

单词 酿酒业

See also:


brew wine

酒业 n

wine industry n


glutinous rice wine
sweet fermented rice

External sources (not reviewed)

由于敏锐地意识到关系网络和合作伙伴的价值,Glenn在业务小区 酿酒业 、 服 务业和零售业建立了牢固的关系网。
Keenly aware of the value of networking and partnerships, Glenn has developed strong ties within the business community, the winery industry, and the hospitality and retail industries.
这座城市的主要行业包括渔业、罐头制 业 和 酿酒业。
Fishing, canning, and winemaking are among its main [...]
智利利用矿产资源带来的资金发展铁路,实现农业现代化并改 酿酒业。
Mineral wealth in Chile financed railways development, modernized
[...] agriculture and improved wine-making.
E2E厌氧中试设备是一种高性能的厌氧反应器,它能对造纸、食品加工 酿酒 行 业 产 生的工业废水进行厌氧净化处理。
The E2E anaerobic reactor is a high-performance reactor for the anaerobic cleaning of industrial effluents in the
[...] paper and food industries and in breweries.
作为一座传统的海港城市,卡 尔斯港市通过发展业、酿酒和烟 草产业求得 生存。
A traditional harbour town, Karlshamn thrived on the growth of the fishing, alcohol and tobacco industries.
酿酒行业经理Morten Olander 说:“全世界有500多个OenoFoss用户,对于那些想在关键的成品酒阶段得到更多信息的用户来说,这些附加的成品酒选项真是太棒了。
Wine industry manager, Morten [...]
Olander said:  “We have over 500OenoFoss users around the world and it is great to be able
to offer these additional finished wine options to users who want extra information at the crucial finished wine stage.
酿酒企业 Full Sail 部署了一个基于 ControlLogix [...]
平 台的全新麦芽过滤系统,重点洞察实时信息。
Craft brewing company, Full Sail, [...]
implemented a new mash filtration system based on the ControlLogix Platform with an emphasis
on gaining insight from real-time information.
2007年酒花收获以后,在长期合同的前景鼓舞 下,酒花种植者扩种了酒酿造行业 所 需 要的额外 种植面积。
Following the 2007 harvest, encouraged by the prospect of long-term contracts, the additional acreage demanded by the brewing industry was planted.
新西兰的研究项目将 继续专注培育特殊酒花品种以满足 酒酿 造 行 业的 需要。
New Zealand’s research programme continues to focus on breeding special varieties to meet the needs of the brewing industry.
这些α-酸值是酒酿造行业与酒花商 人之间 签 订 的 包 含 “ α - 酸 条 款 ” 的 供 货 合 同 调 整 的 依 据。
These values constitute the basis for any adjustments of supply contracts containing “alpha clauses” between the brewing industry and hop merchants.
但酒花行业又不具备这个经济实力,让 酒酿 造行业不执 行他们签订的长期的采购合同。
In this connection the hop industry cannot
afford to free the brewing industry from the responsibility of its commitments
[...] in the form of multi-year supply contracts.
与此同时,酒酿造行业、酒花贸 易商和酒花种植 者之间签订的合同亟需调整。
At the same time, contracts between the brewing industry, hop trading companies and hop growers are in immediate need of adjustment.
他们可以根据该信息追溯过去,查看生产成 功批量和优化酿酒的精确标准”。
They can go back, see the exact metrics that produced a successful batch and
[...] optimize the new brew based on that [...]
当粮酿酒及淀粉加工业采用 超音速汽爆法替代蒸煮法时,粮食及淀粉在摄氏200度左右的温度下,以超过音速的速度从2 [...]
When the starch
[...] processing industry, food wine and steam blasting method [...]
using supersonic alternative cooking method, food
and starch in about 200 degrees Celsius temperature to exceed the speed of sound from 2 Mpa ejected into the atmosphere, about 200 degrees Celsius at this time saturated water vapor pressure difference in the great, the food in 0.00875 seconds and starch within the adiabatic expansion work done, there is the beginning of spraying, the spray, spray the end of the process, all material handling highly consistent results, all materials are from within in 0.00875 seconds 200 degrees Celsius down to 30 degrees Celsius, to complete the process of ripening grain and starch.
南非的酒花专为南非国内的酒酿造 行 业 生 产
The hops farmed in South Africa are grown exclusively for the domestic brewing industry.
Crushpad是一个为顾客提供葡萄酒酿制服务的机构,在美国纳帕谷和法国波尔多都设有分部,拥有超过5000名客户,包括葡萄酒爱好者, 业 的 酿酒 师 , 名酒销售商和餐饮业主。
Crushpad is a custom winemaking service with locations in Napa Valley and Bordeaux, with over 5,000 clients including wine enthusiasts, professional winemakers, fine-wine retailers and restaurants.
变种葡萄充分体现了罗马尼亚哈利伍德镇 酿酒 师 菲 奥伦佐·里斯塔卓越的才华和丰富的经验,在酒窖工作多年令他的 业 得 以迅速提升和深化。
Vitis Metamorfosis uses to full advantage the talents of winemaker Fiorenzo Rista 
and his experience and knowledge of
[...] the town of Halewood in Rumania, which have developed and deepened through years of professional work in the cellars of the country.
(a) 商业和工业制冷最终用户奖励方案,由日本政府执行(144,000 美元),通过提供
[...] 资金奖励,替换或改造制冷系统,淘汰商业和工业制冷最终用户(即:粮食储存、业、肉类加工厂酿酒厂、 医院、旅馆、餐馆、超级市场和冷藏运输)的 CFC [...]
消费(主要是 CFC-12 和 R502)。
(a) Incentive programme for the commercial and industrial refrigeration end-users, to be implemented by the Government of Japan (US $144,000), to phase-out consumption of CFCs (mainly CFC-12 and R502) in the commercial and industrial refrigeration end-user
sectors (i.e., food storage, fisheries,
[...] meat-processing plants, breweries, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, [...]
supermarkets and refrigerated
transport) through the payment of a financial incentive to either replace or retrofit their refrigeration systems.
14/12/2011 2011年年末,葡萄酒投资以繁荣状态收尾 • 14/12/2011 勃艮第需要“必然增长” • 13/12/2011 苏富比拍卖行今年创下高端葡萄酒销售的新纪录 • 12/12/2011 通过使用新的电脑程序,葡 酒酿 造 商开始变得更具技术头脑 • 12/12/2011 唐·培里侬香槟发售2003年份酒 • 09/12/2011 Anish Kapoor设计木桐堡葡萄酒标签 • 09/12/2011 伦敦葡萄酒交易行的前100中高品质葡萄酒“认为牛市” • 08/12/2011 哈罗斯展出酩悦1911年份葡萄酒 • 08/12/2011 波尔多的业被来 自中国的买家大肆抢购 • 07/12/2011 中国的高品质葡萄酒市场正日趋成熟?
14/12 Wine investment ends 2011 on a high • 14/12 Burgundy demand to 'inevitably increase' • 13/12 Sotheby's records record year for fine wine sales • 12/12 Winemakers become more tech savvy with new app • 12/12 Dom Perignon launches 2003 vintage via hologram • 09/12 Anish Kapoor designs Mouton Rothschild label • 09/12 Liv-ex Fine Wine 100 'remains bullish' • 08/12 Harrods puts Moet & Chandon Grand Vintage 1911 on display • 08/12 Bordeaux properties being snapped up by Chinese buyers • 07/12 Is the Chinese fine wine market maturing?
2009种植年度的大量 酒花或者还储存在农场、没有出售,或者被以没 有披露的价格卖给了业外的酿酒厂 或 投资者。
Hops from the very large 2009 crop are either
still stored unsold on the farms or have
[...] been passed on to breweries or to investors outside [...]
the industry at undisclosed prices.
英国酒酿造业的平均 用水量为 7 m3 /m3 ,最高值为 21 m3/m3。
The average
[...] water use by breweries in the UK is [...]
7 m3/m3 and maximum is 21 m3/m3beer.
然 而,还需要注意到,全世界的酒酿 造 行 业 签 订 的 远期合同的酒花数量超过了需要的数量。
Due to the current market situation, producers in countries with low forward contracting rates are faced with serious problems.
酿酒师Richie Allen介绍了一个超级连锁酒厂是如何受益于一个比鞋盒还小的便携式葡萄酒分析仪的。
Winemaker Richie Allen explains how even a super league winery can benefit from a handy new wine analyzer taking up no more bench space than a shoebox.
欧罗巴Europa Grand Cru 的背后,是由从事食品业的庄园主 酿酒 人 、 培育者以及传媒专家,这些实力非常强大的股东支持而成。
Europa Grand Cru is backed by strong shareholders that are
[...] from the food industry, château owner and winemakers.
酒业的总经理酿酒师Gu y SARTON du JONCHAY介绍了每个产区的特色以及这个拥有231年行业经验的公司的经营理念。
Guy SARTON du JONCHAY, winemaker and
CEO of Vidal-Fleury, explained the
[...] uniqueness of each appellation and the philosophy [...]
of the House that is rooted in 231 years of experience.
在此方面,各国报告指出,虽然仍需要进一步的工作,但现 有区域渔业管理组织和安排已经采取各种重大行动执行第 61/105 号决议,包括 通过现有或酿中的区域业管理 组织和安排,查明和保护脆弱海洋生态系统不 受到底层捕捞活动的重大不利影响,并以可持续方式管理深海捕捞。
In this context, States reported that existing RFMO/As had taken significant actions to implement resolution 61/105, although further work was necessary, both through existing RFMO/As and those under development, to identify and protect VMEs from significant adverse impacts of bottom fishing activities and to sustainably manage deep-sea fisheries.
它包含五个主题:酒食议—做酱油和豆酱,家 酿酒 , 饭 (米饭),年糕,以及随米饭一起上的小菜;缝纫则—做衣服、染色、手工缝纫、刺绣、养蚕、焊接烹饪用锅和壶以及如何生火;桑田术—如何耕田以及如何饲养家畜(马、牛和鸡);孕养—产前培训、儿童抚养方法、急救方法、避免使用的医药以及任何清洁居处的方法;以及符咒术—民间传说中通过符咒祛除恶灵和魔鬼的方式。
It covers five topics: Jusaui—making soy sauce and
[...] soybean paste, domestic alcoholic beverages, bap [...]
(cooked rice), rice cakes, and side dishes
served alongside bap; Bongimchik—making clothes, dyeing, weaving by hand, embroidery, silkworm breeding, soldering cooking pots and kettles, and how to make fire; Sangarak—how to plow a field and how to raise livestock (horses, cows, and chickens); Cheongnanggyeol—prenatal training, methods of childrearing, methods of first aid, medicines to be avoided, and ways of cleaning dwelling places; and Sulsuryak—folkloric ways of driving away evil spirits and devils through talismans and incantation.
[...] 事处在以下方面支持非洲联盟打击上帝抵抗军区域协调举措:(a) 拟订并审查行 动的战略指示和构想;(b) 酝酿并制 定非洲联盟举措的行动结构;(c) 制定上述 举措的政策和指南,包括接战规则、标准 业 程 序 和保护平民战略、(d) 开展军 事行动的后勤支助规划;(e) 为非统联盟打击上帝军区域协调举措的实际运作开 [...]
支持为非 洲联盟打击上帝抵抗军区域协调举措制定公共宣传战略。
UNOAU supports the African Union Regional Cooperation Initiative against LRA in the following areas: (a) development and review of strategic directives and concepts of operations; (b) conceptualization and development of the operational structure of the African Union Initiative; (c)
Development of policies and
[...] guidelines for the Initiative, including rules of engagement, standard operating procedures and protection of civilian strategies; (d) logistics support [...]
planning for the conduct
of military operations; (e) technical assessments and surveys of physical infrastructure, communications and logistical support structures for the operationalization of the African Union Regional Cooperation Initiative against LRA; and (f) support in developing public information strategies for the African Union Regional Cooperation Initiative against LRA.
22/05/2012 伦敦国际葡萄酒博览会开幕 • 21/05/2012 葡萄酒投资基金将获得超过FTSE 100的巨大回报 • 21/05/2012 宝得根酒庄美酒需求增加 • 18/05/2012 失事轮船上的葡萄酒再次征战拍卖会 • 18/05/2012 葡酒投资期待“乐观的2012” • 17/05/2012 拍卖会卖出240年的酿 • 17/05/2012 凯隆世家在二级葡酒市场 开始交易 • 16/05/2012 2011年酒趋势发布为之带来新的力量 • 15/05/2012 中国葡萄酒投资呈下降趋势 • 15/05/2012 除法国之外的葡萄酒投资——面向新世界 • 14/05/2012 威登庄园获得了2011年最佳葡萄酒的称号 • 14/05/2012 罕有的修道院红颜容副牌酒成为拍卖之星 • 11/05/2012 新选举的法国政府推进葡萄酒在中国的销售 • 11/05/2012 美国葡萄酒商并未被2011年期酒所动 • 10/05/2012 庞特卡内会成为2011年期酒之星吗?
22/05 London International Wine Fair opens • 21/05 Wine investment fund sees huge returns over FTSE 100 • 21/05 Growing appeal for Chateau Pontet Canet • 18/05 Shipwrecked wine to go up for auction again • 18/05 Wine investment prospects 'positive for 2012' • 17/05 240-year-old wine sells at auction • 17/05 Calon Segur trades on secondary wine investment market • 16/05 Flood of 2011 en primeur releases sparks new life into campaign • 15/05 Wine investment in China sees decline • 15/05 Wine investment beyond France - look to the New World • 14/05 Vieux Chateau Certan earns title for best wine of 2011 • 14/05 Rare La Mission-Haut-Brion the star attraction at auction • 11/05 Newly-elected French government to push wine in China • 11/05 US wine merchants not turned on by 2011 en primeur • 10/05 Could Pontet Canet be a star of the 2011 vintage?
为了顺利实施《欧盟-摩尔多瓦行动计划》在文化和旅游方面的规定,可开 展下列活动:摩尔多瓦共和国参与欧洲委员会资助的社会计划“2008
[...] 年文化”、 地区计划“基辅倡议”等,包括实施 2008-2009 年“葡酿酒厂与文化旅游”项目。
With the purpose to implement the provision of the EU-Moldova Action Plan, for the chapter of culture and tourism the following activities may be mentioned: the participation of the Republic of Moldova in the Community Programme “Culture 2008”, the regional Programme “the Kiev initiative”, under the auspices of
the Council of Europe, including the
[...] implementation of the project “Wineries and Cultural Tourism”, [...]
planned for 2008–2009.




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