

单词 采制

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隐肩基台套筒可以用采制印模、制作临时冠、记录咬合关系,也可以 用来做蜡型套筒或者矫正帽。
The stealth sleeve may be used for making an impression, for creating a temporary crown, for recording an occlusal registration, and also as a waxing sleeve or a corrective coping.
依据2011年中国财富500强 的排名,75 本报告选取了在上交所上市的15家参与 海外业务的大型采掘类公司(或与石油、天然气和 采矿业的采、制造和 销售相关行业的公司)进行 研究。
The fifteen largest companies in terms of revenue, as ranked by the 2011 China Fortune 500,75 that are listed on the SSE and operate in the overseas resource extractive industries (or in one of the industries
that are closely
[...] connected to the exploration, manufacturing and sale of oil, gas and mining) were selected [...]
to be studied for the purpose of this report.
成果预制采用一 个逻辑框架,而制定逻辑 框架是为了确保预期成果是具体、可衡量、可实现、现实和有时限的。
It uses a logical
[...] framework which is formulated to ensure that [...]
expected results are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound.
基于 EtherNet/IP 网络的集成运动制采用来自 ODVA 的 CIP 运动控制和 CIP 同步技术,所有功能均基于通用工业协 议 (CIP) 构建。
Integrated Motion on the EtherNet/IP network uses CIP Motion and CIP Sync technology from ODVA, all built on the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP).
在科学领域,封锁继续制采购最新科学材料的能力,科学、学术和专业交流继 续受签证政策的限制,很难旅行和外出学习。
In the area of science, the embargo
[...] continues to limit the ability to purchase up-to-date [...]
scientific materials, and scientific
academic and professional exchanges continue to be limited by visa policies that make travel and study movement difficult.
这些良好做法一般由以下部分组成,包括:建立一个 指定的透明公正的主管部门或者枪支转让管制决策 制 ; 采 取 关于进口、出口 和过境申请及许可程序和要求的明确规则;编制用于执行这些规则的用户指 [...]
Such good practices typically consist of elements including: the establishment of a designated transparent
and impartial authority or
[...] decision-making mechanism to control transfers of firearms; adoption of [...]
clear rules on import, export
and transit application and licensing procedures and requirements; development of user guides for the implementation of these rules; well-functioning inter-agency coordination; use of international cooperation; ability to enforce decisions in timely manner; and reliable mechanisms for record-keeping.
[...] 儿童和成年人采取暴力和歧视做法,包括剥夺自由,使用监禁, 制采 取 侵 扰性 和不可逆疗法,如神经安定药和电惊厥治疗。
It also recommends that the State party incorporate into the law the abolition of violent and discriminatory practices against children and adults with disabilities in the
medical setting, including deprivation of
[...] liberty, the use of restraint and the enforced [...]
administration of intrusive and irreversible
treatments such as neuroleptic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
在回答关于技术援助方案是否适合考虑配方厂家的核心业务之一就是 制采 用 新 发 泡剂的配方的问题时,开发计划署解释说,配方厂家在有商业可用替代配方且技术可行时 [...]
In responding to a question on the eligibility of the technical assistance programme considering that
one of the core operations of a
[...] systems house is customizing formulations using new [...]
blowing agents, UNDP explained that
testing and customization is undertaken by systems houses when alternative formulations are commercially available and technically viable, otherwise such development work would be wasted.
并违反了大会有关决议(最近一项是第 65/6 号决议)和第 64/189 号决
[...] 经联合国相关机关授权、又不符合《联合国宪章》所阐述的国际法原则并且违反 多边贸易体制基本原则的单方面经济胁迫措施,呼吁国际社会谴责并拒绝 制采 用此 种措施作为向发展中国家进行政治和经济胁迫的手段。
They also constitute a violation of the relevant General Assembly resolutions, the most recent of which was 65/6, and of resolution 64/189, which urges the international community to adopt urgent and effective measures to eliminate the use of unilateral coercive economic measures against developing countries that are not authorized by relevant organs of the United Nations or are inconsistent with the principles of international law as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and that contravene the basic principles of the multilateral trading system, and calls upon the international
community to condemn and
[...] reject the imposition of the use of such measures as a means of political [...]
and economic coercion against developing countries.
2011 年《示范法》第 2 款不仅提到“相适合”的资格标准——这一点也在 1994
[...] 年版本的规定中提到,而且还提到与特定采购情形相关的资格标准,这是 为了制采购实 体在选择资格标准时的裁量权。
Paragraph 2 of the 2011 Model Law refers not only to “appropriate” qualification criteria, as the 1994 provisions did, but also to qualification criteria
“relevant” in the circumstances of the
[...] particular procurement, to restrict the discretion [...]
of the procuring entity in the selection of qualification criteria.
作为审议挪威的三国小组成员,巴基斯坦赞扬挪威代表团对普遍定期审议 制采 取的 积极方针,并赞赏该国接受了大多数建议。
As a troika member for the review of Norway, Pakistan commended the
delegation’s positive approach to the universal
[...] periodic review mechanism and the fact that [...]
it had accepted most recommendations.
全渠道制采用模块化设计,系统各组分可以分别实施,随着时间的推移分阶段灵活采取各 项措施,最终建立端到端全渠道控制解决方案。
Total Channel Control's modular design means that components of the system can be implemented separately, giving you the flexibility to phase in the technology over time eventually building towards an end-to-end Total Channel Control® solution.
在以色列期间,我请以色列政治和国防领 导人保持制,采取措施执行第 1701(2006)号决 议尚未落实内容,尤其是撤离盖杰尔。
In Israel, I asked the political and defence
[...] leadership to exercise restraint and to take steps [...]
to implement outstanding elements of
resolution 1701 (2006), especially the withdrawal from Ghajar.
目前正在进采购, 寻找一个主要承包 商负责土地核证无雷,和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量 制 和 保证及社区建立信 任措施。
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake this land release and a Demining Programme Office to provide quality [...]
control and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
a) 在联邦或中央立法机构的法律管辖下实施本公约各项条款的国家的联邦或中央政 府的义务与非联邦国家的缔约国的义务相同; b) 在构成联邦,但无须按照联邦立 制采 取 立 法手段的各个国家、地区、省或州的 法律管辖下实施本公约的各项条款时,联邦政府应将这些条款连同其关于通过这 些条款的建议一并通知各个国家、地区、省或州的主管当局。
(b) with regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the jurisdiction of individual constituent States, countries, provinces or cantons that are not obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, the federal government shall inform the competent authorities of such States, countries, provinces or cantons of the said provisions, with its recommendation for their adoption.
[...] 口毛坯钻石的金伯利进程记录,而几内亚官方已经公开表示无力 制采 矿 点 或与 科特迪瓦的边境(见 S/2009/521,第 [...]
308 段)。
The Group’s lack of access to the KP statistics website also prevented it from monitoring KP records of rough diamond exports from Guinea, a country
whose officials have been open about its
[...] inability to control mining sites or its borders [...]
with Côte d’Ivoire (see S/2009/521, para. 308).
管理局迄今 召集的大多数国际研讨会讨论了 制采 矿 对海洋环境的可能影响方面的问题。
Most of the international workshops convened by the
Authority to date have covered issues associated with managing the
[...] possible impacts of mining on the marine [...]
一些国家提及马拉喀什进程的积极经验教训,并认为以千年发展目标为基础 的模式似乎过于宽泛,而以免疫联盟为基础的模式又太具体,联合国水机制、能 源机制和海洋制采用的 模式也许适于在机构间协调,但不适合促进更多利益攸 关方参与。
Some countries mentioned the positive lessons from the Marrakech Process, arguing that the model based on the Millennium Development Goals seemed too broad, the model based on the GAVI Alliance too specific, and the model followed by UN-Water, UN-Energy and UN-Oceans perhaps suitable for inter-agency coordination but not appropriate for the facilitation of broader stakeholder engagement.
因此,理 事会也可以鼓励其各种制采取特 别程序,在各自的任务范围内审议可预防的孕 产妇死亡率和发病率的人权方面问题。
Thus, special procedures could also be encouraged by the Council to integrate consideration of the human rights dimensions of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity within the scope of their respective mandates.
各国强调必须确保这些机制之间的连续性和互补性,以及对加强《行动纲领》 后续制采取务实和便于操作的做法。
States emphasized the need to ensure continuity and
[...] complementarity among these mechanisms, as well as a [...]
pragmatic and operationally driven approach
to strengthened Programme of Action follow-up.
加强保健部门的整体制,采用全部门管理办法,强调自力更生和承担责任,以提 高保健质量、促进和谐、加强组织协调及促进所有伙伴之间的有效合作。
Strengthen the governance of the health sector as a whole through implementing the sector-wide management approach focusing on self-reliance and responsibility towards the improvement of quality of health, harmonization, organization, coordination and effective partnership among all partners.
全自动化浓度控制 自动化整体式解决方案,可用于几乎所有的湿式工艺流,配有全客户 制采 样 器 、预稀释器、级联稀释器与测量样品池。
Fully automated
[...] concentration control An automated integrated solution for almost any wet stream with fully customized sampler, pre-diluter, [...]
cascade diluter and measurement cell.
[...] 及粮食署和牛津救济会的农村复原建设等举措均有助于气象风险的管理,对保险 和筹资制采用新 的方法,帮助弱势群体和各国政府管理风险。
The WFP and IFAD weather risk management facility and initiatives such as the WFP and Oxfam rural resilience initiative have contributed to weather risk
management, with innovative approaches to
[...] insurance and finance mechanisms to help vulnerable [...]
communities and Governments to manage risk.
世德医疗产品的生产部门为实现设备的质量 制 , 采 用最 先进的集成处理安装方式。
In the electronics section of the steute Meditec production department, the latest surface mounting devices with integrated image processing for quality control are used
(b) 在构成联邦,但无须按照联邦立 制采 取 立 法手段的各个国家、地区、省或州的 法律管辖下实施本公约的各项条款时,联邦政府应将这些条款连同其关于通过这 些条款的建议一并通知各个国家、地区、省或州的主管当局。
(b) with regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the jurisdiction of individual constituent States, countries, provinces or cantons which are not obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, the federal government shall inform the competent authorities of such States, countries, provinces or cantons of the said provisions, with its recommendation for their adoption.
突尼斯希望有影响力的伙伴,特别是四方机制发 挥更有效的作用,我们期待四方 制采 取 具 体措施。
Tunisia hopes for a more effective role for
the influential partners, in particular the Quartet, and looks forward to specific
[...] measures to be taken by the Quartet.
在此,委员会注意到,预算文件附件 2 说明了统 一成果预制采用的 方法,包括需要调整的领域,以适应项目厅作为提供服务的 自筹资金机构这一业务模式的独特性质。
In this connection, the Committee notes the information provided in annex 2 to the
budget document on the
[...] methodology applied for the harmonization of results-based budgeting, [...]
including the areas that require
adaptation to accommodate the particular nature of the business model of UNOPS as a selffinanced service provider.
工作组认为,可以很容易地修改经过考验的详细方法,使之符合管理局的需 要,从而降低使用现成商业方法的费用, 制采 用 共 同方法,并增加形成多个供 应商竞争局面的可能性。
The Working Group was of the opinion that proven and detailed methodologies could readily be adapted to Authority needs, which would drive down commercial off-the-shelf costs, force commonality and increase the possibility of multiple vendor competition.
江阴市欧雷斯阀门设备检修有限公司拥有一支三十几年专业从事管道阀门维修、阀门维修设备制造的工作团队;同时欧雷斯阀门维修公司有一套完善的维修管理 制 ; 采 用 了 当今世界上最先进的阀门维修、检测设备.足以以此确保欧雷斯阀门维修质量,阀门维修后均能达到国家正常密封检测标准,阀门维修后使用性能与新阀门完全相同,也可对在管道上不能拆卸的现场进行阀门维修,免除阀门维修拆卸、安装之苦。
Jiangyin Ouleishi valve repair has a thirty years, Ltd. specializes in pipeline valve repair, valve repair equipment manufacturing team; Ouleishi valve repair at the same time the company has a comprehensive maintenance management system; used the world''''s most advanced valve repair and testing equipment Ouleishi sufficient to ensure the quality of valve repair, valve repair have been able to meet after the country sealed Detect normal standards, the use of performance after valve repair with the new valve completely the same can also be in the pipeline can not be demolished on site valve repair, valve repair exempt dismantling, installing them.
这一组先进制采用多使用者MIMO(MU-MIMO)的名称,是为目前在802.11ac工作组的计划中最想要提升的功能之一,以提高最新 [...]
This set of advanced mechanisms takes the name of Multi-User [...]
MIMO (MU-MIMO), and it is one of the most interesting enhancements
currently on the drawing board of the TGac to increase the efficiency (number of megabits transmitted per megahertz of spectrum, Mbps/MHz) of the newest 802.11 standard.




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