单词 | 酥 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 酥adjective—softadj酥—crunchyless common: limp silky flaky pastry Examples:蝴蝶酥—mille-feuilles crispy short-crust pastry 奶酥—butter bun butter biscuit 酥油—butter
避免咀嚼干硬和粗糙的食物,例如坚果、饼干、酥脆薄片和坚硬的糖果,因 为可能使本来已很敏感的口腔粘膜受到摩擦损伤。 breastcancersingapore.com | Avoid chewing on dry, hard and coarse foods such as nuts, crackers, crisps, and hard candy that may cause friction and abrasion to the already sensitive mouth lining. breastcancersingapore.com |
酥油是从奶、忌廉或牛 油中将差不多全部水分及非脂肪固体去掉而成的制品,酥油有一种特别形 成的味道及物理结构。 cfs.gov.hk | Ghee is a product obtained exclusively from milk, cream or butter by a process that almost completely removes water and [...] nonfat solids; it has [...]a specially developed flavour and physical structure. cfs.gov.hk |
然而含较 [...] 多反式脂肪酸的食物为个别椰丝奶油包、冬甩及中式酥饼样本。 cfs.gov.hk | Nevertheless, some products contained relatively high [...] levels of TFA such as a cream-filled bread with shredded coconut sample, a doughnut sample, [...] and a Chinese pastry sample. cfs.gov.hk |
吃的时候从冰冻箱拿出,用微波炉加热40秒后,再放入350F烤箱烤6分钟,晾凉后食用,酥香甜美,喜爱甜点的朋友一定要试一试。 maomaomom.com | Prior to serving, heat in the microwave oven for 40 seconds and bake at 350F for 6 minutes. maomaomom.com |
澳门大玩町台式饮食专门店,除了波霸奶茶和盬酥鸡出名外,其猪扒包亦非常出色。 yp.mo | Other than its famous Milk Tea andSalted Chicken, the Macau Da Yuan Ding Taiwanese Food and Beverage Speciality Shop is also known for its special Pork Chop Buns. yp.mo |
vs 20 前面,耶酥讲到了接受父和接受他的关联。 bcbsr.com | vs 20 Previously Jesus spokeof the correlation [...] between people accepting the Father and people accepting him. bcbsr.com |
食典委同意根据食品添加剂委员会的建议,通过对食品添加剂法典通用标准食品 类别 2.1.1“乳脂肪、无水奶油和酥油”的修正。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission agreed to adopt the amendment to food category 2.1.1 “Butter oil, anhydrous milkfat and ghee” of the Codex General Standard for Food Additives, as proposed by the Committee on Food Additives. codexalimentarius.org |
西点店供应各种令人垂涎欲滴的酥饼和蛋糕,还有用瑞士可可粉精制而成的家常巧克力,让人欲罢不能;更有健康美味的酸奶和倍受厨师力荐的什锦干果仁任您享用。 shangri-la.com | Indulge in a variety of mouth-watering cakes andpastries and sinful chocolates handmade from fine Swiss cocoa. Healthy selections such as yogurts and Chef’s Recipe trail mixes are also on offer at The Bakeshop. shangri-la.com |
Fields 曲奇饼刨冰以及有机茶、100% 水果冰沙、新鲜的酥皮糕点、面食和沙拉。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Java Detour now offers Mrs. Fields cookies and new Mrs. Fields cookie frappes, along with organic teas, 100% fruit smoothies, fresh pastries, pastas and salads. marinabaysands.com |
他们不仅展现和带出成品的香味,而且决定了一系列技术效果,如牛角包的起酥效果。 puratos.com.cn | Not only they reveal and carry out the flavour of the [...] finished goods but they determine the outcome of a series of technical functionalities [...] such asthe flakiness ofacroissant. en.puratos.com.cn |
澳门美高梅星级食府金殿堂以粤菜、川菜等经典中菜烹调手法蒸煮扣烧、慢火细炖,精心炮制多道羊肉美馔菜式:羊肉经过悉心调味及中火焖烧而成的「锅烧羊肉」呈现羊肉浓厚香气及独特滋味;「麻辣京葱爆羊柳条」将肉质柔软的羊柳条配上香气强烈的京葱一同以明火爆炒,葱香羊肉与麻辣口味强力刺激味蕾;「香草黑椒烧羊扒」,精选烧羊扒以香草及黑椒调味,口感嫩滑、肥而不腻,配上独家调制的酱汁,一试难忘;将孜然及羊肉以面皮裹起,撒上黑白芝麻制成香酥小巧的「新强孜然羊肉烧饼」,满载浓烈西北风味;皮薄馅香的「临清烧卖」造型独特精致,绿豆面皮的淡淡清香与羊肉馅的柔韧鲜香相得益彰。 yp.mo | Alternatively, savor the wok-fried lamb shin cooked with chili, spices and Chinese spring onions —the dish packs an explosion of flavors for your taste buds and is indescribably delicious. yp.mo |
精致的吞拿鱼玉米酥脆饼($95) 给我们留下了持久的印象。 ilovelkf.hk | The sophisticated Tuna Tostados ($95) made a lasting impression. ilovelkf.hk |
挤压膨化后食品的质构呈多孔状口感甚好,酥松具有独特的焦香味道,属休闲食品类,,由于挤压膨化工艺会引起体积膨胀,人们食用后会产生饱胀感,近代研究表明对女士有一定的美容作用,因此会起到减肥功效。 gentle-st.com | After extrusion of food texture was porous [...] taste very good,crisp flavor with a [...]unique focus Road, is a snack food category, [...]the extrusion process will lead to volume expansion, it will produce a sense of fullness after eating, modern research that the ladies have a certain cosmetic effect, and therefore play a slimming effect. gentle-st.com |
这本书是目前已知的出自巴拉圭耶酥会会士省版本第二久远的唯一孤本。 wdl.org | This book is the only known copy of the second-oldest imprint from the Jesuit Province of Paraguay. wdl.org |
圣经中还有其它一些证据给我们说明“尔萨”耶酥他相信安拉是独一无偶的,绝没有三位一体,新约《马 太福音四章 10 节》“当拜主,你的神,单要事奉他。 myloveforjesus.com | Other evidence in the Bible shows that Jesus believed in only one God, not in three divine persons in one, as in the following saying: "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve. myloveforjesus.com |
vs 12-17 许多人今天强调耶酥是救世主,却有些忽视了他还是什么。 bcbsr.com | vs 12-17 Many today emphasize Jesusbeing Savior, and somewhat overlook what else he is. bcbsr.com |
屋顶之颠下午茶套餐 (Rooftop High Tea Set),每套人民币288元,供应时段为周六和周日下午2点到5点,套餐含马来卷、水晶虾饺和烧卖、自制叉烧酥、中式蛋挞、混合水果法式布丁、芒果布丁、拔丝香蕉、蜂蜜饼干。 vantageshanghai.com | Rooftop High Tea Set (2pm to 5pm, Saturdays & Sundays, RMB 288 *per set) Features roti jala “malay net bread”, chicken coconut dip, steamed crystal prawn dumpling and siew mai, home made bbqpork pastry, chinese egg tart, pandan chiboust cream, seasonal fruits, mango pudding, pomelo soup, banana fritter, vanilla sauce, honeycomb cookies. vantageshanghai.com |
使用橄榄油来代替黄油、酥油、甚至是纯植物油来改善心脏健康。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Using olive oil instead of butter, ghee, or even plain vegetable oil improves heart health. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
那时我一直在深思耶酥被钉死在十字架上的事, 有一次我父亲对我讲根据他读的那本书上的记载,耶酥去到了离耶路撒冷很远许多地方,而没有被钉死在 十字架上。 myloveforjesus.com | Perhaps to many people this event might seem insignificant, but I had witnessed my father punish my brother severely when he brought home the equivalent of twenty-five cents and could not provide him with a satisfactory explanation as to where he got it. myloveforjesus.com |
将圆形酥皮堆成2个4层的酥皮塔,放在铺上烘培纸的烤盘上,烤箱预热200度 (th 6/7),放入烤箱烧烤10到15分钟,随时注意酥皮要烤到膨胀开来。 lafite.com | Place the discs on a baking sheet (4 per sheet) covered with parchment paper, bake in preheated oven at 200°C (gas mark 6) for 10 to 15 minutes until thepastry is well-risen. lafite.com |
在普西尼餐厅,您还可以品尝到我们的招牌——在申城他处难寻的“法国马赛鱼汤配综合海鲜”,在真正的塔吉锅中烹制成的“正宗摩洛哥塔吉锅炖肉”和Jochen独具匠心的甜品,配有自制蜜坚果和烤酥皮的“蜜果仁千层酥”。 diningcity.com | Porcini guests will have the chance to experience Bouillabaisse with the finest fish, Tajine served in a real Moroccan terracotta pot and Baklava with the most succulent harmony of filopastry and honey nuts. diningcity.com |
在顾客眼前进行时令蔬菜、当地猪肉和海鲜等的油炸,酥脆美味尽在天八。 princehotels.com | Deep fried seasonal vegetables and local meat and seafood prepared in front of your eyes. princehotels.com |
天赋下午茶套餐 (Flair High Tea [...] Set),每套人民币268元,供应时段为周六和周日下午2点至5点,套餐含越式春卷、水晶虾饺和烧卖、自制叉烧酥、椰子芝麻酥、中式蛋挞、混合水果法式布丁、紫薯冻糕、红薯棕榈糖汤圆。 vantageshanghai.com | Flair High Tea Set (2pm to 5pm, Saturdays & Sundays, RMB 268 *per set) Includes a vietnamese spring roll, steamed crystal prawn [...] dumpling and siew mai, home-made [...] bbq pork pastry, coconut & sesame puff, chinese egg [...]tart, pandan chiboust cream, seasonal [...]fruits, yam & rice custard pudding, sweet potato dumpling, palm sugar sauce. vantageshanghai.com |
瓦莱面包是一种相对较平的圆形黑麦面包,面包皮酥脆,里面紧致,味道很浓。 swissworld.org | A flattish, round rye loaf, with a cracked crust and dense texture and a pronounced flavour. swissworld.org |
使用涂布Bicor™ 和OPPalyte™ OPP膜制造的包装保护的饼干(曲奇)可以在更长的时间内保持松脆、新鲜度和酥脆,原因是涂布层可以提供气味、湿气和氧气的防护。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Biscuits (cookies) protected by packaging made with coated Bicor™ and OPPalyte™ oriented polypropylene (OPP) films stay crispy, fresh and brittle longer because of coatings that provide protection from odors, moisture and oxygen. exxonmobilchemical.com |
巴伐利亚奶油拌松果或草莓、冻蛋糕、香草和玫瑰味的马卡龙泡芙、甜酥卷、蛋白饼,这里是糕点、巧克力、奶油的世界。 msccruises.com.cn | With its bar ice-cream parlour, pastry and chocolate shop, a world reminiscent of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory awaits our guests. Dishes include crème bavaroise with almonds and berries, chocolate semifreddo, vanilla and rose macaron cream, cannoli, baba and meringues. msccruises.com.eg |
温度控制是至关重要的,例如,在确保干燥成分(如面粉、甜味剂、酥油和酵母/发酵剂)保持干燥以及在储存和分配时无虫害时。 linde-gas.com.cn | Temperature control is essential, for instance, to ensure that dry ingredients (such as flour, sweetener, shortening and yeast/leavening) remain dry and pest-free during storage and distribution around a bakery. linde-gas.com |
德国领先的巧克力软性发泡蛋白酥皮、发泡华夫饼、曲奇和薄脆饼干制造商 Grabower Süsswaren Holding 决定采用工业打印业排名第一的普印力 RFID 和行矩阵打印机。 printronix.cn | Grabower Süsswaren Holding, one of Germany's leading makers of chocolate soft whip meringue, whipped waffles, cookies and crispbread, has decided to use Printronix RFID and line matrix printers, the number one in industrial printing. printronix.com |