单词 | 酪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酪—curdled milk or fruit juiceExamples:雪酪—sorbet sherbet 酪梨—avocado (Persea americana) 乳酪蛋糕—cheesecake
试试吃一片甜瓜或新鲜浆果加低脂酸乳酪而不吃曲奇作为 下午茶。 cancer-asian.com | Try having a slice of melon or fresh berries with a low-fatyogurt instead of cookies for a mid-afternoon snack. cancer-asian.com |
会上还指出这项标准已经由奶和乳制品 委员会根据其他单项奶酪标准 所使用的相同标准审议。 codexalimentarius.org | It was also noted that the standard had been considered by the [...] Committee on Milk and Milk Products on the basis of the same criteria used for the other [...] standards for individualcheeses. codexalimentarius.org |
它能提供快速、可靠和准确的原奶分析结果,另外还有一系列新指标,例如游离脂肪酸、尿素或酪蛋白 分析。 foss.cn | It delivers fast, reliable and [...] accurate raw milk testing with a range of new options such as healthy milk profiling, free fatty [...] acid, ureaor casein analysis. foss.nl |
在地中海VERSANT,绵羊和牛的饲养和奶酪是主要的职业,而大量的栗子出口从塞文山脉。 leapfrog-properties.com | On the Mediterranean versant, sheep and [...] cattle-rearing and cheesemaking are the chief [...]occupations while large quantities of chestnuts [...]are exported from the Cevennes. leapfrog-properties.com |
KRAS 对于表皮生长因子酪氨酸激酶通路和癌细胞的生长发挥着重要的作用。 tipschina.gov.cn | KRAS serves an important [...] role in theEGFR-tyrosine kinase pathway [...]and the growth of cancer cells. tipschina.gov.cn |
午餐时喝牛奶或在三明治中加入低脂的奶酪。 media.specialolympics.org | Try drinking milk at dinner or [...] putting low fat cheeseonyoursandwich. media.specialolympics.org |
阿尔及利亚、智利、哥伦比亚、古巴、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、伊朗、伊拉 克、约旦、肯尼亚、科威特、黎巴嫩、利比亚、摩洛哥、阿曼、巴拿马、巴拉圭、卡塔 [...] 尔、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国、乌拉圭和也门对于暂停制定加工奶酪标准 的决定 表达了保留意见。 codexalimentarius.org | The delegations of Algeria, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab [...] Emirates, Uruguay and Yemen expressed their reservation on the discontinuation of work on the [...] standard for processed cheese. codexalimentarius.org |
在奶酪的加工过程中,我们快速和易于使用的在线、旁线或实验室解决方案可以帮助您监控生产过程和最终产品。 foss.cn | And during the cheeseprocessour rapid [...] and easy to use in-line, at-line or laboratory solutions help you to monitor the process and final products. foss.us |
产品由于聚合物链醋酸乙烯含量高, 所以也能够在较低的温度下胶合, [...] 这使VINNOL® H 30/48 M成了奶酪、酸奶等热敏食品或药品的理想包装材料, [...]进一步扩大了瓦克的印刷油墨、 油漆和涂料产品系列。 wacker.com | VINNOL® H 30/48 M is therefore perfectly suited for [...] packaging thermosensitive pharmaceuticals and [...] foods, such ascheese or yogurt, thus [...]adding to WACKER’s extensive portfolio [...]for inks, paints and coatings. wacker.com |
有一天早上,MAC醒来时发现,他无意中创造了另一个想象中的朋友叫奶酪。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | One morning, Mac wakes up to find that he's unintentionally created another [...] imaginary friend named Cheese. mt.seekcartoon.com |
美白嫩肤:抑制、干扰并降解黑色素的转化过程(酪氨酸-酪氨酸酶氧化反应),有明显的美白祛斑作用,且效果温和,功效持久。 bonjourhk.com | Whitening: suppress, interfere the dark pigment transformation and achieve whitening effect bonjourhk.com |
当中的虎耳草萃取液可保湿、紧肤,促进血液循环,洋甘菊萃取液具抗氧化作用,有效延缓衰老;而熊果苷可阻止酪胺酸脢的活化作用,阻断酵素的活性,抑制黑色素生成,达到美白效果。 aster.com.hk | Among the saxifrage extract can be moisturizing, firming, and promote blood circulation, chamomile extract, an antioxidant, [...] effective anti-aging; and arbutin can prevent [...] the activationoftyrosine kinase, block enzyme [...]activity, inhibition melanin, a whitening effect. aster.com.hk |
把牛奶当作饮料喝或在谷物中添加低脂奶酪来补充奶制品。 media.specialolympics.org | Add dairy by drinking milk as your beverage, or [...] adding low fatcheese to yourgrains. media.specialolympics.org |
随时都能买到冷冻莓果,也可以非常方便加在营养蛋白饮品中;您也可以略为退冰後,再加在优格或乡村乳酪上作为一餐或是点心的选择。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Frozen berries are always available, and they’re convenient add-ins [...] to protein shakes – you can also thaw them slightly and use to [...] top yogurtor cottagecheese fora fillingmeal [...]or snack. healthyliving.herbalife.co.uk |
数不胜数的奥玛鲁当地美食一定可以让你大饱口福,有获奖的白石奶酪( Wh itestone Cheese)、麦芽威士忌酒以及当地酿制的北奥塔哥(North [...] Otago)葡萄酒。 cn.yha.co.nz | Lots of delicious local Oamaru fare to taste: the award [...] winning WhitestoneCheese,malt whisky [...]and locally produced North Otago wines. yha.co.nz |
乳酪、凝块忌廉或任何罐头食物均可含有尼生素。 cfs.gov.hk | The skin, but not flesh, of a banana may [...] contain nystatin; - Cheese, clotted cream or any [...]canned food may contain nisin. cfs.gov.hk |
在三文治内放入番茄和 青瓜,把浆果放入酸乳酪和麦片中,或在意大利面食、米 饭、炒菜和汤内放入额外蔬菜。 cancer-asian.com | Put tomatoes and cucumber in sandwiches, berries inyogurt and cereal, or extra vegetables in pasta, rice, stir-fries and soups. cancer-asian.com |
也可以使用针对一个特定的磷酸化氨基酸,如磷酸化酪氨酸,制备的抗体(图3B)。 labome.cn | Antibodies generated against a specific phosphorylated amino acid, such as a phosphotyrosine, can also be used (Fig 3B). labome.com |
这个情节讲述的故事,通过眼睛一品脱大小的假想朋友叫豆豆的“大奶酪”,详细介绍了他如何帮助程丛夫将消极变为积极的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | This episode tells the [...] story of "The BigCheese"throughthe eyes [...]of a pint-sized imaginary friend named Peas, detailing [...]how he helped Frankie turn a negative into a positive. mt.seekcartoon.com |
爱尔兰肥沃的牧地为其带来了优质的奶酪,有一些还是国际知名品牌,其他一些可能只是当地品牌。 discoverireland.com | The lush pastureland of Ireland has led to [...] some fantastic cheeses, some with international [...]reputations and others that are well-kept local secrets. discoverireland.com |
初次讨论建筑再利用时,便收集到许多话题,与会者提供许多创用案例,包括将乳酪工厂改造为攀岩健身中心,让多座工业区蜕变为文化中心,教堂也能变身住家,有人甚至指出,景观也可以再利用,例如美国奥勒冈州将榛果园改建为公园。 thisbigcity.net | Chatters provided some innovative examples of building [...] reuse, includinga cheesefactoryturned [...]into a climbing gym, numerous industrial [...]complexes turned cultural centers, and churches being used as residences. thisbigcity.net |
磷酸化,或丝氨酸,苏氨酸或酪氨酸残基增加一个磷酸基团,是蛋白质修饰最常见的形式之一(图3A)。 labome.cn | Phosphorylation, or the addition of a phosphate group to serine, threonine, ortyrosine residues, is one of most common forms of protein modification (Fig 3A). labome.com |
通过提供大量的水果和蔬菜 ,如杏、梨、李子、李子乾、桃子、浆果、酪梨、番茄、绿豌豆、胡萝卜、花椰菜、豆子以 及全谷类,如燕麦、糙米、大麦,全麦等食物 ,是预防便秘的最佳方式。 ucsfchildcarehealth.org | It isbest toprevent constipation by offering plenty of fruits and vegetables such as apricots, pears, plums, prunes, peaches, berries, avocados, tomatoes, peas, carrots, broccoli, peas, beans and whole grains like oats, brown rice, barley, and whole wheat. ucsfchildcarehealth.org |
这种典礼活动奉上烤饼供给被邀 者品尝,加上蜂蜜和奶酪,一直到小孩 吃上第一块才方可结束。 stranieriincampania.it | The ritual finishes with the cake being served [...] with honey and cheese, and offered to [...]those present after the baby has eaten the first piece. stranieriincampania.it |
据彭博商业新闻公司的 说法,新西兰最大的企业,恒天然合作社集团有限公 [...] 司,是“世界上最大的乳品出口商”,“在全球黄油、 奶粉和奶酪贸易中约占 40%的份额,产品销售到 140 [...]个国家”。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Bloomberg business news service, New Zealand’s largest business, Fonterra Cooperative Group Limited, is “the world’s largest dairy exporter” and [...] “accounts for about 40 per cent of the global trade in butter, [...] milk powder andcheese,sellingproducts [...]in 140 countries”. daccess-ods.un.org |
农夫市场不仅是一个超棒的购物场所,还是品尝当地有机食物和农产品的最佳地点,比如优质的农舍奶酪、入口即化的乳脂软糖以及无与伦比的赛拉米香肠。 discoverireland.com | Farmers’ markets are not only wonderfully atmospheric places to browse around, they’re also ideal for sampling local, [...] organic and artisan produce, with [...] exceptional farmhouse cheeses, melt-in-the-mouth [...]fudge, hand-smoked salmon and meats, [...]and a wide range of organic fruit and vegetables. discoverireland.com |
买方提及 《销售公约》,并辩称,该奶酪[应]“ 符合 [卖方 ]经明示或默示已知的目的并且奶酪质量应与提供的奶酪样品质量相同”(《销售公约》第 35 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The buyer, referring to the [...] CISG argued that thecheese [should]“be fit for the purpose expressly or impliedly made known to [the seller] and thatthe cheese possesses the qualities of sample cheese provided” [...](article 35 CISG). daccess-ods.un.org |
选择低脂肪的肉类,每周吃一次以上的无肉家庭晚餐,使用低脂或脱脂牛奶、低脂酸奶和奶酪,用自制点心代替从商店里买来的饼干和蛋糕,这些都将使您的饮食更加有利于心脏的健康。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Try having one or more meat-free family meals per [...] week, using low-fat or fat-free milk, [...] low-fat yogurt andcheese.As well, making [...]the switch from store-bought cookies and [...]cakes to homemade will make your diet more heart-healthy. beijing.ufh.com.cn |