

单词 采证

External sources (not reviewed)

这一轮油气田采证书招 标的举行,是通过公开和透 明的石油资产投资进行的建设和重建进程的第 [...]
2 个重 要转折点,它符合伊拉克人民的利益,由于前政权的 政策,几十年来伊拉克的石油财富无法发挥其作用。
The holding of this round
[...] of oil and gas licensing is a second important [...]
turning point in the process of construction and
reconstruction through open and transparent investment of oil wealth and is in the interest of the Iraqi people after decades of oil wealth having been disabled because of the policies of the former regime.
可配置的方向——用户可指定采集器相关按钮出现的地方、链接或者图像,以此来打开采集器,这样可 证采 集 器适应用户的应用需要和页面层次。
Configurable orientation - You can specify where the picker appears in
relation to the button, link or image that
[...] opens it, ensuring the picker can be adapted [...]
to suit your application's needs and the page layouts.
Organic certification 有机证 采用有机或可持续耕作方法的农民或产品能 获得有机认证,为他们的产品取得较高和更稳定 的价格。
Organic certification farmers or producers using organic or sustainable farming methods can get certified to receive [...]
higher and more stable prices for their products.
目前正在进采购,寻找一个主要承包 商负责土地证无雷 ,和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建立信 任措施。
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake this land [...]
release and a Demining Programme Office
to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
在管理人体遗骸及死 难人员相关信息方面,建议采取的措施包括: 证采 取 切实可行的措施对死亡人 员的人体遗骸进行鉴定并记录其身份;避免阻挠、干扰或妨碍人体遗骸鉴定工作; [...]
签发死亡证明;确保所有参与人员都能遵守适用于人体遗骸管理、发掘和鉴定的 法规和职业道德规范;确保法医专家在任何可能的情况下实施适当的人体遗骸发
掘和鉴定程序,评估人体遗骸发掘及鉴定的最佳方法时充分考虑国际刑警组织、 失踪人员国际委员会以及主管专业科研机构(比如欧洲法医科学研究网)业已制 定的标准;遵守并发展国际背景下工作的法医专家职业道德规范和执业标准;确 保所有从事死亡人员信息收集和人体遗骸处理的人员都能接受适当培训。
With respect to the management of human remains and information relating to the
dead, measures proposed
[...] include: ensuring that all feasible measures are taken to identify [...]
the human remains and to record
their identity; avoiding obstruction of, interference with or impediments to the identification of human remains; issuing death certificates; ensuring that all those involved respect the legal rules and professional ethics applicable to the management, exhumation and identification of human remains; ensuring that forensic specialists, whenever possible, carry out the procedures to exhume and identify human remains and assess the most appropriate methods for doing so, taking into account standards that have been developed by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the International Commission on Missing Persons and competent professional and scientific organizations such as the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
有关国家或国家集团对机构和中心的建立(如尚未建立)应 证采 取 必要 的措施。
the undertaking by the State or
States concerned to
[...] take the necessary measures for the establishment of the institute or centre (where it has not yet been set up).
该决定草案执行段落的内 容包括祝贺南苏丹最近批准了《蒙特利尔议定书》的所有修正,并要求其建立 进出口许可证制度;要求塔吉克斯坦和冈比 采 取 有 关许 证 制 度 的措施;并 鼓励博茨瓦纳批准《蒙特利尔修正》。
The operative paragraphs of the draft decision congratulated South Sudan for having recently ratified all amendments to the Montreal Protocol and requested it to establish an import and export licensing system; asked Tajikistan and Gambia to undertake measures regarding their licensing systems; and encouraged Botswana to ratify the Montreal Amendment.
但是,由于这个问题方面的实践非常有 限,因此要证采取谨慎的办法。
However, a cautious approach was warranted in view of the rather limited practice on the matter.
环境规划署和工发组织根据第二次付款拟议执行以下活动:增办海关官员培训方案; 继续进行制冷维修技术员在制冷和碳氢化合物改装中采用良好做法的培训和 证 ; 采 购和 运交制冷剂回收机及维修工具和设备;进行提高公众认识的宣传;监测、核查和管理最终 淘汰管理计划。
The following activities are proposed for the implementation by UNEP and UNIDO under the second tranche: additional training programmes for customs
officers; continuation
[...] of training and certification programme for refrigeration service technicians in good practices in refrigeration and hydrocarbon retrofitting; procurement and delivery [...]
of refrigerant recovery
machines and servicing tools and equipment; public awareness campaign; monitoring, verification and management of the TPMP.
委员会在制 定规则时,尤其应顾及本议定书第 2 条,以证采用体恤儿童的程序。
In doing so, it shall have regard, in particular, for article 2 of the present Protocol in order to guarantee childsensitive procedures.
调查发现,各国战略之间的另一个重要差别是对 证采 用 一 种“普适办 法”,即允许私营和公共部门交叉使用凭证,而不是将为公共部门确立的凭证 (或起码是凭证框架)延伸到私营部门使用。
Another relevant difference among country strategies
emerging from the survey was the adoption of an
[...] “universal approach” to credentials, i.e. an approach that allowed for the cross-use of credentials between private [...]
and public sector,
as opposed to one that envisaged the extension to the private sector of credentials established for the public sector or, at least, of their framework.
国内采购:是指出口商为了在国内顺利地采购制造加工产品所需的原材料及成品,在网络处理并系统地管理本地信用证及确认一切采购相关业务,如发盘、签发本地信 证/采 购 订 单、税务发票、货物收据、结汇等。
To this end, it processes and manages the entire operations related to local L/C and purchase confirmation that include offer confirmation, issuance of local L/C, approval of purchase, tax invoice, receipt of goods, and payment.
为此,本系统电算处理并系统地管理本地信用证、确认与采购相关的一切业务,如要约销售产品、本地信 证/采 购 订单、税务发票、收到货物收据、申请托收(议付)销售贷款等。
The system electronically processes and manages the entire operations related to local L/C and purchase confirmation that include offer confirmation, notification of local L/C and approval of purchase, issuance of tax invoices and receipt of goods, and request for payment negotiation in order to enable suppliers to deliver export goods to exporters and collect payment.
14.5 最后在轮换政策与非集中化战略审查之间的协作问题上,秘书处的代表 证采取 协 调的方式,并提请注意该文件第 22(d)段强调非集中化系统调整的基础是进 [...]
一步坚持实行轮换政策甚至是工作人员的短期或中期任命的更富有创意的流动计 划,以满足总部外的特殊需要。
14.5 Finally, to a question on synergies between the rotation policy and the review of the decentralization
strategy, the representative of the
[...] Secretariat gave assurances of a coordinated approach and [...]
called attention to paragraph 22(d)
of the document, which emphasizes that adjustments to the decentralized system will be based on a more consistent application of the rotation policy but also on more creative mobility schemes with short- or medium-term assignment of staff, to respond to specific needs at field level.
证采取适 当的后续措施,包括行动计划,或适当的方法手段,并要有明确 责任来落实已认可的评价建议。
They should ensure appropriate follow-up measures including an action plan, or equivalent appropriate tools, with clear accountability for the implementation of the approved recommendations.
许可纤维来自认证森林,这些森林经认证 达到加拿大或美国任何一个
[...] PEFC 认可的 标准 (SFI、CSA 和美国林场体系)、证 采购和消费后回收成分。
Allow fiber from forests certified to any PEFC endorsed standard
in Canada or the U.S. (SFI, CSA, and American Tree
[...] Farm System), certified sourcing, and post-consumer [...]
recycled content.
另一成员表示,鉴于第十九次缔约方会议所作关于氟氯烃的决定,执行委员会表示 愿意向第 5 条国家提供加快淘汰活动的机会,愿意为进行一次调查和制定一项管理战略提
[...] 供资金,条件是,各国政府作出承诺, 证采 用 调 查结果,制订上限,以便持续削减总消 [...]
Another Member suggested that, given the decision on HCFCs taken at the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties, the Executive Committee was offering the opportunity for Article 5 countries to accelerate phase-out activities by funding the development of a survey and a
management strategy if governments were
[...] committed to ensuring that the result of [...]
that survey would be used to set a cap for
aggregate, sustained reductions.
[...] 东综合团合作,以进一步发展恢复警务责任的框架,并 证采 取 步 骤来满足国家 警察的可持续后勤需要。
To that end, I urge the Government to continue working with UNMIT to further develop the framework for
resumption of policing responsibility and to
[...] ensure that steps are taken to meet sustainable [...]
logistical requirements for the national police.
进口国的义务应包括向出口国提供有关最终用途的证件,可以包括终端使用 方式的证、采取措 施防止武器进口的转让,颁布国家法律、以期履行条约中规 [...]
Obligations of the importers should include providing documentation to the
exporting State on end use including,
[...] potentially, end-use assurances; taking measures to [...]
prevent the diversion of arms import;
and enacting national legislation with a view to implementing the requirements laid down in the treaty.
在这方面,我欢迎法国依据国际刑院逮 证采 取 步骤逮捕卢民 主力量执行秘书卡利克斯特·姆巴鲁希马纳,还欣见德国对在 [...]
2009 年 11 月逮捕 的卢民主力量主席及其副手提出了新的起诉。
In that connection, I
[...] welcome the steps taken by France to arrest [...]
FDLR Executive Secretary Callixte Mbarushimana on the
basis of a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court, and the new indictments in Germany in connection with the arrest there of the FDLR President and his deputy in November 2009.
[...] 到位,地方一级脆弱的公共管理能力等制约因素也使得难以 证采 矿 利 润得到有 效的投资。
Recent experience in several countries in the region shows that even when fiscal instruments are in place, such constraints as weak
public management capacities at the local level make it
[...] difficult to ensure that mining profits are effectively [...]
他们因此可以证采购实 体在第二个信封拆封时宣读的与其有关的信息是否准 确,如建议书得分情况以及建议书财务方面的信息,并可以看到中选建议书是 否是按照征求建议书所规定标准和程序确定的。
They can thus verify the accuracy of the information announced by the procuring entity at the [...]
opening of second envelopes
that is relevant to them, such as on the scores assigned and the financial aspects of their proposals, and can observe whether the successful proposal is identified in accordance with the criteria and the procedure set out in the request for proposals.
为了证采取统 一的措施并借鉴相关实践经验,该项目邀请各运营商、工程公司、船厂和研究院的代表参与到标准制订工作中。
In order to
[...] ensure a unified approach and include [...]
the most relevant experience, representatives of operators, engineering
and shipbuilding companies and research institutes are committing and contributing to the development.
处理因用户无力付费被切断供水的案件,必须特别谨慎而且 证采 取 正 当 程序,必须采取措施确保这类用户能得到满足他们个人和家庭最基本需要的安全 [...]
Measures must be in place to ensure that such users [...]
are not deprived of access to safe water to meet their most basic personal
and domestic needs, including sanitation needs when relying on water-borne sanitation.
备选1 :先不就市场型方针作出决定,等待发达国家缔约方单独或共同证 采取表 述为量化的、具有法律约束力的整体经济范围的减排目标的具有法律约束 力的缓解承诺或行动。
Option 1: No decision on market-based approaches until developed country Parties undertake, individually or jointly, legally binding nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions expressed as quantified, legally binding, economy-wide emission reduction objectives.
请高级专员和特别报告员酌情对目前正在进行的关于联合国会员国证采取充分的人权保障措施以确保程序公平和明确的问题展开的讨论进一步作出 贡献,尤其是在将个人和实体列入反恐制裁名单以及将其从该名单中删除方面
Requests the High Commissioner and the Special Rapporteur to contribute further, as appropriate, to the ongoing discussion regarding the efforts of States Members of the United Nations to assure adequate human rights guarantees to ensure fair and clear procedures, in particular with regard to placing individuals and entities on and removing them from terrorism-related sanctions lists
整机装配同行业、同机型最大容量电瓶,保证了挖掘机在冬季或寒冷地域的正常启动,同时也为GPS严重耗电提供强有力的 证 ; 采 用 了 先进的CAN总线通讯、当今潮流的集成液晶显示、油门自动怠速控制以及故障诊断和存储等技术。
Machine assembly with the industry, the same type of maximum capacity of battery, ensure the excavator in winter or
cold area start, at the
[...] same time as the GPS serious power to provide a strong guarantee; using advanced [...]
CAN bus communication,
the current trend of integrated liquid crystal display, automatic throttle idle speed control and fault diagnosis and storage technology.
尽快结束处理阿富汗庇护寻求者的签证申请, 证采 取 必 要措 施来确保对所有庇护寻求者、不论其原籍国或入境方式如何,都得到统一 标准的庇护评估和审查程序以及对公共服务的同等享用机会
(b) Expedite the removal of the suspension on processing visa applications from asylum-seekers from Afghanistan and that it take the necessary measures to ensure standardized asylum assessment and review procedures and equal entitlement to public services by all asylum-seekers, regardless of country of origin or mode of entry
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动 采 取 各 项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会采取措 施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the
dignity of the
[...] Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to [...]
eliminate racism and discrimination
in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.




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