单词 | 重编 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 重编 —(of a dictionary etc) revised editionSee also:编—edit • organize • compose • plait • weave • fabricate 编 v—compile v • write v • arrange v
能力建设活动侧重编写航 空安全材 料、提供训练课程和监控国际民航组织附属训练中心,2011 [...] 年培训中心的数目已 扩大至 23 家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Capacity-building activities had focused on the development [...] of aviation security training materials, training course delivery [...]and oversight of ICAO-affiliated training centres, the number of which had expanded to 23 in 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样,2010/11 年计划 13 的调剂使用后重编预算 仅列出了全球数据 库一年的费用(2011 年)。 wipo.int | As a result, the 2010/11 restated budget after transfers for Program 13 shows the cost [...] of Global Database for only one year (2011). wipo.int |
自动重编索引—基于重编索引 频率的设置来手工或自动 地 重编 索 引。 evget.com | Auto Reindex - Reindex your website either manually or automatically based on the reindex frequency setting. evget.com |
对于无需进行重编的计划,“调剂使 用后重编预算 ”等同于文件 WO/PBC/18/14“2010 年计划效绩报告”中所指的“调剂使用后预算”。 wipo.int | For those Programs where restatements were not required, the Restated Budget after [...] Transfers is equivalent to the Budget [...]after Transfers, as referred to in document WO/PBC/18/14 Program Performance Report for 2010. wipo.int |
有些人主要侧重编写政策文件和讨论文件,为全民教育讨论提供资 料,推动和影响全民教育讨论,其他人将主要为拟定新的政策措施和新的项目建议发挥灵活 [...] 资源的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While some will mainly focus on producing policy [...] papers and discussion documents to inform, stimulate and influence EFA [...]debate, others will largely serve as a flexible resource for generating fresh policy initiatives and new project proposals. unesdoc.unesco.org |
工作组核准了案文草案的顺序重编, 并注意到对于这些段落的位置和实质 内容并未提出任何修订意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group [...] approved the reordering of the draft [...]text and noted the placement and substance of those paragraphs in [...]respect of which no revisions were proposed. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过第三代 0.25µ 闪存技术进行应用中重编程和 数据存储。 digikey.cn | In-application reprogramming and data storage [...] via third-generation 0.25µ flash technology. digikey.ca |
收集了在1873年重编光大 考威尔教授,仍是一个很有价值的印度教的学生作品。 mb-soft.com | The collection was reedited in 1873 by Professor EB Cowell, and is still a work of great value to the student of Hinduism. mb-soft.com |
Spread for ASP.NET是一个完整的ASP.NET电子表格组件,它支持绑定和未绑定模式(不需要数据集),AJAX,本地Microsoft Excel导入/导出,单元格内的编辑,不需要服务器往返的多行上的 多 重编 辑 ,客户端上的行/列大小调整,多张工作表,搜索,筛选,多种单元格类型,验证,单元格合并,多重标题,排序,单元格级上的完全自定义,超过300个的内置计算函数,分层显示及更多。 evget.com | Spread for ASP.NET is a complete ASP.NET spreadsheet component that supports bound or unbound modes (no dataset needed), AJAX, native Microsoft Excel import/export, in-cell editing, multiple edits on multiple rows without server round trips, client-side column/row resizing, multiple sheets, searching, filtering, multiple cell types, validations, cell spans, multiple headers, sorting, complete customization at the cell level, over 300 built-in calculation functions, hierarchical display and much more. evget.com |
回到西班牙以后,首先是在西班牙生物科技中心,而后在西班牙癌症研究中心,比拉斯科博士的科研队伍持续在端粒和端粒酶领域做出重要贡献,包括首次展示了端粒酶的抗衰老活性,端粒RNA的发现以及端粒酶活性和端粒的重新延长对 核 重编 程 (nuclear reprogramming)的重要性。 lifelength.com | Back in Spain, first at the Spanish National Biotechnology Centre and then at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Dr. Blasco’s research team continued to make key contributions to the telomere and telomerase field, including first demonstration of the ant-aging activity of telomerase, the [...] discovery of telomeric [...] RNA’s and the importance of telomerase activity and telomere rejuvenation during nuclear reprogramming. lifelength.com |
然 后可以对输入的“无名”风电机组进行 多 重编 辑。 help.emd.dk | This can be used later for [...] deciding the print order in reports. help.emd.dk |
通过承担保障其理事机构正常运行所必需的日常 性职能,同时注意把主要精力集中于《公约》的核心任务,从而 着 重编 制 一 份有 代表性的、均衡的和具权威性的《遗产名录》。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (i) promote and implement the 1972 Convention by discharging the permanent functions that are indispensable to the proper functioning of its governing bodies and by ensuring greater concentration on tasks that are at the heart of the Convention, with a view mainly to drawing up a Heritage List that will be representative, balanced and credible. unesdoc.unesco.org |
使用多重编辑工 具,可以先选择编辑对象(比如如果要改变 Z 坐标的话,可以是不同型号的风电机组), 也可以先启动多重编辑窗口,然后选择对象进行编辑。 help.emd.dk | The Multi-editing tool works either by starting to select the objects to edit (possible with different WTG-types if e.g. the Z-coordinates are to be changed) or by firstly starting the "Multi-edit-window" and secondly selecting the objects to edit. help.emd.dk |
食典委注意到在重新编号过 程中应当同时更新现有 A 系列标准之间的参照信息。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted [...] that during the renumbering process any [...]cross references between existing A-standards should be updated consequently. codexalimentarius.org |
因此,新闻部正在确保新的网页可在这些新设备上访问,并且正 在全面重编用于 查阅正式文件系统里的文件的软件应用程序,以确保可在平板设 [...] 备和智能手机上查阅这些文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department is thus ensuring that new [...] pages are accessible on these devices and [...] is completely reprogramming the software [...]applications used to access documents on [...]the official document system, so as to ensure that these documents are accessible by tablet devices and smartphones. daccess-ods.un.org |
衡器采用通讯端口输出的信息,根据特定条件来定义(根据设定时间期限的稳定性或者连续稳定性),以及根据用户选择的特定内容(重量结果、毛重、 净 重 、 皮 重 、 编 程 文本标题、用户ID、项目ID、衡器ID、日期/时间、校准测试的差别、秤量模式信息等)。 cn.ohaus.com | The information a scale outputs using a communications port, as defined by certain conditions (on stability, based on a set period of time or continuously) and with certain [...] contents which may be [...] user-selected (weight result, gross weight, net weight, tare weight, programmed text header, [...]user ID, project ID, [...]scale ID, date/time, difference of a calibration test, weighing mode information, and other information). mea.ohaus.com |
秘书长作为《总部协定》的托管人,将加强该协定的执行工作,特别是关 于东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有会员国官员入境签证的第四条 第 11 款和 13(a)款的执行工作”,并对此后的段 落 重 新 编 号。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General, as the custodian of the Headquarters Agreement, shall reinforce the implementation of the Agreement, in particular its article IV, section 11 and section 13 (a), governing the host country’s legal obligation to grant entry visas to the officials of all Member States attending United Nations meetings. daccess-ods.un.org |
本次级方案将收 集相关数据,并就查明的优先重点 领域 , 编 写 相 关次区域分析,以便确 保秘书处知识产品具有更大的深度和更大的覆盖面。 daccess-ods.un.org | The subprogramme will collect data and produce subregional analysis on identified priority areas in order to ensure greater depth and coverage of the secretariat’s knowledge products. daccess-ods.un.org |
我曾有幸参与了为编写这份十分重 要的 报告而召开的一些会议,我认为这份报告将第一 次以正视当今现实所需要的综合的方式处理所有这 [...] 些问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | I had the privilege of participating in some sessions in the [...] preparation of that very important report, which [...]I believe for the first time will [...]address all these issues in the comprehensive way needed to face today’s reality. daccess-ods.un.org |
有 15 个非洲国家为其千年发展 目标报告编制了增编,重点阐 述全球金融、经济和粮食价格危机对实现千年发展 目标造成的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fifteen African [...] countries produced addendums to their MDG reports focusing on the impact [...]of the global, financial, economic [...]and food-price crises to the achievement of the MDGs. daccess-ods.un.org |
本增编重点说明泰国对待决的72 项建议1 的分类答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | This addendum focuses on Thailand’s [...] responses to the pending 72 recommendations1 by category. daccess-ods.un.org |
这份汇编重点列 举了很多国家法律和体制模型的良好做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The compilation highlights examples of [...] good practice from numerous national laws and institutional models. daccess-ods.un.org |
拟为薪金和付款科增设 3 个员额,即 1 名财务干事(P-3)和 2 名财务助理(一 [...] 般事务(其他职等)),以解决与处理薪酬和应享福利待遇有关的额外工作量,因 为自 2009 年 7 月 1 日起执行新的合同框架(见大会第 63/250 号决议),其中规定 [...] 根据《工作人员细则》100 号编重新任命持 300 号编合同的特派团工作人员(见 [...]A/64/697,第 365 至 367 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Three additional posts are proposed for the Payroll and Disbursement section for a Finance Officer (P-3) and two additional Finance Assistants (General Service (Other level)) to address the additional workload related to the processing of payroll and entitlement benefits resulting from the implementation of the new contractual framework effective 1 July 2009 (see General Assembly resolution 63/250), under [...] which mission staff on 300-series [...] contracts have been reappointed under the 100-series [...]of the Staff rules (see A/64/697, paras. 365-367). daccess-ods.un.org |
会议热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制 方法方面所取得的进展,不过,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 [...] 成,使预期结果、预期成果及监督手段和汇报标准之间的协调一致。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The meeting strongly welcomed the [...] advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, [...]be further strengthened and [...]refined with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards. unesdoc.unesco.org |
秘鲁取得的主要成就如下:审查并更新当前的消耗臭氧层物质管理 条例;执行关于消耗臭氧层物质及使用消耗臭氧层物质的设备的进出口许可证制度,以便 对此类物质的贸易和用途实行管制;确保在全国范围内消除氟氯化碳的进口,并确保各公 司承诺支持这一目的;建设制冷和空调技术人员在良好做法方面的能力,让国内各大技术 院校(SENATI TECSUP 和 [...] GAMOR)参与进来;为技术院校提供工具和设备,以便开展 [...] 制冷剂回收和再循环方面的培训;长期开展提高公众认识的活动,宣传保护臭氧层 的 重要 意义的;编制氟 氯烃淘汰管理计划,并与各公司和公共机构等重要的有关利益方讨论和商 [...] 定该计划;向臭氧秘书处和多边基金秘书处呈交必要的数据。 multilateralfund.org | Main achievements are as follow: review and update the current regulations on the management of ODS; implementation of a licensing system for the import and export of ODS and of ODS based equipment, as a control measure to the trade and use of these substances; ensuring the elimination of the import of CFCs nationwide and the commitment of companies to support this purpose; capacity building of technicians in good practices in RAC, involving major technological institutes of the country (SENATI TECSUP and GAMOR); provide technical institutes with tools and equipment for training in recovery and recycling [...] of refrigerants; permanent public [...] awareness about the importance of protecting the ozone [...]layer; preparation of HPMP, which [...]was discussed and agreed with key stakeholders such as companies and public institutions; submission of required data to the Ozone and the Multilateral Fund Secretariats. multilateralfund.org |
3 月 3 日副秘书长在一次会议上向总理以及主管内务和安全副总理和外交部 长、国防部长以及国际和区域合作部长提出了技术评估团的上述建议,并在另一 [...] 次会议上向卡比拉总统提出上述建议,即在 3 年内分四个阶段逐步缩编联刚特派 [...] 团部队;必须根据安全理事会第 1906(2009)号决议编写重大任 务清单;以及具体 领域包括联合国能够支持政府执行关于解决东部持续冲突的计划、安全部门改 [...] 革、建立政府维持治安的能力、司法和惩戒机构以及建设和平与巩固和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 3 March, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations presented to the Prime Minister, the Vice Prime Minister for the Interior and Security and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Defence, and International and Regional Cooperation, and, at a separate meeting, to President Kabila, the proposals of the technical assessment mission outlined above with regard to the progressive drawdown of the MONUC force [...] in four phases over a period of three [...] years; the list of critical tasks that would [...]need to be accomplished in keeping with [...]paragraph 2 of resolution 1906 (2009); and specific areas in which the United Nations could support the implementation of the Government’s plans for addressing the ongoing conflicts in the east, security sector reform, building the capacity of policing, judicial and correctional institutions, and peacebuilding and consolidation. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过改编、重排以及修改的音乐作品; 可随意给内容表达的标题添加常规附加,REICAT 推荐:在目录中,当常规附加被用在 可检索的、和大量的书目记录5 。 conference.ifla.org | The conventional additions to the titles of expressions are optional and REICAT recommends their use when they are linked to titles of works that give access, in a catalogue, to a large number of bibliographic records5 . conference.ifla.org |
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A /64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1). daccess-ods.un.org |