

单词 酸味的

See also:


acid n
acids pl
acidic n

be sore


taste n
flavorAE n

External sources (not reviewed)

鲜嫩又有弹性的牡蛎,加上西红 的酸味 , 淋上软乎乎的蛋汁组合真是绝妙。
Combination of tender and
[...] chewy oyster, sour taste of tomato and [...]
fluffy egg complement each other.
阿灵通制成的葡萄酒具有酸度和柠 檬 味的 特 点
It can produce high acid wines with lemon notes
酸味道層次分明,清的青檸 香氣漂浮在混合了朗姆酒、君度酒和冰的雞尾酒上,再冠以香甜草莓魚子,縱橫交錯的感官體驗讓貴賓驚歎神往。
Savor an irresistibly modern interpretation of the [...]
well-loved Strawberry Daiquiri, which separates sweet from sour as newly
structured fresh lime air sits over a blend of rum, Cointreau and ice, topped off with delectably sweet strawberry caviar.
Aiya 还有从河内直接送的酸味春卷 或者韩式拌饭以及不可错过的命名为Xuka这个可爱的名称的甜品(其中有蛋饼加以水各种果汁精及椰子肉)。
Aiya also offers fried Pickled Sour Pork Sausage directly [...]
coming from Hanoi, or Korean-style mixed rice dishes and sweets
with the cute name – Xuka, all of which you find it hard to ignore.
中国给予喀土穆 的历来支持留给了南苏丹酸的过往 ,但双方经济 利的潜力意味着双 边关系正在书写新的篇章。
China’s historical support for
[...] Khartoum left a sour legacy in the South, but the potential for mutual economic benefit means a new chapter [...]
in bilateral relations is now being written.
2010年是爱焙士的子品牌DREIDOPPEL在中国市场的首次演示,DREIDOPPEL的西点大师Riedel先生和Schanzl先生一起共同展示了橙,摩卡咖啡,柠檬,香草 味 , 酸 奶 和 巧克 味的 丰 富 多彩的糕点。
Mr. Riedel and Mr. Schanzl, Master Pastry Chefs from Dreidoppel, were the master demonstrators at the booth, showing
colorful entremets prepared with orange, mocha, lemon,
[...] vanilla flavors and pastes, yogurt and chocolate flavored stabilizers.
本品是能够取代味精的升级换代产品,与肉类食品和香菇中所含的鲜味成分相似,含有GMP、IMP、MSG三种鲜味物质,能增进肉、鱼、蔬菜和汤 的味 道 和风味,能帮助甜 酸 、 苦 、辣、咸 味的 调 和 ,使菜肴更加鲜味可口。
Taste the updating and upgrading product being able to substitute gourmet powder originally, the what be contained delicate flavour component is similar to meat in food and the mushroom , contain GMP ,
IMP , MSG three kinds delicate flavour matter, flavour and local flavour
[...] being able to enhance flesh , fish , vegetable and soups, energy help burns sweet , sour , bitter, salty all sorts of flavours harmonious, uses cooked food delicate flavour is especially [...]
如果油发暗、稠密,而且 被污染了电机绝缘材的分解 颗粒,并且如果它闻起来还 酸味 , 就 说明有问题。
If the oil is dark, sludgy and
perhaps contaminated with decomposed
[...] particles from the motor insulation, and it smells acidly there is something wrong.
味酸” 的 含 水 量 , 原來必須經 常 超 過 30%, 如果含 水 量 低 於 30%, 便 會 有 危險, 因 為 是會引起爆炸的 。
It will be dangerous if the water content is lower than 30%, for an explosion may be caused.
[...] 脂奶製品、忌廉或牛油、糖、植物油、蛋製品、水果、可可或咖啡的冷凍 甜品)、ice milk(以減脂奶、脫脂奶或無脂奶製成與雪糕類似的製品)、jellied milk、冷的調味酸乳酪、junket(在調味奶中加入凝乳酶,待凝結後製成的 吉士類甜品),dulce de leche(在奶中加糖及其他配料例如椰子或朱古力,烹 [...]
Other examples include: ice cream (frozen dessert that may contain whole milk, skim milk products, cream or butter, sugar, vegetable oil, egg products, and fruit, cocoa, or
coffee), ice milk
[...] (product similar to ice cream with reduced whole or skim milk content, or made with nonfat milk), jellied milk, frozen flavoured yoghurt, junket (sweet [...]
custard-like dessert
made from flavoured milk set with rennet), dulce de leche (cooked milk with sugar and added ingredients such as coconut or chocolate), butterscotch pudding and chocolate mousse.
如果光泽很亮(特别是在白酒中), 常味着含有强的酸度, 而光泽亮度弱,则表示 酒已达到了成熟,光泽暗淡则表示该酒正在走下坡 路。
A wine that is very brilliant (especially a white
[...] wine) is often relatively acidic, whereas a wine with a [...]
matt appearance is apt to be at its
peak and a wine that looks dull is probably past its peak.
一项由巴西矿业技术中心(CETEM)和国家艺术和历史遗产协会(PHAN)联合开展的损害分析发现,带着 味的 潮 湿 空气并不是耶稣雕像受损的唯一原因;他们同时还发现微生物在新陈代谢过程中会产 酸 性 物 质。
A damage analysis by the Brazilian Center for Mineral Technology (CETEM) and the National Historical and Artistic
Heritage Institute (IPHAN)
[...] showed that the damp, salty air was not the only factor attacking the monument; they also identified microorganisms that produce acids as they metabolize.
鍾國華先 生 答說,“soyabeans”、“soybeans”、“soy”、“soya”、“soya beans”、 “soy beans”、大豆及黃豆這些字眼全部均可接受用於食物標籤上,但建議按照的標籤 法例使用“堅果”、“色素”、 酸味 劑 ” 、“年 ”及 “膨脹劑”,而不要用“果 仁 ”、 “著色劑”、 “酸 ”、 “西元年”、 “公元年”及 “膨鬆劑”。
Mr. K W CHUNG replied that the wordings of soyabeans, soybeans, soy, soya, soya beans, soy beans, “大豆” and “黃豆” were all acceptable to be used on food labels while “堅果”, “色 素”, “酸味劑”, “年” and “膨脹劑” were recommended to be used rather than “果仁”, “著色劑” , “酸”, “西元年”,“公元年” and “膨鬆劑” in accordance with the new labelling law.
[...] Butterfly」則以多層雪芳蛋糕夾配別具異國風味的紅菜頭、開心果及朱古力,配以鮮忌廉及糖漬杏桃,並於頂部綴以黑白相間的環狀朱古力片;「Memoirs of a Geisha」是一款充滿紅豆忌廉的雪芳蛋糕,伴手指餅 的 嚐 味 小 品 ;「Sunshine」則為檸檬罌粟籽雪芳蛋糕 酸 甜 的 柑 橘 類凝乳,感覺清新。
An extension of its offering at Sevva, the cakes are mini art pieces of their own and each named individually, such as Butterfly Kisses (layers of chiffon cake with fresh fruit), Madame Butterfly (layers of chiffon cake with beetroot, pistachio and chocolate, with fresh cream and sweetened apricot, topped with black and white chocolate ring), Memoirs of a Geisha (chiffon cake filled with red bean cream, with finger biscuit on the side), Sunshine (lemon and poppy
seed chiffon cake with
[...] sweet and sour citrus cream), Million Dollar Truffle Cake (wrapped with 24 carat gold) and Crepe Suzette Cake (layers of French pancake [...]
with orange cream).
事件的 “ 苦味酸”在最初 貯存時 , 含 水 量 是 高 的,但 經 過多年 貯存, 含 水 量 已 降 至 很低;當香 港 中 文 大 學 發 現 之 後 , 便 聯 絡 土木工 程署的 務及石礦 部 , 後來更 請 消防處 聯 同 警 方協助 引爆, 以 免 日 後 發生意 外。
Having discovered the situation, the Chinese University contacted the Mines and Quarries Division of the Civil Engineering Department and later the FSD and the Police Force were asked to detonate the chemical in order to prevent accidents from happening in future.
西点店供应各种令人垂涎欲滴的酥饼和蛋糕,还有用瑞士可可粉精制而成的家常巧克力,让人欲罢不能;更有健康 味的酸 奶 和 倍受厨师力荐的什锦干果仁任您享用。
Indulge in a variety of mouth-watering cakes and pastries and sinful
chocolates handmade from fine Swiss cocoa. Healthy
[...] selections such as yogurts and Chef’s Recipe [...]
trail mixes are also on offer at The Bakeshop.
为 防 止 发 生 亚 硝 酸 盐 引 致 食 用 者 中 毒 , 并
尽 量 减 低 硝 胺 在 腊 味 等 腌 制 肉 类 内 形 成 的 机
[...] 会 , 制 造 商 须 确 保味 的 硝 酸 钠 和 ∕ 或 亚 硝 酸 盐 含 [...]
量 , 不 会 超 过 法 例 准 许 的 水 平 , 以 减 少 亚 硝
酸 钠 残 留 在 食 物 中 的 含 量 。
To prevent nitrite-induced intoxication and to minimize the extent of exogenous nitrosamines formation in cured meats such as Lap-mei, manufacturers are liable to
assure their products contain no more than
[...] the permitted levels of sodium nitrate and /or [...]
nitrite in order to reduce the residual nitrites in food.
充滿年輕味道的清新花果調香水,可愛的造型,喚起快樂的感受,表達出戀愛的幸福甜蜜!愛戀 的酸 甜 滋 味 , 充 分洋溢在這香水中。
It is very wonderful fresh and green scent, providing bright experiences
[...] that transition it through many sweet flavors.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用
30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过
[...] 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使 的 甲 酸 甲 酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 [...] [...]
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been
designed to disseminate the results from the
[...] validation of methyl formate technology [...]
in rigid and integral skin polyurethane
foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
根據修訂建議,二氧化硫和苯酸 的准許含量維持不變。
The permitted levels of sulphur
[...] dioxide and benzoic acid would remain unchanged [...]
in the proposed amendment.
禁令涵的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏味、肉 類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽的證明 書證明有關食 的 輻 射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員的標準
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards [...]
laid down by the Codex.
这种方式,我们可以节省达 10 克糖在某些情况下,并获得更多的养分,自而不是加了糖可以添加蜂蜜具有更 的 抗 氧 化剂和微量营养素,以及,我们可以 味酸 奶 配 新鲜水果和干果,有其天 的 糖 , 并在同一时间提供维生素和矿物质。
In this way, we can save up to 10 grams of sugar in some cases, and get more nutrients, since instead of added sugar
you can add honey that
[...] has more antioxidants and micronutrients, as well, we can flavor the yogurt with fresh and dried fruits which have their natural sugar, and [...]
at the same time provide vitamins and minerals.
关于获得有的补救 措施、丝毫不受歧视地对 驱的决定提出质的权利 ,有人指出,在这种情况下,不歧视必须被解释为在 外国人之间不受歧视,而不是味着 任何国民待遇原则。
Regarding the right of access to effective remedies to challenge the expulsion decision without discrimination, it was pointed out that, in that context, nondiscrimination must be construed as being among aliens, and not as implying any principle [...]
of national treatment.
如果每個類別的食品和樣本數目增加,化驗檢測工作便能 夠更全面地涵蓋香港市面供應的發酵食物,以及更準確地評估這些食的氨基甲酸乙酯含量範圍和平均值。
Increasing both the number of food items and the number of samples per individual food commodity for laboratory analysis could provide a more comprehensive coverage and a more precise estimate of the range and average EC concentration of fermented foods in the Hong Kong market.
这并不味着涉 及到保留,虽然有时候被“提出者”作为“具 有解释性”提的“单 方面声明”可能是一项真 的 保 留,在这种情况下,其 “允许性”应根据适用于保留的规则予以评估(准则 3.5.1)。
This does not mean that reservations are involved, although sometimes a unilateral declaration presented as interpretative by its author might be a true reservation, [...]
in which case its permissibility
must be assessed in the light of the rules applicable to reservations (guideline 3.5.1).
因此,業界應繼續密切監察生產過程、找出可能引起問題的地方和 制訂方法,以防止或減少食品在製造及貯存過程中產生氨基 酸 乙 酯, 並把食的氨基甲酸乙酯 含量減至最低。
It is therefore important for the industry to continue closely monitor the manufacturing process, identify potentially problematic conditions and develop methods that would prevent or reduce the formation of EC and maintain EC contamination at the lowest level possible during processing and storage.
酸奶是一种优秀食品、 营养、味的食物吃两顿饭之间或也对窗体部分的主餐,但我们通常采取 味酸 奶 含 有高 的 糖 , 所以,今天我们建议你选择纯酸奶和添加风味在家。
yogurt is an excellent food,
[...] nutritious and tasty to eat between meals or also to form part of main meals, but usually we take hand-flavored yogurt containing high amount of sugar, so, [...]
today we suggest you
choose plain yogurt and add flavor at home.




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