

单词 采买

采买 verb ()

buy v

See also:


purchase n

External sources (not reviewed)

联合国系统各组织有可能利用开发署广泛的国家办事处网 采买 旅 行 服务,其 中包括订票(预订和购买)、处理签证申请和预订酒店。
United Nations system organizations have the possibility of using the UNDP
broad network of
[...] country offices for procuring travel services, which include ticket requests (booking and purchase), processing [...]
visa requests, and making hotel reservations.
本报告还附有一份司法和劳工部2009 年为国内各监采买食品( 牛肉、干 货食品、罐装食品、易腐食品 [...]
) 的简况。
Also attached to the present report is a description of the food
products (beef, dried foods, canned foods and
[...] perishables) purchased by the Ministry [...]
of Justice and Labour in 2009 for the various prisons in the country.
山煤国际能源集团股份有限公司(山煤国际)主要从事煤炭的 采 、 买 卖 以 及铁路 运输。
Shanxi Coal International Energy Group
Company Limited (Shanxi Coal International) is
[...] primarily engaged in coal mining and trading, and [...]
railway transportation.
我们的工作位置及各工作部门的分布(销 售采买,财会),应依照其性质而定在不同的方向。
. in accordance with the Baqua.
Accordingly, workplaces and whole departments are divided in directions according to
[...] functions (Sales, Buying, Accounting).
非法采和买卖自然 资源加剧了冲突,尤其是在南北基武省,必须停止这 种行为。
The illicit exploitation of and trade in natural resources, which is fuelling the conflict, in particular in the Kivus, must be brought to an end.
我国参与了打击非法采和买卖自 然资源, 并支持采矿证书制度,这一制度将加强合法采矿业, 因而将加强刚果民主共和国的发展。
My country is engaged in fighting the illicit exploitation of and trade in natural resources and supports a mineral certification system, which will strengthen the legal mining industry and thus the development of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
采购配件等使用知识产权生产的产品时尤其如此,传统上这种产品是通 过单一来采购购买的。
This is particularly the case for the purchase of products protected by
intellectual property rights, such as spare parts, which have
[...] traditionally been procured using single-source procurement.
此外,还提到跨界执法,以及努力制止非 采 伐 和 买 卖 森 林产品。
Cross-border law enforcement and efforts to curb illegal harvesting and trade in forest products were also mentioned.
项目厅还通过为秘鲁、印度和阿根廷卫生 采 购 、 安排 买 超过 7 100 件高 科技医疗设备以及 478 辆救护车,支持保健卫生项目。
UNOPS also supported health
[...] projects through procurement, arranging the purchase of more than [...]
7,100 pieces of high-tech medical
equipment, as well as 478 ambulances, for the ministries of health in Peru, India and Argentina.
为了在必要时将买方的要求传达给以下 FAR 和
[...] DFARS 条款中的卖方,术语“承包商”或“总承包商”应意为“卖方”;术语“政府”应意为 买 方 ” ;术语 采 购 员 ”应意为 买 方 的 采 购 代 表”;而术语“合同”或“明细表”应意指本订单。
Where necessary to flow-down Buyer's requirements to Seller in the following FAR and DFARS clauses, the term"Contractor" or "Prime Contractor" shall mean "Seller"; the term "Government" shall
mean "Buyer"; the term
[...] "Contracting Officer" shall mean "Buyer's Purchasing Representative"; and the term "Contract" [...]
or "Schedule" shall mean this order.
所提及的分立电子元器件由不同的厂家生产并都可以在市场 买 到 ,但 是 采 用 分 立元器件 的方法常常有着明显的缺点。
There is a large number of the discrete components mentioned above available on the market, supplied by various companies, yet there are often considerable disadvantages to this kind of solution
法国、德国、意大利、日本、荷兰和美国的净借款成本事实上下降到 低于危机前的水平,这是因为利率低,而且中央银 采 取 大量 购 买 主 权 债券的定 量宽松政策。
Net borrowing costs in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands and the United States in fact fell under pre-crisis levels, as a result of
both low interest rates and quantitative easing
[...] policies involving large purchases of sovereign bonds [...]
by central banks.
打造浙江省权威缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨行业盛会 「2012中国(义乌)国际缝纫机械及配件展览会」简称「YIWU S&G 2012」将于2012年11月27至30日在浙江义乌国际博览中心精彩亮相,联袂同期举办的「第十三届中国(义乌)国际袜子、针织及染整机械展览会」简称「YIWU H&G 2012」,将产生巨大的行业协同效应,以多个主题专区为买家塑造一个贯穿针织及制衣产业的一站 采 购 平 台, 买 家 企 业开阔视野、转变观念、了解市场、寻找新商机,也为参展企业于这义乌展打造高效务实的贸易平台及合作机会,也是缝制、绣花、刺绣、绗缝、缝后、整熨等业内人士不能错过的展会。
Shaping the Most Authoritative Event of the Sewing Industry in Zhejiang Province in Sewing Machinery Exhibition (YIWU S&G 2012) China (Yiwu) International Exhibition on Sewing Machinery & Equipment ("YIWU S&G 2012") and The 13th China Yiwu International Exhibition on Hosiery, Knitting, Dyeing & Finishing Machinery ("YIWU H&G 2012") will be staged at Yiwu International Expo Centre on 27-30 November 2012.
安理会还在第 1896(2009)号决议第 7 段中决定扩大专家组的任务,使其包 括以下任务:考虑到第 1857(2008)号决议第 4(g)段,除其他外参考其报告并利 用其他论坛进行的工作,就矿产品进口商、加工行业和消费者 买 、 采 购 (包 括 采取步骤确定矿产品来源)、购置和加工来自刚果民主共和国的矿产品的尽责调 查准则向委员会提出建议。
By paragraph 7 of resolution 1896 (2009), the Council also expanded the mandate of the Group of Experts to include the task to produce, taking into account paragraph 4 (g) of resolution 1857 (2008), drawing inter alia on their reports and taking advantage of work done in other forums, recommendations to the Committee for guidelines for the exercise of due diligence by the importers, processing industries and consumers of mineral products regarding the purchase, sourcing (including steps to be taken to ascertain the origin of mineral products), acquisition and processing of mineral products from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
那些缺乏大 品牌那种买力或原料采购能 力的加工商也面临着越来越多的国内原材料短缺问 题,从而被迫靠进口来解决问题。
Processors that operate without the purchasing or sourcing power of strong brands are also experiencing increasing problems linked to the scarcity of domestic raw material, and they are being forced to import fish for their business.
我们满意地注意到,《示范法》修订版与《公共机关 买 和 采 购 法 》基本相 似——不仅是在结构上,还在于为确保根据客观、可衡量或可量化的评审标准 选择承包人以使采购透明并良好使用国家基金而采取的程序。
We note with satisfaction that both the revised Model Law and the LACAP are generally similar — in structure and in the procedures for ensuring that contractors are selected on the basis of objective, measurable or quantifiable evaluation criteria so that procurement is transparent, making good use of State funds.
清楚地了解并遵守政府机构的买或 采 购 规 定。
Clearly understand and follow the
[...] government entity’s purchasing or procurement requirements.
安全理事会在 1896(2009)号决议第 7 段中决定,专家组的任务规定还应包含 就矿产品进口商、加工行业和消费者 买 、 采 购 、 购置和加工来自刚果民主共和 国的矿产品的尽责调查准则向委员会提出建议。
The Security Council, by paragraph 7 of its resolution 1896 (2009), decided that the mandate of the Group of Experts should include making recommendations to the Committee for guidelines for the exercise of due diligence by the importers, processing industries and consumers of mineral products regarding the purchase, sourcing, acquisition and processing of mineral products from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
卖方进一步同意,除此订单另有专门规定,否则应通 买 方 的 采 购 代 表发出履行这些条款所需的所有通告以及其他通信。
Seller further agrees that all notifications and other communications
required by these clauses shall be made
[...] through the Buyer's Purchasing Representative, [...]
unless this Order specifically provides otherwise.
为了应对这类问题及包括 Armadale 调查引发的其他问题,并确保 在改造场所生活的儿童能够接受适当方案,解决他们的行为问题及发展需要,买加将采取下述新的措施。
To respond to these and other concerns, including those arising from the Armadale Enquiry, and to ensure that children placed in correctional facilities will be exposed to appropriate programmes to address their behavioural challenges and development needs, several new measures will be undertaken as described below.
在制造行业开展了一系列活动,包括调查泡沫塑料和制冷设备制造行业基于氯氟化 碳的剩余企业,买和采购气 雾剂、泡沫塑料和制冷设备分行业的改装设备。
A number of activities have been carried out in the manufacturing sector, including surveys of remaining CFC-based enterprises in the foam and
refrigeration manufacturing sectors, and
[...] bids for and procurement of conversion [...]
equipment for the aerosol, foam and refrigeration sub-sectors.
所有用户愿意买的产品应采取一 切方法以了解到该产品的性质和它的实用性,从而决定是否适合自己。
All users
[...] willing to purchase products here represented shall take all necessary measures to inform [...]
themselves of the nature
of the product and its suitability for the purpose for which it is intended.
最 后,他表示最近对泰国提高最低工资的政策评估显示在提高生产力、促进工 人的买力和 减少不平等方面已取得了令人鼓舞的结果。
To conclude, he observed that a recent assessment of his country’s policy to increase the minimum wage had shown
encouraging results in terms of increasing productivity,
[...] boosting the purchasing power of workers [...]
and reducing inequality.
近年来,处理个人金矿开采活动造成的汞污染的战略主要包括多种限制办法 ——在国际上禁买卖水银,规采 用 另 类技术,并收紧采矿条例(例如禁止使用 水银)。
In recent years, strategies to tackle mercury pollution from artisanal gold mining have mainly included restrictions — banning mercury trade internationally, prescribing alternative technologies and tightening regulations on mining (e.g., banning mercury use).
(f) 按照大会 2009 年 4 月 7 日第 63/268 号决议第二节第 3 段,继续探索
[...] 种工具,其中包括作出预测和计划,网上订票和提前订票,提前购买折扣机票, 用工作人员通过公务差旅积累的飞行常客里程来购买或升级机票,利用联合国 的团体买能力作出采购航 空旅行服务的替代安排,并尽可能最有效地利用一笔 总付计划
(f) To continue exploring, in the context of section II, paragraph 3, of General Assembly resolution 63/268 of 7 April 2009, all possible options, including various tools for enhancing the effective and efficient utilization of resources for air travel across the United Nations system, including forecasting and planning, making online and early bookings, using advance-purchase discount tickets, using frequent flyer miles accumulated by staff members from official travel to purchase and upgrade tickets where appropriate, making
[...] arrangements for the procurement of air travel utilizing the collective purchasing power of the United [...]
Nations and making
the most effective use possible of the lump-sum scheme, where applicable
公司实时、创新的解决方案旨在满足复杂多变的大宗商品供应链的需求,包括 买 、 销 售、贸易 采 购 ; 企业风险管理;调度和物流;仓储;加工;以及结算和会计。
The company provides real-time, innovative solutions to competitively address the
complex and volatile
[...] commodities supply chain: buying, selling, trading, and procurement; enterprise [...]
risk management; scheduling
and logistics; storage; processing; and settlement and accounting.
现代工业装备国际展览会为生产广州国际机械装备制造业博览会各类 - GIMT
[...] [...] 2011年将是5月举行的广州,将提出一个现代化的加工设备(金属,木材,石材处理工具,磨料,切割,精密仪器),焊接设备,电子设备和监测和控制生产流程,IT和通信技术等活动,预计到达1000多名学员和50,000多种行业的合 买 家 软 件:冶金 采 矿 , 能源,建筑,电子,石化,纺织,食品。
International exhibition of modern industrial equipment for various types of production Guangzhou International Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Expo - GIMT 2011 will be held in May in Guangzhou and will present a modern processing equipment (metal, wood, stone treatment tools, abrasives, cutting, precision instruments), welding equipment, electronic devices and software for monitoring and controlling production processes, IT and communication technologies, etc. The event is expected to arrive over
1,000 participants and
[...] 50,000 qualified buyers a variety of industries: metallurgy, mining, energy, construction, [...]
electronics, petrochemical, textile, food.
因此,我们促请所有国家,特别是对全球军费开支增加负主要责任的军备制 造大国和买大国,采取具 体的裁军措施。
We therefore urge all countries, especially the major armament-producing and — procuring countries that are primarily responsible for the rise in global military expenditure, to take concrete disarmament steps.
下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、买加、 日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.




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