单词 | 酱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酱noun—saucenless common: mayonnaisen pasten chutneyn 酱—marinated in soya pastethick paste of fermented soya beanExamples:酱汁n—saucen condimentn 芥末酱n—mustardn 鹅肝酱n—foie grasn
另一方面,又建议食肆在菜式中提供更多水果和蔬菜,并把酱汁分开 端上(如可行的话)。 cfs.gov.hk | On the other hand, food premises were suggested to provide more fruit and vegetables in their dishes [...] and to servesauces separately if [...]possible. cfs.gov.hk |
这里所买的东西包罗万象,例如:服装、服饰、手工首饰、灯、小孩衣服、糖果、糕点、果酱、橄榄油、各类食品等等。 4tern.com | You can find many stuffs here, such as, designer fashion, handmade jewellery, screen printed lamps, children’s clothes, one off [...] cushions, unique sweets, amazing cupcakes, [...] delicious jams, locally produced olive [...]oil, scrumptious ethnic food and many more. 4tern.com |
它们存在於牛油果、果仁、 [...] 籽实、非氢化软人造牛油、多种油(例如橄榄油、玉米油、芥花 籽油和葵花油)及含这些油的沙律(拉)酱。cancer-asian.com | They are found in avocados, nuts, seeds, non-hydrogenated [...] soft margarines, oils like olive oil, corn oil, canola oil and sunflower [...] oil, andsalad dressings that contain these oils. cancer-asian.com |
拥有苏格兰品牌Mackays的果酱生产商Paul Grant计划不经批发分销商进行销售,而直接与美国的杂货链锁店接洽。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Marmalade makerPaul Grant, who owns Scotland-based Mackays, plans to target US grocery chains directly, rather than selling through a wholesaling distributor. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
以往调查显 示,本港制造商已致力减低酱油及鸡粉中的氯丙醇水平,并研发新的酱油配 方,以其他配料替代加酸水解植物蛋白。 cfs.gov.hk | Previous surveys indicated that the local manufacturers had made much effort in reducing the levels of chloropropanols in sauces and condiments and had reformulated their saucesby replacing acid-hydrolysed vegetable protein with other alternative ingredients. cfs.gov.hk |
芫茜根比叶有一个更强烈的味道,它们被用在各种常用的泰式菜肴,亚洲美食,包括汤和咖哩酱。 sfgourmet.com | Coriander roots have a deeper, more intense flavour than the [...] leaves and they are used in a variety of Asian cuisines, commonly used in Thai dishes, [...] including soups andcurry pastes. sfgourmet.com |
来自文达街的着名小贩提供最新鲜的海鲜,像是魟鱼、虾和蚌类 (La La),以特制辣味桑巴酱(sambal paste) 调制出完美口味。 hk.marinabaysands.com | The famed street hawker from Boon Tat Street offers the freshest seafood dishes like stingray, prawn and shellfish (‘La La’) cooked to perfection in homemade chilli sambal paste. marinabaysands.com |
在PYREX® Fiesta14cm酱料锅中加入300ml的奶油酱、1茶匙的橘子皮末及1汤匙的柳橙汁,混合均匀。 worldkitchenasia.com | TIn PYREX® Fiesta 14cm Saucepan, combine 300ml pouring cream, 1 teaspoon grated orange rind and 1 tablespoon orange juice. worldkitchenasia.com |
勿让顾客自行拣取高危害性食物(包括花生酱、乾 酪(芝士)、蜂蜜、奶粉、馅饼的馅料、果酱、奶 、奶類产品、肉食、熟食、家禽肉、糕点)。 bccdc.ca | Do not allow customers to serve themselves any high hazard food [...] (including peanut [...] butter, cheese, honey, milk powder, pie fillings, jam, milk,dairy products, meat, deli items, poultry, [...]cakes and pies). bccdc.ca |
备注: 建议减少采用高盐分或高脂肪酱汁或芡汁,如必须采用,应把酱汁或芡汁与五谷類食物分开供应 我们强烈不鼓勵以下食品出现於任何午膳款式中,以减低学童摄取的总脂肪 [...] (特别是饱和脂肪及人工反式脂肪),盐分及糖分。 cheu.gov.hk | It is recommended that sauce or gravy with high salt or fat content should [...] not be served, and only sparingly and separately [...]from grains and cereals if they must be served. cheu.gov.hk |
我们还引入较少礼品店采用的食品例如冷冻烟三文鱼丶鱼子酱和新鲜蛋糕等为公司客户经常收到的礼篮增添新意。 givegift.com.hk | We also introduce frozen items that very few other Hong Kong hamper shops offer, such as smoked salmon, caviar and fresh cake, so your clients feel that extra surprise especially when you also add flower to the corporate wine basket. givegift.com.hk |
如果要一试乌克兰食物,可以去Shinok(1905 year street;495 255 02 [...] 04;www.shinok.ru),在这里可找到全城最好的vareniki (以菓酱作饀料的面团) 和borsh (传统红菜头罗宋场)。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | If you are looking for a Ukrainian meal, drop by Shinok (1905 year street; 495 255 02 04; www.shinok.ru) where you'll [...] find some of the best "vareniki" (made of [...] doughstuffed withjam andboiled)and "borsh" [...](traditional beetroot soup) in town. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
於平安夜、圣诞节和节礼日当天的特色套餐各包括两款前菜 (如脆金枪鱼卷及软壳蟹伴橄榄酱及蘑菇伴鹅肝酱馄饨 ) 、三款主菜供食客任选其一 (如烤美国传统火鸡伴板栗馅和野生酸果汁、香煎卡真三文鱼伴蒜子或烤加拿大有骨牛肉) [...] ,还有窝心的甜品选择、即磨咖啡或茶,以及圣诞饼乾和碎肉馅饼,务求令这个圣诞餐饮体验充满着浓厚的节日气氛。 hk.sandsmacao.com | The Christmas Eve, Christmas and Boxing Day Set Menus each feature two starters (such as crispy ahi roll with soft shell [...] crab with brandade dip and [...] mushroom cappuccino with foiegras wonton); three main courses [...]to choose from (traditional roasted [...]U.S. young Turkey with stuffing and wild cranberry sauce, pan-fried Cajun salmon with confit garlic or roasted Canadian prime rib of beef with reduction jus); as well as a warm dessert, freshly brewed coffee or tea, and Christmas cookies and minced pies to finish the seasonal experience with a festive touch. sandsmacao.com |
购买食物时,以蔬菜和蘸酱、点心大小的罐装水果及100%果 汁取代其中一些零食。 cancer-asian.com | Replace some of the snack foods in your grocery cart with vegetables and dip, snack size canned fruit and 100% fruit juices. cancer-asian.com |
位於君品酒店六楼的Le Bar 汉堡派对过去12个月推出了超过60款的美味汉堡,有令人大吃一惊的火山爆发汉堡、土石流汉堡、相扑汉堡;有食材混搭、丰盛的牛排鸭肝汉堡、阿拉斯加蟹肉牛肉汉堡、火龙汉堡;有讲究搭配酱汁、 费工的黎巴嫩汉堡、印度鸡肉汉堡、枫糖火鸡汉堡、茄汁墨西哥辣椒汉堡等等汉堡种类 份份美味。 taiwanfun.com | Located in the sixth floor of PALAIS de CHINE HOTEL, Le Bar has offered over 60 hamburgers, including Volcano Burger, Landslides Burger, Sumo Burger, Foie GrasSteak Burger, Alaskan Crab Beef Burger, Fire Dragon Burger, Lebanese Burger, Indian Chicken Burger, Maple Syrup Turkey Burger, and Mexican Spicy Salsa Burger. taiwanfun.com |
小黄瓜削皮切块,撒上米酒醋,加点酱油(或免),即可食用。 bananasinc.org | Top with rice wine vinegar and/or soy sauce andserve. bananasinc.org |
沙津酱汁应为液体狀,不应太稠。 annafangpr.com | Dressing should be runny not thick. annafangpr.com |
限制供应的食品 - 43.3%的样本含有脂肪比例较高的肉類及連皮的禽肉,42.9%的样本含有经 加工或腌制的肉類、蛋類及蔬菜類,31.4%的样本有提供添加了脂肪或油分的五谷類,22.9% [...] 的样本使用了全脂奶類作烹调之用,亦有 41.1%的午膳样本含有高盐分或高脂肪的酱汁或芡 汁。 chp.gov.hk | Some 43.3% samples had fatty cut of meat and poultry with skin; 42.9% contained meat, eggs or vegetable products that were either processed or preserved; 31.4% provided grains and cereals with added fat or oil; [...] 22.9% used whole fat dairy products in cooking; and 41.4% had high-salt [...] or high-fat sauce/gravy coming [...]in the lunch sets. chp.gov.hk |
Enjoy专柜由世界各地直接入口各种特式美食,包括手造牛油及芝士,亦可找到极罕有的巴斯克火腿以至世界闻名的鹅肝酱及鱼子酱。 sogo.com.hk | At Enjoy, we import from the specialty food producers, from butter hand crafters to cheese [...] makers, from the artisan Basque pork ham which was once almost extinct to the most [...] renowned brand of Foie Gras and Caviar. sogo.com.hk |
无论您是品茗爱好者,还是深知口感取决於正确温度,或者您打算制作酱汁、热汤或热巧克力,我们都有合适的电动煮水壶。 philips.com.tw | There are kettles for lovers of real tea and for those who [...] know that taste depends on getting the temperature just right, whether [...] you're makinga sauce, asoup or a hot [...]chocolate. philips.com.hk |
百年来持续不断的研发与创新各式中西式酱汁,深受美食家的喜爱, 由享誉全球的蕃茄酱到全线调味品、酱汁产品,以世界各地成功经验为基础不断的创新,陆续研发出更多适合全球各地的饮食,并积极协助客户业绩的成长。 creation.com.tw | From the renowned Heinz ketchup to the whole line of sauce and condiments, Heinz constantly develops more products which suit customer need around the world to assist and grow with our clients. en.creation.com.tw |
热狗是Brat供应的主要类别,多元化的配料让顾客可於德国酸菜、黄芥辣、酸瓜酱、焦 糖洋葱、Jalapeno辣椒,以及从美国东岸引进的盐腌青瓜等选择之中自由组合个人喜好,并拌以新鲜即炸薯条。 think-silly.com | Hot dog is the star offering of Brat, with the option of extensive [...] additional ingredients like sauerkraut, [...] mustard,gherkin sauce, caramelized onion, [...]jalapeno chili and preserved cucumber, [...]served with fries made-to-order. think-silly.com |
除四款特色月饼外,文华东方饼店更备有包装精美的的豪华中秋礼盒篮及自选礼品篮系列,售价由澳门币2,398元起,包括月饼礼盒、顶级红酒、自制果酱、法 式什饼礼盒等等, 实为馈赠商贾夥伴之最佳选择。 yp.mo | Perfect for corporate gifts, the exquisite Mandarin Oriental Mooncake Hamper is also available from MOP 2,398 with a choice of various [...] à la carte hamper items including a box of moon cakes, premium [...] wine, home-made jam, Frenchpastry [...]selections and more. yp.mo |
此外,美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)较早前在追查多宗沙门氏菌个案时,怀疑可能与两个品牌的花生酱有关,该两个品牌分别为Peter Pan及Great Value花生酱,两者的产品编号字头为「2111」。 weightmanager.9826.biz | In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) earlier in tracing a number of salmonella cases, they suspect may be related to the two brands of peanut butter, the two brands are Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter, both The product code "2111. weightmanager.9826.biz |
发挥创意,从事园艺时可添加个人特质,多数居家用品均可改造为充满艺术及风格的植栽容器,例如将旧婴儿澡盆做为花盆,与其扔掉花生酱空罐或果汁盒,不如拿来种小植物,宾客也会觉得你的园艺技术充满创意。 thisbigcity.net | Most household items can be turned into artistic, stylish looking plant containers and pots. thisbigcity.net |