

单词 酬和

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

Given the severe shortage of labour, employers offered
[...] competitive pay and conditions [...]
to attract skilled workers.
造成平均工资差别的理由是,男女在不同部门工作,女雇员占多数的专业 都酬和价值较低。
The reason for differences in the average wage is that
women and men work in different sectors and the professions with the majority of women
[...] employees are less paid and valued.
秘书长在其报告(A/57/587)中建议比照大会第 56/285 号
[...] 决议关于国际法院法官、两法庭法官以及前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭审案法官的酬和其他 服务条件的规定,确定适用于卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭审案法官的服务 [...]
In his report (A/57/587), the Secretary-General proposed to establish conditions of service applicable to the ad litem judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda based on the provisions
of General Assembly resolution
[...] 56/285, concerning the emoluments and other conditions [...]
of service of the members of the
International Court of Justice, the judges of the two Tribunals and the ad litem judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
提供的酬和工作 条件应优于其他 就业部门中具有相同资格和经历的人享有的酬和条件
The emoluments and conditions of service which are offered should compare favourably with those enjoyed by persons with similar [...]
qualifications and experience in other occupational sectors.
當局會定期進行三種不同的調查,以比較公務員 2 薪酬和市場 薪酬情況。這三種調查分別為:(a)每年一次的薪酬趨勢調 [...]
查,以確定私營機構在年度之間的薪酬調整幅度;(b)每三年一次的入職 薪酬調查,以比較公務員文職職系的入職薪酬與學歷及/或經驗要求相若
的私營機構職位的入職薪酬;以及(c)每六年一次的薪酬水平調查,以確 定公務員薪酬是否與私營機構薪酬大致相若。
Civil service pay is checked against market pay [...]
on a regular basis through three different types of surveys, namely (a)
a pay trend survey (PTS) every year to ascertain the year-on-year pay adjustment movements in the private sector; (b) a starting salaries survey every three years to compare the starting salaries of civil service civilian grades with the entry pay of jobs in the private sector requiring similar academic qualifications and/or experiences for appointment; and (c) a pay level survey every six years to ascertain whether civil service pay is broadly comparable with private sector pay.
法庭工作人员 期望获得合理酬和职业 发展;秘书长的建议是一个 公正的解决办法,它将在工作人员的需求和本组织的 [...]
[...] staff expected fair remuneration and career development; [...]
the Secretary-General’s proposal was a just solution that
would seek a balance between the needs of staff members and the Organization’s budgetary constraints.
咨询委员会还获悉,联合国秘 书处人力资源管理厅酬和叙级 科近期对这些 D-1 员额进行了审查,并裁定可将 其改叙为 D-2 职等。
The Committee was also informed that the Compensation and Classification Section of the Office of Human Resources Management of the United Nations Secretariat had recently reviewed the D-1 posts and determined they could be reclassified at the D-2 level.
本公司董事的薪酬政策由酬和福利 委員會參考可比 較市場統計數據確定,並且由董事會批准。
The emolument policy for the directors [...]
of the Company is administered by the Compensation and Benefits Committee and approved
by the Board, having regard to comparable market statistics.
(b) 协助拟订酬和服务 条件及人力资源共同事务的审查和扩大等领域的 共同制度人力资源政策;促进机构间机关的工作,包括管理问题高级别委员会和 人力资源网,并在国际公务员制度委员会内代表联合国;监督薪金、津贴和其他 应享权利等方面的政策指示和指导方针的执行情况;在立法机关审议这些问题时 向他们提供实务支助。
(b) To contribute to the development of a common system human resources policy in the areas of compensation and conditions of service, and in the review and expansion of common services in the human resources area; contribute to the work of inter-agency bodies including the High-level Committee on Management and the Human Resources Network, and represent the United Nations at the International Civil Service Commission; and monitor the implementation of policy instructions and guidelines related to salaries, allowances and other entitlements, providing substantive support to legislative bodies during the consideration of these issues.
从整体上评价支持方案,同 时审查酬和行动 节奏的管理,预计将提高减员比例;未来几个月里应该会出现 这方面的证据。
A holistic evaluation of the support package, reviewing pay and operational tempo management, is expected to improve the attrition rates; there should be evidence of this within the next few months.
(d) ㆖述(a)段的減薪安排,應同樣適用於由㆓零零㆔年㆓月㆓十 六日起獲發聘書而按入職薪酬支薪的㆟員;以及 (e) 由於法官和司法㆟員的酬和服務 條件是按有別於公務員的安 排而訂定,因此,當局應就如何處理法官和司法㆟員的薪酬調 整㆒事,徵詢司法機構的意見,始行作出決定。
(d) the pay reduction referred to in (a) above should also apply to officers on starting salaries who are offered appointment from (e) as the pay and conditions of service of judges and judicial officers are determined separately from the civil service, the Judiciary should be consulted on the pay adjustment for judges and judicial officers before a decision is to be made.
不过要 指出,用于法官酬和专业 职类工作人员的工作地点差价调整办法,将减轻并且 基本上吸收美元和欧元汇率波动的影响。
It may be noted, however, that the post adjustment
[...] mechanism for judges’ remuneration as well as for [...]
Professional staff will alleviate and largely
absorb the effects of exchange rate movements between the United States dollar and the euro.
宪法》保障公民自由劳动权、支配自身劳动能力的权利、选择职业和工 作类型的权利、劳动保护和保证工作环境符合安全卫生要求的权利,以及享有不 低于法律规定最低标准的劳动酬和 社 会 保障的权利,享有国家对提高公民职业 技能的关怀的权利,并禁止使用童工。
They are entitled to labour protection and to working conditions consistent with the requirements of safety and hygiene, and they have the right to remuneration not less than the legally established minimum wage, to the legal minimum of social protection and to State assistance to improve occupational qualifications; the use of child labour is prohibited.
伊朗政府承担包括主任在内的秘书处工作人员的 酬和 补 贴 ,并向国际中心提供 所需的工作人员。
The Government shall cover the salaries and compensations of the Secretariat staff including the Director, and make available to the International Centre the necessary staff.
(f) 选择工作人员细则 9.8(d)所述特别假办法的工作人员,应签署保证书, 确认其特别假身份纯为养恤金的目的,本人及任何受扶养人根据《工作人员条例》
[...] 和《工作人员细则》所应享有的其他一切 酬和 福 利 ,已在特别假开始之日最终 确定。
(f) A staff member selecting the option of special leave described in staff rule 9.8 (d) shall sign an undertaking acknowledging that his or her status on special leave is solely for pension purposes and that his or her
entitlements and those of any
[...] dependants to all other emoluments and benefits under [...]
the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
is determined finally as at the date of commencement of such special leave.
最常见的薪酬形式是按年支付的一次性 酬和 费 用 报销。
The most common forms of compensation are annual lump-sum payments and reimbursement of expenses.
E/2009/9/Add.11 号文件载有关于以下方面的资料:麻管局 2005 年会议的次 数、持续时间和地点及成员酬和现 有 成员(附件一);1972 年议定书修正的《1961 年麻醉品单一公约》第 9 条(国际麻醉品管制局的组成和职能)和第 10 条(国际麻 醉品管制局成员的任和报酬)(附件二);关于麻管局成员任职资格和其它条件 的资料(附件三);《单一公约》、《1972 年修正单一公约议定书》、《1971 年精神药 物公约》3 和《1988 年联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》4(附件 四)缔约国名单。
Document E/2009/9/Add.10 contains information on the number, length and place of meetings of the Board in 2008, on payments to members and on present membership (annex I); articles 9 (Composition and functions of the Board) and 10 (Terms of office and remuneration of members of the Board) of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol (annex II); information on qualifications and other conditions regarding membership of the Board (annex III); and a list of the States parties to the Single Convention of 1961 and that Convention as amended by the 1972 Protocol, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 19713 and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 19884 (annex IV).
为确定适当的公务员队伍规模并应对不断发生的薪资 单失实问题,批准实行酬和职等 改革、所有公务员使用生物特征身份证以及其 他措施。
Pay and grade reforms and the use of biometric identity cards for all civil servants are some of the measures approved to rightsize the civil service and address persistent payroll inaccuracies.
2003-2006 年,失业保险基金补偿雇主破产所致的未付 酬和 补 助 ,金额 多达雇员三份的平均月工资,但不多于爱沙尼亚三份国家平均月工资。
In 2003–2006, the Unemployment Insurance Fund
[...] compensated outstanding remuneration and benefits due [...]
to insolvency of employers in the amount
of up to three average monthly wages of an employee, but not more than three average national monthly wages in Estonia.
为了建设公务人员履行其帮助地方发展这一主要责任的能力,Fraser-Moleketi 女士建议采用以下备选方案:(a) 切合实际和随机应变的公务员制度;(b) 机构
与责任、责任与结果、结果与拨出的支出款项或资金彼此一致;(c) 制定评估提
[...] 供公共服务制度的经常措施,使程序和条例更好地顺应地方发展;(d) 建立包括 工作条件、酬和升级 在内的奖励制度,以推动发展举措;(e) [...]
为公共服务提供 充足的资金,并为发展计划提供资源;(f) 以创新手段提供公共服务。
Ms. Fraser-Moleketi recommended the following options in order to build the capacity of the public service in responding to its primary responsibility of facilitating local-level development: (a) relevant and adaptive systems of public service; (b) coherence between institutions and responsibilities, responsibilities and results, and results and assigned expenditures or funds; (c) regular measures of assessing a public service delivery system so as to make the procedures and regulations more responsive to local-level
development; (d) incentive systems including
[...] working conditions, remuneration and promotion to [...]
facilitate development initiatives;
(e) adequate financing of public service and resources for development plans; and (f) innovative means for public service delivery.
评定工作的重点集中在培训和进修、人力资源开发、 酬和 社 会 福利、工作环境和企业文化这些方面。
The selection process focuses on the topics of training and advanced training, personnel development, compensation and social benefits, work environment and corporate culture.
請政府說明為何增加 19 個非首長級職位,並就這些職位的性質、 酬和 職 級 提供資 料。
Will the Government explain the reasons for increasing 19 non-directorate posts, and provide information on the nature, salaries, and ranks of these posts?
该委员会的任务是审议和拟订一份关于工业意外和职业病的清单。劳动 部向国际劳工组织关于体面工作和劳动妇女问题的项目提供了资料,以便确定体 面工作的概念和确认旨在解决诸如平等 酬和 保 护 母亲等有关问题的国际公约。
The Ministry of Labour contributed to the International Labour Organization (ILO) decent work and working women’s issues project, in order to define the concept of decent work and identify the international conventions that support associated issues, including equitable pay and maternity protection.
短期专业人员:向持短期合同的专业雇员支付的 酬和 津 贴
Short-term Professional: remuneration and allowances paid [...]
to professional employees on short-term contracts.
短期一般事务人员:向持短期合同的一般事务人员支付的 酬和 津 贴
[...] General Service: remuneration and allowances [...]
paid to general service employees on short-term contracts.
在社会经济发展方面,国立学校因 2 月底两个教 师工会发起罢教浪潮而受到影响,罢教原因是据称政 府未能履行 2009 年 12 月在与工会签订的协议中就酬和待遇问题所作的承诺。
In terms of socio-economic developments, State schools were disrupted by a wave of strikes by the two teaching unions at the end of February over the alleged failure of the Government to keep its side of an agreement signed with the unions over pay and conditions of service in December 2009.
(a) 进一步推动6 个月以内的婴儿完全由母乳喂养;考虑相应延长产假; 确保工作母亲有权获得稳定的工作、 酬和 社 会 福利;对违反《国际母乳代用品 营销守则》的公司进行处罚;以及监测遵守《守则》的情况
(a) Strengthen the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of 6 months, consider extending maternity leave accordingly while ensuring the rights of working mothers to a secure employment and salary and social security, and impose appropriate penalties on companies violating the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and monitor compliance with the Code
作出这一提议是为 了遵行比照国际法院法官的酬和津 贴 水平确定法庭法官 酬和 津 贴 的原则,同 时顾及既定做法和缔约国会议在这方面作出的决定。
This proposal was made in keeping with the principle
[...] that the level of remuneration and allowances of judges of the International Court of Justice was the comparator for the determination of the remuneration and allowances of [...]
judges of the Tribunal,
and taking into account the established practice and decisions taken in that respect by the Meeting of States Parties.
(h) 请所有国家按照本国立法和其所加入的适用国际法律文书,切实执行劳
[...] 工法,包括处理在移徙工人劳资关系和工作条件方面违反劳工法的行为,特别是 处理与他们的酬和卫生 条件、工作安全以及自由结社权利等有关的违法行为
(h ) Requests all States, in conformity with national legislation and applicable international legal instruments to which they are party, to enforce labour law effectively, including by addressing violations of such law, with regard to migrant workers’ labour relations and
working conditions, inter alia, those
[...] related to their remuneration and conditions of [...]
health, safety at work and the right to freedom of association
妇女从此在公共和私营部门责任岗位上 有了更好的代表性,而人类发展两性平等指标显示, 妇女的寿命、酬和入学率,特别是高等学校入学率, 都已取得进步。
Women were better represented in positions of responsibility in the public and private sectors and, according to the gender-adjusted human development index, had seen increases in life expectancy, earnings, and enrolment ratios, in particular at institutions of higher learning.




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