, biodiversity, wildfire risks, watersheds or desertification.
Kohona 先生(斯里兰卡)说,访问加沙的委员 会成员被告知没风险, 所以他们中没人想起来其 四天访问期间发射过火箭,尽管他 们在户外逗留 了很长时间。
(Sri Lanka) said
[...] that none of the Committee members who had visited Gaza could recall a single rocket being fired during their four-day visit, even though they had spent much time outdoors, having been [...]
advised that there was no risk.
但与在山野和丛林中徒步旅 行和在搭建帐篷宿野吹不同的 是,跋涉者从一个地方到另一个地方,有时候步行,但更经 常是火车或 汽车或雇用汽车,具体使用哪一种交通工具则完全取决于地理环境 风 景 和两 个观光点之间的距离。
But rather than hiking in the wilderness environment of the mountains or forests and camping out in tents and cooking food, Trekkers move from place to place, sometimes on foot but often on train or bus or hired automobile, all depending [...]
on the geography, sights, and distances between points of interest.
我亦須 在此向那些環保先鋒,包括㆞球之友會、綠色力量、 春 社 和世 界 野生生 物 基 金會的 創辦㆟致意,他們利用非對抗式策略,堅 不 屈 ㆞游說工業界和政府以環保為未來路 向。
I must pay tribute to those environmentally conscious pioneers of Hong Kong, the founders of Friends of the Earth, Greenpower, Conservancy Association and World Wide Fund For Nature, who persevered using non-confrontational tactics, persuading both industry and the Government that greenness is the way forward.
热爱大自然的徒步旅行爱好者还可以欣赏岛上的热带山 风 光 ,许 多 不 同 种类 的 野生 动 物 都栖息于此。
Nature-lovers who enjoy hiking will also appreciate the island’s tropical, hilly landscape, which is populated by a variety of species of wildlife.
会上指出,本区域国家近年来的各类灾害频繁 生 , 包 括洪水、 干旱、荒漠化、严重影响到农业活动的极端气候状况 风 雪 和 沙尘 暴野火、地 震和海啸,使千百万民众受到影响。
It was pointed out that, in recent years, countries in the region had become
prone to more disasters
[...] of various types, including floods, drought, desertification, extreme meteorological conditions that adversely affected agricultural activities, snow and dust storms, wildfires, earthquakes and [...]
tsunamis, which affected millions of people.
为保护妇女免遭此类暴力行为,打破暴力循环,大会在第 63/155 号决议中
[...] 强烈谴责一切暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为,不论这种行为是国家、个人还是非国 家行为体所实施第 8 段);强调各国必不以习 俗、传统或宗教理由来规避其在 消除暴力侵害妇女行为方面的义务(第 9 段);又强调各国尽心尽力预防、调查、 起诉并惩处暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为人,保护受害者(第 10 段);以及敦促各 国杜绝暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为不受惩罚的现象,确保妇女受到法律的平等保护 [...]
并有平等机会利用司法手段(第 11 段)。
To protect women from such violence and break the cycle of violence, the General Assembly, in resolution 63/155, strongly condemned all acts of violence against women and girls, whether perpetrated by the State, private persons or non-State
actors (para. 8); stressed that it was important that States refrained from invoking any custom, tradition or
[...] religious consideration to avoid their obligations with respect to elimination of violence against women (para. 9); stressed also that States must exercise due diligence [...]
to prevent, investigate,
prosecute and punish the perpetrators of violence against women and girls and to provide protection to the victims (para. 10); and urged States to end impunity for violence against women by ensuring that women had equal protection of the law and equal access to justice (para. 11).
劉曉波被捕後, 香港聯署的人數超過1 000名,憲章不盡,民主吹又生。
After LIU Xiaobo had been arrested, more than 1 000 people signed the Charter in Hong Kong; the Charter cannot be exterminated even by fire and it grows again with the breeze of democracy.
通过全球测地系统提供的关键灾害管理服务 包括全野火预警 系统、“亚洲哨兵”和(非洲和中美洲及南美洲)《在生 自然和技术灾害时协调使用空间设施的合作宪章》 又 称 为 《空间与重大灾害 问题国际宪章》)、全球环境与安全监测(全球环境监测)应急管理服务及中 美洲观察与监测系统。
Key disaster-management services available
through GEOSS include
[...] the Global Early Warning System for Wildland Fire, Sentinel Asia and (for Africa and Central and South America) the Charter on Cooperation to Achieve the Coordinated Use of Space Facilities in the Event of Natural or Technological Disasters (also called the International Charter on Space and [...]
Major Disasters), the
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Emergency Management Service and the Mesoamerican Visualization and Monitoring System (SERVIR).
机构间常设委员会还核准了一套关于烹调燃料战略的多部门指导工具,其中 提出了各分组或机构可以举办的重要活动和确定了适当的家庭能源战略,以降低 流离失所者,尤其是妇女和女孩不 安 全 的人道主义环境下打柴 烧 柴 的安 全风 险。
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee has further endorsed a set of multisectoral guidance tools on cooking fuel strategies that identifies key activities for clusters or agencies and determines appropriate household energy strategies, in an effort to reduce the risk to the safety and security of
displaced populations, in particular
[...] women and girls, when collecting and using firewood in insecure humanitarian settings.
关切非洲在国际贸易量中的比例过低,目前约占 3%;又表示关切尽管向 非洲提供的官方发展援助名义数额和所占份额总体上有所增加,但此种援助实际 数额每年可能仅增长 1%,而过去三年平均增长率则为 13%,又表示关切一些非洲 国家债务负担加重,失业不断升 高,以及由于世界金融和经济危机而使流入非 洲大陆的资本下降等等,这些情况对非洲近年来 不 易 的 社会经济和政治成果生了负面影响
at Africa’s disproportionately low share in the volume of international trade, which
stands at approximately 3 per cent, also expresses concern that, despite an overall increase in the nominal volume and share of official development assistance to Africa, such assistance will likely rise by just 1 per cent a year in real terms, compared to the average 13 per cent rate of growth over the past three years, and further expresses concern at the increased debt burden of some African countries, the rising unemployment rate and the fall in capital inflows to the continent as a result of the world financial and economic crisis, which have a negative impact on the hard-earned socioeconomic and political gains that Africa has achieved in recent years
所以,到了後期,我覺得禁止的程度已經越來越 火 , 如 果是在一個密 封的工作間或勞工一定要去的地方禁煙,這當然是言之成理,因為勞工的權 益應該受到保障;又或是在一個密封的場合中禁煙,因為那些煙 不 能 吹散 的;又或是 在很稠密的地方,非吸煙者被迫吸到二手煙,我們便應立法保障 那些有機會吸二手煙的人的安全和健康。
It is reasonable to ban smoking in an enclosed area because the smoke cannot be dispersed, or in some very crowded places where non-smokers are forced to inhale second-hand smoke.
新一轮欧元区危机春季产生严重 金融压力的原因,这急剧增大 风 险 规避,从而将 新兴市场的资金流入推迟到夏季欧洲央行和联邦储备银行采取大胆行动之后。
A new episode of the EMU crisis was behind
[...] severe financial tensions in the spring, sharply increasing risk aversion and, thereby staving [...]
off capital
inflows into emerging markets until bold actions were adopted by the ECB and the Federal Reserve in the summer.




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