

单词 采访区

See also:


gather news
hunt for and collect

访 v

visit v
seek v
investigate v


call on

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 业记者举行了 20 次导游,并为 720 个媒采访区提供信息和后勤支助。
The Department also conducted 20 tours for
groups of students and professional journalists and provided information and logistics
[...] assistance for 720 media stake-outs.
[...] 为其进一步提请媒体注意大会工作和大会主席活动的努力的一部分,新闻部利用 各主要活动的机会,在大会堂入口处设置媒 采访区。
Furthermore, as part of its efforts to bring additional media attention to the work of the Assembly and the activities of its President, the Department
used the opportunity presented by major news events to
[...] set up media stakeouts at the entrance [...]
to the General Assembly Hall.
外地传媒机构记者,只要获得澳门特别行 区 新 闻 局认可,便可 在澳门从采访活动
The correspondents of foreign media agencies are allowed to work in Macao as long as they are accredited in the MSAR.
采用了以下数据采集方法:A) 作为观察员出席 2001 年在温得和克召开的地区研讨会(下文简称为“温得和克+10 会议”);B) 在教科文组织总
部采访一些主要的信息提供人;C) 访问 3
[...] 个国家的总部外办事处(莫桑比克、印度尼西 亚、南斯拉夫联邦共和国),评估 采访 了 教 科文组织的 区 与 总 部外办事处工作人员,以 及作为教科文组织所提供援助的受益者的非政府组织;D) [...]
进行了文件分析;E) 向国际、地
区和国家的媒体非政府组织,包括“温得和克+10 会议”的与会者发放两份调查问卷,以便 了解他们对教科文组织战略的看法。
The following data collection approaches were employed: (a) Observation of a regional seminar held in Windhoek in 2001 (hereafter referred to as Windhoek +10 Conference); (b) Interviews of key informants at UNESCO Headquarters; (c) Field visits to three countries (Mozambique, Indonesia, Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia)
[...] where the evaluators interviewed UNESCO regional and field office [...]
staff, as well as NGOs who were
beneficiaries of UNESCO’s assistance; (d) Document analysis; (e) Two questionnaires were distributed to international, regional, and national media NGOs, including participants of the Windhoek +10 Conference, in order to receive their perspectives on UNESCO’s strategies.
安全理事会第 1973(2011)号决议指认了前利比亚驻乍得大使,媒体也公布信 息以采访联合国、利比亚和区域 其他安全部门人士的结果,表明乍得战斗人 员可能已进入利比亚支持卡扎菲部队;专家小组在此之后要求会见乍得当局,以 [...]
Following the designation in Security Council resolution 1973 (2011) of the ex-Libyan Ambassador in Chad, the release of information in the
media, coupled with
[...] the results of interviews with United Nations and other security sources in Libya and the subregion [...]
which indicate that Chadian
fighters may have been entering Libya to support Qadhafi’s forces, the Panel requested a meeting with Chadian authorities to discuss these issues.
另外还支持了: (i) 在摩洛哥首都拉巴特举办的关于中小报业管理问题的分 区 讲 习班 (2003 年 5 月),培训对象包括来自摩洛哥、突尼斯、毛里塔尼亚、阿尔及利亚和黎巴嫩的 20 多位女新闻工作者;(ii) 在约旦首都安曼举办的先进桌面出版技术讲习班(2003 年 5 月),学员包括来自埃及、约旦、黎巴嫩、也门和叙利亚的 20 名女新闻工作者,培训内容 涉及报刊经营中使用信息与传播技术的知识和技能; (iii) 在乌干达首都坎帕拉举办的如何 利用信息与传播技采访报道 有关爱滋病毒/爱滋病的科学进展讲习班(2003 年 4 月),来 自埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、马拉维、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、赞比亚的 16 名女新闻工作者参加了 讲习班;(iv) 对 25 名柬埔寨专业传媒人员进行利用因特网采集信息的培训。
Similar support was given for (i) a subregional workshop involving over 20 women journalists from Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Algeria and Lebanon held in Rabat, Morocco (May 2003), on the management of small- and medium-sized newspaper enterprises; (ii) a workshop on advanced desktop publishing techniques in Amman, Jordan (May 2003) for 20 women journalists from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria with the aim of helping them to acquire knowledge and skills in the use of ICTs in newspaper operations; (iii) a workshop for 16 African [...]
women journalists from Ethiopia, Kenya,
Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia held in Kampala, Uganda (April 2003) on how to use ICTs to source and report on scientific developments in HIV/AIDS; and (iv) the training of 25 media professionals in Cambodia on sourcing information from the Internet.
萨马达尔聪明、严肃并且精力充沛,她 采访 了 做 女仆的达斯,并解释了她为什么需要这方面的信息。
Smart, serious and energetic, Ms. Samaddar begins her interview with Ms. Das, a maid, explaining why she is seeking the information.
大会同届会议还请新闻部组织和鼓励记者实况调 采访 团 前 往包括东耶路 撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土和以色列;在国际 区 域 和 国家各级举办记者讨论 会或座谈会(第 64/18 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly requested the Department of Public
Information to organize and
[...] promote fact-finding news missions for journalists to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel; and to organize international, regional and national seminars [...]
or encounters for
journalists (resolution 64/18).
影片和多媒体科将发展成为一个视频制作室,定向制作信息丰富 的、引人入胜的内容,包采访、新闻内容、纪录片、知识产权成功故事和宣传点。
The Film and Multimedia Section will evolve into a video-centered production studio, which will produce
targeted, informative and engaging
[...] content, including interviews, news content, [...]
documentaries, IP success stories and promotional spots.
(e) 允许阿拉伯国家联盟的所有有关机构和阿拉伯和国际媒体完全、不受
[...] 妨碍地进入阿拉伯叙利亚共和国境内所有 区采访 报 道 ,查明当地局势的真相, 观察发生的事件
(e) Allow full and unhindered access and movement for all relevant institutions of the League of Arab States and Arab and international media in all parts of
the Syrian Arab Republic to determine the truth about the situation on the ground
[...] and monitor the incidents taking place
专家小组在该区访问过 的各国,包括埃及、马里、毛里塔尼亚、尼日尔和 突尼斯,都采取行动加强边境保安措施,以防止利比亚武器的扩散;然而,这 通常是不够的,其中一些国家正在寻求财政和后勤支持来帮助应对这些挑战。
The States visited in the region by the Panel, including Egypt, Mali, Mauritania, the Niger and Tunisia, are taking action to prevent [...]
the proliferation of
arms from Libya by reinforcing their security measures along the borders; this is often insufficient, however, and some of them are seeking financial and logistical support to help address these challenges.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部
[...] 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行访;区总部 的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 [...]
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector
West and Sector East;
[...] doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices [...]
twice a week; support
is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
该 P-3 职等行政干事将通过汇编以下各个来源的资料继续协助审查和监测 授权的使用:核心需求报告和其他因向外地特派团进行采购授权而产生的报告; 通过对外地特派团进采购援助访问 获 得的反馈;总部合同委员会就提交审查的 个案作出的建议;其他监督机构的建议。
The P-3 Administrative Officer will continue to assist in reviewing and monitoring the use of the delegation of authority through compiling information from various sources: reports of core requirements and other reports
arising from the delegation of
[...] procurement authority to field missions; feedback obtained through procurement assistance visits to the field missions; [...]
of the Headquarters Committee on Contracts on cases submitted for review; and recommendations from other oversight bodies.
目前正在进采购,寻找一个主要承包 商负责土地核证无雷,和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及 区 建 立信 任措施。
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake this land release and a Demining Programme Office to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence [...]
building measures.
另外,常驻代表还转告委员会,以色列政府不接受委员会的如下要 求,即允许它进入以色列,与政府官员和加沙火箭弹袭击的受害者进行交谈,并
[...] 允许它经以色列进入西岸,对受害者和相关当局进 采访 , 以了解被以色列命名 为“铸铅军事行动”的加沙行动。
Further, he relayed his Government’s denial of the Committee’s request for permission to enter Israel in order to speak to government officials and victims of rocket attacks launched from Gaza,
and to access the West Bank and Gaza
[...] through Israel to interview victims and [...]
relevant authorities with respect to the operations
in Gaza codenamed by Israel “Operation Cast Lead”.
在 36 C/5
[...] 期间,教科文组织将继续在阿拉伯国家、亚洲及太平洋地区、拉丁美洲和加 勒比地区以及欧洲和北美区采用现 行运作方法。
UNESCO will continue with its current modalities of operations in the Arab
States, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe and
[...] North America regions during the 36 C/5 period.
在第 64/72 号决议第 119 段中,大会吁请参与关于建立区域渔业管理组织
[...] 或安排谈判的国家在国家管辖范围以外 区采 取 一系列紧急行动,解决底层捕捞 对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响和深海鱼类种群的长期可持续性的影响问题。
In paragraph 119 of resolution 64/72, the General Assembly called upon States participating in negotiations
to establish RFMO/As to take a number of
[...] urgent actions in areas beyond national [...]
jurisdiction to address the impacts of
bottom fisheries on VMEs and the long-term sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks.
这项研究比较了当地渔业区采用控 制捕捞能力的对三个扇贝渔业的不同管理机制。
The study compared three scallop fisheries where the local fisheries
[...] committees have adopted different management [...]
regimes for controlling fishing effort.
这是小组委员会通过对被拘留 者和众多来自不同国家组织的官员和民间社会 采访 , 并通过信息收集和在这些 访问中的验证,在访问的国家中所观察到的现象。
This was observed repeatedly in
[...] the countries visited by the Subcommittee, through numerous interviews [...]
both with detainees and
officials from various State organizations and civil society, and through information collected and verified during these visits.
该凭单记录了矿工姓名、买方姓名、日期和钻石据称的采区域, 最重要的是,还记录了钻石的克拉重量和描述(见附件十六,图片 A)。
The voucher records
[...] the name of the miner, the name of the buyer, the date, the area which the diamonds [...]
were claimed to be
from and, most importantly, the carat weight and description of the stones (see pictures in annex XVI).
显而易见的是,亚美尼亚总统承认他自 1988 年以来一直积极参与“卡拉巴 赫运动”,亚美尼亚执政党共和党副主席 Razmik
[...] Zohrabyan 在谢尔日·萨尔基相 接采访几天 前告诉民众,所谓的“卡拉巴赫运动”是苏维埃社会主义共和国联 [...]
It is notable that, while the President of Armenia acknowledged his active involvement in the “Garabagh movement” since 1988, the Vice-Chairman of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia,
Razmik Zohrabyan, informed the public several
[...] days before the interview of Serzh Sargsyan [...]
that the so-called “Garabagh movement”
had been a product of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
不过,从许多有文件记载的案例中,以及从 采访 臭 氧干事的评论中,可以看出,在 某些情况下,履约协助方案在促进恢复履约状态方面发挥了非常关键的作用;在另外一些 [...]
However, from a number of documented cases, as well as from comments of
[...] ozone officers interviewed, it appears that [...]
CAP has in some cases played a pivotal
role to accelerate the return to compliance, while in others it was unable to achieve this objective as yet in spite of efforts undertaken.
这种情况就需要在努沙登加拉省 区采 取综 合方法实现农村发展,包括(i)需要采取更有效的方法解决粮食无保障的潜在原因,(ii) 创造新的收入来源,包括潜在的碳市场。
The situation calls for an integrated approach to rural development in NTT which combines (i) the need to adapt better for overcoming the underlying causes of food insecurity and (ii) generating alternative and new sources of income, including the potential offered by carbon markets.
由于塞盖拉和托尔蒂亚这两 个主要的钻石采区都位 于该国北部,专家组认为科特迪瓦毛坯钻石的销售收入 可能会被继续用于购买武器和相关物资,而这违反了制裁制度。
The Group is of the view that in both Séguéla and Tortiya,
[...] the two main diamond mining areas located in the north [...]
of the country, revenues from the
sale of Ivorian rough diamonds will continue to have the potential to be used for the purchase of arms and related materiel in breach of the sanctions regime.
在第 64/72 号决议第 119
[...] 段中,大会吁请船旗国在国家管辖范围以外 区采 取一 系列紧急行动,解决底层捕捞对脆弱海洋生态系统和深海鱼类种群长期可持 [...]
In paragraph 119 of resolution 64/72, the General Assembly
called upon flag States to take a number of
[...] urgent actions in areas beyond national [...]
jurisdiction to address the impacts of bottom
fisheries on VMEs and the long-term sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks.
在亚洲及太平洋区,总干事访了 下 列会员国:在庆祝婆罗浮图神庙保护运动结束 二十周年而召开的第四届婆罗浮图问题国际专家会议(2003 年 7 月 4-8 日)之际访问了印度 [...]
尼西亚(2003 年 7 月 2--6 日);最近加入本组织的第
189 个会员国,赢得独立(2002 年 5 月 20 日)后刚好一年多的东帝汶(2003 年 7 月 6--7 日);两次访问印度,首先是 2003 年 7 月 9--11 日在举行国际部长级会议“文明对话:探索新前景”之际,其次是 2003 年 11 月 9-13 日在新德里召开的教科文组织全民教育高层工作组第三次会议时;孟加拉国(2003 年 11 月 13--17 日),在此期间,他签订了促进技术和职业教育项目的业务运作计划;不丹(2003 年 11 月 17--20 日)---这是总干事自该国于 1982 年加入本组织以来的首次访问。
In the Asia
[...] and the Pacific region, the Director-General paid official visits to: Indonesia (2-6 [...]
July 2003) on the occasion
of the Fourth International Experts’ Meeting on Borobudur (4-8 July 2003) which marked the twentieth anniversary of the closing of the Borobudur Safeguarding Campaign; Timor-Leste (6-7 July 2003) the Organization’s 189th and newest Member State, just over one year after it attained independence (20 May 2002); India, first, from 9 to 11 July 2003, on the occasion of the International Ministerial Conference “Dialogue among Civilizations: Quest for New Perspectives” and, from 9 to 13 November 2003, on the occasion of UNESCO’s Third Meeting of the High-Level Group on Education for All hosted in New Delhi; Bangladesh (13-17 November 2003) where he signed a Plan of Operations for a Technical and Vocational Training project; Bhutan (17-20 November 2003) – this being the first visit by a Director-General since the country joined the Organization in 1982.
Simon M'Viboudoulou 先
[...] 生以常设论坛成员的身份,同联合国各机构、土著人族群及非政府机构的代表一 道,参加了一次圆桌讨论会和一个谈话节目,并对首都布拉柴维尔以外的一个边 远土著人区进行了访问。
Mr. Simon M’Viboudoulou, in his capacity as a member of the Permanent Forum, joined representatives from United Nations agencies, indigenous peoples’ communities and non-governmental organizations in a round-table
discussion and a talk show
[...] as well as in a visit to a remote indigenous community outside of the capital [...]
city Brazzaville.
[...] 民和不遵守军事需要原则和区分军事目标与民用设施的原则),专家组成员要求 进入受影响区,访问交 战者和目击者以及受影响的民众。
In order for the Panel to establish that violations of international humanitarian law had occurred, including attacks against civilians and failure to observe the principles of military imperative and distinction between military targets and
civilian installations, the Panel
[...] members required access to affected areas, belligerents [...]
and eyewitnesses, as well as the affected population.
在非洲,采访的大多数臭氧干事都认为履约协助方案或者支持了其他 机构(主要是开发计划署)、秘书处和双边机构(德国技术合作署、法国、加拿大、日 [...]
本)的工作,或是在许多国家开展了联合活动,如与开发计划署(布隆迪、佛得角、乍 得、刚果、刚果民主共和国、吉布提等)、工发组织(科特迪瓦、埃及、阿拉伯利比亚民
In Africa CAP is seen by most
[...] ozone officers interviewed as either supporting [...]
the work of other agencies (mostly UNDP),
Secretariats and bilateral agencies (GTZ, France, Canada, Japan) or conducting joint activities in a large number of countries, for example with UNDP (Burundi, Cape Verde, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, etc); UNIDO (Cote D’Ivoire, Egypt, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Uganda, etc); GTZ (Botswana, Ethiopia, Gambia, Mauritius, etc).




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