









External sources (not reviewed)

它们仍然关法以及任意和非法拘留在刚果持续存在,同时,没有对理事 会的所有特别程序发出长期邀请。
They remained concerned about the
[...] continued practice of torture, andarbitrary and [...]
illegal detention in the Congo, and the
absence of a standing invitation to all special procedures of the Council.
同样有关的 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇
[...] 减轻残疾和预防残疾恶化的服务,包括向儿童和老年人提供这些服务”;《公民及 政治权利国际公约》第 7条禁残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, [...]
Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 12, concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons”; and the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights, article 7,
[...] which prohibits tortureor cruel,inhuman [...]
or degrading treatment or punishment and
includes the prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation without free consent.
所涉提案包括设置:(a) 第 35 款下的 13 个安全和安保员额,包括在日内瓦的 5 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,以落实一个必要的警犬股并领导危机管理培训,以及在亚 的斯亚贝巴的 8 个一般事务(当地职等)员额,以支持安保控制中心;(b) 第 24 款下的 4 个 一般事务(其他职等)员额,为人权理事会和包括强迫失踪问题委员会和防其他残 忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚小组委员会在内的各条约机构提供行政和文书支助;(c) 2 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,以支持国际法院;以及(d) 在联合国停战监督组织的 2 个一 般事务(当地职等)员额,以提供跨国际边界运输服务。
These include proposals for the establishment of (a) 13 Safety and Security posts under section 35, comprised of 5 General Service (Other level) posts in Geneva to implement a necessary canine unit and lead crisis management training, and 8 General Service (Local level) posts in Addis Ababa to support the security control centres, (b) 4 General Service (Other level) posts under section 24 to provide administrative and clerical support to the Human Rights Council and the treaty bodies, including the Committee on Enforced Disappearances and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, (c) 2 General Service (Other level) posts to support the International Court of Justice and (d) 2 General Service (Local level) posts in UNTSO to provide transportation services across international borders.
这些包括:任意拘留其他残忍、不人道或有辱人 格的待遇和处罚;即决处决和法外处决;性暴力,包括强奸、性虐待和性剥削行 [...]
These included:
[...] arbitrarydetention; torture or cruel,inhuman [...]
or degrading treatment or punishment; summary and extrajudicial
executions; sexual violence, including rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation; and other forms of violence grounded in discrimination against women.
[...] 性和性别有关的暴力、对被拘留战斗人员和其他人 的虐待非法拘留平民、随意逮捕、劫持和 绑架人质、对南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹代政权控制的领 [...]
土上的格鲁吉亚裔居民的歧视性待遇,包括限制行 动自由、剥夺母语教育权、强迫取得俄罗斯公民身
份和护照、冲突中和冲突后系统而广泛的劫掠等; 以及破坏财产,包括烧毁主要由格鲁吉亚裔居民居 住的村庄里,包括所谓的缓冲区内的房屋和其他民 用建筑物。
The campaign of violence had included: summary executions, rape
and sexual and gender-based violence,
[...] ill treatmentand tortureof detainedcombatants [...]
and other persons, illegal detention
of civilians, arbitrary arrests, abduction and taking of hostages, discriminatory treatment of ethnic Georgians on the territories under the control of proxy regimes of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, including limitation of freedom of movement, denial of their right to education in their mother tongue, pressure to obtain Russian citizenship and passports, a systematic and widespread campaign of pillage and looting during and after the conflict; and destruction of property, including the burning of homes and other civilian buildings in villages inhabited predominantly by ethnic Georgians, including in socalled buffer zones.
索马里公民遭受的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
委员会促请缔约国采取一切必要措施,落实对其第二次定期报告的结论性意 见和根据《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择
[...] 括涉及资源分配、数据收集、国内立法与公约及其议定书的协调虐待、 少年司法、被剥夺家庭环境的儿童、性剥削和虐待、以及少数群体儿童的各项建 [...]
The Committee urges the State party to take all necessary measures to address those recommendations from the concluding observations on the second periodic report under the Convention and the initial report under the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography that have not been implemented or sufficiently implemented, including those related to allocation of resources, data collection, harmonization of national
legislation with the Convention and its
[...] OptionalProtocols, tortureand ill-treatment, [...]
administration of juvenile justice, children
deprived of their family environment, sexual exploitation and abuse, and children of minority groups, and to provide adequate follow-up to the recommendations contained in the present concluding observations.
各政府部门必须做好协调工作,以推行应对气 候变化的适应性措施,例如:改善排水系统、研报机制等。
Different governmental departments must be coordinated in a bid to providing adaptation measures for climate change, such as improving drainage system and developing heat alert system.
在塔吉克斯坦,有四个特征构成了联合国发展援助框架的基础,即许多基础服务 的质量的下降和获得基础服务机会的减少(比如教育和保健)和区地形(自 然资源的可持续管理、备灾)、临时出现民主价值观(决策的问责制、法制与人权以 及区域稳定)和重建家园中更大的家庭和社区举措(经济机会、获得干净的饮用 水)。
In Tajikistan four features form accordingly the basis of the UNDAF, namely decline in the quality of and access to many basic services (e.g. education and health) and the demanding mountainous terrain (sustainable management of natural resources, disaster preparedness), a tentative appearance of democratic values (accountability of decision-making, rule of law and human rights and regional stability), and greater household and community initiative in rebuilding their livelihoods (economic opportunities, access to clean drinking water).
政府通过履行这些国际承诺,致力于促进公民权利和政治权利、经济、社 会和文化权利及儿童权利,消一切形式的歧视。
Through these international commitments, the Government has undertaken to promote civil and political rights as
well as economic, social and cultural rights, and children
[...] rights, andeliminate tortureand all forms of discrimination.
[...] 以通过必要的规范性文书的方式更坚决地促进经 济、社会和文化权利,呼吁坚决谴其他残 忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇,呼吁更积极地支持 [...]
所有人权维护者,欧洲联盟对他们不顾巨大的危险 完成的工作表示敬意。
The European Union believed that a more determined effort must be made to fight poverty and HIV/AIDS, which were synonymous with denial of rights; the economic, social and cultural
rights must be more vigorously promoted
[...] through legislation; tortureandothercruel, [...]
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
had to be firmly condemned; and all human rights defenders, whom it hailed for working in the face of considerable risk, should be strongly supported.
[...] 点应是非洲和性别平等这两个全球优先事项,以及最不发达国家(LDC)、最边缘化群体、世界上面临最的地区,尤其是非洲和小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)。
In consonance with the conclusions of the interdisciplinary meeting held during the present session of the General Conference, there was a general agreement that the main focus of the forthcoming Programme and Budget should be on Africa and gender equality as global priorities and on the least developed countries (LDCs), the most
marginalized groups, the regions of the world
[...] experiencing the greatest challenges, in [...]
particular Africa and small island developing States (SIDS).
[...] 申诉人的说辞以及他关于一旦返回阿富汗会因他本人的性取向而面临遭杀害和 / 或遭其它虐待的所谓风险之称。
In view of the above, there are reasons to question the author's statements and claims relating to the
alleged risk that he would be killed
[...] and/or subjectedtotorture or otherill-treatment [...]
upon return to Afghanistan because of his sexual orientation.
委员会重申它建议 (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3,第20段) 缔约国为遵守《公约》第12条,
[...] 需要废除酌情起诉制度,这样主管当局只要有合理的理由相信在其管辖境内的任 何地方发生为,就有义务主动开展系统的公正调查,以便有效确保此类 [...]
The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CAT/C/FRA/CO/3, para. 20) whereby compliance with the provisions of article 12 of the Convention requires a derogation from the system of discretionary prosecution, so as to oblige the competent authorities to launch impartial inquiries systematically and on their own initiative wherever
there are reasonable grounds for
[...] believing thatan act oftorture has beencommitted [...]
in any territory under its jurisdiction,
in order to effectively ensure that the perpetrators of such crimes do not remain unpunished.
在这种意义上,小组委员会的最终目的不是为了查否发生,而是为 了通过说服缔约国改进其保障系统的运作,预防各种形式的虐待行为。
In this sense, rather than merely checking or
[...] verifying whether torturehasoccurred, the SPT’s ultimate aim is to anticipate and forestall the commission oftorture by persuading [...]
States Parties to improve
the system of functioning safeguards to prevent all forms of ill-treatment.
这些保障措施不太被认为是正当的程序保障――这一任务属于其他联合国机 构――而是防其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的手段。
These safeguards are considered not so much as due process safeguards — this task falls to other
United Nations bodies — but as instruments
[...] of preventionof tortureandothercruel, [...]
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
其他相关标准和规范有:《保护人人不其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚宣言》(大会第 [...]
3452 (XXX)号 决议,附件);《有效执行〈囚犯待遇最低限度标准规则〉的程序》(经社理 事会第 1984/47 号决议,附件);《东京规则》;《关于非洲监狱条件的坎帕拉
宣言》(经社理事会第 1997/36 号决议,附件);《卡多马社区服务宣言》(经 社理事会第 1998/23 号决议,附件一)及关于监狱过分拥挤的相关建议(经社理 事会第 1998/23 号决议,附件二);《良好的监狱管理方法的阿鲁沙宣言》(经 社理事会第 1999/27 号决议,附件);以及《关于在刑事事项中使用恢复性司法 方案的基本原则》(经社理事会第 2002/12 号决议,附件)。
Other relevant standards and norms are the Declaration
on the Protection of All Persons from
[...] Being Subjected to Tortureand OtherCruel, [...]
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
(Assembly resolution 3452 (XXX), annex); the procedures for the effective implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Council resolution 1984/47, annex); the Tokyo Rules; the Kampala Declaration on Prison Conditions in Africa (Council resolution 1997/36, annex); the Kadoma Declaration on Community Service (Council resolution 1998/23, annex I) and related recommendations on prison overcrowding (Council resolution 1998/23, annex II); the Arusha Declaration on Good Prison Practice (Council resolution 1999/27, annex); and the basic principles on the use of restorative justice programmes in criminal matters (Council resolution 2002/12, annex).
缔约国应进一步发展和强化现行教育方案,确保包括法官、检察官、拘留场 所公共监察员、执法人员、安全官员、村卫队成员以及监狱和移民官员在内
[...] 的所有官员都充分了解《公约》中的各项规定和绝对禁止实原则, 以及如果有任何违反《公约》的行为,将会被追究责任。
The State party should further develop and strengthen ongoing educational programmes to ensure that all officials, including judges and prosecutors, public inspectors of places of detention, law enforcement personnel, security officers, members of the Village Guards and prison and immigration officials, are fully aware of the
provisions of the Convention, the
[...] absolute prohibition of tortureand that they will [...]
be held liable for any actions in contravention of the Convention.
古巴重申它要求以色列应立即全面无条件解除 对加沙的法封锁,以便使物资运输畅行无阻 [...]
Cuba reiterates its demand that Israel immediately, fully and
[...] unconditionally liftthecruel and illegal [...]
blockade of Gaza in order to allow for the free
movement of supplies as well as permanent humanitarian access.
新《宪法》(2008 年 8 月 7 日获得批准)保证公民权利、政治权利和基本自
[...] 任意拘留的权利;保释权;免于被迫招供权利;获得法律援助的权利;禁有辱人格的待遇;上诉权利;因为遭受非法逮捕或拘留而获得赔偿的权利;投 [...]
票(投票年龄降至 18 岁)和担任公职的权利;见解和言论自由;隐私权;知情
权;结社自由;集会自由;移徙自由;以及向包括儿童、青少年、老年人及有特 需的人在内的弱势群体提供特别保护。
The new Constitution (ratified on 7 August 2008) guarantees civil and political rights and fundamental freedoms including, inter alia: the right to life; right to nondiscrimination; right to fair and public trials; protection from arbitrary detention; right to bail; freedom
from forced confession; right to legal
[...] aid; prohibition of torture or degrading treatment; [...]
right to appeal; access to compensation
for unlawful arrest or detention; right to vote (voting age reduced to 18) and to hold public office; freedom of opinion and expression; right to privacy; right to information; freedom of association; freedom of assembly; freedom of movement; and provision of special protection to vulnerable groups, including children, adolescents, elders, and people with special needs.
[...] 约国,确保有特殊医疗需求的寻求庇护者能够获得专门医疗服务和有针对性的福 利和设施,以尽早查受害者并帮助他们进行恢复。
The Committee urges the State party to ensure that asylum-seekers with special medical needs have access to specialized medical
care, targeted welfare benefits and facilities for the early identification and
[...] rehabilitation of thevictims of torture.
该计划包括:进行 作物育种以开发能够在条件下生长的作物品种、支持可持续的土地管理和提 [...]
高农业用水效率、防治虫害和牲畜疾病、保护自然资源、通过辐射和其他技术提高粮 食质量和安全。
It includes plant breeding to develop crop varieties able
[...] to grow under harsh environmental [...]
conditions, support for sustainable land management
and water use efficiency in agriculture, control of insect pests and animal diseases, conservation of natural resources, and the promotion of food quality and safety through irradiation and other techniques.
[...] 文化权利国际公约》;《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》;《消除 对妇女一切形式歧视公约》;《禁其他残忍、不人道或有辱 人格的待遇或处罚公约》;以及《儿童权利公约》。
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women; the
[...] Convention against Torture and OtherCruel, [...]
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;
and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
他重申件中,举证责任并非由被告承担, 他说按照《有效调查和记其他残忍、不人 道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的手册》(《伊斯坦布尔议 定书》,法官有权采取必要步骤,以查控中 的事实。
Reiterating that the burden of proof was not
placed on the accused in
[...] casesof torture, hesaid that, in accordance with the Manual on Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol), judges were authorized to take any steps necessary to ascertain the facts in allegations of torture.
[...] 题,老年人在实现其自由和人身安全权、隐私权、行动自由权、言论自由权、免其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇的权利、人格完整权、适足生活水 [...]
准权和可达到的最高水准的身心健康权方面面临的挑战很常见,但是没有得到适 当的应对。
Particular challenges for the realization by older persons of the right to liberty and security of person, the right to privacy,
freedom of movement, freedom of
[...] expression, freedom from torture and othercruel, [...]
inhuman and degrading treatment, the right
to personal integrity, the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, among others, are common but have often not been adequately regulated.
深为关切数以千计的巴勒斯坦人,包括几百名儿童和妇女,继续被关押在以 色列监狱或拘留中心,条件恶劣,尤其是环境卫生差,缺乏适当的医疗服务,不
[...] 准家属探访和剥夺适当法律程序,从而损害他们的福祉,又深为关切所有有关巴 勒斯坦囚犯受到虐待和骚扰以及所有有报道
Expressing deep concern that thousands of Palestinians, including hundreds of children and women, continue to be held in Israeli prisons or detention centres under harsh conditions, including, inter alia, unhygienic conditions, lack of proper medical care, denial of family visits and denial of due process, that impair their well-being, and
expressing deep concern also about the ill-treatment and harassment of any Palestinian
[...] prisoners and allreports of torture
深为痛惜在打击恐怖主义斗争中发生了侵犯人权和基本自由的行为以及违 反国际难民和人道主义法的行为, 关切地注意到有些措施可能损害人权和法治,例如在没有按律羁押的依据和
正当法律程序保障的情况下羁押恐怖行为涉嫌人,以相当于将被羁押者置于法律 保护之外的方式剥夺自由,在没有基本司法保障情况下审判涉嫌人,非法剥夺恐
[...] 怖活动涉嫌人的自由并将他们移送他处,在未作个别风险评估以断定是否存在确 凿理由相信涉嫌人回国有可能遭情况下便遣送涉嫌人回国,以及限制有 效监督反恐措施
Noting with concern measures that can undermine human rights and the rule of law, such as the detention of persons suspected of acts of terrorism in the absence of a legal basis for detention and due process guarantees, the deprivation of liberty that amounts to placing a detained person outside the protection of the law, the trial of suspects without fundamental judicial guarantees, the illegal deprivation of liberty and transfer of individuals suspected of terrorist activities, and the return of suspects to countries without individual assessment of the risk of there being substantial grounds for
believing that they would be in danger
[...] of subjection to torture, andlimitations [...]
to effective scrutiny of counter-terrorism measures
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