单词 | 采暖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 采暖 noun —heating nSee also:暖 adj—warm adj 暖—genial
太阳能采暖系统 正逐渐成为获取热能的常用手段,这意味着高质量的稳压罐正在成为一种必需品。 tahydronics.com | Solar heating systems are becoming an increasingly common means of power generation and this means that high-quality pressure maintenance vessels are becoming a necessity. tahydronics.com |
说明:建筑和新风的总冷、热量指计算出的建 筑 采暖 空 调 负荷与由新风焓差计算出的新 风负荷。 greencouncil.org | Note: the total cool and heat needed by the building and fresh air refers to the load of heating and air-conditioning of the building, and load of fresh air calculated by enthalpy difference of fresh air. greencouncil.org |
节能还可以减少国家的能源进口,尤其是依靠石油供热的地区,而大部分国家 采用天然气采暖。 efchina.org | Energy efficiency also reduces the nation’s need for imported energy, particularly oil in the regions that rely on oil heating, and gas in most of the country. efchina.org |
在综合评估并最终采用了适合地域特征及造价需求的一系列策略,很多是低技的,其中包括自然通风采光、辐 射 采暖 、 地源热泵、绿化屋面等,有效地降低了未来建筑的能耗及运营成本。 chinese-architects.com | After carefully evaluating an array of strategies against local conditions and budgetary constraints, a set of energy [...] effective strategies, many passive ones, were [...] proposed and adopted for the building, [...]including ground heat source pump, natural [...]ventilation and lighting, radiant heating, green roof and etc. The building is expected to be low maintenance and highly energy efficient. chinese-architects.com |
高能效的采暖系统和环保技术在全球有着广泛的需求。 bosch.com.cn | Energy-efficient heating systems and eco-friendly technologies were in demand worldwide. bosch.com.cn |
有成员评论说,许多美国采暖、制冷和空调工程师学会的项目适于发达国家和大型 发展中国家,有成员问环境规划署打算如何确保所编制文件适合小企业和低消费量国家使 用。 multilateralfund.org | Members commented that many of ASHRAE’s projects were suited to developed countries and large developing countries, and UNEP was asked how it planned to ensure that the document being prepared would be suitable for use in small enterprises and in low-volume-consuming countries (LVCs). multilateralfund.org |
依据《能源效率 标识管理办法》,中国制定了 15 项《能效标准实施规则》,其中 14 项涉及电子电 [...] 气产品,包括:家用电冰箱、房间空气调节器、电动洗衣机、单元式空气调节机、 [...] 自镇流荧光灯、高压钠灯、中小型三相异步电动机、转速可控型房间空气调节器、 家用燃气快速热水器和燃气采暖热水炉、家用电磁灶、多联式空调(热泵)机组、 储水式电热水器、计算机显示器和复印机。 switch-china-sme.eu | According to the Measures for Administration of Energy Efficiency Labels, China has enacted 15 Implementing Rules on the Energy Performance Standards, among which 14 involve electrical and electronic products, including: household refrigerators, room air-conditioners, electric washing machines, unitary air-conditioners, self-ballasted fluorescent lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, small and medium-sized three-phase asynchronous motors, variable [...] speed room air-conditioners, [...] household instantaneous gas water heaters and gas -and water heating stoves, [...]household induction [...]cookers, VRF air-conditioner (heat pump) units, storage type electric water heaters, computer monitors and copy machines. switch-china-sme.eu |
(d) 国情,包括经济结构、自然资源蕴藏、气候和人口分布,其中又包括 采暖度日数和大城市之间的距离、清洁发电条件的具备,以及燃料的 进出口平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) National circumstances, including economic [...] structure, natural resource [...] endowment, climate and population distribution, including heating degree days [...]and the distance between [...]major cities, availability of clean electricity production, and the import and export balance of fuels. daccess-ods.un.org |
z 户内空气中的汞水平也可由于中央 采暖 控 温 装置的泄漏、发生温度计破损其他溢出后使用真空吸尘器 而提高。 zeromercury.org | z Indoor air mercury levels can also become elevated due to leaks from central-heating thermostats and by the use of vacuum cleaners after thermometer breakage and other spills. zeromercury.org |
很明显,需要继续在下列领域取得进展:不 同能源转换系统的效率(例如燃烧装置、涡轮机、发动机等);电器设备及建 筑采 暖、制 冷和照明低能耗设计;能源密集材料的非物质化和循环利用;土地使用和 交通系统的设计应最大限度地减少用私人交通工具出行。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is a clear need to continue making advances in areas such as the efficiency of various energy conversion systems (burners, turbines and motors, for example); low-energy designs for electrical appliances and for the heating, cooling and lighting of buildings; the dematerialization and recycling of energy-intensive material; and the design of landuse and transportation systems that minimize demand for travel in personal vehicles. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须对可能出现的最高环境温度的 采暖 条 件进行检查,特别是对于高额定电流的保险丝或当近旁组件存在很强的热辐射时。 littelfuse.cn | The heating conditions of the maximum occurring ambient temperature have to be checked, in particular with high rated currents of the fuses, and a strong thermal radiation of components nearby. littelfuse.com |
这里须考虑采暖期和 制冷期的实际持续时间,以避免发生以下情况,例如一幢建 筑物因其在制冷期的低标准而得到一个很差的综合结果,但实际上制冷期相对 于采 暖期只 有很短的时间,这样导致建筑物最后得到一个很低的并且事实上错误的最终 评价标准。 lowenergycertificate.com | For this the duration of the heating- or cooling period is considered to avoid that a building e.g. with a bad standard of the cooling period is evaluated negatively although the cooling period in comparison with the heating period is only minimal. lowenergycertificate.com |
Equinix 的员工一直积极主动地参加美国绿色建筑委员会 (U.S. Green Building Council) 及美国采暖、制 冷及空调工程师学会 (ASHRAE) 等关注能效及可持续性问题的行业协会。 equinix.cn | Equinix employees are regular and proactive participants in industry associations such as the U.S. Green Building Council and The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) which focus on issues of efficiency and sustainability. equinix.ae |
住宅和商业空调及采暖(SA C)以及移 动空调(MAC)行业分别在本技术摘要的不同章节(4.2 和 4.3 节)介绍。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | The sectors residential and commercial air conditioning and heating (SAC) and mobile air conditioning (MAC) are presented in separate sections (4.2 and 4.3) in this Technical Summary. ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |
3.9 建筑物耗热量指标:按照冬季室内热环境设计标准和设定的计算条件,计算出的单位建 筑面积在单位时间内消耗的需要由 采暖 设 备 提供的热量。 greencouncil.org | 3.9 Index of Heat Loss of Building: the heat needed by unit building area in unit time and provided by heat supply equipment, according to the design standards of indoor heat environment in winter and the presumed calculating conditions. greencouncil.org |
年采暖需求 由传热损失和通风损失组成,并除去内部得热量和太阳得热量。 lowenergycertificate.com | The annual thermal heat need resulting [...] from the loss of heat due to transmission and ventilation is reduced by the internal and solar gains. lowenergycertificate.com |
作为全球采暖、通 风、空调和制冷行业的领先企业,艾默生环境优化技术长期致力于为中国的暖通空调行业发掘优秀人才,并与行业同仁携手积极推动节能设计与应用。 emerson.com | As a world leader in [...] the global heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration industry, Emerson Climate Technologies [...]has long committed to [...]discovering and recognizing outstanding talents and to actively promoting energy efficient designs and applications in partnership with industry peers. emerson.com |
当同时安装CPVC管道与热水/热风采暖 装 置,或是将CPVC管作为空调系统的冷凝排水管进行安装时,应当采取预防措施。 cn.lubrizol.com | Caution should be exercised when installing CPVC in combination hot water/air heating units or as condensate drain lines for air conditioning systems. lubrizol.com |
采用智能技术,博世的冷凝技术为人们提供了节能又省钱的解决方案,这仅通过充分利用废燃料中含有的能量便能实现,同时连接太阳能水箱的热水出水,启动博世壁挂炉的生活热水太阳能模式,根据太阳能加热的情况,运行壁挂炉,而最终的结果是实现了效率 和 采暖 舒 适度的双双最大化。 life.bosch.com.cn | A condensing boiler utilizes the latent heat of water produced when gas burns, in addition to the standard sensible heat, to increase efficiency. Condensing boilers and solar thermal technology are [...] truly a combination for [...] the future, taking advantage of free solar energy and the excellent efficiency of Bosch's condensing boilers. life.bosch.com.cn |
根据对改造泡沫塑料分配器、模具和固定装置相关技术和费用问题 ; 采暖 通 风 、排 气和安全相关系统;土建工程,以及在计算经营成本时排除密度增加等因素的讨论,将该 项目的费用总额调整为 932,176 [...] 美元,成本效益为 13.32 美元/公斤(或扣除 2%的外国所 有权后为 913,532 美元)。 multilateralfund.org | Subsequent to the discussion on [...] technical and cost [...] issues related to retrofitting the foam dispensers and the moulds and fixtures; heating ventilation [...]and exhaust and safety-related [...]systems; civil works, and the exclusion of density increase in the calculation of the operating costs, the total cost of the project was adjusted to US $932,176, with a cost-effectiveness value of US $13.32/kg (or US $913,532 after deducting 2 per cent for foreign ownership). multilateralfund.org |
1995 中国于 1995 年修订《民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖 居住 建筑部分)》,并将节能目标提高到 50%。 gbpn.org | 1995 China updated the Energy Conservation Design Standard for Civil Building (Heating of Residential Building) (1995), increasing the energy-saving target up to 50%. gbpn.org |
Heraeus公司的客户主要是生产成品设备企业的供应商或系统分包商,Heraeus传感器主要应用于以下行业: 白色商品(家用电器)、电子、加工技术、汽车工业 、 采暖 - 空 调 -通风技术或生命科学领域的药品和医疗技术行业。 heraeus-sensor-technology.cn | Customers of Heraeus Sensor Technology are mainly subcontractors or system suppliers for manufacturers who produce their end products in large quantities, including in the following branches: white goods (household appliances), electronics, process technology, automotive industry, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and products for the life science sectors of pharmaceutics and medical technology. heraeus-sensor-technology.com |
在汉默温泉青年旅舍住宿可以享受到壁炉、地 热 采暖 、 宽敞的厨房和开放式的共用休息室等设施,还提供租借电影的服务。 cn.yha.co.nz | Relaxing inside the YHA Hanmer Springs hostel is easy with [...] its log fire, underfloor heating, movie [...]hire, large kitchen and open common room. yha.co.nz |
美国采暖,制 冷与空调工程师学会(ASHRAE) — 一个国际性会员组织,成立的目的是促 进 采暖 、 通 风、空调和制冷相关问题的艺术和科学发展。 camfil.cn | ASHRAE - The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is an international membership organization founded to advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and related issues. camfil.de |
2008 导航俾斯麦假日蓝巴勒, 定制订购, 1 业主, 存放在仓库, 17075 位于, 康明斯ISX 600HP发动机, Ralph Lauren的内部, 大理石地板, 电动 90 通过存储, 中央真空, 堆叠洗衣机和烘干机, 洗碗机, 床垫与远程“空中国王”, 太阳能电池充电, 豪华的安全系统, 防撞系统, 全电动遮阳篷, 溶液热采暖, 电力水软管和电线, 空气和液压调平, 住宅冰箱, 外部电视跌出bottome幻灯片, 点燃的VIP智能轮, 彩色后视系统, 查阅视觉系统, 1 和 1/2 浴, 激烈的驾驶者和乘客座位. robert5.com | 2008 Holiday Rambler Navigator Bismarck, custom ordered, 1 owner, kept in warehouse, 17075 miles, Cummins ISX 600HP engine, Ralph Lauren interior, marble floors, electric 90 pass thru storage, central vaccum, stacked washer and dryer, dishwasher, king air mattress with remote, solar battery charging, deluxe security system, collision avoidance system, all electric awning, aqua hot heating, power water hose and electric cord, air and hydraulic leveling, residential refrigerator, external TV drops out of bottome of slide, lighted VIP smart wheel, color rear vision system, SEE-vision system, 1 and 1/2 baths, heated driver and passenger seats. robert5.com |
水磨石地板的辐射采暖系统 保证了最高的热能转化率,天窗则为住宅带来了更多的光源,改造中使用了大量如树脂板、石英台面板、油毡、低VOC涂料、可回收利用的木材等环保材料。 vantageshanghai.com | Radiant heating under terrazzo flooring has created an even heat source with maximum energy efficiency; high clerestory windows allow in natural light; resin panels, quartz counters, linoleum, low-VOC paint, and sustainable wood products were also used in the project. vantageshanghai.com |
Exxon CF特种燃烧溶剂设计用于便携式采暖 炉 , 代替了煤油和重质白油等传统燃油,为用户提供更舒适和安全的选择。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Exxon CF specialty combustion fluids are designed for use in portable heating appliances, replacing traditional fuels such as kerosene and heavy white spirits while providing higher levels of comfort and safety for users. exxonmobilchemical.com |
减少住宅和商业空调及采暖设备 GHG 排放的各 种选择包括改进全球适用的所有设备中 CFC/HCFC/ HFC 蒸汽压缩系统的密封性以及使用非 CFC/HCFC/ HFC 系统。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | Options to reduce GHG emissions in residential and commercial air conditioning and heating equipment involve containment in CFC/HCFC/HFC vapour-compression systems that are applicable worldwide and for all equipment, and the use of non-CFC/HCFC/HFC systems. ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |
此类优质CPVC产品的可供规格为16毫米至160毫米,满足欧洲EN ISO 15877标准的严格要求(用于冷热水管道系统的I型化合物与用于冷热水管道系统及集 中 采暖 系 统 的II型化合物)。 cn.lubrizol.com | Available from 16-mm to 160-mm diameter, this high-quality piping system meets the strict requirements of European standard EN ISO 15877 (Type I compounds for Hot and Cold Water Systems and Type II compounds for both Hot and Cold Water Systems and Central Heating). lubrizol.com |