单词 | 酵母菌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酵母菌—yeast(almost always used)less common: mould 酵母菌noun—yeastsplless common: moldn See also:酵母—yeast leaven 酵母n—yeastspl 酵—yeast fermentation leavening 菌n—bacteriapl fungin moldn mushroomn fungusn
抑制酒香酵母菌”的措施就是使发酵能够快速、完全结 束,以及快速启动和快速结束乳酸发酵。 zh.seguin-moreau.fr | Consequently, anti-Brett measures are those that encourage rapid and complete AF, as well as the quickest possible MLF startup and progress. en.seguin-moreau.fr |
酿酒作坊的卫生条件得到控制就足以避免酒香酵母 菌的繁殖吗 ? zh.seguin-moreau.fr | IS CELLAR HYGIENE CONTROL AN ESSENTIAL AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR AVOIDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF BRETT? en.seguin-moreau.fr |
此外,橡木桶的木材在制造 过程中经过高温热处理(加热),排除了在其表面存在酒香酵母菌的任何可能性。 zh.seguin-moreau.fr | Moreover, barrel wood is subjected to high temperature thermal treatment during toasting and coopering, which eliminates all possibility of the presence of Brett on its surface. en.seguin-moreau.fr |
念珠菌是一种体内天然存在的酵母菌;然而,酵母菌的过度繁殖,会导致正常细菌的平衡。 cn.iherb.com | Candida is a naturally-occurring yeastin the body; however, when normal bacteria are disturbed, yeastcan proliferate to excessive levels. iherb.com |
从氨基酸残基数和分子量看,鳖肝脏MT与哺乳动物MT类似;而从氨基酸组成和结合金属离子的量看,又与低等生物蚯蚓及酵母菌的MT类似。 actazool.org | However, the other properties (including the [...] amino acid composition of MT and the capability of binding metal ions) are similar to [...] the MT from the earthworm and yeast. actazool.org |
因为它们是很常见的酵母 菌,几乎没有哪个酿酒作坊不存在这些细菌。 zh.seguin-moreau.fr | As yeast populations are widespread, virtually [...] no winemaking site is exempt. en.seguin-moreau.fr |
由于金属加工液中含有水分,容易滋生微生物(细菌、真菌、霉菌和酵母菌)。 cn.lubrizol.com | Because metalworking fluids contain water, they are a habitat for microbial [...] (bacteria, fungi, moldsandyeasts)growth. lubrizol.com |
长期使用抗生素有许多潜在的副作用,其中包括日光敏感、过敏反应、耐药菌繁殖引起肠道菌群变化、酵母菌感染,以及增加难辨梭菌结肠炎的患病风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Prolonged use of antibiotics has numerous potential side effects, including sun sensitivity, allergic reactions, altered [...] intestinal flora with colonization of [...] antibiotic-resistant bacteria, yeastinfections and [...]the risk of C. Difficile colitis. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
F3000支持高营养含量,最大限度地减少干物质损耗:包括耐渗性酵母菌Milab393在内的四种菌种,防止真菌生长和梭状芽孢杆菌的同时促进快速发酵。 delaval.cn | F3000 supports high nutritional content and minimizes loss of dry matter: four strains of bacteria, [...] including osmo-tolerant bacteria Milab 393, [...] promote fast fermentationwhile protecting [...]against fungi growth and clostridia. delaval.com |
即使在干 净的酿酒作坊也可能遇到酒香酵母菌的问题,特别是那些葡 萄酒含有残糖(酵母营养素)和/或遇到由二氧化硫保护不力 的较长时期(例如,在酒精发酵与乳酸发酵之间)。 zh.seguin-moreau.fr | For this reason, it is possible to find extremely clean cellars with Brett problems, especially those in which the wines contain residual sugars (nutrients for the yeasts) and/or that are exposed to long periods of poor SO2 protection (between AF and MLF for example). en.seguin-moreau.fr |
诸如牙龈的疼痛和出血、口腔疱疹、真菌及假丝酵母(酵母菌)感染等牙科问题可能就是 AIDS 最初的一些征兆。 colgate.com.cn | Dental problems such as sore bleeding gums, herpes sores in the [...] mouth, and fungaland candida (yeast) infections [...]may be among the first signs of AIDS. colgate.com.sg |
保存食物的首要目的,是防止或减慢霉菌、酵母菌和细菌生长,因为这些微生物的生长会令食物腐坏。 cfs.gov.hk | The primary objective of food preservation is to prevent or slow [...] down the growth of micro-organisms [...] including moulds, yeasts and bacteria as the growth [...]of these micro-organisms causes spoilage of food. cfs.gov.hk |
前者能有效减慢多种可令食物变坏的细菌生长,而后者在防止酵母菌和霉菌生长方面的效用尤佳。 cfs.gov.hk | Sorbic acid is effective at retarding the growth of [...] many food spoilage organisms whereas benzoic acid is particularly effective in [...] preventing the growthof yeastsandmoulds. cfs.gov.hk |
液体及半固体制剂用玫瑰红钠琼脂培养基同时点计霉菌菌落数及酵母菌菌落数。 cmchk.org.hk | For fluid and semi fluid preparations, Rose bengal agar culture media is [...] used for both moulds and yeast count. cmchk.org.hk |
上面发酵酵母菌株由于其产生特殊酯混合物的 能力而成为首选。 fermentis.com | Top fermenting yeast strains are preferred [...] for their ability to produce particular mixes of esters. fermentis.com |
研究人员从饱受骚扰的居民家里——包括其中一位研究人员的母亲家——收集了大量野生花斑瓢虫,并给其中一些注射了细菌和酵母菌。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Scientists collected wild harlequin [...] ladybirds from infested homes—including the [...] home of the mother of one of the authors—and injected some withbacteria oryeast. chinese.eurekalert.org |
本实验室乃依据ISO/IEC 17025:2005国际实验室认证规范,建立符合国际标准、品质及技术要求之检验实验室管理制度与流程,并於2011年1月14日通过TFDA食品检验实验室之认证﹙认证编号046﹚,取得微生物领域共5项检验项目之认证,包含生菌数、大肠杆菌、大肠杆菌群、霉菌及酵母菌以及阪崎肠杆菌等,成为制药业中第一家通过TFDA食品检验认证之实验室。 yungshingroup.com | In response to Food and Drug Administration’s (TFDA) commissioned inspection of civil policies, Yung Shin Pharmaceutical established EYES testing laboratories in August 2010 to facilitate food safety testing. yungshingroup.com |
有人认为, 新橡木桶可能释放营养物质, 它们会成 为酒香酵母菌繁殖的潜在基础, 因此, 增加了葡萄 酒变质的危险,这是真的吗 ? zh.seguin-moreau.fr | On the other hand, it is a different matter for a barrel of one or two uses that has previously contained wine contaminated by Brett. The inside surface of a blistered barrel is larger than that of an unblistered barrel, and can thus host the yeast more easily. en.seguin-moreau.fr |
防止大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、真菌、酵母菌、念珠菌等恶菌生长 organicmama.com.hk | Inhibit the growth of bacteria , e.g. E.coli, [...] Salmonella enterica, fungi, yeast, Candida etc. organicmama.com.hk |
含蜂蜜、王浆的制剂用玫瑰红 钠琼脂培养基与酵母浸出粉腖葡萄糖琼脂培养基分别测定霉菌、酵母菌菌落数,合并计数。 cmchk.org.hk | For preparations containing bee honey and royal jelly, Rose bengal agar culture media is used for moulds colonies and [...] yeast extract powder peptone glucose [...] agar culture media for yeast colonies, and the count [...]results will be added together to provide a total sum. cmchk.org.hk |
复水是一个简单的程序,通过将已知重量的酵母接种至麦 汁从而得到正确的酵母菌数。 fermentis.com | Rehydration is a simple procedure and correct yeastcounts are achieved by pitching a known weight of yeastto the wort. fermentis.com |
描述气味从经葡萄皮携带的酵母菌,霉菌等衍生出的味道。 emw-wines.com | Generic term for a number of single-celled micro-organisms that produce zymase, the eczyme responsible for converting sugar into alcohol. en.emw-wines.com |
微生物配料来源 [...] 水产饲料中微生物来源的饲料配料包括藻类、酵母、真菌、细菌和/或细菌/ 微生物混合的单细胞蛋白源。 fao.org | Microbial-derived feed ingredient sources for aquafeed [...] includealgae,yeasts,fungi,bacteria and/or [...]mixed bacterial/microbial single-cell protein sources. fao.org |
真空包装的主要作用是除氧,以有利于防止食品变质,其原理也比较简单,因食品霉腐变质主要由微生物的活动造成,而大多数微生物(如霉菌和酵母菌)的生存是需要氧气的,而真空包装就是运用这个原理,把包装袋内和食品细胞内的氧气抽掉,使微物物失去“生存的环境”。 zccor.com | The main role of vacuum packaging is a deaerator, to help prevent food spoilage, its principle is relatively simple, the deterioration is mainly due to food mold rot caused by microbial activity, while [...] most of the survival of microorganisms [...] (such as molds andyeasts)needoxygen , and [...]vacuum packaging is the use of this principle, [...]deprived of oxygen within the cell packing bags and food, micro-physical objects lose the "living environment". zccor.com |
1.不能吃的和闻的含霉菌的食物:奶酪,菌菇类(蘑菇、木耳等),腌制的食物(咸菜等),由酵母菌或酵母粉发制的食物(如面包、罐装的果汁、馒头等)。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | Avoid eating or sniffing food that you think contains mold ,such as Cheese, [...] mushrooms, pickles, food [...] items madeof yeast like bread, canned juices, steamed bread are some common food stuff that get easily contaminatedwithmold. tianjin.ufh.com.cn |
除了控制细菌细胞的基因组的化学合成( 克莱格·温特尔人工生命) ,其他方 法包括:通过在酵母中制作新陈代谢途径生产抗疟疾药物的前体;合成哺乳动物 基因电路揭示抗结核化合物;广泛存在的生物计算的展示;以及制作大肠杆菌以 探测和杀死人体内病原体。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the chemical synthesis of a genome [...] able to control a bacterial cell (Craig Venter’s artificial life) other important stepping stones include: the engineering of the metabolic pathway in yeasttoproduce the precursor [...]of an anti-malarial [...]drug; the creation of a synthetic mammalian gene circuit that revealed anti-tuberculosis compounds; a demonstration of distributed biological computation; and the engineering of an E. coli to sense and kill a human pathogen. daccess-ods.un.org |