

单词 重要位置

See also:

重要 adj

important adj
critical adj
essential adj
vital adj
major adj
crucial adj
fundamental adj



重置 v

reset v

重置 n

reprovision n

External sources (not reviewed)

這些措施包括制訂應急程序、為員工提供基本的應急 訓練、提供手提化學劑滅火筒,以及在銀行內 重要位置 裝 設手動火警警鐘。
These measures include the formulation of emergency procedures, training of staff in basic emergency precautions, provision of portable
and chemical-based fire extinguishers and installation of manual fire
[...] alarms at strategic locations within the premises.
我们欢迎联合国海洋网络参加世博会,并且充分相 信,它将为持续把海洋问题放在议 重要位置 上 提供 一个极好的机会。
We welcome the participation of UN-Oceans in the Expo, and are fully confident that it will be an excellent opportunity for keeping ocean issues high on the agenda.
委员会认为, 行政首长需要讨论业绩管理问题,并应努力争取管理问题高级别委员会把业绩管 理放在行政首长协调会议程 重要位置。
The Commission considered that the Executive Heads needed to discuss the issue of performance management among themselves and that efforts should therefore be
made to enlist the High-level Committee on Management
[...] in getting performance management placed high on the agenda of CEB.
此外,妇女的权利、特别是继 承权应当继续在改善司法体制和保护人权领域 重要位置。
Furthermore, women’s rights, in particular their inheritance
rights, should continue to be
[...] accorded priority in efforts to improve the justice system and the protection [...]
of human rights.
在这方面,纳入《条例》是承认该文件在国际反兴奋剂 活动中所占有重要位置,但 并不强迫各国政府立即确保其实施。
The incorporation of the Code in this regard
[...] recognizes the important place that this [...]
document has at the heart of international anti-doping efforts,
without compelling governments to directly ensure its implementation.
我们还高兴地看到某些问题已被 置于我们审议工作重要位置,而那些问题在以往 的报告中未得到有效的详细论述,其中包括:急需 粮食、饮水和医疗用品的人很少能够得到人道主义 援助;人道主义工作人员、保健中心和向卫生保健 中心运送伤员的救护车遭到袭击;人道主义工作者 遭到绑架;移徙工人及其家庭成员在冲突局势中面 临困难处境;以及提供用于人道主义援助用途的设 备和物品被盗。
We are also pleased to see certain issues broughtintothemainstreamofourdeliberations —issues that had been insufficiently elaborated on in previous reports, such as the limited access to humanitarian assistance by people in need of food, water and medical supplies; attacks on humanitarian personnel, health centres and ambulances transporting the wounded to such centres; the kidnapping of humanitarian workers; the difficult situation faced by migrant workers and their families in situations of conflict; and the theft of equipment and provisions intended to be used for humanitarian assistance.
应把建设国家能力和培 训人员、特别是在最不发达国家这么做放在议程重 要位置。
National capacity-building and the training of personnel, especially in the least developed countries, should be high on the agenda.
當局會在通往 隧道各 主要引道上重 要 位 置 , 用 高 架豎設可變 信 息標誌,展示隧道的 即時交通信 [...]
息 , 以便駕 車 人士在道 路 擠塞或 隧道封閉時 , 可選擇替 代 路線。
Variable message signs (VMS) would be
[...] mounted on gantries at strategic locations of main tunnel [...]
approach roads to display real-time
traffic information of the tunnel so that motorists could take alternative routes in case of congestion or tunnel closure.
通常,这些协定的谈 判没有优先考虑到发展、创造就业机会、保护生计和环境保护,而所有这些事项 恰恰应当在向绿色经济过渡过程中占 重要位置。
Typically, they had been negotiated without prioritizing development, employment creation, preservation of livelihoods, or environmental protection – which should be central in the transition towards a green economy.
[...] 行的第六次部长级会议上通过的关于发展层面在《多哈发展议程》工作方案每个 侧面中的核重要位置的部 长级宣言,以及使发展层面成为一个名副其实的现实 [...]
We call for the implementation of the ministerial declaration of the World Trade Organization adopted at its Sixth
Ministerial Conference, held in Hong Kong, China,
[...] on the central importance of the development [...]
dimension in every aspect
of the Doha Development Agenda work programme and its commitment to making the development dimension a meaningful reality.
[...] 宣言》发表之后的时期内起草或正在起草的战略文件都把提高妇女地位、两性平 等和公平放在重要位置。
Strategy documents drawn up or under
preparation during the period after the Millennium Declaration
[...] emphasize women's advancement and gender equality [...]
and equity.
尽管反腐败努力在政治议程中一直占 重要位置 , 但 在打击腐败,尤其是实 施审计建议的过程中不断遇到挑战。
Although anti-corruption efforts have been high on the political agenda, there are continuing challenges in the fight against corruption, especially the implementation of audit recommendations.
为此,我们保证积 极促进在制定、执行、监测和评估政治、经济和社会所有领域的政策和方案时, 将社会性别问题置重要位置,我 们还将致力于加强联合国系统在社会性别领域 的能力。
To that end, we undertake to actively promote the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and social spheres, and further undertake to strengthen the capabilities of the United Nations system in the area of gender.
这种参与必须得到呼应,那就是,把 通过我们各种进程确定的目标和具体目标列在所有相关经济部门和社会议程重要位置上。
This involvement must be echoed by mainstreaming the goals and targets established through our various processes into all relevant economic sectors and social agendas.
目前教科文组织 正在与法国政府合作,呼吁把教育问题放在 20 国集团峰会(2011 年 11 月 3 日至 4 日,法 国)议程和第 37 届八国集团首脑会议(2011 年 5 月 26 日至 27 日,法国)议程的重要位 置。
UNESCO is currently working with the French government to advocate for education to be more prominent on the agenda at the G20 Summit (France, 3-4 November 2011) and of the 37th Group of Eight Summit (France, 26-27 May 2011).
苏丹赞扬所实行的改革政策将人权置于宪法和经济、社会和文化改革重 要位置,并 赞扬卡塔尔加入了各项国际公约,反映出卡塔尔对加强、尊重和促进 人权的承诺。
The Sudan commended the reform policy in which human rights were at the core of constitutional and economic, social and cultural reform, and the accession of Qatar to various international conventions, as a reflection of its commitment to strengthen, respect and promote human rights.
大韩民国清醒地认识到 性别平等和环境等交叉问题的重要性,正在开发工具,加强性别主流化在官方发 展援助中重要位置,并制定对性别问题保持敏感的有效的援助方案。
The Republic of Korea clearly recognizes the importance of cross-cutting issues, such as gender equality and the environment, and is developing tools to strengthen gender mainstreaming in ODA implementation as well as to plan effective gendersensitive aid programmes.
日本伊藤喜公司於1890成立,服務至今已誇越多個世代,揉合現代化設計意念,薈萃優良產品質素的伊藤喜為日本辦公室傢俱的發展佔 重要位置 , 其 龐大的日本及海外銷售網絡,均獲得顧客的一致信賴。
ITOKI Corporation was founded in 1890 in Japan; the Corporate has continued to play a key role in the development of the Japanese office through the succeeding eras.
在这方面,安理会应当对其行动 计划及其建设和平议程的执行情况进行实质性审查, 以便进一步将妇女与和平与安全问题摆在安理会今 后十年总体议程重要位置。
In that connection, the Council should conduct a substantive review of the implementation of the action plan and its peacebuilding agenda in order to further mainstream the issue of women and peace and security in the Council’s overall agenda over the next decade.
拍摄开始前,跟焦员在地面上用胶带标注出演员的位置,计算出移动拍摄时镜头 重要位 置的距 离,以保证平稳的焦点跟踪,获得连续清晰的画面。
Before shooting begins, the Focus Puller marks the actors' positions on the floor with tape, and measures the distance between the lens and significant
points in a traveling shot in order to attain
[...] a smooth "follow focus" during the take—a [...]
continuous recorded performance of a scene.
可使用便携式露点传感器检测管道下游所 重要位置 的 露 点。
Portable dew point sensors can be used
[...] to check dew points at all critical points down [...]
stream the line.
電子產品在香港進出口貿易中 重要位置。
Electronic products occupy a prominent position in the import and export trade of Hong Kong.
2009年澳大利亚对中国的服务业出口达55亿澳元,其中教育旅行和休闲旅游占 重要位置 , 在 过去五年里,服务业出口实现了18%的年平均增长率(2009年澳大利亚从中国服务业进口为14.7亿澳元,下降了8.7%)。
Australia's services exports to China, valued at A$5.5 billion in 2009, are dominated by educational and recreational travel and have averaged annual growth of 18 per cent over the past five years (the value of Australia's service imported from China was A$1.47 billion in 2009, a decrease of 8.7 per cent).
医疗行业不断发展,而中国推出新政策的时机使Daifu处于供应最有效的技术以应对这些环境健康风险同时提高生活品质 重要位置。
The medical industry continues to grow and the timing of China's new policies has put Daifu in a key position to
supply the most effective technology for dealing with these environmental health
[...] risks while improving quality of life.
从2002年至2004年,他帮助组织TAG 项目,与,在建立公共艺术活动 重要位置 的 自发的集体合作。
He helped organize TAG Projects, from 2002-2004, working with the artist-run collective that took over large spaces and set up public art events.
在加強現有項目的競爭優勢方面,集團將依託中華煤氣的強大背景,針對性地實施強調經濟效益的 投資策略,不斷通過企業文化手段提升集團員工在優質服務、供氣安全及市場發展等領域的水準, 此舉既可增強集團的盈利能力,亦可為員工本身及集團建立持續的競爭優勢,在中國城市燃氣行業 中因天然氣氣源多樣化所帶動下的高速發展中佔一 重要位置。
With the adoption of a corporate culture approach, continual efforts will be made to upgrade the caliber of the Group’s employees, in the areas of service quality, gas supply safety and market developments. Collectively, these initiatives will not only boost the Group’s profitability but also establish a sustainable competitive edge for its employees and the Group, and secure a leading industry position for the Group, amid the rapid future developments propelled by diversified natural gas sources in China’s city gas sector.
[...] 苏丹的石油探明储量相对温和,从南北苏丹进口石 油已不再在以前一样占据中国全球能源战略 重要 位置。
Given China’s growing global options and the two Sudans’ comparatively modest proven
reserves, oil imports from North and South no
[...] longer occupy the significant position in [...]
China’s global energy strategy they once did.
2) 上海在中国增长强劲的经济中占据 重要位置 , 20 06年全市生产总值(GDP)12802亿元,居全国第三,增长率达到18%,涨幅居全国第二; 3) [...]
上海全年全社会固定资产投资突破 6400亿元,增长73.3%,其中工业投入3880亿元,居全国大中城市第一位;
4) 世界500强中已经有391家落户上海,未来的 5年内,上海将形成以电子信息、机电一体化、生物医药和新材料为主的高新技术产业带;以冶金、能源、化工、造纸、建材、汽车及零部件、粮油加工和物流等产业为主的沿江新型基础产业带。
C) exhibition held to a background of the market) in Shanghai has become one of China's [...]
fastest economic development, the
most competitive in the world. 2) Shanghai, China's robust economic growth to occupy an important position, 2006 city product (GDP) 1.2802 trillion yuan, ranking third nationwide, the growth rate reached 18%. increase ranked the country's second; 3) Shanghai annual fixed-assets investment breakthrough 640 billion yuan. growth of 73.3%, of which the industrial input 388 billion yuan, ranking the first among large cities in one; 4) 500, have 391 installed in the Shanghai, over the next five years, Shanghai will become the electronic information, electromechanical integration, bio-medicine and new materials-based high-tech industrial belts; in metallurgy, energy, chemicals, paper and building materials, motor vehicles and parts, food processing and logistics industry as the mainstay of the new basic industries along the river belt.
促请 促请 促请
[...] 促请会员国、联合国有关组织和其他利益攸关方将性别平等置于农业政 策和项目重要位置,并 注重缩小性别差距,以使妇女能够平等利用节省劳力的 [...]
技术、农业技术信息和专门技能、设备、决策论坛及相关农业资源,确保与农业、 粮食安全和营养相关方案和政策考虑到妇女和青年的具体需求
Member States and relevant United Nations organizations and other stakeholders to
mainstream gender into agricultural policies and
[...] projects and to focus on closing the gender [...]
gap to achieve equal access for women
to laboursaving technologies, agricultural technology information and know-how, equipment, decision-making forums and associated agricultural resources to ensure that agriculture, food security and nutrition-related programmes and policies take into consideration the specific needs of women and youth




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