

单词 重者

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小组特别考 虑了塞拉利昂特别法庭的经验及其对国家法律制度的影响、塞拉利昂社会对诉讼 的参与和主人翁态度,以及法庭给受犯罪影响最 重者 留 下的更持久的遗产。
The panel reflected in particular on the experience of the Special Court for Sierra Leone and its impact on the national legal system, the involvement and ownership of the Sierra Leonean community in the proceedings and also the longerlasting legacy of the tribunal on the people most affected by the crimes.
感染小量中華肝吸 蟲可能全無症狀或只出現輕微症狀,但感染大量中華肝吸蟲則會令患者受到長期嚴重感 染,引致食慾不振、腹瀉和發燒,亦會造成膽管梗阻和肝硬化, 重者 可 造 成慢性黃疸, 繼而較容易出現膽管癌(由膽管細胞引致的癌症)。
Light infections might cause mild or no symptoms while infection of large numbers would cause intense infection for long duration and result in loss of appetite, diarrhoea and fever.
如果在 Web 服务访问的过程中发生了崩溃者重 新 启 动,客户机无法确定服务器是否崩溃 者重 新 启 动。
A client cannot tell if a server crashes and restarts if the crash and restart complete in between Web service access.
然而,与欧洲联盟和瑞士联邦签署的重新接纳协议规定,欧洲联盟和瑞士联 邦为回者重新参 与社会生活提供资金支持。
Nevertheless, the readmission agreements with the European Union and the Swiss Confederation
envisage financial support of the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on
[...] account of the reintegration of returnees.
解决信息伦理的问题受到了与者重 视 , 包括制定措施来反对在媒体中进行带文化偏 见的宣传。
The need to address the ethics of information was stressed, including measures to counter cultural stereotyping in the media.
禁止杀伤人员地雷公约》在努力实现这些目标 方面发挥了重要作用;缔约国对《公约》的全面执 行和其他国家的加入将中止地雷受害者数量的上 升,并可以加强努力,关注受影响社区的重建和发 展以及受者重返社会。
The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention played a key role in efforts to attain those objectives; States parties’ full implementation and other States’ accession would end the rise in the numbers of mine
victims and allow efforts to
[...] concentrate on rebuilding and developing affected communities and reintegrating the victims.
重新接纳的信息,确定他们在重返后面临的基本问题,在他们调整个人地位、社 会福利、医疗和就业等问题上向他们提供基本法律支助和咨询,收集数据和向人
[...] 权和少数民族权益部提供关于重新接纳的人的人权和少数权利状况的信息,并收 集有关回者重新参 与社会生活的其他数据。
The activities of the office are to: identify deported persons and voluntary returnees and inform them about readmission in the Republic of Serbia, identify the basic issues they face upon readmission, provide basic legal assistance and council on regulating their personal status, social welfare, health care and employment, collect data and provide information to the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights about the status of
human and minority rights of persons upon readmission and collect other data
[...] relevant to the reintegration of returnees.
所有这些措施使以下工作取得进展,即 援助受害社区、恢复生产用地、使弱势农民等流离 失所者返回家乡、重建该国的公共服务网络并使受者重返社 会,让他们能再次活跃于社会。
All these measures had made it possible to make progress in assisting affected communities recovering productive land, enabling displaced populations
of vulnerable peasants
[...] to return, reconstructing the country’s network of public services, and rehabilitating victims so that they could [...]
once again be active in society.
一位与者重申了在“社会科学和人文科学”部分所表示过的对快速拟定准则性文件 这种现象的担心。
One participant restated the concern already [...]
expressed in the section on Social and Human Sciences with regard to the process
and pace of standard-setting instruments.
对国际法的严格遵守应可使我们能够结束受武装冲 突影响的平民的痛苦,并提供相关保障,使有关各方
[...] 能够弥补给受害者造成的损失、帮助受 者重 建 自己 的生活并恢复受害者的人格尊严。
Strict compliance with international law should allow us to end the suffering of civilian populations affected by armed conflict and to provide guarantees that will make it
possible to repair the damage done to victims,
[...] help them to rebuild their lives and [...]
restore their dignity as human beings.
关于弱势群体,我国代表团感到高兴的是,东帝 汶境内流离失者的重返和融入社会取得了进展,为 确保流离失者重返社 会能够持之以恒通过建设和 平基金向东帝汶提供了支助。
With regard to vulnerable groups, my delegation is pleased with the progress made with regard to the return to and integration of internally displaced persons in Timor-Leste and the support provided to that country through the Peacebuilding Fund with the aim of ensuring that reintegration is sustainable.
在《内罗毕行动计划》中,缔约国商定,相关缔约国将“积极支持地雷受者重新融 入社会经济生活,包括提供教育和职业培训,在受地雷影响的地区开 [...]
展可持续的经济活动和增加就业机会,将这种活动纳入更广泛的经济发展范围, 努力确保大量增加重新融入经济生活的地雷幸存者人数。
In the Nairobi Action Plan it was agreed that relevant States
Parties would “actively support the
[...] socio-economic reintegration of mine victims, [...]
including providing education and vocational
training and developing sustainable economic activities and employment opportunities in mine-affected communities, integrating such efforts in the broader context of economic development, and striving to ensure significant increases of economically reintegrated mine victims.
倘能為越南改善經濟帶來希望,對鼓勵越南入 者重 返 家 園,在心理㆖ 會起很大的鼓舞作用。
By giving hope for improvements in their economy, this will provide the psychological boost
[...] to encourage migrants to return home.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习 者 和 资 深新闻工 者的 对话;举行青年论坛重新启 动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue
activities; dialogue among student journalists and
[...] seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee [...]
for the Translation
of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
作 为该团体的秘书长,他参加了许多利比亚持不同政 者重 要 会议,公然倡导促进 法治和尊重人权。
As Secretary General of NUR, he participated in significant meetings of Libyan dissidents, and openly advocated the promotion of the rule of law and respect for human rights.
[...] 这将使得信徒能够行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受 者重 新 融 入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage annually,
and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a
[...] mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social [...]
and economic life.
他们呼吁所有 有能力的国家为扫雷行动及受者重 新 融 入社会经济生活提供必要的财政、技 术和人道主义援助,并确保受影响的国家能够充分获得扫雷的物质设备、技术 和资金。
They called upon all States in the position to do so, to provide the necessary financial, technical and humanitarian assistance to landmine clearance operations, the social and economic rehabilitation of victims as well as to ensure full access of affected countries to material equipment, technology and financial resources for mine clearance.
1.1 中興通訊股份有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」或「公司」)董事會、監事會及董事、監 事、高級管理人員保證本報告所載資料不存在任何虛假記載、誤導性陳述 者重大 遺漏,並對其內容的真實性、準確性和完整性承擔個別及連帶責任。
1.1 The Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and the Directors, Supervisors and senior management of ZTE Corporation (the ‘‘Company’’) confirm that this report does not contain any false information, misleading statements or material omissions, and collectively and individually accept responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of its contents.
者重申建 立信任措施方案的重要性,并重申需要寻找 途径和办法,以尽量扩大被 36 年的冲突分离的家庭之间的联系。
The participants reaffirmed the importance of the programme [...]
on confidence-building measures and the need to find ways and
means to maximize the links between families that had been divided by conflict for 36 years.
比利时已实施协助 受冲突影者重返社 会的双边方案,并计划举办几 次研讨会和活动来支持私营部门。
His country had implemented bilateral programmes to
[...] assist in the reintegration of people affected [...]
by the conflict and was planning several seminars
and events to support the private sector.
这可能需要采取创新措施,例如:没收和再分配在任意导致他人流离 失所中获得巨大个人利益的肇事者的资产,或要求当地肇事者帮助国内流离失者重建被毁坏的房屋和相关基础设施。
This may call for innovative measures, e.g. seizing and redistributing the assets of perpetrators who gained large personal profit from
arbitrarily displacing others or
[...] requiring local perpetrators to help IDPs rebuild their destroyed [...]
houses and related infrastructure.
這方面的服務 可配合仁濟醫院現有的住院和日間醫院服務(這方面的服務主
[...] 要由醫院 B 座和綜合服務大樓提供),減少不必要的住院和協 助因慢性疾病而致殘疾的病者重新 融 入社區。
The services of the centre will complement the existing in-patient and day hospital services at YCH (mainly provided in Block B and the Multi-Services Complex) by
reducing avoidable hospitalization
[...] and fostering re-integration of patients with chronic [...]
disability into the community.
第三,国际社会对冲突做出的反应经常是根据自己能够提供哪些支持来决定 的,国际行者重点关 注可以提供什么,而不是倾听服务对象真正需要什么。
Third, the international response to
conflict is often supply-driven, with
[...] international actors focusing on what they [...]
can provide, rather than listening to the
real needs of those they serve.
因此,在大赛者重要活动前要保持原有的饮食习惯, 这样可以避免生病。
Just like you practice your sport before you go to an event or game, make sure you practice your eating habits too.
有些发者重申这 些条约的主要目的是保障健康,他们称,应当更多注意减少药物需求问题。
Reiterating that the primary goal of the treaties was to safeguard health, some speakers stated that [...]
more attention should
be paid to drug demand reduction.
许多发者重申优质数据的重要性,并重申需要建立能够客观监测毒品形势的吸毒监 测观察站,需要能力建设以开展关于毒品形势和相关问题的数据的收集、分析 [...]
Many speakers reiterated the importance of quality [...]
data and the need to establish drug use monitoring observatories that
would enable objective monitoring of the drug situation and the need to build the capacity to collect, analyse and report data on the drug situation and related problems.
Glencore利用以下情況產生的投資機遇,其中包括:(i)主要新興市場 天然資源生產商私有化,(ii)天然資源行業的其他參 者重 新 平衡該 行業的資產投資組合,及(iii)隨著小生產商賣掉資產及/或尋求資 金支持發展,將出現進一步的行業整合。
Glencore capitalises on investment opportunities created by, among other things, (i) the
privatisation of natural
[...] resources producers primarily in emerging markets, (ii) the rebalancing of asset portfolios [...]
by other players
in the natural resources industry and (iii) further industry consolidation as smaller producers sell out and/or seek capital to fund growth.
这次会议是根据2005年在巴塞罗那举行的第10次欧洲地中海首脑会议年会期间商定的《巴塞罗那宣言》和《五年工作计划》而举行的 ,与者重申了 妇女平等参与生活的各个方面是民主政治的关键要素,除其他事 [...]
项外,实现“和平、稳定和共同繁荣的地区”取决于让妇女实现她们的抱负和志 向。
In the Conference, convened in accordance with the Barcelona Declaration and the Five Year Work Programme agreed upon during the 10th Anniversary
Euro-Mediterranean Summit in
[...] Barcelona 2005, the participants reaffirmed that equal participation [...]
of women in all spheres of life is a crucial element of democracy and that
achievement of a “common area of peace, stability and shared prosperity” relies upon, inter alia, making women fulfil their ambitions and aspirations.
責任索償的新聞服務機構,是指造成損失的,物質的或非物質的性質,所造成的信息的使用或停用或不正確和不完整的信息被排除在外,是不是故意 者重 大 過 失提供新聞服務局目前。
Liability claims against the press service bureau, which refer to damages of material or immaterial nature, caused by the use or disuse of the information or by incorrect
and incomplete information are excluded, provided by press service bureau is
[...] not intentional or grossly negligent present.
所反映的那样,与者重申, 贸发会议应该继续发挥重要作用,监测分析 危机后全球经济的演变情况以及国际贸易体系的未来前景、各种不同的发展政策 选项、并支持发展中国家执行危机和增长战略和积极的贸易政策。
Participants reaffirmed, as reflected in the President’s Summary (TD/B/57/8), that UNCTAD should continue to play an important role in monitoring [...]
and analyzing
the evolution of the post-crisis global economy and the future of the international trading system, the different development policy options, and supporting developing countries in post-crisis growth strategies and proactive trade policy.




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