单词 | 醋酸酐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 醋酸酐 noun —acetic anhydride nSee also:醋酸—acetate • acetic acid (CH3COOH) 醋酸 n—acetic acid n 醋 n—vinegar n • salt n • spice n 酐—anhydride
(d) 应当鼓励各国政府制定更佳战略,以管 制 醋酸酐 等 前 体化学品的生 产。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Governments should be encouraged to develop better strategies to control the production of [...] precursor chemicals such as acetic anhydride. daccess-ods.un.org |
在阿富汗 和巴基斯坦缉获了醋酸酐,在阿富汗、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和巴基斯坦 则缉获了用于非法制造海洛因的其他化学品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Seizures of acetic anhydride took place in Afghanistan [...] and Pakistan, while other chemicals used in the illicit manufacture [...]of heroin were seized in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别是海运对贩毒者的重要性显得已经增加,无论是通过非洲路 线出口海洛因,还是进口醋酸酐运往 阿富汗海洛因加工点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Maritime transportation in particular appears to have gained in importance among drug traffickers, be it for [...] exporting heroin by the African route or [...] for importing acetic anhydride destined for heroin-processing [...]laboratories in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 醋酸酐被转 用于在阿富汗制造海洛因这一问题仍然令人甚为关切,因 此鼓励努力开展区域合作以拦截和防止这一前体进入阿富汗 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The diversion of acetic anhydride for use in the manufacture [...] of heroin in Afghanistan remained of great concern, and [...]regional cooperation efforts were encouraged to intercept and prevent that precursor from entering Afghanistan daccess-ods.un.org |
麻管局还吁请所有国 家协助伊拉克政府确保其领土不被利用而 为 醋酸 酐转移用途提供便利。 incb.org | The Board also calls upon all States to assist the Government of Iraq in ensuring that its territory is not used [...] for the diversion of acetic anhydride. incb.org |
此外,2010 年 3 月在巴基斯坦卡拉奇缉获了创纪录的 16 吨醋酸 酐。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, in March 2010 a [...] record 16 tons of acetic anhydride were seized in Karachi, [...]Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
也是在第 51/1 号决议中,麻委会赞扬现有培训中心和机构为加强禁毒执法 机构的能力而提供的投入,并强调有必要探讨为阿富汗、其邻国和中亚国家及 其他分区域国家禁毒执法人员举办培训班的其他可能性和方式;欢迎在毒品和 [...] 犯罪问题办公室和“聚合项目”特别工作组的指导下,针对在阿富汗制造海洛 因所使用的前体发起的定向打击贩运活动区域通信、专门知识和培训举措,并 [...] 促请《巴黎公约》合作伙伴与该举措密切合作以确保其取得成功;鼓励采取有 时限的着重打击前体特别是醋酸酐贩 运 的行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also in its resolution 51/1, the Commission commended the input provided by existing training centres and institutions in enhancing the capacities of drug law enforcement agencies and underscored the importance of exploring additional possibilities and modalities for organizing training courses for drug law enforcement officers from Afghanistan, neighbouring States and States in Central Asia and in other subregions; welcomed the launch, under the guidance of UNODC and the Project Cohesion Task Force, of the TARCET initiative, targeting precursors used in the manufacture of heroin in Afghanistan, and urged Paris Pact partners to cooperate closely with the initiative in order to ensure [...] its success; and encouraged time-bound operations focusing on trafficking in [...] precursors, in particular acetic anhydride. daccess-ods.un.org |
哥伦比亚当局 2009 年通过表格 [...] D 报告缉获 1,500 升据称将用于非法制造海洛因的 醋酸酐 乙 酸。 incb.org | Colombian authorities, on form D for 2009, reported the seizure of 1,500 [...] litres of acetic acid allegedly to be [...]used in illicit heroin manufacture. incb.org |
作为 DICE-2 行动的一部 分,墨西哥当局通知麻管局总共缉获了约 3,250 升 醋酸酐。 incb.org | As part of Operation DICE-2, Mexican authorities informed the Board of seizures totalling close to 3,250 litres. incb.org |
2008 年注意到在“红皮书”中确定的优 先领域所取得的初步的具体成果,该优先领域将目标对准非法制造海洛因所使 用的前体化学品,整个区域缉获了大 量 醋酸酐 , 伊 朗伊斯兰共和国和巴基斯坦 都曾缉获多吨醋酸酐。 daccess-ods.un.org | Initial concrete outcomes were noted during 2008 with regard to the priority area identified in the “red paper”, which targeted precursor chemicals used in the illicit [...] manufacture [...] of heroin, with significant seizures of acetic anhydride throughout the region and multi-ton seizures [...]in both [...]Iran (Islamic Republic of) and Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下各国通 过表格 D 报告缉获超过 1,000 升的醋酸酐:日本 (8,424 升)、巴基斯坦(4,532 [...] 升)、阿拉伯联 合酋长国(4,000 升)和印度(1,038 升)。 incb.org | The following countries reported on [...] form D seizing acetic anhydride in amounts exceeding [...]1,000 litres: Japan (8,424 litres), [...]Pakistan (4,532 litres), United Arab Emirates (4,000 litres) and India (1,038 litres). incb.org |
该举措第二期在 2009 年下半年得到 了毒品和犯罪问题办公室的协助和协调,在巴基斯坦缉获了大 量 醋酸酐 , 在 塔 吉克斯坦及该区域其他地区的行动中(2009 年 10 月)缉获了 26 吨醋酸酐和几 吨其他化学品。 daccess-ods.un.org | The second phase of the TARCET initiative, facilitated and coordinated by UNODC in the second half of [...] 2009, resulted in [...] important seizures of acetic anhydride in Pakistan and operations in Tajikistan (October 2009) and elsewhere in the region, as a result of which 26 tons of acetic anhydride were seized, as well [...]as several tons of other chemicals. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管 该国最近尚未缉获大量醋酸酐,但 有证据表明大 韩民国仍然是醋酸酐的来 源国,在阿拉伯联合酋 长国缉获的 390 升这种物质证明了这一点。 incb.org | Although there have not been any recent seizures of significant size in that country, there is evidence of the [...] Republic of Korea [...] continuing to be targeted as a source of acetic anhydride, as evidenced by a seizure of 390 litres [...]of the substance in the United Arab Emirates. incb.org |
一些发言者对持续不断的转移和贩运 醋酸酐 的 活动表示关切,并重点介绍 了为应对这些问题而正在采取的行动以及在防 止 醋酸酐 转 作他用方面取得的显 著成就。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some speakers expressed concern regarding the [...] continued diversion of and [...] trafficking in acetic anhydride and highlighted action taken to deal with those problems, as well as significant achievements made in preventing the diversion of acetic anhydride. daccess-ods.un.org |
麻管局还敦促各国政府支持伊拉克政府解决和防止使用该区域主要 的醋 酸酐运输通道。 incb.org | The Board also urges all Governments to support the Government of Iraq [...] in addressing and preventing the use of what appears to be a major [...] trafficking route for acetic anhydride to the region. incb.org |
在前体管制方面,毒品和犯罪问题办公室在阿富汗以及来源国和过境国推 动开展的目标明确的打击贩运区域通信、专门知识与培训举措在 [...] 2008 年期间缉 获了大批货物(55 吨前体和 20 吨醋酸酐)。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the control of precursors, the Targeted Anti-trafficking Regional Communication, Expertise and Training (TARCET) initiative, promoted by UNODC in Afghanistan and in source [...] and transit countries, recorded significant seizures during 2008 (55 tons of [...] precursors and 20 tons of acetic anhydride). daccess-ods.un.org |
DICE-2 的重点是共享关于醋酸酐的缉 获、 转移企图和可疑货物的数据以及关于该物质以往 各批货物最终用途的合法性的核查数据。 incb.org | DICE-2 focused on the sharing of data on [...] seizures, diversion attempts and [...] suspicious shipments of acetic anhydride, as well as the verification [...]of the legitimacy of the [...]end-use of past shipments of the substance. incb.org |
2008 年,在西亚途中缉获的运往阿富汗的 醋酸酐 被查 明以大韩民国为主要来源国和挪用国。 incb.org | The Republic of Korea was identified in 2008 as a major source and [...] diversion point of acetic anhydride seized in West Asia [...]en route to Afghanistan. incb.org |
出于各种原因,向麻管局报告一些缉获物质的个体数量时采用了不同单 位;例如,一国可能以“升”为单位报告缉 获 醋酸酐 , 而另一国则使用“公 斤”为计量单位 incb.org | For a variety of reasons, individual quantities of some substances seized are reported to the Board [...] using different units; for instance, one country may [...] report seizures of acetic anhydride in litres, another [...]in kilograms. incb.org |
通过混合当地生长的罂粟与醋酸酐而 生 产。 daccess-ods.un.org | Produced by mixing locally [...] grown poppy with acetic anhydride. daccess-ods.un.org |
麻管局希望提醒各 国的主管当局,如果以往少量进口 醋酸酐 的 国 内 不知名公司现在大量进口该物质,在没有开展进 [...] 一步调查的情况下,不能把进口商提出的该物质 将用于“国内消费或销售”的声明作为证明货物 合法的充分证据。 incb.org | The Board wishes to remind national competent [...] authorities that in cases of isolated imports of [...] large amounts of acetic anhydride by unknown companies [...]located in countries that [...]in the past imported minor amounts of the substance, the claims of the importer that the substance will be used for “domestic consumption or distribution” should not be regarded as sufficient proof of their legitimacy without further investigations into the matter. incb.org |
这些合作活动防止了成吨的麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱挪用于非 法制造苯丙胺类兴奋剂,并大规模收缴了准备用于非法制造海洛因 的 醋酸酐。 incb.org | These cooperative activities have prevented tons of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine from being diverted into the illicit manufacture of amphetaminetype [...] stimulants, and have resulted in [...] large-scale seizures of acetic anhydride destined for the illicit [...]manufacture of heroin. incb.org |
执法和海关当局之间交换涉及前体化学品的可疑交易的数据,特别是通过 努力防止诸如醋酸酐等合 法双重用途化学品转入非法渠道,酌情注意现有的各 [...] 项举措,例如毒品和犯罪问题办公室、世界海关组织、国际刑事警察组织(刑 警组织)等联合举措,集装箱管制方案和全球盾牌方案; 2. daccess-ods.un.org | Exchanging data on suspicious transactions involving precursor chemicals among law enforcement and customs authorities, particularly through efforts to [...] prevent diversion of legal dual-use [...] chemicals, such as acetic anhydride, paying regard, as [...]appropriate, to existing initiatives [...]such as joint initiatives of UNODC, the World Customs Organization (WCO), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the Container Control Programme and Programme Global Shield daccess-ods.un.org |
行动期间缉获的醋酸酐货物量超过 26 吨,涉 及欧洲和亚洲的多个国家。 incb.org | Shipments of acetic anhydride seized during the [...] operation amounted to over 26 tons and involved a number of countries in Europe and Asia. incb.org |
在该举措的行动时限 内,在阿富汗、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、巴基斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和 乌兹别克斯坦共缉获醋酸酐逾 19 吨,其他化学品逾 27 吨。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the operational time frame of the initiative, over 19 tons of acetic anhydride and over 27 tons of other chemicals were seized in Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
麻管局还注意到,伊拉克已脱颖而 出,成为醋酸酐转移 用途运往西亚特别是阿富汗 非法制造海洛因的一个转运点。 incb.org | The Board also notes that Iraq [...] has emerged as a transit point for [...] the diversion of acetic anhydride destined for the [...]illicit manufacture of heroin in West [...]Asia, particularly in Afghanistan. incb.org |
这次行 动延续了 9 个月,得到了 60 [...] 个国家和地区的支 持,在行动期间,麻管局审查了 860 批醋酸酐国 际货物,发布了 10 项涉及该物质的可疑交易通知 [...] 并从不同国家和欧洲联盟收到了 30 份报告,还对 2010 年行动结束后的后续行动的成果进行了评 估。 incb.org | During the operation, which lasted nine months and was supported by 60 countries and territories, [...] the Board reviewed 860 [...] international shipments of acetic anhydride, issued 10 notifications [...]concerning suspicious transactions [...]involving the substance and received 30 reports from individual countries and the European Union, evaluating the outcomes of the operation subsequent to its conclusion in 2010. incb.org |
棱晶项目在监测亚洲醋酸酐方面 取得了积极成果,受此鼓 舞,麻管局主席促请各国政府利用这方面的经验,针对非法制造可卡因所用化 [...] 学品制定类似的战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | Encouraged by the positive results achieved under Project Cohesion [...] in monitoring acetic anhydride in Asia, the President [...]urged Governments to use that experience [...]to formulate similar strategies against chemicals used in the illicit manufacture of cocaine. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为“定向打击贩运活动区域 交流、知识专长和培训二”行动的一部分,2009 年毒品和犯罪问题办公室记录了阿富汗当局在阿 富汗缉获的约 400 升醋酸酐和外国部队在该国缉 获的 1,000 升醋酸酐。 incb.org | As part of the Targeted Anti-Trafficking Regional Communication, Expertise and Training (TARCET) II [...] operation, UNODC recorded some [...] 400 litres of acetic anhydride seized in Afghanistan by Afghan authorities and more than 1,000 litres, seized by foreign forces [...]in that country, in 2009. incb.org |
针对越来越多地在非 法制药厂发现苯乙酸这一趋势,麻管局鼓励所有 [...] 国家政府特别重视辨别苯乙酸转变为 1-苯基-2-丙 酮所需的化学品,特别是醋酸酐。 incb.org | In connection with the increasing trend towards the detection of phenylacetic acid in illicit laboratories,the Board encourages all Governments to place special emphasis on [...] the identification of chemicals that are required to convert phenylacetic acid to P-2-P, in [...] particular acetic anhydride. incb.org |