单词 | 酪氨酸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酪氨酸—tyrosine (Tyr), an amino acidExamples:酪氨酸代谢病—yrosinosis See also:酪—curdled milk or fruit juice 氨—ammonia 氨n—spandexn 酸n—acidn acidspl acidicn
KRAS 对于表皮生长因子酪氨酸激酶通路和癌细胞的生长发挥着重要的作用。 tipschina.gov.cn | KRAS serves an important [...] role in theEGFR-tyrosine kinase pathway [...]and the growth of cancer cells. tipschina.gov.cn |
也可以使用针对一个特定的磷酸化氨基酸,如磷酸化酪氨酸,制备的抗体(图3B)。 labome.cn | Antibodies generated against a [...] specific phosphorylatedamino acid, such as a phosphotyrosine, [...]can also be used (Fig 3B). labome.com |
磷酸化,或丝氨酸,苏氨酸或酪氨酸残基增加一个磷酸基团,是蛋白质修饰最常见的形式之一(图3A)。 labome.cn | Phosphorylation, or the addition of a phosphate group to serine, threonine, ortyrosine residues, is one of most common forms of protein modification (Fig 3A). labome.com |
A,磷酸化过程中,一个磷酸基团被结合到丝氨酸,苏氨酸或酪氨酸残基。 labome.cn | A, During phosphorylation, a phosphate group is [...] added to a serine, threonine,or tyrosine residue. labome.com |
美白嫩肤:抑制、干扰并降解黑色素的转化过程(酪氨酸-酪氨酸酶氧化反应),有明显的美白祛斑作用,且效果温和,功效持久。 bonjourhk.com | Whitening: suppress, interfere the dark pigment transformation and achieve whitening effect bonjourhk.com |
亨特教授于1979年发现多瘤病毒中T抗原和劳斯肉瘤病毒的V-Src致癌基因都显示出一种前所未知的蛋白激酶活性,引致酪氨酸磷酸化。 shawprize.org | In 1979, he discovered that polyomavirus middle T [...] antigen and the RSV v-Src oncoprotein both exhibit a previously unknown protein kinase [...] activity that phosphorylates tyrosine. shawprize.org |
酪氨酸 cosdna.com | Tyrosine cosdna.com |
芍薬根具有抑制酪氨酸酶的作用,预防黑色素产生。 cosme-de.com | Eliminates the processing ofTyrosinase which leads to melanin or pigmentation. cosme-de.com |
我们确认,解剖组织进行实时PCR齿状回的特定基因,色氨酸2,3 - 双加氧酶(TDO2)和desmoplakin(DSP),和亚扪人的号角丰富的基因,MEIS相关基因1B(Mrg1b齿状回)和TYRO3酪氨酸蛋白激酶3(Tyro3)。 jove.com | We confirmed that the dissected tissue is dentate gyrus by conducting real-time PCR of dentate gyrus-specific genes, [...] tryptophan [...] 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO2)anddesmoplakin (Dsp),and Ammon's horn enriched genes, Meis-related gene 1b (Mrg1b) and TYRO3 protein tyrosinekinase3 (Tyro3). jove.com |
第一类是通用的磷酸化酪氨酸,磷酸化丝氨酸,磷酸化苏氨酸抗体,将结合于任何磷酸化酪氨酸,磷酸化丝氨酸和磷酸化苏氨酸分子,与邻近的氨基酸残基无关。 labome.cn | One category is the generic phosphotyrosine, phosphoserine, and phosphothreonine antibody, which will bind to any phospho-tyrosine, phospho-serine, and phospho-threonine moeities regardless the neighboring amino acid residues. labome.com |
骨髓间充质干细胞注射进帕金森病动物纹状体后能够存活,表达多巴胺蛋白酪氨酸羟化酶,能促进帕金森病动物模型功能的恢复,提示帕金森病纹状体微环境可能使骨髓间充质干细胞向神经细胞分化。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells [...] (BMSCs) injected into the striatum can [...] survive, express tyrosinehydroxylase and [...]promote functional recovery in Parkinson’s [...]disease animal models, indicating that BMSCs can be induced to differentiate into nerve cells in the striatum of Parkinson’s disease models. chinese.eurekalert.org |
结论PCOS [...] IR可能为胰岛素受体后信号转导通路中,其上游信号分子IRS-1酪氨酸磷酸化的改变造成激活信号减弱,使PI-3K活性降低,影响胰岛素信号通路中信号分子的生物学作用,导致IR形成。 zhhyx.com.cn | Conclusion In consequence of the weaker signal caused [...] by the change of upper stream signal [...] molecule IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation, [...]PI-3 kinase activity decreased, it affects [...]the insulin signal pathway leading to insulin resistance in PCOS. zhhyx.com.cn |
异位表达这两个蛋白,对Myc标签TH1进行免疫沉淀,使用通用的酪氨酸磷酸化抗体检测在c-Src表达有或无的情况下TH1的磷酸化 [22] 。 labome.cn | The two proteins are ectopically expressed, an immunopercipitation against Myc-tagged TH1 is performed, and a general phosphotyrosine antibody is used to assess TH1 phosphorylation in the absence or presence of c-Src expression [22] . labome.com |
半胱氨酸可在高蛋白质食物中找到,包括软酪、白乾酪、酸乳酪、猪肉、香肠肉、鸡、火鸡、,鸭、午餐肉、小麦胚、格兰诺拉麦片和燕麦片。 vitagreen.com | Cysteine is also found in most high-protein foods including ricotta, cottage cheese, yogurt, pork, sausage [...] meat, chicken, turkey, [...]duck, luncheon meat, wheat germ, granola and oat flakes. vitagreen.com |
试试吃一片甜瓜或新鲜浆果加低脂酸乳酪而不吃曲奇作为 下午茶。 cancer-asian.com | Try having a slice of melon or fresh berries [...] with a low-fat yogurtinsteadof cookies [...]for a mid-afternoon snack. cancer-asian.com |
它能提供快速、可靠和准确的原奶分析结果,另外还有一系列新指标,例如游离脂肪酸、尿素或酪蛋白分析。 foss.cn | It delivers fast, reliable and [...] accurate raw milk testing with a range of new options such as healthy milk [...] profiling, free fattyacid,urea or casein analysis. foss.nl |
天冬氨酰-精氨酰-缬氨酰-酪氨酰-异亮氨酰-组氨酰-脯氨酸 chemblink.com | Aspartyl-argininyl-valinyl-tyrosinyl-isoleucinyl- histidinyl-proline chemblink.com |
在人体摄取碳水化合物之後,胰岛素的浓度会增 加,导致色氨酸的运输和血清素的合成增加。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | With carbohydrate ingestion, there is a rise in insulin levels that leads to increased tryptophantransport and increased serotonin synthesis. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 [...] 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 [...]确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。 multilateralfund.org | Following a discussion, the Executive [...] Committee decided to approve [...] the pilot project forvalidation of methyl formate asablowing [...]agent in the manufacture of [...]polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee. multilateralfund.org |
在三文治内放入番茄和 青瓜,把浆果放入酸乳酪和麦片中,或在意大利面食、米 饭、炒菜和汤内放入额外蔬菜。 cancer-asian.com | Put tomatoes and cucumber in [...] sandwiches, berries in yogurt and cereal, or [...]extra vegetables in pasta, rice, stir-fries and soups. cancer-asian.com |
因此,业界应继续密切监察生产过程、找出可能引起问题的地方和 制订方法,以防止或减少食品在制造及贮存过程中产生氨基甲酸乙酯, 并把食品的氨基甲酸乙酯含量减至最低。 cfs.gov.hk | It is therefore important for the industry to continue closely monitor the manufacturing process, identify potentially problematic conditions and develop methods that would prevent or reduce the formation of EC and maintain EC contamination at the lowest level possible during processing and storage. cfs.gov.hk |
多种由食物及饮品衍生的物质,包括氰化氢、尿素、瓜氨酸及其他 N-氨基甲酰化合物,可产生氨基甲酸乙酯。 cfs.gov.hk | Ethyl carbamatecan beformed from various substances derived from food and beverage, including hydrogen cyanide, urea, citrullineandother N-carbamyl [...] compounds. cfs.gov.hk |
如果每个類别的食品和样本數目增加,化验检测工作便能 够更全面地涵盖香港市面供应的发酵食物,以及更准确地评估这些食物的氨基甲酸乙酯含量范围和平均值。 cfs.gov.hk | Increasing both the number of food items and the number of samples per individual food commodity for laboratory analysis could provide a more comprehensive coverage and a more precise estimate of the range and average EC concentration of fermentedfoods in the Hong Kong market. cfs.gov.hk |
产品由于聚合物链醋酸乙烯含量高, 所以也能够在较低的温度下胶合, [...] 这使VINNOL® H 30/48 M成了奶酪、 酸奶等热敏食品或药品的理想包装材料, [...]进一步扩大了瓦克的印刷油墨、 油漆和涂料产品系列。 wacker.com | VINNOL® H 30/48 M is therefore perfectly suited for [...] packaging thermosensitive pharmaceuticals and [...] foods, such ascheese or yogurt, thus adding [...]to WACKER’s extensive portfolio for inks, paints and coatings. wacker.com |
结构:Parmigiano-Reggiano为粒状结构,易碎,有干酪胺酸晶体,在口中可融化,在咀嚼中可以感受到的这些特性是鉴定产品的基本物理特性。 knowfood.cn | STRUCTURE: granular [...] structure, friability, tyrosinecrystals and solubility [...]in mouth of Parmigiano-Reggiano, perceived during [...]mastication, are the physical characteristics essential to identify the product knowfood.cn |
当中的虎耳草萃取液可保湿、紧肤,促进血液循环,洋甘菊萃取液具抗氧化作用,有效延缓衰老;而熊果苷可阻止酪胺酸脢的活化作用,阻断酵素的活性,抑制黑色素生成,达到美白效果。 aster.com.hk | Among the saxifrage extract can be moisturizing, firming, and promote blood circulation, chamomile extract, an antioxidant, [...] effective anti-aging; and arbutin can prevent [...] the activationoftyrosine kinase, block enzyme [...]activity, inhibition melanin, a whitening effect. aster.com.hk |
米哚妥林是一种针对FLT3络氨酸激活酶的定向小分子抑制剂,目前正处于第三阶段临床开发中,给新确诊的FLT3突变急性髓细胞白血病患者服用米哚妥林或服用安慰剂并结合化学疗法(NCT00651261)进行对比试验。 tipschina.gov.cn | Midostaurin, a targeted small molecule [...] inhibitor of FLT3tyrosine kinase, is currently [...]in Phase III clinical development [...]for newly diagnosed patients with FLT3 mutated AML who are receiving midostaurin or a placebo in combination with chemotherapy (NCT00651261). tipschina.gov.cn |
不胜枚举,例如, MilkoScan FT+ [...] 牛奶分析仪可同时测量牛奶、山羊奶、绵羊奶和水牛奶中的脂肪、蛋白质、乳糖、固形物、尿素、冰点降低值、游离脂肪酸、酪蛋白、脂肪酸组成、酮病和其他如pH值。 foss.cn | Too numerous to list here, for example, the MilkoScan FT+ milk analyser alone can simultaneously measure fat, protein, lactose, [...] solids, urea, freezing point depression, [...] free fatty acids, casein, fattyacids profile, [...]ketosis and others such as PH and H-index [...]in cow, sheep, goat and buffalo milk. foss.us |
选择低脂肪的肉类,每周吃一次以上的无肉家庭晚餐,使用低脂或脱脂牛奶、低脂酸奶和奶酪,用自制点心代替从商店里买来的饼干和蛋糕,这些都将使您的饮食更加有利于心脏的健康。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Try having one or more meat-free family [...] meals per week, using low-fat or fat-free [...] milk, low-fatyogurt andcheese.As well, making [...]the switch from store-bought cookies [...]and cakes to homemade will make your diet more heart-healthy. beijing.ufh.com.cn |