

单词 采花贼

See also:


pick flowers
enter houses at night in order to rape women


evil adj



extremely adv

External sources (not reviewed)

贼是一种不花的远 古药草,藉由自己的芽孢进行自我繁殖。
Horsetail is a flowerless antediluvian herb that reproduces itself through spores.
(直至 RMI 16采用滚花锁紧环, RMI 20以采用大锁紧环套), 连接和断开方便快速,使用便捷。
The long
[...] locking ring – knurled up to RMI 16 – with a wide flange from RMI 20 – provides easy handling [...]
for quick and easy connection / disconnection.
任何屋主都不会允许贼的疯狂掠夺,任何国家的任何军队都不会允许战争 贩子对其不可侵犯的领海发起先发制人的攻击。
There is no house owner who will allow a robber to go on a rampage and no army of any country who will allow warmongers to make a pre-emptive attack on its inviolable territorial waters.
像说明中国不应武力解决南海 问题这样的温和意见则被称作卖贼 的 言 论。
Moderate opinions, such as explaining why China should not take the South China Sea by force, have been interpreted as traitor’s opinions.
此外,将努力加大工作力度,以期通过 减少社区暴力方案解决社区和境内流离失所者营地中的 贼 活 动 和犯罪问题。
In addition, efforts will be intensified with a view to addressing banditry and crimes in communities and internally displaced person camps through the community violence reduction programme.
短柄野芝麻生长在整个欧洲和亚洲地区,春天开出白色的花朵,吸引蜜蜂前 采 集 花 蜜。
White Dead Nettle grows throughout Europe and Asia and in the
[...] spring, its white flowers attract bees who find their nectar irresistible.
罗恩接收赫敏,邓布利多的Deluminator,副本的吟游诗人Beedle的故事,和哈利,他曾经陷入了魁地奇比赛的第一个金色 贼。
Ron receives Dumbledore’s Deluminator, Hermione, a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and Harry the first Golden Snitch that he ever caught in a Quidditch match.
为清楚地确花费,一旦采取此 报告中 的决定,马上对目前的滞后问题进行审查更新。
To clearly
[...] establish the costs, an updated review of the current backlogs should be undertaken once decisions are taken on this report.
这些活动包含多媒体展览、电 影放映、为学生团体介绍情况、新闻发布会、媒 采 访 和敬 献 花 圈 仪 式。
Such events included multimedia
exhibits, film screenings, briefings for student groups, press conferences,
[...] media interviews and wreath-laying ceremonies.
工发组织应每年向执行委员会报告在实现项目要求的烟草、 花 、 园艺 和 采 后 行 业 削减量方面所取得的进展、有关使用遴选的替代技术的年度费用和用项目基金购买的物品。
UNIDO shall report back annually to the Executive Committee on the progress achieved in meeting the
methyl bromide reductions required in the
[...] in the tobacco, cut flower, horticulture and post-harvest [...]
sectors, as well as on annual
costs related to the use of the alternative technologies selected and the inputs purchased with the project funds.
灰是沮丧通过其pompus的态度,但他和他的朋友们同 采 取 Sh aym in , 花 卉 园 ,所以它和其它种类的迁移和发展一个新的花园他们到何处去,通过这个过程被称为花轴承。
Ash is frustrated by its pompus attitude, but he and his friends
[...] agree to take Shaymin to the Flower Garden, so it and [...]
others of its kind can migrate
and grow a new garden where they go, through a process called flower bearing.
当然,树枝并不是自己长成平行的,可能由于人 采 摘 菩 提 花 ( 今 天仍然用来制茶) 或是树纤维(用来捆绑葡萄藤)所致。
Not that the branches of lime trees grow horizontal of their own accord:
they would have been tied
[...] down by people harvesting the tree for its flowers (still used today in [...]
tea) or for bast (the stringy
park of bark used to tie up vines).
具體而言,我們建議將啟德分區計劃擬建的弧形高架行人道,伸延 至太子道東;另將擬建的地下購物街,伸延至新蒲崗商貿區中心位置; 擬建的高架行人道,則伸延至接采 頤 花 園 的 休憩用地,以及將擬建的 行人天橋,伸延采頤花園。
To put it more specifically, we suggest that the rounded elevated walkway proposed in the Kai Tak zoning plan be extended to Prince Edward Road East, the proposed underground shopping street system be extended to the centre of the business area in San Po Kong, the proposed
elevated walkway be
[...] extended to the open space near Rhythm Garden, and the proposed footbridge be extended to Rhythm Garden.
这种亲切感也体现在材料的和谐使用上:地板和 墙壁基采用本地花岗岩 ,走廊区域铺有木制表 面。
This atmosphere is also created by the harmonious use of materials: local granite for the floor and walls of the base layer and wooden cladding in the gallery area.
一间设施齐全的大型厨房配备了披萨烤箱、电饭煲和三明治机,你甚至还可以 花 园 中 采 摘 新 鲜的香草。
Budding chefs and backpackers on a budget will really enjoy the excellent cooking facilities, with
a large fully equipped kitchen with pizza oven, rice cooker, sandwich maker and
[...] even fresh herbs to pick in the garden.
制造过程和设计必须适当地处理这 种制冷剂的易燃性,包括需要适当的工厂通风和适 宜的电力设备;防止制冷剂泄漏及使用电子元件; 当接近泄漏的制冷剂时,使用密封的或无 花 的电 子元件采用适 当的铜焊工艺,或者更适宜的是, 对注入系统避免进行铜焊操作。
Among these are the need for proper factory ventilation and appropriate electrical equipment, prevention of refrigerant leakage and access to electrical components, use of sealed or non-sparking electrical components when there is accessibility to leaking refrigerant and the use of proper brazing techniques or, preferably, avoidance of brazing operations on charged systems.
兩個星期前,我們公佈了Oris在巴塞爾國際鐘錶珠寶展的 采花 絮。
Two weeks ago we brought you news about Oris at the international watch and jewellery fair in Basel.
正如乌兹别克 斯坦在 2009 年 6 月劳工组织首脑会议上确认的,有 关 8 岁至 10 岁儿采摘棉花的声 称不反映真实情况。
The claim that children aged 8 to 10 worked in the cotton harvest did not reflect the true situation, as had been affirmed by Uzbekistan at the ILO Summit in June 2009.
公司提供的产品包括高中低马力拖拉机、联合收割机、干草和草料设备、打包机以及专门机械,如甘蔗收割机、咖啡收割机、 花采 摘 机 等。
The company's product offering includes low, medium, and high horsepower tractors, combine harvesters,
hay and forage equipment, balers, and specialized
[...] machines such as sugar cane and coffee harvesters, and cotton pickers.
花采摘时 ,该地区经历了很长时期大雨为主的天 气,这种天气引起的疾病和害虫带来了越来越多的 灾害,最终给酒花的质量和数量造成了不利影响。
At the time of picking, the region experienced a protracted period of heavy rain that increasingly caused damage due to disease and pests, which ultimately had an adverse effect on both the quality and the quantity of the crop.
可惜 , 自 機 場 遷離後 ,政府顯 然 沒有關注
[...] 這問題 ,例如 最 近 發 展采頤花園已 經 令我們在經 過 東 九 [...]
龍走廊 時 不能望到 獅 子 山 。
Unfortunately, following the relocation of the airport, it now seems that the Government no longer pays any more
attention to this. For example, as a
[...] result of the Rhythm Garden development, we [...]
can no longer see the Lion Rock when travelling
along the East Kowloon Corridor.
旅舍的厨房设备齐全,旁边还设有就餐区 采 光 充足 的 花 园 , 花 园 内 带有庭院和BBQ烧烤设施。
The excellent kitchen facilities in this
Nelson hostel provide you with everything you need including an
[...] adjoining dining area and sunny garden with a courtyard BBQ.
花萼颜色可能强烈受环境的影响: Wikstroemia mekongensis的模式标本的野外描述表示其具深紫色到深红色 花 , 而同 一 采 集 并 在欧洲栽培的植株具有带绿色黄色的花,芽在先端具紫色。
The calyx color can be strongly influenced by the environment: the type gathering of Wikstroemia mekongensis was described in
the field as having
[...] deep purple-crimson flowers, whereas plants propagated in Europe from the same gathering [...]
had greenish yellow flowers, tipped with purple in bud.
Mutoko和 Chiadzwa 地区采花岗岩 和钻石,造成环境恶化和当地居 民流离失所,他们从这种经济活动中受益微乎其微。
Granite and diamond mining in the Mutoko and [...]
Chiadzwa areas cause environmental degradation and displacement of local people,
who benefit minimally from such economic operations.91 10.
阿斯顿马丁AM788为4.1寸康宁玻璃防 花 屏 幕 ,机 采 用 合 金制作,拥有防水等户外能力,达到国际IP67标准,系统采用时下最为主流的安卓4.03版本,电池采用1850MA,待机可达到120小时。
With Corning glass and protective screen sheilding from scrath, this Aston Martin AM 788 phone selects alloy materials and waterproof technology, which meets internatial IP67 Standard.
他们的宏篇巨著《The Guitar Collection》用512页的篇幅讲述了历史上最著名的吉他,硬边、天鹅绒内衬的吉他外 采 用 高 品质 花 , 重 30多磅。
The Guitar Collection,” (pictured below) their magnum opus, is 512 pages of history’s most famous
guitars, delivered in a
[...] hard-sided, velvet-lined guitar case with a high-quality print of one of the guitars featured and weighing [...]
in at more than 30 pounds.
由Piet Oudolf设计,这花园采用美 国本地草坪和多年生花朵的浪漫风格,风景美丽又不许太多维护。
Designed by Piet
[...] Oudolf, this garden uses romantic drifts of native American grasslands and perennial flowers that are beautiful [...]
yet low maintenance.
值得注意的是,制啤行业对所签订的远期合同 里的花采购量进行调整的呼声很高,但他们对酒 花远期合同的法律效力却从未质疑,他们清楚仅可 以通过签订相互协商同意的补充协议进行调整。
It should be noted that while there have been widespread calls for an industry-wide restructuring of hop volumes, the validity of the underlying binding hop contracts has never been called into question, nor has the fact that they can only be amended by mutual agreement.
在于1998年成立,在创造者Jacques Couturier的带领下,JCO公司本着新技术工艺,是由音乐 采 光 与 烟 花 高 等 效果几个因素的完美结合为世界烟花领域带来一线新风。
Established in 1998, and leaded by Jacques Couturier, JCO has created a new age of international fireworks performance by perfectly combining music, lights and high-class fireworks displays.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动 采 取 各 项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会采取措 施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the
dignity of the
[...] Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to [...]
eliminate racism and discrimination
in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.




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