单词 | 采摘 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 采摘 verb—pick v采摘 —pluckSee also:摘 v—pick v • take v • remove v • borrow v 摘—pluck • pick (flowers, fruit etc) • take off (glasses, hat etc)
他作为一个汽车经销商和水果采摘工 向 国家交过税。 daccess-ods.un.org | He has paid taxes to the State as a car detailer and fruit picker. daccess-ods.un.org |
它能测量多达10个关键参数,使生产者能够根据信息及时调整生产,确定何 时 采摘 、 如 何控制发酵、何时装瓶。 foss.cn | It measures up to 10 different key parameters providing winemakers the information needed to make informed decisions about when to pick, how to control fermentation and when to bottle. foss.us |
果树管理和采 摘系统 的知识大都随着人口流离失所而丧失。 daccess-ods.un.org | Knowledge of fruit tree [...] management and harvesting systems has [...]largely gone with the displaced. daccess-ods.un.org |
像何时采摘、如果控制发酵或何时装瓶等关键的决策要依靠可靠和准确的分析结果。 foss.cn | Base critical decisions such as when to pick, how to control fermentation or when to bottle on reliable and accurate analysis. foss.nl |
当索伦和Gylfie的抗议,这两个都放在' 采摘。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Soren and Gylfie protest, the two are placed as ‘pickers. seekcartoon.com |
当然,树枝并不是自己长成平行的,可能由于人 们 采摘 菩 提 花(今天仍然用来制茶) 或是树纤维(用来捆绑葡萄藤)所致。 swissworld.org | Not that the branches of lime trees grow horizontal of [...] their own accord: they would have been tied [...] down by people harvesting the tree for [...]its flowers (still used today in tea) or [...]for bast (the stringy park of bark used to tie up vines). swissworld.org |
这 项宣言的第一条就对农民下了定义,规定农民包括:小型农户、无地农民以及在 [...] 农村地区从事渔业、手工业和服务行业的非农民家庭以及其他以从事放牧、刀耕 火种、打猎、采摘或者 类似活动为生的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its first article gives a definition of a peasant, which includes small-scale farmers, landless peasants and non-agricultural households in rural areas, whose members are engaged in fishing, making crafts for the local market or providing services, and other rural households of [...] pastoralists, nomads, peasants practising shifting [...] cultivation, hunters and gatherers, and people with [...]similar livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
有一天,小朱庇特不停地哭泣,于是他的女仆就 去 采摘 覆 盆子,想要安慰他。 clarinsusa.com | One day, Jupiter would not stop crying so his servant gathered some raspberries to console the boy. clarinsusa.com |
芬兰浆果是长满漫山遍野的森林野果, 而 采摘 浆 果 可以说是芬兰的全国活动。 visitfinland.com | Berry picking is close to a national sport, and the fruit of the forests are aplenty. visitfinland.com |
白茶于初春采摘,是 世界上最罕见及珍贵的茶之一,原因如下:采收时间有时只有两天,所有叶芽必须全部手 工 采摘 , 产量极低,制作过程也极为困难。 clarinsusa.com | It is one of the rarest, most expensive teas in the world for several reasons: the harvest sometimes lasts just two days, the buds must be picked by hand, the production is on a very small scale and the manufacturing process is difficult. clarinsusa.com |
世界最大保鲜水果生产商都乐 (Dole) 公司采用艾默生谷轮数码涡旋压缩机技术配备的冷藏集装箱,精确控制香蕉 从 采摘 到 您 当地商店的温度和湿度。 emerson.com | Dole, the world's largest producer of fresh fruits, uses refrigerated containers equipped with Emerson's Copeland Digital Scroll compressor technology to precisely maintain temperature and humidity for bananas from harvest to your local store. emerson.com |
萨米人通常从事驯鹿 [...] 放牧、打鱼、狩猎、陷进捕捉和浆果 采摘 等 各种以自然资源为基础的经济活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Saami normally combine various natural resource-based economic activities, including reindeer herding, fishing, [...] hunting, trapping and berry picking. daccess-ods.un.org |
到 酒花采摘时, 该地区经历了很长时期大雨为主的天 气,这种天气引起的疾病和害虫带来了越来越多的 [...] 灾害,最终给酒花的质量和数量造成了不利影响。 barthhaasgroup.com | At the time of picking, the region [...] experienced a protracted period of heavy rain that increasingly caused damage due to [...]disease and pests, which ultimately had an adverse effect on both the quality and the quantity of the crop. barthhaasgroup.com |
令一种茶叶与其他品种茶叶不同的只是种植 和 采摘 的 方 式,以及后续加工的方式。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | What makes one tea different from another are the growing and harvesting methods and the processing of the tea leaves after picking. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
为了得到最成熟,完整,干净,无叶,成熟度最适合的葡萄,全程采取手 工 采摘。 tmedco.com | Harvest the grapes by hand, whole, clean and free of leaves, at their ripest. tmedco.com |
正如乌兹别克 斯坦在 2009 年 6 [...] 月劳工组织首脑会议上确认的,有 关 8 岁至 10 岁儿童采摘棉花 的声称不反映真实情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The claim that children aged 8 [...] to 10 worked in the cotton harvest [...]did not reflect the true situation, as had been affirmed [...]by Uzbekistan at the ILO Summit in June 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
透过窗户,偶尔看到别人骑自行车,到自己勤学苦练取得比赛第一名,再到呼朋唤友一起上 山 采摘 成 熟 的果实。 career.bayer.cn | The first set of LIFE comics of "Leadership" value use the bicycle as the recurring theme to tie together seven model stories, from drawing inspiration of a cyclist passing outside the window to winning first prize in a [...] competition after dedicated training, then calling on friends to ride [...] up an hillside and pick the ripe fruits [...]of the season. career.bayer.cn |
遵循传统旅行者惯例的 [...] “整体游”游客在田园风光中寻求净化;“局部 游”游客受不同兴趣(如鸟类、蝴蝶或钓鱼)所 [...] 驱使;崇尚“融入大自然”的游客参与自行车骑 行、划独木舟、竞走或采摘浆果 等活动;“冒险 者”抱着面对和克服大自然各种风险的决心参与 [...]诸如登山、大狩猎或漂流等活动;而“生态游 客”则从环保和健康的生活中获得满足,同时享 [...]受大自然及其关联事物的馈赠。 teebweb.org | The ‘holistic’ who follow the classical traveller’s tradition of seeking the sublime in an idyllic landscape; the ‘fragmented’ who are driven by a distinct interest such as in birds, butterflies, or fishing; those that cherish ‘a gentle engagement with nature’ [...] through activities such as bicycling, [...] canoeing, walking or picking berries; the [...]‘adventurer’ with a determination to confront [...]and conquer the perils of nature through activities such as mountain climbing, big game hunting, or rafting and finally the ‘eco-tourists’ that derive their satisfaction from living green and healthy while benefiting nature and those engaged with it teebweb.org |
2012年初,采摘亭成 为这组系列建筑中第一座建成的房子. chinese-architects.com | In the spring of 2012, the harvest pavilion became the first one being completed. chinese-architects.com |
2010夏天,我们受业主之邀,在昆山的一处有机农场里设计一组小型公共建筑,包括会 所 , 采摘 亭 ,植 物展房,和入口信息凉亭,目的是为未来在这里活动的人群提供休憩和餐饮的空间。 chinese-architects.com | Sited in an Eco-farm alongside the Yang Cheng Lake, Kunshan,the project consists of 4 small scale public buildings: a club house, a harvest pavilion, a botanical showroom, and an information center. chinese-architects.com |
随着美国近 年来酒花种植面积的迅速扩大,原有 的 采摘 能 力已 不能在酒花最佳成熟时间内采摘收获 所有的酒花产 量,所以经常导致果球过分成熟。 barthhaasgroup.com | As the US had rapidly expanded in recent years, it became evident that the harvesting capacities were not able to bring in the additional volume within suitable maturity time frames, resulting in overripe cones. barthhaasgroup.com |
公司提供的产品包括高中低马力拖拉机、联合收割机、干草和草料设备、打包机以及专门机械,如甘蔗收割机、咖啡收割机、棉 花 采摘 机 等。 tipschina.gov.cn | The company's product offering includes low, medium, and high horsepower tractors, combine harvesters, [...] hay and forage equipment, balers, and specialized [...] machines such as sugar cane and coffee [...]harvesters, and cotton pickers. tipschina.gov.cn |
一间设施齐全的大型厨房配备了披萨烤箱、电饭煲和三明治机,你甚至还可以在花园 中 采摘 新 鲜 的香草。 cn.yha.co.nz | Budding chefs and backpackers on a budget will really enjoy the excellent cooking facilities, with a large fully equipped kitchen with pizza oven, rice cooker, sandwich maker and even fresh herbs to pick in the garden. yha.co.nz |
兰格出版了她的标志性照片,题目为“穷困的加州豌 豆 采摘人 — 七个孩子的母亲”。 wdl.org | Lange published her iconic photograph under the title “Destitute Pea Pickers in California. wdl.org |
丽塔察觉,并计划把它用在她的新怪物,伪装的动物,被称为黑暗的战士! 比利生病的散在他的头骨采摘,并决定重新注册在杰森的空手道类。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Rita spots it, and plans to use it on her new monster, the camouflaged creature known as the Dark Warrior! seekcartoon.com |
自2010 年起,禁止雇用儿童摘收棉花,即使雇用一 个 采摘 季 节 亦不准 许。 daccess-ods.un.org | 138. Since 2010, the hiring of children for cotton harvesting, even for a single session, has been prohibited. daccess-ods.un.org |
在葡萄的最佳成熟采摘时表 现出特别风味的特性- (例如:独特的"浆果"味加州金芬黛,"黑加仑"赤霞珠等)。 emw-wines.com | The particular flavor characteristics associated with a grape picked at optimum maturity - (eg: distinctive "berrylike" taste of California Zinfandels, "blackcurrants" of Cabernet Sauvignon etc). en.emw-wines.com |
在采摘持续的三周内, 香槟区需要10多万名采摘工、背筐工、装卸工和压榨工才能确保完成所 有葡萄采摘的工 作,这也是果农们一年中最期待的日子。 champagne.fr | Every year for about three weeks, around 100,000 pickers, porters, loaders and press operators descend on the vineyards of Champagne for the harvest – the moment every winegrower has been waiting for. champagne.fr |
国际化JP的【源代码诊断】是使用本社开发的国际化工具World Wide Navi来对源代码中国际化问题进行采摘 和 分 析,并对其处理方法和今后的开发诀窍进行提示和对费用进行估算。 kokusaika.jp | Kokusaika JP uses its original software internationalization tool, World Wide Navi, to analyze the source code, find out the problems and possible solutions and apply the result to create an estimate. kokusaika.jp |
经过多年谈判,拉布拉多因努伊特人现在拥有 15 800 平方公里的土地,以及 72 500 平方公里土地和 [...] 48 690 平方公里海域的传统使用 权(包括打猎、捕鱼,采摘和社 会礼仪性使用)。 daccess-ods.un.org | By virtue of their years of negotiation, the Labrador Inuit now own 15,800 sq km of land and [...] have traditional use rights (including [...] hunting, fishing, harvesting and social and [...]ceremonial use) to 72,500 sq km of land and 48,690 sq km of sea. daccess-ods.un.org |