

单词 采景

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 国内法律和有关公司社会责任的政策,以在计划进行或已存在 采 掘 活动 背 景下 保护土著人民的权利。
In his presentation, the Special Rapporteur emphasized that there was a need for effective domestic legislation, along with corporate social
responsibility policies, to protect indigenous peoples’ rights in the context
[...] of proposed or existing extractive activities.
特 别报告员还应邀分享其关于如何找 采 掘 工程 背景 下不同行为者之间共同点方面的看法。
The Special Rapporteur was also invited to share his views on how to find common ground among various actors in the context of extractive projects.
[...] 行萨哈拉以南非洲运输方案的工作计划(1);将区域一体化纳入国家发展计划的主流 (1);将《非采矿业远景》纳入次区 采 矿 政策统一框架的主流(1);维护非洲区域 一体化观察站(1);支持非洲同行审议机制和治理进程(1)。
(iv) Field projects: building the capacity of member States and regional economic communities to increase Africa’s share of international trade (1); building the capacity of regional economic communities to implement legal instruments for trade and transport facilitation (1); implementation of the work programme of the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Programme (1); mainstreaming regional integration into national
development plans (1);
[...] mainstreaming the African Mining Vision into subregional mining policy harmonization [...]
frameworks (1); maintenance
of the Observatory on Regional Integration in Africa (1); support for the African Peer Review Mechanism and governance processes (1).
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多采尔 拥有 风 景 绮 丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
通过最新的 2009 年至 2012 年促进
[...] 平等和防止种族歧视行动计划,政府为具有少数民族 景 的 妇 女 采 取 了 辅导方案 和与劳动力市场有关的措施。
Through the latest Action Plan to Promote Equality and Prevent Ethnic Discrimination 2009-2012 the Government
has introduced mentoring programmes for women
[...] with a minority background and other measures [...]
relating to the labour market.
因此能以精确而又简单的方式的进行 景 拍 摄 。 采 用 30 3SPH和接缝软件能生成精确合成的全景照片,仅仅只需拍摄后略加处理或者软件校正就可以实现。
Using the 303SPH ensures that software used for photo stitching produces a precisely composed VR environment with minimum post-production intervention or software correction.
在此景下,采取努力 消除女童正式教育的障碍。
In that framework, efforts are made to eliminate obstacles to the formal education of girls.
采取适当地景观办 法的前提下,植树造林、重新造林以及建立人工林是对付土 地退化和荒漠化最有效的办法,这已为若干森林覆盖率低的国家的情况所证实。
Within an appropriate landscape approach, afforestation, [...]
reforestation and the establishment of planted forests are among
the most effective ways to counteract it, as has been the case in several low forest cover countries, for example.
小岛上自景观丰富多采,本 地文化历经几个世纪仍未改变,岛上居民仍保留古老的生活方式。
The island's many natural attractions are complemented [...]
by a fascinating local culture that has preserved centuries-old ways
of living into the present day.
[...] Music那样与旧标识有着巨大的不同:品牌名称外的方框被去除,在现在的品牌名称下加入了一句标语,另外,新标 采 用 了 新的 景 颜 色
The new logo doesn’t look dramatically different from the old one as we saw with Much Music: the outline
around the brand name has been removed, a tagline now appears below the brand
[...] name, and there’s also a new background color.
(e) 对缔约方为实现《公约》最终目标和共同 景 而 采 取 的 应对气候变化 措施的总体效果进行的评估。
(e) an assessment of the overall aggregated effect of the steps taken by the Parties to combat climate change in order to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention and the shared vision.
在弗劳恩霍夫 UMSICHT 的第二个应用景 — 采用 C itrix XenAppTM 和 Citrix XenDesktopTM 中,按照三年的服 务年限计算,其整个生命周期内的全球变暖潜势1为 PC 工作站控制场景的 30% 到 63%,具体视所 涉及的用户类型而定。
In the second installation at Fraunhofer UMSICHT with Citrix XenApp™ and Citrix XenDesktop™, the global warming potential1 calculated over the entire lifecycle, with a service life of three years, was 30% to 63% that of the PC workstation control scenario, depending on the type of user involved.
景”系列采用岛 屿和半岛结构,通过移动式镜面将厨房的工作区隔开。
The structure of the “Mirage” island and [...]
peninsula, which divides off the working area of the kitchen with a movable mirror partition.
中兴通讯太阳能控制器采用自主研发的最先进的MPPT(最大功率点跟踪)技术,可使客户最大限度地利用 光能发电,相比传统投切型控制器节省组件投资10%-20%,还可以带动站点设备运输、站点征地和civil work成 本显著降低,缩短使用新能源的财务回报周期;中兴通讯太阳能控制器与风能变换器采用相同的硬件设计,兼容 光伏、风能等可灵活设计应用于多种供电 景 , 采 用 模 块化架构设计,具有热插拔、可灵活扩展(50A-800A)等特 点,能够为客户提供绿色可靠的供电保障。
The ZTE solar energy controller uses the independently developed state-of-the-art MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) technology to allow customers to make the best use of light energy to generate electricity. It can save investment in components by 10 to 20 percent compared to the traditional mechanically-switched controllers, drive obvious cost reduction of station device transportation, land acquisition and civil work, and shorten the financial return cycle of new energy use.
包括安全理事会在内的国际 社会绝不能允许以色列的顽固态度和非法措施阻止 其为使两国景成为现实采取决 定性的步骤。
The international community, including the Security Council, must not allow
Israeli intransigence and illegal measures to obstruct its decisive
[...] steps to translate the two-State vision into reality.
教科文组织依靠各国新招聘的一批具有跨学科 景 的 员工 , 采用 多 学科和跨部门方法,增强其对会员国的支持以制订有实证依据的政策和落实成功经验。
Building on newly-recruited national staff with
[...] interdisciplinary backgrounds, UNESCO has increased [...]
its support to Member States in
developing evidence-based policies and implementing best practices using multidisciplinary and intersectoral approaches.
土著发展的定义是“土著社区以原生态或在其族裔特性 景 下 采 取 综 合方式 的增长或进步”。
Indigenous development is defined as “the growth or
progress of an indigenous community in their originality or within the context of
[...] their ethnic identity in a holistic way”.
通常对这种景采取批 评 的看法,对竞争案件的任何审查都被视为一个终端进程,由法官审查主管或委员 会的行为,而后者对于竞争法的实质可能更为了解。
This scenario is usually looked at with a critical eye, and any review of competition cases is seen as an end process where the judge is looking at the actions of the chief executive or board of commissioners, who could be more knowledgeable in the substance of competition law.
基辅回忆》共收录了 25 幅景图,采用珂 罗版印刷而成,这是一种采用化学工艺的印刷技术,曾在胶版印刷术出现以前被广泛采用。
The 25 views in Souvenir of Kiev are collotypes, made using a chemically-based printing process widely employed before the invention of offset lithography.
Talka 先生通过自己的贡献帮助 UL 实现创始人威廉斯·梅瑞尔先生的 景 , 他努 力 采 用 一 流的技术来制定安全标准,为新技术的应用制定安全规范,开发和实施技术培训项目,领导 UL 在全球开发和推广产品安全认证项目,并协调和领导了 UL 有史以来最全面的 Gage R&R 计划。
Mr. Talka's contributions to public safety as envisioned by UL's founder William Henry Merrill are evidenced through his efforts in developing safety requirements utilizing state of the art technology, establishing safety requirements for the use of new technology, developing and implementing technical training programs, providing leadership in the development and expansion of product safety certification programs on a global basis, and coordinating and leading the most comprehensive Gage R&R initiative in UL's history.
在此历史景 下,中国政采取了 若干行动以缓解区域紧张局势 和减少南海冲突爆发的危险因素。
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Will the Guidelines to Implement the DOC Lessen Tensions in the South China Sea?
51 114. 在这样的景下,追踪采矿部 门收入以确保这些收入没有被用于违反相关 的安全理事会决议便具有很大的挑战性。
In this context, the tracking of mining sector revenues [...]
to ensure that they are not used to violate relevant Security Council
resolutions is especially challenging.
(d) 对缔约方为实现《公约》最终目标和共同 景 而 采 取 的 步骤的总体累 计作用的评估。
(d) An assessment of the overall aggregated
[...] effect of the steps taken by the Parties [...]
in order to achieve the ultimate objective
of the Convention and the shared vision.
恢复森景观的目的采取综 合措施,恢复森林功能,增加 森林对可持续发展的贡献,同时考虑民众的利益和需要。
The goal of forest landscape restoration is to adopt holistic [...]
measures that restore the functions of forests and enhance
their contribution to sustainable development, taking into account the interests and needs of people.
[...] 进行编制综合战略框架的进程,联合国因此能够发出同一个声音,拥有共同的景,并采用协 调一致的做法,来支持国家为应对该国面临的复杂和多层面的挑战 [...]
The ongoing process for the preparation of the integrated strategic framework will enable the
Organization to speak with one voice,
[...] share a common vision and adopt a coherent [...]
and coordinated approach in support of
national efforts to address the complex and multi-faceted challenges facing the country.
可持续发展可能被视为环境与发展而且也是南北之 间的桥梁,在此基础上确认在政府、企业与民间社 会之间;现在与将来之间;以及更长期 景 与 短采取的 行动之间,所有各方能够开展合作的共同 议程。
Sustainable development could be seen as a bridge between environment and development but also between North and South, identifying the common agenda on which all could cooperate, between government, business and civil society, between the present and the future, and between a longer-term vision and what had to be done in the short term.
这条规定的景是要推动采取措 施,打击那些怂恿和协助在体育运动中使用兴奋剂但却不能因这些行为而追究其责任或进行 处罚的人,因为他们不是体育运动组织的实际成员并因此不受世界反兴奋剂条例(下称“条 例”)制约。
The rationale behind this provision is to prompt the adoption of measures against persons who may encourage and facilitate doping in sport, but can not be held accountable or penalized for these actions because they are not actual members of sporting organizations and are therefore not bound by the World Anti-Doping Code (hereinafter “the Code”).
在上述优先考虑事项(b)的景下,项 目 采 取 了 一项新举措,以增进获知水利部官员的意见和观 点,这是为了确保项目产出的实用性和可接受性的最大化。
In the context of item (b) above, a new initiative has been established to improve access to opinions and viewpoints of officials in the Ministry of Water Resources in order to ensure that level of usefulness and acceptability of project output is maximised.
在巨大的产出差距、高失业率、投 资的不确定性和金融脆弱性的景下 ,规 避 采 取 财 政刺激措施,带走了推动总体 需求的最后一线希望,正在阻止经济增长,导致失业率居高不下,从而损害财政 [...]
In a context of large output gaps, high unemployment, investment uncertainty and financial
fragility, the retreat from fiscal
[...] stimulus measures has taken away the last straw [...]
of aggregate demand impulses and is holding
back economic growth and keeping unemployment rates high, thereby undermining fiscal consolidation.
所以,贸发十三大是一次重要机会,可据以给多边贸易体制的发展议程注入 新的活力,并且就当前全球经济衰退,某些发达经济体极为脆弱,可能再次引发 全球经济危机这一景下需要采取的 发展方针建立共识。
UNCTAD XIII is, therefore, an important opportunity to reinvigorate the development agenda of the multilateral trading system, as well as to build consensus on development approaches needed in the context of the current global economic downturn and the fragility of certain developed economies which could trigger another global economic crisis.




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