单词 | 野性 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 野性 adjective —wild adj野性 noun —naughty n野性 —wild nature • unruliness See also:野 n—field n • boundary n 野—feral • rude • open space
1975年開始創作拼貼作品,1979年創作版畫,並投入文學寫作工作,1983年小說《克里斯多夫南娼窟》榮獲第十 屆 野性 時 代 新人文學獎。 ravenelart.com | She also started to work as a writer, and her 1983 novel The Hustler's Grotto of Christopher Street won the Tenth Literary Award for New Writers from the monthly magazine Yasei Jidai. ravenelart.com |
此現象相信是由於擁有剛烈外觀、時髦的設計、優越之 越 野性 能 以及中國人傳統上偏 好較大型車輛所致。 jinhengholdings.com | This is believed to be [...] contributed by the masculine exterior, fashionable [...]design, superior off-road ability and Chinese [...]traditional preference for larger size vehicles. jinhengholdings.com |
外表饰以神秘诱人的美洲豹印记,内里带有新“休闲时尚”以及高贵、优雅却又充 满 野性 的 美 洲豹图案,该表款不露声色地进入本季必选之作的行列。 hautehorlogerie.org | Out with the femme fatale look leopard [...] print; in with the new "casual chic", [...] noble, refined yet wild leopard pattern, [...]which is subtly making its way into this season's Must Haves. hautehorlogerie.org |
在最近的發展階段中,新一代的G 系列已配置強勁嶄新的引擎,進一步改良豪華設備,配上尖端的安全系統,還有經典 越 野性 能 , 與此同時仍保持著穩重、無懈可擊的外型。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | In its latest evolutionary stage, it offers state-of-the-art, powerful engines, a further improved range of luxurious appointments and the very latest safety features, as well, of course, as its now legendary off-road capabilities. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
格雷茅斯黄色海鳗青年旅舍(YHA Greymouth [...] Kainga-ra)坐落在格雷茅斯丛林覆盖的小山中,格雷茅斯是位于南岛中部充 满 野性 和 自 然美景的西海岸最大的城镇。 cn.yha.co.nz | YHA Greymouth Kainga-ra is nestled [...] amongst the bush-clad hills of Greymouth, the largest town in the middle of the [...] South Island’s wild and wonderful West Coast. yha.co.nz |
只問曾經參與有組織義務工作者] 請問你參加過既義務工作主要屬於乜 野性 質? hkupop.hku.hk | (Only ask those who have participated in organized volunteering before) What kind of volunteering service have you participated in? hkupop.hku.hk |
最长见的安装是在特种消防车上。最近一段时间,BAUER KOMPRESSOREN UK生产彩弹运动用压缩机的数量呈上升趋势,高效率和 越 野性 对 彩 弹运动具有很重要意义。 bauergroup.com | The most common application is inclusion into specialist Fire fighting vehicles but more recently BAUER KOMPRESSOREN UK has designed and constructed a number of units for the world of Paintball, where off road capability and high demand are considerations. bauergroup.com |
印有黑豹图案与施华洛世奇水晶点缀的性 感T恤,搭配白色迷你裤,演绎性感 野性的 气质。 enviefashion.com | In the photos we have: Nera ~ a glamorous black panther t-shirt with Swarovski crystal, balanced with white shorts. enviefashion.com |
ACTIVE CURVE SYSTEM利用裝置於前軸與後軸的主動防滾桿,減少轉彎時車身顛簸和傾側,增加靈活性與駕駛樂趣,亦加強全新M系的 越 野性 能 , 保持車身穩定、舒適。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | This system uses active anti-roll bars on the front and rear axles and compensates for the roll angle of the body through bends, increasing agility and driving pleasure in the process. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
伴随野性之美 , 她一切准备就绪,以她绝佳的妆容和犀利的鞋跟迈入世界的舞台。 enviefashion.com | With the grace of the wild beast within, she [...] is ready to go out and make her mark on the world with her stunning look and sharp heels. enviefashion.com |
其英文名“Tiguan”是单词老虎(Tiger)和蜥蜴(Iguana)的综合缩写,给人以力量 、 野性 、 优质和杰出之感。 labbrand.com | The English name “Tiguan” is a combination of the words Tiger and Iguana, giving a [...] feeling of power, wildness, quality and excellence. labbrand.com |
将野性从你 的衣柜里释放!这是重回瞩目焦点之作,代表本年度颁奖台流行趋势,带出性感与极致女性化魅力的细腻感触!该表款王者归来,完美融入本年度的“混搭”趋势,见证着日装与晚装代码的融合。 hautehorlogerie.org | It's coming back to centre stage; it's this year's trend for the podium, bringing little touches of sexy, ultra-feminine glamour. It is making a much-acclaimed return fitting seamlessly into this year's "genre mixing" trend, which is seeing a merging of daytime and evening dress codes. hautehorlogerie.org |
Solo Loewe的推出标志着变革的继续。它是在推出Esencia Loewe [...] 17年后开发的新型男士香水,以现代 野性 的 风格为西班牙文化作出全新演绎。 lvmh.cn | The revolution continues with Solo Loewe, a new men’s [...] fragrance which, 17 years after Esencia Loewe, offers a new interpretation of Spanish [...] culture with modern, audacious style. lvmh.com |
在越野性能方 面,全新改款的LX570的一大亮点即增加了越野转向辅助功能,配合自动爬坡控制系统,能够减小转弯半径,提高转向性能,提升越野表现。 lexus.com.cn | One of the key highlights of the latest LX570 edition is its Off-road Turn Assist function. With the support of the Crawl Control system, Off-road Turn Assist tightens the turning circles, improves steering control and thus elevates the vehicle's performance in cross-country conditions. lexus.com.cn |
体验西海岸不胜枚举的具有野性风情 的探险旅游活动——包括洞穴探险、白水漂流、徒步旅行、四轮越野摩托车、飞蝇钓等等。 cn.yha.co.nz | Have a wild West Coast adventure – [...] caving, white-water rafting, tramping, quad-biking, fly-fishing… The list is endless. yha.co.nz |
而对于“野猫”,包括由于离开人 类生活范围的时间过长而恢复了野性 的流浪猫,以及它们的后代(在其成 [...] 长中几乎没有或根本没有和人类接触 过的猫),它们在本能上是避免和人类 接触的,对于陌生人来说,他们更是 不可以接近的。 animalsasia.org | However, for "wild cats", including those who have [...] left human contact for too long a period [...] and have become wild along with their [...]offspring who have never had contact with [...]humans, they will instinctively avoid contact with humans and can not be easily approached. animalsasia.org |
这款出色的轿车(随后生产了140辆华丽的spider版)空气动力学表现出色,车型充 满 野性 但 不 失稳重低调。 maserati.com.cn | This stunning coupé (followed by a magnificent spider version of which 140 examples were produced) had an aggressive, aerodynamic yet understated shape. maserati.com.au |
近年 Emilio Pucci 轉趨低調,不過低調設計中仍展現女性 最 性 感 、 最 野性 的 一 面,來到 2013 年,首先映入眼簾的是一系列全新太陽眼鏡和光學眼鏡,形態、圖案和色調都極盡華麗、如夢似幻,將大家帶回到意大利 Cinecittà 星光熠熠的年代。 style-tips.com | In the new season, Emilio Pucci evokes the alluring era of Italian Cinecittà stars with a range of glam-inducing shapes, whimsical prints and imaginative colors. Playful patterns run the gamut from waves to swirls to ribbons, adding fluidity and movement to the translucent zyls and delicate metals. style-tips.com |
长相思是多产于法国波尔多地区的一种绿皮白葡萄酒品种,其名字来源于这两个单 词 ' 野性 的 "(sauvage)和"白色'' (blanc)。 emw-wines.com | Sauvignon blanc is a green-skinned grape variety which originates from the Bordeaux region of [...] France. The grape gets its name from the [...] French word sauvage ("wild") and blanc ("white") [...]due to its early origins as an indigenous grape in South West France. en.emw-wines.com |
第一部分指出了对公众健康会产生严重 影响的疾病:如天花、由野性脊灰病毒引起的脊髓灰质炎、新型亚型 病毒引起的感冒以及严重急性呼吸综合症(SARS)。 maec.es | The first one [...] includes diseases which may have “severe repercussions on the public health”, like smallpox, poliomyelitis by wild poliovirus, human [...]influenza caused by a new [...]subtype of virus and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (S.A.R.S). maec.es |
請問你地接受過既義務工作服務主要屬於 乜 野性 質? hkupop.hku.hk | What kind of volunteering service has your organization received? hkupop.hku.hk |
顏色方面有神秘的黑色、具侵略性的鮮紅色、鮮明的白色、內歛的棗紅色 及 野性 的 軍 綠色,它們的設計獨特而鮮明,繼續表現一種獨立及自主的現代女性主義。 ipress.com.hk | Colours are black, bright red and ice white. ipress.com.hk |
Neil Bowling在文中对Quattroporte总裁系列行政版活力十足的特点赞不绝口,并称之为 “ 野性 尤 物 ”。 maserati.com.cn | Inside, Neil Bowling raves about the dynamic characteristics of the Quattroporte S, [...] defined as an “untamed stunner”. web.maserati.com |
越野課程 (Offroad) 則可體驗Cayenne車款強悍的越野性能, 進入特別挖掘的越野場地前,將PASM之保時捷氣壓懸載系統調至「最高高度一」(High Level I) 並切換PTM保時捷循跡管理系統至越野模式,行進間PTV Plus扭力分導系統也會在兩輪騰空時發揮功效,帶領車輛順利駛過極端崎嶇道路。 pap.porsche.com | Before entering the off-road track dug specifically for the event, the Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) was manually selected to the higher level (High Level I), and the Porsche Traction Management (PTM) was switched to the Off-road Mode. pap.porsche.com |
新款 LX570采用LEXUS雷克萨斯全新纺锤形前格栅,进一步突出了其家族特征。与此同时,最新添置的越野转向辅助功能、全方位多地形路况监视器以及多地形选择系统等诸多智能科技配置,大幅提升了LX570的 越 野性 能。 lexus.com.cn | Not only does the new LX570 further accentuate the signature family front design with its spindle grille, but it also provides a full range of new intelligent [...] features such as Off-road [...] Turn Assist, Multi-Terrain Monitor and Multi-Terrain Select that significantly boost its cross-country [...]capabilities. lexus.com.cn |
關於毒品的單曲〈Everyone [...] [...] Nose (All The Girls Standing In The Line For The Bathroom)〉,集合Soul、Jazz、House及Garage等元素於一身,以口號式演唱作為前奏,再陸續滲入其他風格, 由 野性 、 柔 情到熱鬧,濃厚的派對味道確實是作為《Seeing Sounds》事先熱身的最佳曲目。 think-silly.com | Starts with a slogan like expression, the tune marches into a wave of seamlessly evolving styles, making this track a perfect warm up for ‘Seeing Sounds’. think-silly.com |
水生食物网的等级比陆生食 物网多,陆生食物网中,食肉性野生 动 物很少相互为食,因此水生的生物放大作用可代表性地达到更 [...] 高的值(UNEP 2002)。 zeromercury.org | Aquatic food webs tend to [...] have more levels than terrestrial webs, [...]where wildlife predators rarely feed on each other, and [...]therefore the aquatic biomagnification typically reaches higher values (UNEP 2002). zeromercury.org |
这个小分队广泛部署于受灾地 区,并设立了能够满足受灾人口广泛需求的综 合 性野 外医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has seen extensive territorial deployment in disaster zones and established comprehensive field hospitals capable of responding broadly to the needs of affected populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
自动感应照相系统是一种非损伤性野 生 动 物调查工具,在很大程度上弥补了传统调查方法的不足,为野生动物的调查和研究提供了新的有效途径。 actazool.org | Auto-trigger camera system is an alternative tool for noninvasive surveys, and to some extent, may remedy deficiencies of traditional field methods. actazool.org |
南迪的著作包括:《另类科学》、《在心理学的边缘》、《亲密的敌人》(台译:《贴身的损友》)、《板球之道》、《民族主义的非法性》(台译:《国族主义的非 法 性 》 )、 《 野 蛮 的弗洛依德及其他关于可能的和可恢复的自我的论文》、《通往城市的尴尬之旅》、《国家的浪漫史和热带地区异议的命运》、《时间隧道》、《时间的跋涉》,以及《传统,暴政与乌托邦》。 shanghaibiennale.org | Nandy’s books include Alternative Sciences, At the Edge of Psychology, The Intimate Enemy, [...] The Tao of Cricket, The Illegitimacy [...] of Nationalism, The Savage Freud and Other Essays [...]in Possible and Retrievable Selves, [...]An Ambiguous Journey to the City, The Romance of the State and the Fate of Dissent in the Tropics,Time Warps, Time Treks, and Traditions, Tyranny and Utopias. shanghaibiennale.org |