

单词 采购量

See also:

采购 pl

purchases pl


procure (for an enterprise etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

附件内还载列了氟化氢和四氯化碳的港 采购量 、 运 往工厂量、氟氯化碳生产消费 量、HCFC-22 [...]
It also includes data on
[...] reconciliation of HF and CTC purchase at port, transportation [...]
to the plant, consumption for CFC
production, consumption for HCFC-22 production sales and inventory adjustment.
为了使会员国相信需要更多的 职员来处理增长了采购量,需 要提供对实施改革 带来的增长利益和 [...]
2006 年以来提供资源的数量分 析。
A quantitative analysis of the benefits that had accrued from the
reforms implemented and the resources provided
[...] since 2006 would be needed to convince [...]
Member States that additional staff were
required to handle the increased procurement volume.
将 2009 年 6 月至 2010 年 1
[...] 月的数据同 2008 年 6 月至 2009 年 1 月的数据相比较显示,国际行为体所报告的 当采购量增加了 61%。
A comparison of available data for the period from June 2009 to January 2010 with those for June
2008 to January 2009 indicates a 61 per cent
[...] increase in the amount of local procurement reported by international actors.
关于在表 3 所列各国采 购量趋势、所采购货 物和服务的类别以及联合国各组织所采购份额的详细概述, 请查阅《2010 [...]
年联合国采购年度统计报告》第 40 页及以后各页提供的关于这些 国家的采购简介。
For a detailed overview of procurement volume trends, categories of [...]
goods and services procured, and United Nations organizations
shares for each of the countries listed in Table 3, please refer to the procurement profiles of these countries available in the 2010 Annual Statistical Report, page 40 and onwards.
采购量趋势、所采购货 物和服务的类别以及联合国各组织在表 3 所列各国所采购份额的详细概述,请查 [...]
阅完整的《2009 年联合国采购年度统计报告》。
For a detailed
[...] overview of procurement volume trends, categories [...]
of goods and services procured, as well as United Nations
organizations shares for each of the countries listed in table 3, please refer to the complete 2009 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement.
2010 年,我们从萨帕购买型材
[...] 1,800 吨,2011 年约为 5,500 吨,而这采购量将会继续增长。
We bought 1,800 tons of aluminium profile from Sapa in 2010 and approximately 5,500
[...] in 2011 and the volume will continue to grow.
13 某些类型的活动可能会偏离或打破这一
[...] 标准比例,所有组织都存在这种现象,在某些情况下需要得到相关组织的行政首 长和/或主计长的批准,例如紧急方案 采购量 较 大 的方案等。
Deviation and exception from the standard rate for certain types of activities exist in all the organizations or may be approved by the executive head and/or the Controller of the relevant
organization in certain cases, for example, for emergency programmes, programmes with
[...] a high level of procurement, among others.
值得注意的是,2007 年和 2008 年,发展中国家和经济转型国家 采购量 超 过 总 采购量的 50%。
Of note, procurement from developing countries and countries in transition exceeded 50 per cent of the total procurement in both 2007 [...]
and 2008.
因此,包括全球 基金在内的多个国际供资机构现在可以采购该药,从而可实 采购量 大 幅上升, 让更多的人能够得到这一挽救生命的重要药物。
Therefore, this medicine can now be procured by multiple international funding agencies, including the Global Fund, making possible a large increase in procurement and access to this important and life-saving medicine.
所需经费增加的主要原因是:根据历史数据,空中医疗后送从 2010/11 年度 的每月 1
[...] 次增加到每月 2 次;医疗用品和药采购量增加;部署 3 架军用直升机, 以弥补联科行动的一项能力缺口。
The increased requirements are mainly attributable to the increase in medical evacuation by air from 1 per month in 2010/11 to 2 per month based on
historical data; an
[...] increase in the procurement of medical supplies [...]
and drugs; and the deployment of 3 military helicopters to bridge a capability gap in UNOCI.
采购量的大 幅增加,给工作人员带来了沉重的 负担,对现有规则和程序造成了压力。
The enormous increase in procurement volume was placing a [...]
heavier burden on staff and putting strain on the existing rules and procedures.
随着最近这一订单的签署,ProVision 系统在全球范围内采购量已超过 1,000 套。
With this recent order, more than 1,000 ProVision
[...] systems have been procured worldwide.
这些信息构成了采购时间表的基础,这意味着每月最低25000R MB 的 采购量 , 采购 以 0%到50%的现金进行支付,余下 部分将以新的销售进行冲销。
This information forms the basis of a Buying Schedule which aims to represent a minimum of $4000 per month of a business buying needs at a maximum of 50% cash, with the balance offset against new sales.
同时,所用建筑材料80%来自萨克森。不只在施工现场,在工厂的其它部门,当地的供应商也是极受欢迎的合作伙伴:商业服务部门负责人Andreas Scharf说道:“我采购量的29% 来自于萨克森”。
Regional suppliers are in demand not only at the building site, but
also in other parts of the plant:
[...] “29 percent of our procurement volume comes from within [...]
Saxony,” says Andreas Scharf, responsible for commercial services.
审查还发现,各 组织之间的合作在增加,但仍有改进余地,且需要在分析系统中的主要采购项目
[...] 这一问题时采取更具战略性的方法,赞同采取共同的综合采购战略和长期的联合 协议,以便充分利用系统的庞 采购量 , 使 各组织实现重大节约。
It also found that collaboration among organizations was on the rise but that there was room for improvement and a need to take a more strategic approach to the issue of analysing major procurement items in the system and to favour common consolidated procurement strategies
and joint long-term agreements in order
[...] to leverage the volume of the system, which [...]
would allow significant savings for the organizations.
将采用企业内容管理系统来实施符合规定的电子记录管理方案(档案和记录管理科);外地行动的要 求将最终影采购量。供 应商将参加商业研讨会(采购司);订约承运公司及时处理货物装运(特别 事务科);空运和海运业的发展情况将继续有利于谈判优惠的合同(旅行和运输科)
The enterprise content management system will be deployed to implement compliant electronic records management programmes (Archives and Records Management Section); requirements from field
operations will
[...] ultimately affect the volume of procurement; vendors will participate in business seminars (Procurement [...]
Division); contracted couriers
will process shipments on a timely basis (Special Services Section); developments in the airline and shipping industries will continue to enable negotiations of favourable contracts (Travel and Transportation Section) 506.
2010/11 财政 年度前半年的鱼采购量为 136.1 公吨,前一年同期则为 [...]
306.1 公吨。
Fish purchases for the first half of [...]
the financial year 2010/11 were 136.1 metric tons, compared to 306.1 metric tons during the same period the previous year.
The report is based on visits to and documentation requested from 19 United
Nations organizations and programmes and provides an overview
[...] of comparative procurement volumes and cost-effectiveness.
[...] 窑的温度由于KilnACE®严密控制了窑内温度和过量氧气,Mondi SCP大大减少了石灰采购量,并 且也减少了特殊能源的消耗。
The ANDRITZ control is able to hold the kiln temperatureThanks to the tight control of kiln temperatures and excess
oxygen provided by KilnACE®, Mondi SCP has
[...] significantly reduced purchased lime and has reduced [...]
specific energy consumption.
2010 年,儿基会供应司为超过 65
[...] 个国家采购了总额为 1.01 亿美元 的抗艾滋病毒商品采购量与 2009 年持平。
In 2010, UNICEF Supply Division procurement of HIV commodities totalled $101 million for over 65 countries,
[...] consistent with procurement volumes in 2009.
营销及市场方面,依靠集团在产品研发及开发、成本、一站式产品供货能力等方面的优势,凭借强大的客户和市场开发能力,三星、LG 、冠捷科技、新奇美电子等在2011年均大幅增加了对集团产品 采购量 和 配 额;同时,随着新开发的日本客户和欧美客户对于本公司研发能力、供货能力、交期和产品品质的认同,他们向本公 采购 的 数 量和配额也逐渐增长。
In terms of marketing and customers development, leveraging on our core competitive advantages in products development, pricing ability and one-stop products offering ability, we are able to develop both new customers and increase market share in the first quarter of 2011, leading customers such as Samsung, LG, TPV Technology
and Innolux have all
[...] increased their procurement amount from us; At the same time, as we continue to strive towards getting increasing recognition from potential new customers in Japan, Europe and North America in our research and development capabilities, supply and delivery abilities and product quality, we are confident that they would gradually increase their procurement amount from us going [...]
与此同时,必须注意实施天然气开放项目需要执行允许自由 选择和更换供应商的机制,例如通过允许部分(按比例从其 它供应商处购买天然气)减少分配给主要供应商的天然采 购量。
At the same time it should be remembered that launching of the gas release program requires implementation of mechanisms allowing for free choice and change of supplier, for example by allowing
for a partial
[...] (proportional to gas purchases from alternative suppliers) reduction of gas volumes purchased from the dominant [...]
图 8 以百分比形式说明联合采购量最大的 10 个组织(占采购总额 94%)2009 [...]
年向发展中国家和经济转型国家采购的情况,以及与 2008 年相比的百分比变化。
Figure 8 presents
[...] percentage of procurement volume by the 10 largest [...]
United Nations organizations (accounting for 94 per cent of total procurement) from developing countries
and countries with economies in transition in 2009, as well as the percentage of change compared with 2008.
值得注意的是,制啤行业对所签订的远期合同 里的酒采购量进行 调整的呼声很高,但他们对酒 花远期合同的法律效力却从未质疑,他们清楚仅可 [...]
It should be noted that while there have been
widespread calls for an industry-wide
[...] restructuring of hop volumes, the validity of [...]
the underlying binding hop contracts has
never been called into question, nor has the fact that they can only be amended by mutual agreement.
(f) 联塞部队净增 1 个国际员额,因为增设 2 个国际员额(1 个民政干事作为 部队在皮拉村的常驻文职人员,1
个预算干事帮助全面协调编写执行情况报告及 预算文件的所有方面),并设立 1 个秘书员额和 3 个新的本国员额,包括 2 个语
[...] 文助理负责为驻皮拉村的民政干事、联合国警察和民政工作队提供希腊语和土耳 其语方面的支助,加上采购量增加 而设立的 1 个采购助理
(f) In UNFICYP, one net additional international post, resulting from the establishment of two additional international posts (1 civil affairs officer to provide the Force with a permanent civilian presence in the village of Pyla and a budget officer to facilitate the overall coordination of all aspects of the preparation of the performance and budget submissions) and the establishment of one post of secretary, as well as three new national posts consisting of two language assistants to provide Greek and Turkish language support to the civil affairs officer, United Nations police officers and civil
affairs team in the village of Pyla, and one Procurement assistant, in view of
[...] the increased volume of procurement activities
当零件存货耗尽后,该零件将成为非库存货;此时 采 用 最低 订 购量 方 法
Part will become a non-stocking item when stock is depleted; minimums will apply.
上述案例突出说明了需要有一个集中的、结构适当和有资金来源的医疗用 品采购制度,这会提高量采购的效 率,减少不必要的重复的行政管理,并在将 来将这类拖延降到最低。
The above case highlights the need for a
centralized, properly structured
[...] and funded procurement system for medical supplies, which would increase efficiencies of bulk purchasing, reduce unnecessary [...]
and duplicated administration,
and minimize such delays in the future.
[...] 伴类别和数量繁多,并鉴于难民署开展业务的环境复杂而且风险很高,开 采购 活动的数量也很 多,委员会认为难民署应当坚持充分地关注监测其供应链管理程 [...]
In view of the wide range and large number of partners the Office works with, the complex and high-risk
environments in which it
[...] operates and the large volume of its procurement activities, the [...]
Committee is of the view that
UNHCR should maintain sufficient focus on monitoring its supply chain management procedures and the adequacy and effectiveness of its internal controls.
它抽取记录,对比原材料收据与仓库记录 采购 合 同 与实 购 买 数 量 ; 购 买 发 票与财务记 录;生产记录与转为存货的制成品;生产数据与操作记录;增值税记录与收益表。
It sampled records of raw material receipts against warehouse records; procurement contracts with actual purchases; purchase invoices with financial records; production records against the finished product transferred to storage; production statistics with operating records; daily workshop production records against production records; income statements with revenue accounts; and VAT records with income statements.
对于机构(如总部外办事处)分散情况下的 量采购 和 需要专业技术知识的高度复杂 的采购而言,外包不是一个好选择,无法确保采购注重结果,缩短交货时间,保证高质量和 [...]
Outsourcing is not an efficient option for small
[...] and low value procurement within a decentralized [...]
environment (e.g. at field office level) nor for highly complex procurement requiring specialized
technical expertise, to secure a result-oriented procurement, shorten delivery times and securing high quality and cost-effectiveness.




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