

单词 重复法

重复法 noun ()

repetition n

See also:

重复 v

duplicate v
repeating v
iterate v
keep v

External sources (not reviewed)

竞争主管机构发现,提高公众对竞 争问题的意识是提倡竞争文化、防止 法重复 和 交 叉的一个办法,也是尽量减 少行政负担的主要途径。
Competition authorities have found the promotion of public awareness of competition issues to be a way of
promoting a culture of competition and
[...] avoiding enforcement duplication and overlaps, and also a [...]
major avenue in minimizing administrative burden.
报告指出, 尚需实重大进展,以便全面复法 治 和 有系统地处理有罪不罚问题。
It was noted
[...] that significant progress still needs to be achieved to fully restore the rule of law and to systematically [...]
address the issue of impunity.
高级专员认为推进有关过去侵权行为的 法 程 序 , 并对这些行为的起因作深入分析具有至关的重要性,因为这能保障这种行为不重复发生
The High Commissioner considers it
[...] essential to advance in the judicial proceedings on past violations and to conduct an in-depth analysis of their causes, as a guarantee of nonrepetition.
拟为下列技术支持活动提供 167 300
[...] 美元的差旅费:向外地行为和纪律小 组提供技术和政策咨询(46 400 美元);指导特派团落实改进内部控制系统和减重复审计 结果的措施以及与审计反应和调查委员会业务审查有关的措施,包括法远程 进行的文件检查和内部控制措施审查工作(41 200 美元);提供指导和咨 询,包括参加与采购司联合进行的采购协助访问,参加首席采购干事工作组的工 [...] [...]
作(41 100 美元);协调扩大合格候选人人才库的外联活动,包括专门为吸引合格 的高级领导人才而进行的外联活动(38 600 美元)。
An amount of $167,300 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: to provide technical and policy advice to conduct and discipline teams in the field ($46,400); to guide missions in
implementing measures to
[...] improve internal control systems and reduce repeated audit findings and in connection with the audit response and Board of Inquiry operational [...]
review, including the
inspection of documentation and review of internal controls which cannot be performed remotely ($41,200); to provide guidance and advice, including participation in joint procurement assistance visits with the Procurement Division and to participate in the Chief Procurement Officers Working Group ($41,100); and to coordinate outreach activities which will broaden the pool of suitable candidates, including outreach dedicated to attracting qualified Senior leadership ($38,600).
决定第 10 段是完整补救法模式 的极好例子:要求采取非承袭的补救措 施,重建、满足并保障重复(对事 件进行深入调查、释放活着的受害者、将死 亡受害者的遗体归还家人并对犯有侵犯行为的责任人进行起诉、审判和惩罚); 在决定中,委员会还要求采取承袭的补救措施(对提交人以及若还活着的 Kamel Djebrouni [...]
Paragraph 10 of the Committee’s decision is an
excellent illustration of
[...] a comprehensive approach to reparation; it orders non-pecuniary measures of restitution and satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition (a thorough [...]
and effective investigation
of the facts, freeing of the victim if he is still alive, handing over his remains if he is dead and the prosecution, trial and punishment of those responsible for the violations committed); the Committee’s decision also orders pecuniary measures of reparation (adequate compensation for the author for the violations suffered and for Kamel Djebrouni if he is alive).
食典委重申,关于抗生素耐药性方面的任何食典工作应当在食典委职责范围 内,应当根据良好科学依据及采用危险分析原则,应当充分考虑到其他组织的工作 以避免工重复,应 当认识到采用整体 法 解 决 手头这个问题的重要性。
The Commission reaffirmed that any Codex work on antimicrobial resistance should stay in the remit of the Commission’s mandate, should be based on sound science and follow risk analysis principles, should take full account of the work
of other
[...] organisations to avoid duplication of work, and should recognise the importance of a holistic approach to solving the [...]
question at hand.
一些代表团表示了对该建议的关注,理由如下:当前法典委员会没有制定生物技 术食品所需的分析法规定,建议的工作范围也不很清楚,而且有可能与同一领域的其 他组织开展的工重复。
Some delegations expressed their concerns on this proposal for the following reasons: currently no Codex provisions on foods
derived from
[...] biotechnology required methods of analysis; the scope of the work proposed was not clear enough; and it might duplicate the work of other organisations [...]
in the same area.
它的界面非常简洁;不需要学习wiki语 法, 通过 使用WYSIWYG在线编辑器来代替;不需要用户管理,它实时连到活动目录(Active Directory)来重复使用用户账号和组,它应该是唯一一个与活动目录组相集成的Wiki,本地账号和组都可以用它来创建;所有的文章都具有一个层次结构,以使得内容易于管理;可以针对每一个页面设置不同的访问权限或自由更新或锁定或发布;用户可以使用订阅机制来获得更新通知,更新可以是每天或每周或立即通知;可以自定义界面布局(使用Velocity模板和CSS实现) 。
Its interface is very simple ; need
[...] to learn wiki syntax , by using WYSIWYG online editor to replace ; do not need user management , it is connected to the Active Directory real-time (Active Directory) to re-use user accounts [...]
and groups , it
should be only one integrated with the active Directory group 's Wiki, local accounts and groups can use it to create ; all of the articles have a hierarchical structure to make the content easy to manage ; can set different for each page or free access to update or lock or release ; users can use a subscription mechanism to get the update notifications and moreNew can be a daily or weekly or immediately ; can customize the interface layout (using Velocity templates and CSS implementation) .
又依然深为关切全球金融和经济危机、气候变化和粮食危机对消除贫穷与饥 饿以及发展中国家为实现粮食安全和实现至迟于 2015 年将营养不足人数减半的 目标以及实现包括千年发展目标在内的其他国际商定发展目标的努力带来的严 重挑战,并重申,出现全球粮食危机有 重复 杂 原 因,需要各国政府和国际社会 作出全面、协调一致的反应,处理危机的后果,包括采取短期、中期和长期的政 治、经济、社会、金融和技术解决
Remaining deeply concerned also that the global financial and economic crisis, climate change and the food crisis pose a serious challenge to the fight against poverty and hunger, as well as to the efforts of developing countries to attain food security and achieve the objective of reducing by half the number of undernourished people by no later than 2015 as well as the other internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and reiterating that the
global food crisis has
[...] multiple and complex causes and that its consequences require a comprehensive and coordinated response, including the adoption of political, economic, social, financial and technical solutions in the short, medium and long term by national Governments and the international community
委员会提醒缔约国,如果缔约国 法复 核 和 重 新 提 交报告,那么 就无法保证为条约机构审查的目的翻译该报告。
The Committee reminds the State party that if it is not in a
[...] position to review and resubmit the report, then [...]
translation of the report for purposes
of examination of the treaty body cannot be guaranteed.
这些真正支持和平事业的人必须始终要求占 领国以色列全面遵守国际法为其规定的所有义务,因 为只有重法律才 能使当地局势发生变化并允许复和推 进就所有核心问题进行的严肃谈判,最终为巴 勒斯坦人和以色列人乃至整个中东带来和平、安全和 [...]
Those who truly supported the cause of peace must remain consistent in their demand for full compliance by Israel, the occupying Power, with all its
obligations under international law, for only
[...] respect for the law would change the situation on the ground and permit the resumption and advancement [...]
of serious negotiations
on all core issues, finally bringing peace, security and coexistence for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples and for the Middle East as a whole.
根据在消除有罪不罚和腐败、复法 制 和促进人权方面 重 大 挑战 , 重 新研 究对司法部门的资源分配,并确保支持司法部门的国际伙伴进行有效的协调和工 作分工。
Review the allocation of resources to the justice sector, bearing in mind the considerable [...]
challenges in the area of the
fight against impunity and corruption, the restoration of the rule of law and the promotion of human rights; and ensure effective coordination and division of labour among the international partners supporting the justice sector.
2011 年法国还 以八国集团维持和平/建设和平专 家组主席的身份,提出制定其成员——包括联合国和欧 洲联盟——之间的协调机制,以加强海上安全能力,从 而避重复努力 和处理某些领域缺乏训练的问题。
In its capacity as chair of the Group of Eight peacekeeping/peacebuilding experts, in 2011
France also proposed
[...] instituting a coordination mechanism among its members — including the United Nations and the European Union — to strengthen maritime security capacities so as to avoid duplication of efforts and to address a lack of training in certain areas.
我们也同意,应当以有效和及时的文职努力来支 持本国建立和建设和平的冲突后活动,而且国际社
[...] 会,特别是联合国,应当提供必要的迅速、有效的专 业化文职能力和经验,以支持本国利益攸关者努力复法治、振兴经济重新向人民提供基本服务,并且 发展能力,以便使此种努力可持续下去。
We also agree that national post-conflict activities to establish and build peace should be supported by effective and timely civilian efforts, and that the international community, especially the United Nations, should provide speedy and effective specialized civilian capacity and the experience needed for
supporting national
[...] stakeholders working to restore the rule of law, revitalize the economy, relaunch the provision of [...]
basic services to the
population and develop the capacity to make such efforts sustainable.
这些领域是: 确保基本安全和安保,其中包括司法和 重法 治 ;建 立对政治进程的信心,以复基本 政府职能和机构; 支持提供基本服务;支持公共行政部门行使职能;以 及支持经济振兴。
Those areas are basic safety and security, including
justice and respect for
[...] the rule of law; confidence in the political process so as to restore essential governmental [...]
functions and institutions;
support for the provision of basic services; support for the functioning of public administration; and support for economic revitalization.
以色列的行事作法使其好像是一个凌驾于法律之上的国家, 它对法律以及遵守法律和呼吁重法 律 者 表现出蔑视。它的继续有罪不受惩罚必 须受到国际社会的抵制,因为这有可能进一步破坏当地局势的稳定,损害为实现 将给巴勒斯坦和以色列两方面的公民都带来和平与安全的和平、公正解决 法而 恢复可信的谈判的任何机会。
Israel’s continued impunity, acting as a State
above the law and demonstrating contempt for the law and for those who adhere to it and call for its respect, must be
[...] completely rejected by the international community for it threatens to further destabilize the situation on the ground and undermines any chance for credible negotiations to be resumed towards the achievement of a peaceful and just solution that will bring peace and security for both Palestinian and Israeli citizens.
You cannot reuse a draft message.
在众多挑战中,需特别指出,重建 全国境内和边境的安全,改革安全领 域,复法治国 家,打击有罪不罚现象,和解,加强共同生活和社会和谐,政府 应收回国家土地,在全国范围内建立服务机制,振兴经济,消除贫困以及对流离 [...]
The challenges include, among others, restoring
security throughout the country and along its
[...] borders, reforming the security sector, restoring the rule of law and justice, combating impunity, promoting [...] [...]
reconciliation, strengthening social cohesion and the ability to live together, restoring the State’s sovereignty and re-establishing its services countrywide, reviving the economy, reducing poverty, and ensuring the protection/return/reintegration of displaced and refugee populations.
如但要注意果在表格中插入了手动分页符,则Wo rd 无 法重复 表 格 标题。
Such as fruit in the form, but should pay attention to insert a manual page break,
[...] then Word can not repeat the form title.
(a) 制订一项全面的注重权利的政策,确保处于流落街头境况的儿童享有 倾诉权,落实流落街头儿童的权利,包括警察拘留替代 法 、 复 原 和 重 新 融 入社 会
(a) Design a comprehensive rights-based policy, assuring the right of children in street situations to be heard and fulfilling the rights of
children in street situations, including alternatives to
[...] police detention, rehabilitation, and reintegration of children
联邦法院在未举行庭审,亦 未提出理由的情况下,驳回了上诉和 法复 审 的 请求。
The Federal Court rejected the application for leave and for judicial review [...]
without a hearing and without giving a reason.
如今多层面的维持和平行动不仅要维持和平与安全,还要协助开展政治进程;保护平民;协助前战斗人员解除武装、复员 重 归 社 会;支持组织选举;保护和促进人权并协助 复法 治。
Today's multidimensional peacekeeping operations are called upon not only to maintain peace and security, but also to facilitate the political process, protect civilians, assist in
the disarmament,
[...] demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; support the organization of elections, protect and promote human rights and assist in restoring the rule of law.
理事会第 1983/163 号决定请秘书长:(a)
在决定通过之前,将超出秘书处 在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理文件能力的各种文件需求提请政府间机构 和专家机构注意;(b)
[...] 提请政府间机构注意在哪些领域文件的制作可能发 重复 和(或 )在哪些领域讨论相关或类似主题的文件可能予以合并或精简,以期使文件 [...]
In decision 1983/163, the Council requested the Secretary-General (a) to bring to the attention of intergovernmental and expert bodies, before decisions were adopted, any request for documentation that exceeded the ability of the Secretariat to prepare and process on time and within its approved resources; and (b) to draw
the attention of intergovernmental bodies
[...] to areas where duplication of documentation [...]
was likely to occur and/or where opportunities
for integrating or consolidating documents that dealt with related or similar themes might exist, with a view to rationalizing documentation.
重视提 高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,复恶化 了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water [...]
ecosystems, research
on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
[...] 专题,它们强调指出,教科文组织的相对优势在于人权教育,因此,不应 重复 联 合 国其他 组织的工作,特别是人权事务高级专员办事处的工作。
In the opinion of most Member States, the “promotion of human rights and struggle against discrimination” should not be designated as a new cross-cutting theme for UNESCO, stressing the fact that UNESCO’s comparative advantage was
on human rights education and that its
[...] action should not duplicate work done by [...]
other United Nations bodies, and in particular,
the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
[...] 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何法可盡 量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 [...]
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts
groups and budding
[...] artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the [...]
use of arts development;
(e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
安全理事会强调,需要及早为建设和平优先领域提供可预测的支助, 这些领域包括改革安全部门、复法 治 、 尊 重 人 权、结束有罪不罚局面、打 击非法军火贸易、贩毒和跨国有组织犯罪、难民和境内流离失所者自愿回返、 [...]
The Security Council emphasizes the need for early and predictable support in priority areas of
peacebuilding including reform of the
[...] security sector, restoration of the rule of law, respect for [...]
human rights, ending impunity,
combating illicit arms trade, drug trafficking, and transnational organized crime, voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons, supporting peace processes, provision of basic services, restoration of core government functions, management of natural resources, tackling youth unemployment, and revitalization of the economy.
墙煌”牌铝塑复合板在国内外市场上是一种高品质 重 信 誉 的名牌产品,它采用本公司自己生产的、国内质量技术水平最先进的“墙煌”牌氟碳涂层铝板面板和背板,加上上下高分子胶粘膜和PE塑料蕊材(粘流融熔态)共五层,经过一 法复 合 成型、定型、冷却等先进的生产工艺精心制作而成,产品具有复合强度高而稳定,板形平整,产品内应力比同类产品小,表面涂层具有色泽均匀、色彩丰富、附着力优良等优点,特别是防腐耐候性和抗污性优异于同类产品,是目前外墙装饰用先进的幕墙材料。
Wall-huang" brand aluminum composite panel in the domestic
market is a high-quality,
[...] reputation and brand-name products, which uses the company's own production, quality and technical level of China's most advanced "wall-huang" brand fluorocarbon coating aluminum front and back, plus upper and lower gum mucosa and PE plastic polymer core material (viscous flow of molten state) a total of five, after a one-step composite molding, shaping, [...]
cooling and other
advanced production technology and well-produced, products with high strength and stable compound, shape formation, products of small stress than similar products, the surface coating has a uniform color, rich colors, excellent adhesion, etc., especially the preservation of excellent weather resistance and stain resistance of similar products, is Currently decorative wall art wall material.




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