单词 | 重楼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 重楼 —multi-storied buildingSee also:楼 n—floor n 楼—storied building • house with more than 1 story
另一方面,四成六被訪市民認為中國現時應該較 著 重 發 展 經濟,二成六則傾向民主發展,二成二則認為兩者同 樣 重 要。 hkupop.hku.hk | On the other front, 46% believed China should emphasize more on her economic development, 26% opted for democratic development, 22% said both. hkupop.hku.hk |
因為他們逐漸放棄了個人政治權力, caliphs放置更多的注重發揮 他們的保護者的信念。 mb-soft.com | As they gradually gave up personal political power, the caliphs placed [...] more and more emphasis on their role [...]as protectors of the faith. mb-soft.com |
你必須即時確認有關訊息或登入電子網絡銀行–網上理財並按「流動理財」內的 「重發傳送要求」重新要求新的 SMS 短訊 / WAP PUSH 訊息。 hkbea.com | A: No. You should confirm it immediately or you can login to Cyberbanking – Internet and click “Re-send Request” in the “Maintenance” page to request a new SMS / WAP PUSH message again. hkbea.com |
另一方面,47%認為中國現時應該較著 重 發 展經濟,28%則傾向民主發展。 hkupop.hku.hk | Furthermore, 47% believed that China should emphasize more on her economic development, while 28% believed that China should emphasize more on the development of democracy. hkupop.hku.hk |
用戶之憑證如須暫 停使用、廢止或辦理展期或重發, 應遵守本作業基準第四章 規定辦理,但仍應承擔異動前所有使用該憑證之義務。 epki.com.tw | Temporary suspension of use, [...] revocation, extension or re-issuance of subscriber [...]certification must conform to stipulations [...]of chapter four of the CPS and must assume obligations of using the certification before any changes. epki.com.tw |
當 富 時 中 國 25指 數 的 組 合 或 比 重 發 生 變 動 時 , 基 金 經 理 便 需 對 恒 生 FCI25 ETF 的 股 份 組 合 作 出 相 應 調 整 , 以 盡 量 確 保 恒 生 FCI25 ETF 所 持 有 的 股 票 組 合 及 比 重 與 富 時 中 國 25指 數 之 指 數 成 份 股 組 合 及 比 重 相 符 。 bank.hangseng.com | When there is a change in the [...] constituent stock(s) of the FTSE China25 Index or their weightings in it, the Manager will be responsible for implementing any adjustment to the ETF's portfolio of stocks to ensure that the composition and weighting of Index Shares held by the HS FCI25 ETF closely correspond to that of the FTSE China25 Index's [...]constituent stocks. bank.hangseng.com |
馮檢基議員: [...] 主席,本人近日接獲公共屋邨(“公屋”)居民的投訴, 指出因潮濕天氣導致多個公屋出現嚴 重 發 霉 和地面濕滑的現象,住戶單 位內的牆壁油漆、天花批盪及構築物接駁或夾縫位均出現膨脹和發霉的 [...]情況。 legco.gov.hk | MR FREDERICK FUNG (in Chinese): President, recently, I have received complaints from public [...] rental housing (PRH) tenants that humid [...] weather has caused serious mouldy and wet [...]floor conditions in many PRH estates, and [...]bulges and mould are found on painted walls and ceiling plaster inside household units as well as in the joints or cracks of structures. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 就基層零售行業,包括街市、露天市集和小販行業的數目、 [...] 經營面積和勞動力、勞動力、發牌制度和規管條例等進行 全面檢討,以評估對基層零售行業應給予甚麼支持,包括 [...] 放寬街上固定攤檔面積只有3呎乘以4呎的限制 、 重 發 適 量 小販牌照,並調整政府對公共街市内空置商鋪的政策和放 [...] 寬申請限制,以及撥出資源改善街市經營環境(包括安裝空 調 )等,以便將閒置的零售面積投入市場;及 legco.gov.hk | (2) conduct a comprehensive review of grass-roots retail businesses, including the number, business floor areas and manpower, manpower, licensing regime and regulatory ordinances of wet markets, open-air bazaars and hawking trades, so as to assess what support should be rendered to grass-roots retail businesses, and including relaxing the restriction on the area of an [...] on-street fixed hawker pitch of only three feet by [...] four feet and re-issuing an appropriate [...]number of hawker licences, adjust the [...]government policy on vacant shops in public markets and relax the application restrictions, and allocate resources to improve the business environment of markets (including installation of air-conditioners), etc., so as to put vacant retail floor areas on the market; and legco.gov.hk |
申請人可向學資處補領資格證明書,在繳交有關費用後,學資處 會 重 發資 格證明書。 sfaa.gov.hk | Eligible applicant [...] may apply for re-issue of the Certificate [...]of Eligibility from the SFAA at cost. sfaa.gov.hk |
業務重點仍然是著重發展 代 理隊伍。代理隊伍平均人數達14,000人,較去年同期增加11%。 prudential.co.uk | The business remains focused on growing its agency [...] force and average numbers have increased by 11 per cent to 14,000 compared to the same period last year. prudential.co.uk |
不過,嚴重發 燒 還是可能會有危險,必須立即帶孩子看醫生。 cbwchc.org | However, high fevers can be dangerous and need immediate medical attention. cbwchc.org |
多重發聲 琶音器提供簡單樂句至複雜節奏動作,可於合併及編輯模式同時使用2個樣式來完成樂隊伴奏。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The Polyphonic Arpeggiator delivers from simple phrases up to complex rhythmic gestures, and lets you use two patterns simultaneously in Combination mode or Sequencer mode to create complete ensemble backing. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在不損害前述條文的一般性的情況下,當公司已向持證人發出認股權證, 除非董事會在無合理疑問下信訥該認股權證已被毀壞而公司亦收到董事會要求 的彌償保證,否則,公司不會再向持有 人 重 發 認 股權證。 vitasoy.com | Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, where the Company has issued share warrants to bearer, no new share warrant to bearer shall be issued to replace one that has been lost unless the Board is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the original has been destroyed and the Company had received an indemnity in such form as the Board think fit with regard to the issue of any such new warrant. vitasoy.com |
天然植物中有效成分的萃取是化学研究的重要内容,这方面微波萃取法也显示了独特的优点,已见于文献的研究报告有:迷迭香和薄荷中含有迷迭香或薄荷油混合物的提取,蔬菜类植物中吡咯双烷基生物碱,不同植物中的嘧啶糖甙、棉子酚和生物碱的提取,粮食和牛奶中维生素B的提取,植物中的香精香料,中药中 的 重楼 皂 甙 的提取。 shcsjxcn.com | Active ingredients of natural plant extract is an important chemical research in this area microwave-assisted extraction method also showed the unique advantages of studies have been found in the literature are: rosemary and mint in a mixture containing rosemary or peppermint extract , vegetable plants in the two-alkyl pyrrole alkaloids from different plants of the pyrimidine glycosides, phenols and alkaloids cotton seed extract, food and milk in [...] the extraction of vitamin B, plants in the flavors and fragrances, traditional Chinese [...] medicine in the re-RPS extraction. shcsjxcn.com |
沛 富 基 金 的 經 理 人 以 被 動 式 的 管 理 方 式 來 管 理 基 金 ; 當 Markit iBoxx ABF 泛 亞 洲 指 數 (Markit iBoxx ABF Pan-Asia Index) 的 債 券 組 合 或 市 場 權 重 發 生 變 動 時 , 經 理 人 須 對 沛 富 基 金 的 債 券 組 合 作 出 相 應 調 整 , 以 確 保 沛 富 基 金 的 債 券 組 合 和 權 重 與 指 數 的 相 符 。 abf-paif.com | With passive management, the Manager will rebalance PAIF's portfolio of investments from time to time to reflect any changes to the composition of the Markit iBoxx ABF Pan-Asia Index with a view to minimizing tracking error of PAIF's overall returns relative to the performance of the index. abf-paif.com |
z 以地區性政策取代全港性政策:目前大部份固定小販是在市區經營,可考 [...] 慮只在新界地區發出固定小販牌照; z [...] 按行業需要增發牌照以取代「一刀切」政策:政府最感憂慮的是食物衛生 問題,我們也不贊成重發無 牌流動熟食小販牌照,但對於販賣其他衣服雜 [...] 貨,只要適當規管,是可以接受的; z 在屋邨範圍內劃出小販認可區,或設置固定的短期零售設施,讓小販可以 procommons.org.hk | The Government should consider issuing new hawker licenses and designate new hawkers-permitted areas in the New Territories; z Replace its “one size fits all” policy to one based on the selection of [...] sectors in the issuance of hawker licences, [...] and consider the re-issuance of licences [...]for the selling of consumer goods, such [...]as clothing and other amenities. z Design hawker permitted areas or a fixed area for short–term retail stalls in public housing estates. procommons.org.hk |
这将通过充分、持续地监督有关设施,尤 其是对年代最久的办公楼重点监督,来降低有关风险。 wipo.int | This will be mitigated by putting in place an adequate and continuous monitoring of the facilities, with [...] a particular emphasis on the oldest buildings. wipo.int |
本报告向执行局介绍了教科文组织的楼房 [...] 管理情况、丰特努瓦办公楼贝尔蒙翻新计 划的进展情况、教科文组织总部大楼 ,重 点是 米奥丽斯/邦万楼房的长期维护和维修 [...] 情况、以及有关安全问题特设小组的最新 情况和艺术品收藏管理的总体情况介绍。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The report informs the Executive Board on managing the UNESCO complex: progress of renovation work of the Belmont Plan for the Fontenoy site, information on long-term maintenance and [...] conservation of UNESCO’s Headquarters [...] buildings, with an emphasis on the Miollis/Bonvin [...]site, update on the Task Force on [...]security matters and an overview on managing the Works of Art collection. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港於2003年經歷「沙士」疫情後,房委會選定了一個研 發 重 點 , 就是研究如何改善屋邨排污系統的設計。 housingauthority.gov.hk | One of the HA's research focuses after the outbreak of SARS in 2003 was to improve the design of drains in housing estates. housingauthority.gov.hk |
加冷组屋建于 1970至1980年,根据选择性大楼重建计 划(SERS)一些组屋 大 楼 作 为 重 建 工 作之一。 myowndreamhome.com | The housing estate of [...] Kallang is built by Housing Development Board and were built in 1970 to 1980, some of the blocks of HDB are been reconstructed under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) which is done to redevelop the area. myowndreamhome.com |
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 [...] 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; [...] (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 [...] 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 [...] 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the [...] operation of arts programmes so that the [...] savings could be re-allocated to the [...]use of arts development; (e) examine the [...]effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project. legco.gov.hk |
至于 2006 年 7 月 1 [...] 日这一日期,他说推迟六个月提高租金会 损失该大楼重点工程实施工作所需的 150,000 欧元。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As for the date of 1 July 2006, it was stated that deferring the application [...] of increase for six months would result in a loss of about 150,000 needed for [...] executing priority works in the building. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Glencore認為出現該等申索引發重大負 債的可能性極微,由訴訟引發的負債(如有)不會對其綜合收入、財務狀況或現金流量造 成 重大 不良 影 響。 glencore.com | Glencore believes the likelihood of any material liability arising from these claims to be remote and that the liability, if any, resulting from any litigation will not have a material adverse effect on its consolidated income, financial position or cashflows. glencore.com |
以博物馆设计概念为原则,在总部大 楼重 新 安 置并展示近 100 件作品。 unesdoc.unesco.org | the relocation and display of around 100 works of art in the Headquarters buildings on the basis of museum design concepts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
當證明書有效期屆 滿時,持證人須參加並成功完成重新 甄 審資格課程,方可獲發 重新甄 審資格證明書,繼續從事相關的高風險行業 / 活動/機 械操作。 labour.gov.hk | Upon expiry of the certificate, the holder should attend and successfully complete a revalidation course to revalidate his / her MST certificate before continuing to engage in the high-risk sectors / activities / machinery operations concerned. labour.gov.hk |
以下為吾等就天津市天發重型水 電設備製造有限公司(「天發設備」)截至二零一一年十 二月三十一日止三個年度各年及截至二零一二年六月三十日止六個月(「有關期間」)之財務 資料(「財務資料」)所編制的報告,以供載入天津發展控股有限公司(「天津發展」)就其收購 (其中包括)天發設備66%股權(「天發收購事項」)而於二零一二年十一月二十二日刊發之通 函(「通函」)。 cre8ir.com | (‘‘Tianfa Equipment’’) for each of the three years ended 31 December 2011 and the six months ended 30 June 2012 (the ‘‘Relevant Period’’) (the ‘‘Financial Information’’) for inclusion in a circular dated 22 November 2012 issued by Tianjin Development Holdings Limited (‘‘Tianjin Development’’) in connection with its acquisition of, amongst others, 66% equity interest in Tianfa Equipment (the ‘‘Tianfa Acquisition’’) (the ‘‘Circular’’). cre8ir.com |
吾等按照天津發展控股有限公司(「貴公司」)之指示,就天津市天 發 重 型 水 電設備製造 有限公司(「天發設備」)於二零一二年九月三十日(「估值日」)之100%股權進行估值。 cre8ir.com | In accordance with the instruction from Tianjin Development Holdings Limited (the ‘‘Company’’), we have [...] carried out a valuation on a 100% equity interest in [...] Tianjin Tianfa Heavy Machinery & Hydro [...]Power Equipment Manufacture Co. cre8ir.com |
例如,如果某油漆工连续在同一大 [...] 型办公楼内履行一系列互不相关的合同,为几个互不相关的客户工作,就不 能说存在一个为该办公楼重新刷 漆的单一项目,因而该办公楼不应被视为开 [...]展此项工作的单一营业地。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, where a painter works successively under a series of unrelated contracts for a number of unrelated clients in a large office building so that [...] it cannot be said that there is one [...] single project for repainting the building, the [...]building should not be regarded as a [...]single place of business for the purpose of that work. daccess-ods.un.org |
她說:「我深信憑藉羅先生豐富的經驗和能力,他將會繼續帶領市建局管理層,按即將定稿的新《市 區 重 建 策 略》推展市區更新的工作、落實『樓換樓』安排、加強樓宇復修、以及實行市建局作為『促進者』的新角色、協助業主自 發 重 建 ,為香港締造優質的城市生活及可持續的居住環境。 devb.gov.hk | I firmly believe that with his profound experience and capability, Mr Law will continue to provide strong leadership to the URA management in undertaking urban renewal in accordance with the new Urban Renewal Strategy, which will soon be promulgated; implementing the [...] 'flat-for-flat' scheme; strengthening [...] URA's building rehabilitation work; and taking up a new 'facilitator' role to help owners initiate redevelopment themselves, so as to create a quality and sustainable living environment for Hong Kong," Mrs Lam said. devb.gov.hk |