

单词 里程计

See also:


long journey
course of development
mileage (distance)

External sources (not reviewed)

大多数组织都没有制定对所购机票使用飞行常客里程(常 里程 ) 的 计 划 , 并且 称,使用常里程计划需 要利用行政资源,成本高昂,程序繁琐。
The majority of organizations do not have
[...] programmes for the recovery of frequent flyer miles (FFMs) for tickets purchased by them [...]
and stated that having
such programmes for utilizing FFMs would be an expensive and cumbersome use of administrative resources.
运输科每月提供行车监督记录仪生成的报告,其中 包含燃料收集数据里程计读数 、日期和车牌号。
The Transport Section provides monthly reports
generated by CarLog, which includes data on
[...] fuel collection, odometer readings and relevant [...]
dates, as well as plate numbers.
但他们 提到项目厅最近采取的创新的里程使用办法,即工作人员可以使用在航空公司常里程计划中累积的“个人里程”来购买公务旅行机票。
However, they refer to the innovative approach recently adopted by UNOPS to the use of FFMs, whereby staff
members may offer to use
[...] their “personal miles” accumulated on airline FFM programmes towards [...]
the purchase of a ticket for official duty travel.
All taxis in Beijing are cheap and plentiful, and always on the lookout for customers.
按年均130,000公里的行里程计算, 每辆欧VI卡车相比欧III卡车可额外节省多达6,500欧元的通行费。
At an annual
[...] total freeway mileage of 130,000 kilometers, such [...]
a truck will cost a good 6,500 euros less in tolls than a Euro 3 truck.
重型货车需要缴纳里程计算的 重型车费用(HVF),收取的 费用水平按照车重及其排放类别(Euro [...]
0 - III)来确定。
Trucks are subject to a heavy vehicle fee
[...] (HVF) based on kilometers driven in Switzerland, [...]
vehicle weight and emissions category (Euro 0 – III).
与其他国家相同的是,瑞士在边境征收关税和其他税款,比 如按行里程计算的重型车辆通行费 (MRHVT) 、烟草特许权税 [...]
In line with other countries Switzerland levies taxes and duties at its
[...] borders, such as the mileage-related heavy vehicle [...]
toll (MRHVT), the tobacco excise tax and the CO
关于常客里程问题,联合检查组在同一报告第 97
[...] 段中提到了这一点;它指 出,“大多数组织都没有制定对所购机票使用飞行常客里程(常 里程 ) 的 计 划, 并且称,使用常里程计划需 要利用行政资源,成本高昂,程序繁琐”。
On the issue of frequent flyer miles, the Joint Inspection Unit addressed this point in paragraph 97 of the same report; it noted that “the majority of organizations
do not have
[...] programmes for the recovery of frequent flyer miles (FFMs) for tickets purchased by them [...]
and stated that having
such programmes for utilizing FFMs would be an expensive and cumbersome use of administrative resources”.
大多数组织都没有制定对所购机票使用飞行常客里程( 常里程) 的计划,并 且称,使用常里程计划需要利用行政资源,成本高昂,程序繁琐。
The Inspectors concur that the management of organizational FFMs is cumbersome and also not equitable (on what basis should rewards be distributed?) and policies/procedures would have to be adopted for their use.
加入思睿高以来,Thomas主持了美国联合航空公 里程计 划 、 Du(阿联酋)、美国运通、彭博、Care [...]
Support of America、诺基亚、Dollie & Me、律商联讯等组织委托的任务。
Since joining Siegel+Gale, Thomas has led engagements with
[...] United Airlines Mileage Plus, Du (UAE), [...]
American Express, Care Support of America,
Nokia, Dollie & Me, LexisNexis and others.
对于拥有20辆卡车的运输企业来说,按每辆车年行 里程 1 2 0 ,000 公 里计 算 , 可减少200吨的二氧化碳排放,每年节约燃油开支超过66,000欧元。
For a haulier with 20 trucks,
[...] each driven 120,000 kilometres per year, this means [...]
a reduction of 200 tonnes of carbon dioxide
emissions and annual cost savings of more than 66,000 euros.
在实现重计划 V预期成果方面取得的进展在很大程度上与针对双年度第一年设立里程碑相应。
The progress made towards the
[...] achievement of expected results under Major Programme V largely correspond to the milestones set for the first year of the biennium.
核准新的安全等级制度是在 安全领域实现的一里程碑, 将以新制度为基础修订安全风险管理框架。
A milestone in security was achieved with the approval of a new system for security levels, on the basis of which the security risk management framework will be revised.
委员会获悉,2012-2013 年审计费预计将增加,因为审计委员会将执行若干 附加任务,即:审查行政当局执行国际公共部门 计 准 则 的 计 划 和 监测相关的进里程碑; 审查行政当局针对国际公共部门会计准则第 29 号选定的会计政策; 以及提供关于预测财务报表及编制模拟报表的咨询意见和指导。
The Committee was informed that fees were projected to increase in 2012-2013 because the Board would be performing a number of additional tasks, namely:
reviewing the
[...] Administration’s plan for the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and monitoring the related milestones; reviewing accounting [...]
policies selected
by the Administration in respect of the 29 IPSAS standards; and providing advice and guidance on the pro forma financial statements and carrying out dry runs of those statements.
与直接体制建设有关的若干主要目标是规划进程中的目标,分别是:通过执行氟氯烃淘汰 管计划履 行《蒙特利尔议定书》的各项义务;遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》时间 里程碑 ( 实现在第一阶段,到 2015 年将附件 C,第一类物质的基准消费量减少 10%);针对工 业部门的能力建设和技术援助活动;制定和执行国家提高公众认识/外联战略;更新现有 的氟氯化碳立法和消耗臭氧层物质许可制度,以适应氟氯烃淘汰配额;以及为密切监测和 评估淘汰项目,制定适当的准则。
Several major objectives related to
the direct IS are in
[...] the planning process, and they are described as follows: meeting the obligations of the Montreal Protocol through the implementation of the HPMP; compliance with the Montreal Protocol schedule milestone of achieving [...]
the phase-I, 10 per cent
reduction of the baseline consumption of Annex-C, Group-1 substances by the year 2015; capacity building and technical assistance activities addressed to the industrial sector; setting and implementing 4 national public awareness/outreach strategies; updating the existing CFCs legislations and ODS licensing system to accommodate the HCFCs phase-out quota; and, setting up of the appropriate guidelines for close monitoring and evaluation of phase-out projects.
在33 C/5中首次引入了基准概念,这是 注重实效的管理方式中取得里程碑 式 的进步,为求实效的管理提供了一个更清楚的框架。
Benchmarks were first introduced in document 33 C/5, and this
[...] represents a milestone in the progress [...]
being made with the RBM approach in providing
an increasingly clearer framework for managing for results.
作为初始输出,采取补救行动工计 划、 将推动项目并指定下列的定量措施: 删除卷 的污染物质,棕色清理决定备忘录、 EPA Quartly 报告、 亩数据条目、 外联会议 & 活动报告、 Quartly 劳动利用率报告里程碑监测报告和利用监测报告。
As an initial output, the
[...] Remedial Action Workplan, will drive the project and specify quantitative measures for the following: Volume of contaminated materials removed, Brownfield Cleanup Decision Memos, EPA Quartly Reports, ACRES Data entry, Outreach Meetings & Activities Reports, Quartly Labor Utilization Reports, Milestone [...]
Monitor Reports, and Leveraging Monitor Reports.
[...] 商定制订一个可持续消费和生产十年方案框架(2011-2021 年),这个方案框 架应提供一个受到《21 世纪程》、《里约宣 言》和《约翰内斯堡执 计 划》 启迪的共同愿景;应雄心勃勃,旨在实现最高的共同标准;应催化高级别的 [...]
应可行且可操作;尊重国家自主权和优先事项以及符合《里约原则》,包括 共同但有区别的责任。
To achieve the goals and objectives of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation on sustainable consumption and production, it is agreed to establish a 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
[...] that: provides a common vision inspired by Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration and the Johannesburg [...]
Plan of Implementation; is ambitious,
aiming towards the highest common denominator; catalyses highlevel political support; is broadly participatory, engaging all stakeholders, including the private sector; is feasible and actionable; and respects national ownership and priorities and is in accordance with the Rio Principles, including common but differentiated responsibilities.
里计数器(Calorie Counter):这程序是 一种食物和锻炼的日志,它利用一个庞大的数据库,可以计算并记录您的摄入量,尤其是与主要营养素有关的摄入量。
Calorie Counter: Utilizing a huge database, this app is a food and [...]
exercise log that will calculate and track your intake,
especially in relation to major nutrients.
里计算机 的算法运算是尽可能真实地模拟物理空间中的重力与引力,完成羽毛飘落的物理事实后,将其替换成灯管并完成羽毛飘落的运动,整个运算 程 与 三 维动画的模拟截然不同,这是非主观想象的 程 , 并 且 可以不断进行新可能性的运算与呈现。
Therefore, the artist will use one set of these calculation to make a stop motion sculpture that shows the falling process of the tube, as in from from point a to point b, and in between there are over thousands of tubes installed that represent the position of the falling at given time.
本计划将与其他项目开展合作,包 括计划
[...] 1(专利法)、计划 3(版权及相关权)、计划 4(传统知识、传统文化表现形式和 遗传资源)计划 5(PCT 体系)计划 6(马里、海牙和里斯本体系)计划 9 (非 洲、阿拉伯、亚洲和太平洋、拉丁美洲和加勒比国家、最不发达国家)、计划 [...]
10(与欧洲 和亚洲部分国家的合作)、计划
11(WIPO 学院)、计划 19(交流)、计划 20(对外联 系、合作伙伴和驻外办事处)、计划 27(会务与语文服务)和计划 30(中小企业与创 新)。
This Program will cooperate with other Programs, including Program 1 (Patent Law), Program 3 (Copyright and Related Rights), Program 4 (Traditional Knowledge,
Traditional Cultural
[...] Expressions and Genetic Resources), Program 5 (The PCT System), Program 6 (Madrid, Hague and Lisbon Systems), Program 9 [...]
(Africa, Arab, Asia
and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean Countries, Least Developed Countries), Program 10 (Cooperation with Certain Countries in Europe and Asia), Program 11 (The WIPO Academy), Program 19 (Communications), Program 20 (External Offices and Relations), Program 27 (Conference and Language Services) and Program 30 (SMEs and Innovation).
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责 计 、 提 供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 [...]
D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案
为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post,
currently funded from the
[...] support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice [...]
annually at a host
Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
在大会方面,它也通过一里程碑性决议:1982 年 11 月 15 日题为“关于和 [...]
平解决国际争端的马尼拉宣言”的第 37/10 号决议;1992 年 12 月 18 日题为“和 平纲领:预防性外交和有关事项”的第 47/120 A 号决议;1993
年 9 月 20 日题为 “和平纲领”的第 47/120 B 号决议和 1997 年 9 月 15 日题为“和平纲领补编” 的第 51/242 号决议。
The General Assembly has, for its
[...] part, adopted milestone resolutions, [...]
namely, 37/10 of 15 November 1982, entitled “Manila
Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes”; 47/120 A of 18 December 1992, entitled “An Agenda for Peace: preventive diplomacy and related matters”; 47/120 B of 20 September 1993, entitled “An Agenda for Peace”; and 51/242 of 15 September 1997, entitled “Supplement to an Agenda for Peace”.
私营部门轨道标志着联合国的一个重 里程 碑 , 因为这是首次将私营部门全 面纳入联合国一次主要会议的方案,使公共和私营部门之间能够直接进行商议。
The private sector track marked
[...] an important milestone for the United [...]
Nations: it was the first time that the private sector
was fully integrated into the programme of a major United Nations conference, allowing for direct deliberations between the public and private sectors.
[...] 俄罗斯联邦获得的财务拨款;资金帐户将接受俄罗斯联邦的 计程 序 ; 所有相关的书面报告 将提供给研究所所长;会计将向教科文组织会计长、研究所行政干事提供定期报告;根据事 [...]
先提出的要求,以合理的间隔时间,向教科文组织外聘审计员和内部审计员提供帐户供其审 查。
It is hoped that these rules will become available to the UNESCO Comptroller, that an accountant will be employed for the administration of the financial allocation received from the Russian
Federation, that the account will be
[...] subject to the audit procedures of the Russian [...]
Federation, that any written reports
will be made available to the IITE’s Director, that the accountant will present periodical reports in an acceptable format to the UNESCO Comptroller and to the AO of the IITE, and that the account will be opened to review by the external and internal auditors of UNESCO at reasonable intervals and on prior request.
[...] 饶有兴趣地关注 2009 年东帝汶地方选举,将此视为 该国民主进程的又一重里程碑, 同时也是迄今在体 制能力建设和民主施政方面所取得的进展的重要标 [...]
志,而这两点对于确保该国稳定和善政都具有至关重 要的意义。
Last, but not least, the European Union will follow with great interest the 2009 local elections
in Timor-Leste as
[...] another important milestone in the country’s democratic processes and as a significant [...]
indicator of the
progress achieved so far in the area of institutional capacity-building and democratic governance, which are both so crucial to ensuring stability and good governance in the country.
这给人留下的一个印象是,特别代表此次之所以保持沉默,是因为,对于这 一企图借助科索沃议会“在同许多十分密切参与巴尔干地区稳定事务的国家进行 协调的情况下”通过的宣言尽可能实施未获核准的阿赫蒂 里计 划 的 举动,他十 分清楚。
One is left with the impression that the Special Representative remained silent this time as he knew well the effort to implement, to the extent possible, the unendorsed Ahtisaari plan through the declaration adopted by Kosovo Assembly “in coordination with many of the countries most closely involved in stabilizing the Balkans”.
由于顾问建筑师的任务特殊,而且 程计划 预 先限定不足,所以教科文组织决定根据完成的工程量按比例支付报酬,主要包括 固定酬金、任选酬金和最后提到的临时雇用酬金(该部分酬金最终的数额与工程总 量间接地紧密联系在一起):为了能像公共工程合同的惯用做法一样按承包量给其 顾问建筑师支付酬金,教科文组织应该将其 程计 划 做 的足够详细和明确,以便候 选人递交一些更省钱、更可靠的投标书,但教科文组织未能这样做。
For the particular case of the mission of consultant architect, the inadequate prior
definition of the programme
[...] led UNESCO to calculate remuneration as a percentage of the works carried out, most of it in firm and optional phases, and even, in the final analysis, remuneration by unit of time, the final volume of which would indirectly be closely linked to that of the works: in order to be able to remunerate its consultant on a flat-rate basis, as is usual practice in public works contracts, UNESCO would have had to define the detailed programme for the operations with sufficient precision to enable the [...]
candidates to submit bids
that were economically advantageous and credible, but the Organization was unable to do so.
至于在未来,建立国际工业品外观 计程 序 管理框架的工作,商 标、工业品外观设计和地理标志法律常设委员会(SCT)商定,作为一种可能的前进途径,在取得 [...]
With regard to a future international regulatory framework for
[...] industrial design procedures the WIPO Standing [...]
Committee on the Law of Trademarks,
Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) agreed that, as a possible path to move ahead a diplomatic conference for the adoption of a design law treaty could be convened once sufficient progress has been made and the time was ripe for recommending the holding of such a diplomatic conference.
摩尔多瓦共和国课外教育机构主要根据青年和教育部通过并建议的“课程 模型”、教育机构教学法或专业理事会根据不同儿童群体(机构、社区)的具体特 点修订或变更后的程计划、 由从业人员制定并由教学法或专业理事会通过的试 验程计划和写作程计划, 开展丰富多彩的大学前课外活动。
Extracurricular activities at the pre-university and extracurricular education institutions are implemented on the basis of the model Programmes adopted and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Youth; modified or adapted programmes, subject to particularities of each group of children (institution, community), adopted by the methodological or professorial council of the institution; pilot programmes and author programmes developed by practitioners, adopted by the methodological, or professorial council.




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