

单词 酣醉

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人 要入睡 , 而 且酣睡, 是 要 經 過 在工作後 , 一 段 慢慢停 下 來 的 休 息時間。
To fall asleep and sleep soundly, we need rest time to slow down after work.
尤其重要的是,美国和中国,如他们在冷战 酣 时 所做的,找到加强战略合作的方法。
It is particularly important that the U.S. and China, as they did during the height of the Cold War, find ways to enhance strategic cooperation.
很多時候,他們都不能 找到正當的宣洩途徑和支援,便唯有借助藥物,甚至毒品來 醉 自 己
Often enough they can find neither a proper way to vent
their feelings nor can they get any support; hence they would resort to
[...] drugs or even narcotics to intoxicate themselves.
其 實 , 金門炮 戰酣 時 ,國防部長 彭 德 懷 向 台灣發 出 “ 建 議 舉 行 談判, 實 行和平 解 決 ” 的 信 息 。
When the gun battle in Quemoy was at its heights, the Chinese Defence Minister PENG Dehuai conveyed a message to Taiwan which proposed talks to achieve a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan problem.
例如,禁毒办应更好地解释将理事机构秘书 处(为醉药品 委员会和预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会服务)和国际 醉 品 管 制局 秘书处从条约事务司转至政策分析和公共事务司的理由,尤其是为何调动 醉药 品委员会和国际醉品管 制局这两个条约机构的秘书处。
For example, UNODC could have better explained the rationale for transferring the Secretariat to the Governing
Bodies (servicing the
[...] Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice) and the Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board from the Division for Treaty Affairs to the Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, particularly with regard to the secretariats of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the International Narcotics Control Board, [...]
which are treaty bodies.
温莎城堡是一个经典的酒吧,酣畅 淋 漓的酒吧食品产品和啤酒花园完成,从而使你的食欲,以及良好的BREW的渴求。
Windsor Castle is a classic pub, complete with hearty pub food offerings and a beer garden, so bring your appetite as well as your thirst for good brew.
There are non-medalists we remember at the London Olympics; there are hot topics outside the court.
您也可選擇關閉Alt與Tab鍵和Alt與F4指令,如此一來您再也無需擔心誤擊按鍵 酣 然 大 敗。
You can also choose to disable the Alt-Tab and Alt-F4 commands, so you’ll never have to worry about hitting the wrong keys in the midst of pwning again.
At the height of the Cold War, the United States and China worked together to build mutual trust, a trust that formed the basis for meaningful strategic cooperation to address common security challenges.
但 是,大 部 分 的人不可以隨 時 隨 地 便 能 夠 入 睡(立法會議員開 會的時 候 隨 時 睡 覺 可能 是 一 種 例 外 ),縱 使 能 夠 入 睡 , 亦未必 能酣睡。
But most people cannot fall asleep at any time (it may be an exception that Legislative Council Members can fall asleep at any time during meetings).
醉药物 委员会第五十一和五十四届会议;每年主持两次欧洲毒品和毒瘾监 测中心联络人国家会议,里斯本(2006-2011 [...]
年);在匈牙利任欧盟轮值主席期间 以土耳其代表团团长身份参加欧盟土耳其对话会议,布鲁塞尔(2011 年);蓬皮杜 小组:研究平台会议(2007
年)和部级会议(2006 年),巴黎和斯特拉斯堡;近东 和中东非法贩运毒品及有关事项小组委员会第四十一次会议(2006 年);联合国毒 品和犯罪问题办公室关于在巴黎契约框架下使用伊朗边界的专家评估会议,伊朗 伊斯兰共和国(2005 年);麻管局黄玉色行动和紫色行动联合会议,墨西哥(2005 年)。
Fifty-first and fifty-fourth sessions of the
[...] Commission on Narcotic Drugs; chaired [...]
national European Monitoring Centre for
Drugs and Drug Addiction focal point meetings twice a year, Lisbon (2006-2011); European Union-Turkey dialogue meeting during the Hungarian presidency of the Union, as head of the Turkish delegation, Brussels (2011); Pompidou Group: Research Platform meeting (2007) and ministerial meeting (2006), Paris and Strasbourg; forty-first meeting of the Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, Amman (2006); United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Expert Assessment Meeting on utilizing Iranian borders within the framework of the Paris Pact, Islamic Republic of Iran (2005); International Narcotics Control Board combined meetings on Operation Topaz and Operation Purple, Mexico City (2005).
[...] 收到了《关于开展国际合作以综合、平衡战略应对世界毒品问题的政治宣言和 行动计划》,该文件载于醉药品 委员会第五十二届会议关于在实现大会第二十 [...]
届特别会议通过的《政治宣言》所定目标和指标方面取得的进展的高级别部分 会议的成果的报告(A/64/92-E/2009/98,第二节,A)。
For their consideration of the item, they had before them the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug
Problem, contained in the report of the
[...] Commission on Narcotic Drugs on the outcome [...]
of the high-level segment of the fifty-second
session of the Commission on progress achieved in meeting the goals and targets set out in the Political Declaration adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth special session (A/64/92-E/2009/98, sect. II. A).
母親的臉部洋溢著滿足的表情,正如這件作品的名字,母親溫柔小心地將孩子抱在胸前,這個新生的嬰孩甯靜 酣 睡 著
In fact, it is precisely the bust format that underscores the high sculptural value of this piece, the delicate tenderness with which she embraces her child, the placid sleep of the recently born baby, are elements showcasing the sculptor's mastery in capturing all these subtle expressions.
以舒適的睡眠和修復皮膚作為理念的「FINE 優の酣睡膠原蛋白」給您帶來「高品質睡眠」和「皮膚的修復技術」成分,讓現代女性在晚間也以可輕鬆地美容。
The Glycine amino acid is also used by the nervous system and its function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter makes it important to help prevent epileptic seizures and it is also used in the treatment of manic depression and hyperactivity.
而大概在我們睡得酣的夜 晚,在我或他的夢境裡,他獨個兒拿著手風琴,對著跟天空同一個樣子的海,呢喃著自己奇怪的夢,延續一個快要完結的世界。
Deep in sleep in one’s dream, he will mumble again with an organ in his hands, facing the sea, drifting through space in this world coming to an end.
酣暢淋 漓的大勝,拜仁上個星期主場的表現無懈可擊,也宣告我推介的完勝…(補充說壹下,我旁邊那位大概已經忘了“勝利”是什麽意思了)我還是很難和妳解釋他是個什麽樣的人,上次他的推介贏了的時候,他穿了個很滑稽的連體泳衣,包裹著他那臃腫的身體。
Rock solid performance for the Bavarian team and a comfortable home win declaring our OVER pick a winner… (needless to say, Louis on my right panel, has forgot the meaning of the word “winner”) I still can’t explain neither justify his time in the industry.




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