

单词 里程数

See also:


course of development
mileage (distance)
long journey

里数 n

mileage n

External sources (not reviewed)

所需经费增加的主要原因是,由于磨损 里程数 较 高 以及车龄,根据常规的 更换标准,计划更换 [...]
121 部轻型客车和 5 部救护车。
The additional requirements result mainly from the planned replacement of 121 light
passenger vehicles and 5 ambulances owing to wear
[...] and tear, high mileage and age, in accordance [...]
with the standard replacement criteria.
决定在其第六十六届会议续会第一期会议审议由联合国工作人员报告 因公务航空旅行而积累的飞行常 里程数 据 的 制度问题。
Decides to consider, at the first part of its resumed sixty-sixth session, the issue of a
system for allowing United Nations
[...] staff to provide data on frequent flyer miles accrued as a result [...]
of official air travel.
我们各种各样的产品和技术不但支持制造更 里程数 和 更 低排放量的汽车,而且可帮助您改进您的产品并提高生产力。
Supporting the ongoing efforts to build
[...] cars with better mileage and lower emissions, [...]
our diverse range of products and technical support  can help you enhance your products and productivity.
[...] 审查的结论,即:航空公司不会向本组织透露累积 里程数 据 ,因为这违反数据 隐私法律(A/66/676,第 [...]
The Committee also notes the conclusion from the comprehensive review
that airlines would not
[...] disclose data on mileage accrual to the [...]
Organization, as it would violate data privacy laws (A/66/676, para. 53 (d)).
气密性更好的轮胎今天可以提高每加仑燃油可行驶 里程数 , 也为后代节约资源。
Tires that hold air
[...] longer promote more miles per gallon today [...]
and conserve resources for future generations.
问: 旅行必须通过哪些地区,环太平洋特惠通票的最大允 里程数 是 多 少?
Q. Through which regions do I have to travel and what is the
[...] maximum allowed mileage of the Circle Pacific Fare?
比 2010-2011 两年期所批 资源净增 2 645 500
美元,主要原因包括:其他工作人员费用项下所需资源增加 (1 594 500 美元),因为 153 名军事观察员的特派任务生活津贴费率提高(1 499 800
[...] 美元);家具和设备项下所需资源增加(1 034 400 美元),因为需要按照车龄里 程数和车 队状况更换车辆和更换车间设备。
The net increase of $2,645,500 over the resources appropriated for the biennium 2010-2011 is due mostly to additional requirements under other staff costs ($1,594,500) owing to the increase in the rate of mission subsistence allowance for the 153 military observers ($1,499,800) and under furniture and equipment ($1,034,400), owing
to the required replacement of vehicles and workshop equipment on
[...] the basis of age, mileage and condition of the fleet.
(d) 航空公司不愿透露给组织累积 里程数 据 , 因为这违反数据隐私法律
(d) Airlines will not
[...] disclose data on mileage accrual to the [...]
organization, as this would violate data privacy laws
编列了经费用于更换车龄里程数达 到 预期 使用年限或因路况差车辆受损的 9 [...]
辆卡车,购买 400 个新的成套行车监督记录仪, 更换 150 个成套行车监督记录仪及相关软件,以有效监督和维持混合行动的车队, 并更换破损、不能用或丢失的车辆维修工具和设备。
Provision is made for the replacement of nine trucks which
[...] have reached their life expectancy in terms [...]
of age and mileage, or were damaged due
to poor road conditions; the acquisition of 400 new and 150 replacement CarLog kits and related software for the effective monitoring and maintenance of the Operation’s fleet, and the replacement of broken, unserviceable or lost workshop tools and equipment.
该项目是由中国领先的LED照明企业勤上光电与全球LED照明领域的行业领先者科锐公司共同合作完成的,包括深圳机荷高速、南光高速、龙大高速、盐坝高速以及大梅沙隧道在内共计120公里的LED路灯及隧道灯照明工程,是迄今为止全国第一个大规模应用LED路灯的高速公路项目,也是目前国内应用LED路 里程数 最 长、要求最严格的高速公路项目。
The project is LED by China's leading enterprise frequently photoelectric lighting on with global LED lighting industry leaders in the field of sharp company, cooperation, including the complete machine, high speed by shenzhen high speed, high speed, LongDa outdoor salt dam speed and dameisha, a total of 120 kilometers of tunnels LED street lamps and lighting project, tunnel light is so far the first large scale application LED street lamp of highway
projects, and it is also the domestic application
[...] LED street lamp mileage requirements, the longest strict [...]
highway projects.
我们拥有世界上最大 的公路网之一,公里程数达 330 万公里。
We have one of the largest road networks in the world,
[...] with 3.3 million kilometres of roads.
里程数与原来预估数字有所变化,并且你希望可以更改合约中 里程数 , 请 联系你的MINI 金融服务联系人,我们会为你重新计算合约内容。
If you would like to alter the mileage because it has changed in comparison to the original estimate, please get [...]
in touch with your MINI
Financial Services contact person, who will then recalculate your contract.
毛收入(一年总收入或佣金收入),各项开销包括:进货费用,年初和年末库存,广告费用,会计律师咨询费,坏账,牌照,商业税,银行利息,服务费,员工工资(包括CPP和EI),商业保险,维修保养费用,餐费及招待费用,租金,差旅费,房租,电话费,地税,水电煤气费,汽车费用(含汽油费、修车费、保险和停车费、洗车费和车辆牌照费),全年 里程数 , 生 意用 里程数 , 买 车贷款利息,折旧费用等等。
Self-employed income tax: gross income (one year total income or commission income), the overhead include: restocking fee at the beginning and the end of inventory, advertising costs, accounting and attorney consulting fees, bad debts, licenses, business taxes, bank interest and service fees, wages and salaries (including CPP and EI), commercial insurance, maintenance costs, meals and entertainment expenses, rent, travel, rent, telephone bills, rent, utility costs, car costs (including gasoline, car repairs, insurance and parking
fees, car wash fees and vehicle
[...] license fees), total mileage, business car mileage, car loan interest, [...]
depreciation expense.
在左侧窗口输入每辆车每年行驶 里程数 , 以 及车辆因保养而暂停使用所产生的每日成本。
On the left, they enter the distance each vehicle travels per year and the cost per day of having a vehicle out of service for maintenance.
答: 星空联盟成员航空公司运营的所有航班在飞行后都可为您指定的星空联盟飞行常客计划赚 里程数 , 甚 至还可以赚取等级积分。
A. All flights operated by a Star Alliance
[...] carriers will accrue miles for your Star Alliance [...]
Frequent Flyer Programme after you
have flown - even status points can be earned.
Ludwig Hinterecker接着把话题从铁路转到载重汽车上,开始介绍运输公司分区方案:“每家运输公司根据事先确定的地区送货,在德国按照邮政编码分配,在欧洲按照国家分配”,这样能够避免空载行驶,同时节 里程数 和 燃料,但是需要满足一个前提条件,即各产品必须可以在同一地点装卸,也就是在装卸与物流中心,简称ULZ。
Each shipper serves a specific region, which is organized by zip code in
Germany and by country in Europe.” This system avoids empty trucks and,
[...] therefore, lowers their mileage and fuel consumption.
阅读关于 Scania 发动机设计师与开发人员面临的挑战、在瑞典 Obbola 工作的装载机以及关于 Felixstowe 港口的男人及其车队的文章 — 车队汽车已行里程数足可往返月球 10 次。
Read about the challenges for Scanias engine designers and developers, the wheel loader that just keeps on going at Obbola in
Sweden and read about
[...] the man in Felixstowe port and his fleet of Scania-powered vessels that has covered more than ten round trips [...]
to the moon.
经询问, 行预咨委会获悉,更换老旧的车辆 里程数 高 的 车辆是观察员部队的一个优先事 项,因为行动概念已转为建立一支更为机动的部队,这就需要有一支可靠和可信 [...]
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed
that the replacement of aged vehicles and
[...] vehicles with high mileage is considered a [...]
priority for UNDOF, given the change in
the concept of operations to a more mobile force, which requires a reliable and dependable vehicle fleet to support the operational and mandated responsibilities related to day and night patrolling.
大会决定在第六十六届会议续会第一期会议期间审议建立一个系统以便联 合国工作人员提供公务航空旅行积累飞行常 里程数 据 的 问题(第 65/268 号决 议,第四节,第 15 段)。
The General Assembly decided to consider, at the first part of its resumed sixty-sixth session, the issue of a system
for allowing United Nations
[...] staff to provide data on frequent flyer miles accrued as a result [...]
of official air travel (resolution 65/268, sect. IV, para. 15).
SEB 意识到,消除空卡车的线路可以显著节省燃料和成本,而且可以将每年行驶的 里程数 从近 850,000 英里降到 460,000 英里左右,大约可以节省 76,000 加仑的燃料,因此可以消除近 800 吨的温室气体排放量。
SEB realized significant fuel and cost savings by eliminating the empty truck routes.In addition, total annual mileage was cut from nearly 850,000 to about 460,000 miles, saving almost 76,000 gallons of fuel and thereby eliminating nearly 800 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
还将继续鼓励通过互联网对相关数据库(马 里数 据 库 商品和服务 管程序)的使用。
The use of related databases through the Internet (Madrid Database Goods and Services Manager) will also continue to be encouraged.
We have since relocated to a central
[...] warehouse just under 3 kilometers from our site. As [...]
a result, the distance covered by truck
fell by almost 98 percent in 2009 and 2010 – from around 340,000 to just 10,000 freight kilometers for the same number of trips.
在这个数里,你将会接受到关于 程 序 的试用或则注册相关的详尽讯息。
In this function you will
[...] receive detailed information about the trial status of your application [...]
and licensing-related information.
(d) 核准本文件附件四所载工发组织的业绩指标,同时确定:核准的多年期年度 方案数的目标是 32、核准的个别项数的目标是 22,核准的多年期协定里 程标活 动完成/消耗臭氧层物质水平达到的目标是 20,以及 2007 [...]
年个别项目 的淘汰目标是 346.2 ODP 吨。
(d) To approve the performance indicators for UNIDO set as contained in Annex IV to the present report, while setting a target of 32 for the number of annual programmes of multi-year agreements approved, a target of 22 for the
number of individual
[...] projects approved, a target of 20 for milestone activities completed/ODS levels achieved [...]
for approved multi-year
agreements, and a phaseout target for individual projects of 346.2 ODP tonnes for 2007.
作为初始输出,采取补救行动工作计划、 将推动项目并指定下列的定量措施: 删除卷 的污染物质,棕色清理决定备忘录、 EPA Quartly 报告、数据条目、 外联会议 & 活动报告、 Quartly 劳动利用率报告里程碑监测报告和利用监测报告。
As an initial output, the Remedial Action Workplan, will drive the project and specify quantitative measures for the following: Volume of contaminated materials removed,
Brownfield Cleanup
[...] Decision Memos, EPA Quartly Reports, ACRES Data entry, Outreach Meetings & Activities Reports, Quartly Labor Utilization Reports, Milestone [...]
Monitor Reports, and Leveraging Monitor Reports.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
委员会获悉,2012-2013 年审计费预计将增加,因为审计委员会将执行若干
[...] 附加任务,即:审查行政当局执行国际公共部门会计准则的计划和监测相关的进里程碑;审查行政当局针对国际公共部门会计准则第 [...]
29 号选定的会计政策; 以及提供关于预测财务报表及编制模拟报表的咨询意见和指导。
The Committee was informed that fees were projected to increase in 2012-2013 because the Board would be performing a number of additional tasks, namely: reviewing the Administration’s plan for the implementation of the International Public
Sector Accounting Standards and
[...] monitoring the related milestones; reviewing accounting [...]
policies selected by the Administration
in respect of the 29 IPSAS standards; and providing advice and guidance on the pro forma financial statements and carrying out dry runs of those statements.
[...] [...] 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策程中代 表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他 数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in
political and institutional
[...] decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
所以,实际上,你将需要找到所有那些在单引号和双引号里的最终被输出到屏幕的字符串,而且这些字符串是在一个P HP 函 数里 , 然 后把它们用“__(”和“)”将它们包围;再者,你还需要找到所有那些直接被输出到屏幕的字符,然后进入PHP处 程 序 (readtheweb.info
So, actually, you will need find all the text in single or double
quotes that
[...] will eventually be printed on the screen, and which is inside PHP functions, and then put “__(” and “)” aroung the text; and you will also need find all the text that is directly put onto the [...]
screen, and
escape into PHP first then add “_e” function around them.
它广泛涵盖公民、政治、经济、社会和文化等各项权利;建立了不同行为者 的职责框架;具里程碑式 的意义,因为它承认所有儿童均为权利持有人,并且 [...]
重申,儿童的最大利益、不歧视、参与、生存和发展等一般原则构成指导有关儿 童一切行动的框架。
It covers a whole range of rights – civil, political, economic, social and cultural;
establishes a framework of duties for different
[...] actors; marks a milestone in recognizing [...]
all children as rights holders and reaffirms
the general principles of best interests of the child, nondiscrimination, participation, survival and development as the framework for all actions concerning children.




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