

单词 重蹈



repeat a disastrous policy
follow the track of an overturned cart

See also:

tread on

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 过程,它有可能最终发挥其巨大的经济潜力,赶上 周边国家,并在这个过程中避重蹈 周 边 国家的覆 辙。
But if it is able to manage this complex process, Myanmar has the possibility to
finally realise its enormous economic potential, catching up with its neighbours
[...] while avoiding some of their mistakes.
另一方面,我也希望總結一下經 驗,避免將重蹈覆轍
On the other hand, I also wish to sum up the experience with a
[...] view to avoiding a repeat of this situation.
她提到天水圍的 交通問題,並促請政府當局發展新發展區時審慎行 事,以重蹈覆轍
She referred to the transport problems in
Tin Shui Wai and urged the Administration to exercise due care in developing
[...] NDAs in order not to repeat the same mistake.
只要存在国别程序,为消除政治化而设立的人权理事会就会变成政治化更强 的场所,更重蹈其前 身人权委员会的苦涩和可耻的失败结局。
As long as there exists country-specific procedures, the Human Rights Council, which was created to remove politicization, will be
turned into a place of bigger
[...] politicization and, by far, repeat the same bitter and [...]
shameful failure as the Commission on
Human Rights, its predecessor body.
過去我們曾犯這項錯誤,希望今次不 重蹈 覆 轍
We have made this mistake once; let us not make it again.
在考慮公務員應否被停職時,有關的局/部門須研究所 有相關因素,包括:指稱的不當行為或刑事控罪的性質和嚴 重程度、有關公務員的不當行為與其公務之間可能產生的衝 突、該員如獲准留任會重蹈覆轍、是否有其他職位適合調 派該員擔任、人手和士氣的考慮因素、會否損害或危及市民 大眾、市民大眾對該員留任的反應和觀感等。
When considering whether a civil servant should be interdicted, the concerned bureau/department is required to look at all relevant factors, including the nature and gravity of the alleged misconduct or criminal charge, possible conflict between the civil servant’s misconduct and his official duties, possibility of recurrence of the same misconduct or offence if he is allowed to remain in his office, availability of suitable alternative posting, manpower and morale consideration, likely harm or risk posed to the general public, public reaction and perception, etc.
[...] 員會的成員,幾乎一致要求社會福利署(“社署”)重新檢討就調查該宗慘 劇而成立的三人小組的職權範圍,以便能夠擴闊層面,從而取得足夠的經驗 和教訓,避重蹈覆轍
Precisely because of this, members of the Legislative Council Panel on Welfare Services have almost unanimously urged the Social Welfare Department (SWD) to review the terms of reference of the three-member panel set up to investigate the recent tragedy, so as to broaden the scope
of investigation and thus enable us to gain more
[...] experience and learn more lessons for the avoidance of similar mistakes.
有見及此,梁議員詢問,政府當局能否考慮把防疫 注射計劃擴大至目標群組以外人士( 例如錄得高感 染率的19歲或以下年輕人),以重蹈 政 府 年前購買 人類豬型流感疫苗而導致浪費的覆轍。
In the light of this, Mr LEONG asked whether consideration could be given to extending the vaccination programme to people outside the target groups, say, young people aged 19 years or below who recorded a high infection rate, to prevent the vaccines from going to waste as in the case of Human Swine Influenza ("HSI") vaccines purchased by the Government in the year before.
警务司缺少刑事情报分析干事的情况限制了系统规划和执行最佳做法 以及所得经验教训的能力,而且带 重蹈 覆 辙 的风险。
The absence of a Criminal Information Analysis Officer in the Police Division limits the capacity to
systematically project and implement best practices and lessons learned, and creates the risk that
[...] costly mistakes will be repeated.
(m) 倘若採用校內分流安排或校本安排,以決定中 學所採用的教學語言,便可能重蹈1 9 9 8年之 前 “ 名英實中” 的覆轍,即大部分中學繼續一方 [...]
面聲稱以英語為教學語言,但實際上卻在課堂 上以中文作為主要教學語言。
(m) Adoption of the within-in school or school-based approach
in determining the use of MOI in
[...] secondary schools might repeat the history prior [...]
to 1998, viz. that the majority of secondary
schools continued to profess the adoption of English as MOI, while in practice mainly using Chinese in classroom teaching.
特别报告员同意其前任 的观点,即应当承认冲突具有种族或族裔性质,并在冲突后国家的重建工作中应 对这一问题,以避重蹈覆辙
The Special Rapporteur shares the view of his predecessor that the ethnic or racial dimension of a conflict should be acknowledged and
addressed as part of the
[...] post-conflict reconstruction of countries emerging from armed conflict to avoid its resurgence.
我們的任務必須是避重蹈他們 的覆轍,並尋求㆒些針對本港需要的解決方法,使我 們在未來的日子能夠照顧那些最有需要的㆟。
Our task must be to avoid their mistakes, and seek solutions of our own making, so that we may take care of those most in need, for generations to come.
鑑於政府將會大量增撥新市鎮土㆞發展住宅,以紓緩住屋需求及壓抑高樓價, 本局促請政府在發展該等區域同時,必須作出完善的城市規劃,並落實執行, 確保在對外交通、社區設施、就業機會及其他民生需要㆖,避 重蹈 覆 轍 ,犯 ㆖現時新市鎮因規劃錯誤而引致的種種問題。
That in anticipation of a significant increase in Government’s allocation of land for residential development in new towns to alleviate the pressure of housing demands and to suppress spiralling property prices, this Council urges the Government to work out and to implement all-embracing town planning programmes when developing the districts concerned, so as to avoid the recurrence of problems arising from previous mistakes in the planning of external transport links, community facilities, job opportunities and other essential facilities.
基于种族、文化和民族优越感对文化多元性的不尊重和错误的种族、歧视和 仇外概念只会令强国从中获益,也是历史上造成悲剧性的冲突的基本原因,必须 避重蹈覆辙
Lack of respect for cultural diversity and erroneous racist, discriminatory and xenophobic ideas about the superiority of races, cultures and nations, which only benefit the powerful, have throughout history been among the basic causes of tragic conflicts, whose recurrence we are duty bound to avoid.
由於多項管制計劃協議即將期滿待續,政府當局必須把握機會,檢討現行管制計劃,並改 善當㆗可能有欠妥善的㆞方,以確保新協議不 重蹈 覆 轍
Since many of the scheme of control agreements are coming up for renewal, the Administration must seize this opportunity to review existing schemes and to address whatever inadequacies there may be to ensure that such inadequacies are not carried forward into the new agreements.
我希望行政當局認真檢討今次的處事方法,避免日重 蹈覆轍
I hope the executive authorities can seriously review its approach in handling this incident, so as to avoid committing the same mistake again in future.
安全理事会绝不重蹈覆辙,就象在 2003 年 2 月那样,仅凭美国国务卿鲍 [...]
威尔的单方面谎言,即沦为美国强权和霸权的工具,为其武装入侵伊拉克提供合 法外衣。
It is imperative for the Security [...]
Council not to step into the same situation in which it was once misused as a tool of
high-handedness and hegemony of the United States by giving legitimacy to its armed invasion into Iraq, based on a single word of lies of Powell, United States Secretary of State, in February 2003.
[...] 錢利益為出發點的要求,讓我們為過往的疏忽與漠視付出代價,希望當局不 重蹈 覆轍,犧牲了香港㆟的福祉。
Let us for once not capitulate to the sole demand of money in the guise of self-financing; but let us pay the price of our past neglect
and oversight in the hope that the same
[...] blunder will not repeat itself at the expense [...]
of Hong Kong people’s well being.
現時的英國政府最近已在其本國犯了嚴重錯誤,因此更應加倍小心,避免在 本重蹈覆轍
The present British Government has recently made some drastic mistakes in its own country and should therefore be doubly careful not to make such errors here.
[...] 過於密集及就業機會短缺,當局不應在新界東北新發 展重蹈覆轍,須提供足夠的配套設施支援經濟活動 [...]
Miss CHAN Yuen-han highlighted that the problems arising from the over-concentration of housing and shortage of job
opportunities in Tin Shui Wai and Tung
[...] Chung should not repeat in NENT NDAs, where [...]
adequate ancillary facilities must be
put in place to support economic activities, such as research and development work to stimulate Hong Kong's economic development.
當然,如果本會確立 對石議員的投訴,導致石議員被訓誡,我自然會格外小心,以 重蹈 覆轍
Certainly, if the complaint against Mr SHEK is
substantiated, thereby resulting in Mr SHEK being admonished, I will naturally be
[...] more careful to avoid repeating the same mistake.
(c) 會否參考在重建香港大球場所得的經驗及其後所出現的種種問題,避 重蹈 覆轍
(c) whether reference will be made to the experience gained from the redevelopment of the Hong Kong Stadium and the problems that have subsequently emerged, so as to avoid the recurrence of similar problems?
安理会现在正重蹈 2006 年的覆辙,当时它留有余地,让以色列得以持续 杀害黎巴嫩平民和摧毁黎巴嫩的基础设施,以便实现 [...]
The Council is now repeating what it did in 2006, [...]
when it gave Israel the leeway to keep killing Lebanese civilians and
to destroy Lebanon’s basic infrastructure in order to achieve the aims of certain parties.
最为突出的是,津巴布韦非洲民族联盟—爱国阵线保留着对安全机构的全面控制,从而加剧了对选举可 重蹈 2 0 0 8年 暴力和对人民的民主意愿不被接受的担心。
Most significantly, ZANU-PF retains full control of the security
apparatus, raising legitimate fears elections
[...] could lead to a repeat of the 2008 violence [...]
and refusal to accept the democratic will of the people.
基本建设总体规划》为本组织提供了一份宏观规划,考虑到了两处楼房 的所有问题,并且更加注重环境和安保,以避 重蹈 过 去 的覆辙。
The CMP would give the Organization an instrument for taking an overview so as to avoid the mistakes of the past, taking the totality of elements of the two sites into consideration and paying greater attention to environmental and security issues.
因此,咨询委员会强调,应分析和吸 取教训,以避重蹈覆辙 ,并且,“团结”项目指导 委员会应在指导项目实施、支持项目主任、协助做出 [...]
The Advisory Committee therefore emphasized
that lessons should be analysed and
[...] applied so as to avoid repeating the same mistakes [...]
in the future and that the Umoja Steering
Committee had an important role to play in guiding implementation, supporting the Director and facilitating decisionmaking and the rapid resolution of issues.
继各位社区领导人就法律责任调查结果发表了一项公开声明之后, 紧锣密鼓地开展了提高认识的运动,力促认清有关冲突期间被征募充当交战者的
[...] 受害儿童不应承担法律或道德责任的判决与声明,是避 重蹈 覆 辙 的最佳保障。
A public statement by community leaders on the legal findings of responsibility, followed by an intensive awareness-raising campaign on the judgement and a declaration to the effect that child victims of recruitment should not be held legally or
morally responsible for their actions as combatants during the conflict, would be the
[...] best guarantee of non-repetition.
就是民主開放的潮流,在這潮流㆘,任何政府都必 須要向㆟民負責,受㆟民監察,正因為這個改變,才不 重蹈 歷 史的覆轍,讓獨裁的 ㆟、專橫的㆟去主宰㆟民的命運。
Under this climate, all governments must be accountable to the people, and be monitored by the people. Only when we adopt this change can we avoid making the same mistake in history of letting autocratic and imperious people dictate the destiny of the people.
此外,退休金以劃一 金額的形式發放 ,對貧困 的人
[...] 來說可能並不足夠,但 對 富者來說則並非必要 ; 及 (d) 重 蹈眾多 福利國家推行老年退休金計劃失敗的 [...]
In addition, the flat-rate payment might be
inadequate for the poor and superfluous for
[...] the rich; and (d) repeating the failure experienced [...]
by the old-age pension schemes
adopted in many welfare states.
為了避重蹈覆轍 ,作者希望在此提出一個比較順應民意的解決方法,把目光放到檢討《基本法》的日程,讓時間來解決問題。
To avoid making the same mistake, the author suggested one way to resolve the controversy, which could alleviate public discontent, by focusing on a comprehensive review of the Basic Law in the future.




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