单词 | 醒目 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 醒目adjective—smartadj醒目—striking (illustration) eye-grabbing (headline) See also:醒—come to be awake sober up become aware
古寺附近 一块醒目的标记文化财产的蓝白徽章被弹片击穿。 crisisgroup.org | A nearby blue and white distinctive emblem marking culture property was punctured by shrapnel. crisisgroup.org |
特制的两声道扬声器与低音单体,就配置在萤幕正下方,覆以可更换的彩色织布面网,有多种 醒目的颜色供您选择。 bang-olufsen.com | The two-way, custom-built speaker and bass units are positioned discreetly below the screen, covered by a vibrant fabric that is replaceable and available in a range of striking colours. bang-olufsen.com |
34 C/4 的两项总体优先事项“非洲”和“性别平等”已经在 34 C/5 的各项重大计划中得到了具 体的落实,并在文本中醒目地标示出来,概括为“战略方向”和“主要计划贡献”,对“非洲”而 言则是“预期成果”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The two global priorities of document 34 C/4, Africa and gender equality, have been translated into operational and concrete terms under each major programme in document 34 C/5 and are visibly captured in text boxes, summarizing strategic orientations, key programmatic contributions, and, for Africa, expected results. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为每一个节点即时添加概要说明—您可以创建 醒目的树型或者列表型的数据表格,从而使您的应用程序变成名副其实的数据分析和数值计算软件,而这一切同样不需要您编写任意代码。 evget.com | Instant Runtime Summary Footers for All Nodes - You can create compelling Tree and List displays and allow your applications to become data-analysis and calculation tools without writing a single line of code. evget.com |
龙牙草是欧洲、亚洲和非洲温带地区常见的一种植物,默默无闻地生长在路旁、岸边或空地上,纤细修长的黄色花簇,在夏天的时候非常 醒目。 clarinsusa.com | A plant common to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia and Africa, Agrimony grows modestly along roads, on banks and in clearings where its slender cluster of yellow flowers is easily recognized in the summer. clarinsusa.com |
仅仅今年,住所、 犹太教教堂、幼儿园,甚至是一辆醒目的黄色校车都 遭受火箭弹袭击,导致一名 16 岁男孩死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Just this year, rockets have been launched at homes, synagogues, kindergartens and even a bright yellow school bus, killing a 16-year old boy. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2007 年以来,联合国系统中最为醒目的科技特征是,为应对全球气候变化(GCC) 的挑战,重新调整现行科学和环境计划并启动新的计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The most strikingfeature of S&T in the United Nations system since 2007 has been the reorientation of ongoing scientific and environmental programmes and the initiation of new programmes to address the challenge of global climate change (GCC). unesdoc.unesco.org |
醒目的黑色三间品牌标签、鞋舌的烫金狮子徽号与及外侧耀眼的Mintos字样,配上低调的全灰鞋身,衬托出它含蓄的独特性和注目度。 think-silly.com | The signature three-stripe branding in black, gold lion embossment and ‘Mintos’ emblem, with subtle grey tone, the aesthetic is unique. think-silly.com |
安全理事会审议的许多危机局势,例如中东最近 发生的事件、索马里海盗现象及阿富汗问题(我还可 以举更多例子),都醒目地显示,跨国有组织犯罪及 其所得收益能够破坏过渡进程的稳定、干扰政治进程 和阻碍发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many crisis situations under consideration by the Security Council — such as recent events in the Middle East, the Somalia piracy phenomenon and Afghanistan, and I could name a few more — starkly demonstrate the ability of transnational organized crime and its proceeds to destabilize transitions, disrupt political processes and obstruct development. daccess-ods.un.org |
正方形的设计让 BeoVision 10 平面电视更加醒目,不论是否开机,都会成为精致的墙面装饰。 bang-olufsen.com | The square design enhances the impression of BeoVision 10 as chic wall decoration, both on and off. bang-olufsen.com |
PDF文件如果有水印,不少还很醒目,影响浏览,有的带有连接,一不小心就打开了浏览器,相信大家都有感触.现介绍下面的方法,用Adobe Acrobat 9 可以清除目前流行的大部分图像水印。 oapdf.com | PDF file if there is a watermark, a lot of very smart, theimpact of views, some with connections, accidentally opened the browser, I believe we all have feelings. the methods are presented below, using Adobe Acrobat 9 can be to remove most of the current popular image watermarking. oapdf.com |
选择了[Happy]时,可以自动拍 摄颜色的亮度和鲜艳度特别醒目的图片。 us.leica-camera.com | When [Happy] is selected, it is possible to automatically take a picture with a higher level of brilliance for the color brightness and vividness. en.leica-camera.com |
(A) 在细则第 180 (B)条规限下,任何通告或根据本细则作出 或发出的其他文件须为书面文件,并可由本公司亲身送 达任何股东或以预付邮资邮件、信封或封套寄送至股东 名册所示有关股东的登记地址,或送达或留交上述登记 地址,或(倘为通告)刊登报章广告,或於注册办事处的醒目位置列示有关通告。 fortune-sun.com | (A) Subject to Article 180(B), any notice or document to be given or issued under these Articles shall be in writing, and may be served by the Company on any shareholder either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressed to such shareholder at his registered address as appearing in the register or by delivering or leaving it at such registered address as aforesaid or (in the case of a notice) by advertisement in the Newspapers or displaying the relevant notice conspicuously at the Registered Office and theHead Office. fortune-sun.com |
闪亮的黑色徽标赫然醒目,体 现出闪亮、永恒的高雅。 hk.eternal.hk | Shiny black, the logo stands out with a bright timeless elegance. hk.eternal.hk |
从位于泰恩河盖茨黑德一侧的波罗的海当地艺术中心的楼顶,您可以看到这座城市的壮丽景色,其中包括诺曼·福斯特设计的呈波浪起伏状的盖茨黑德音乐中心(Sage Centre)、着名的拱形泰恩河大桥以及 醒目的千禧大桥。 visitbritain.com | From the top of the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the Gateshead side of the river, you get a fantastic view of the city that takes in the billowing Sage Centre, designed by Norman Foster, the famous arched Tyne Bridge and the strikingMillennium Bridge. visitbritain.com |
凡有偏离 WPPT 之处,说明中均把 WPPT 的相应条款转载于清楚醒目的围框 中,同时对偏离的内容和原因作了解释。 wipo.int | Where these deviations from the WPPT have been made, the Notes reproduce the corresponding provision of the WPPT in a clearly distinguishable box and explain the scope and reason for deviation. wipo.int |
请南非总统、国际足球联合会主席和联合国秘书长在2010 年将在南非 举办的世界杯足球赛上加强和增进醒目的足 球无种族主义主题 daccess-ods.un.org | Invites the President of South Africa, the President of the International Federation of Association Football and the Secretary-General to strengthen and reinforce the visible theme on non-racism in football at the World Cup to be held in South Africa in 2010; 10. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据对编写和传播新闻稿的现行 安排的审查,该项目预期将开发一个新的数据库驱动平 台,确保新闻稿在联合国网站上更加 醒目,而且容易被外 部搜索引擎查找,同时纳入各种方便用户的特征和功能, 包括按专题、联合国机构和发言人等分类的加强型搜索功 能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on a review of the current arrangements for preparing and disseminating press releases, the project envisages the development of a new databasedriven platform that will ensure greater prominence of press releases on the United Nations website and their visibility for external search engines and will incorporate a range of user-friendly features and functionalities, including enhanced search functions by topic, United Nations body, speaker, and so forth. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们身体上有醒目的蓝色圆环,因而非常容易辨认 studyinaustralia.gov.au | It is easily recognisable by the distinctive blue rings on its body studyinaustralia.gov.au |
Scavolini 基本系列的新橱柜使您可以自由选择不凡的建筑细节、完美的功能特性和现成的解决方案,以便在您的家中设计出完全符合您的期望且时下最为开放 醒目的房间。 scavolini.cn | The new kitchen from scavolini basic gives you a free choice from a collection of unusual architectural details, flawless functional Features and ready-made solutions, to style what has now become the most open, vibrant room in the home exactly to your wishes. scavolini.us |
客户可通过扫描陈列在星巴克店内醒目处,及所有数字平台上的二维码,将星巴克添加为联系人。 labbrand.com | Customers could add Starbucks to their contacts by snapping the QR codes prominently displayed inside Starbuck’s stores and on all of its digital platforms. labbrand.com |
时尚新颖的中心组件是中控台,充满力量感和机翼式的造型让内部显得更加宽敞。整合在中控台内的电镀空调出风口格外 醒目,十字形的银色页令人赫然想起喷射机的引擎。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The interior continues the breathtaking design idiom of the exterior, and awakens associations with an aircraft cockpit: prominent stylistic features include the dashboard in the shape of a wing section and the air vents with adjustable, cruciform nozzles reminiscent of jet engines. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
Altova®公司(http://www.altova.com)宣布随着2011版本的推出,同时发布XMLSpy [...] [...] 2011中文版本,现在,行业领先的XML编辑器的所有强大功能具备了中文,英文,德语以及日语多语种的版本,基于XML数据,XMLSpy 2011为创建醒目的图 表提供突破性的支持,它不仅是市场上第一个和唯一一个支持图表创建的XML编辑器,还添加了多个客户要求的功能,这些功能包括新模式拼合,扩展的SOAP验证和为创建模式增进的功能。 tipschina.gov.cn | Not only is XMLSpy [...] 2011 the first and onlyXML editor [...]on the market to support chart creation, but Version 2011 also added [...]several customer-requested features, including a new schema flattener, extended SOAP validation capabilities, and enhanced functionality for creating schemas. tipschina.gov.cn |
“伊本阿巴斯说,”他的手我的灵魂,以下是他的意志(先知会)给他的追随者 - [...] 这是那些存在责任缺席那些转达这一信息,谨防唐“吨叛徒(如)不信道(变成异教徒)在我之后,另一个 醒目的脖子(切割的喉咙)。 mb-soft.com | Ibn Abbas added, "By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, the following was his will (Prophet's will) to his followers:--It is incumbent upon those who are present to convey this information to those who are absent Beware [...] don't renegade (as) disbelievers (turn into [...] infidels) afterme,Striking the necks (cutting [...]the throats) of one another. mb-soft.com |
新闻资料应当辅之以放在监所中 囚犯定期出入的醒目位置的视觉教材; (b) 鼓励律师协会和法律协会及其他法律援助提供人酌情拟订律师和法律 助理名册,以便走访监狱免费向囚犯提供法律咨询和援助 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) To encourage bar and legal associations and other legal aid providers to draw up rosters of lawyers, and paralegals, where appropriate, to visit prisons to provide legal advice and assistance at no cost to prisoners daccess-ods.un.org |
其44毫米直径精钢表壳具备12巴的防水性能,灰色表盘上印有库斯托的签名,白色刻度与蓝色累加器形成强烈的反差效果,佩戴在手腕上显得格外 醒目。 iwc.com | The 44-millimetre stainless-steel case is pressure-resistant to 12 bar and, with a slate-coloured dial bearing Cousteau’s signature, high-contrast white indices and blue totalizers, transforms the watch into an unmistakable statement on the wearer’s wrist. iwc.com |